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List of bugged equipment

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This list aims to catalogue equipment which does not function as would be expected based on its tooltip, or that has other problems - or missing information - in its description, function, or location. This list is unlikely to be comprehensive as it is likely there are many issues with items of which we are unaware.

As this list deals with problems that have a high likelihood of being changed in patches and hotfixes, it is likely that entries will be incorrect following an update.

All entries are currently correct as of Hotfix 29.

Amulets[edit | edit source]

Name Bugs

Aberration Hunters' Amulet

  • Due to a coding error, Aberration Hunter will not provide Advantage against an Aberration attacker.

Amulet of Bhaal

Amulet of the Devout

  • The additional Channel Divinity Charge granted by Godswill restores on a Short rest contrary to the text. However if the extra charge is expended, and then the amulet is unequipped, the extra charge will not reappear if the amulet is re-equipped before a Long rest, and at this point cannot be restored with a Short rest.

Amulet of the Drunkard

  • The healing effect from Booze Remedy works only once, on the first turn of the inebriation duration.


  • The fire damage from the Heat status applied by Fervent Flames will retrigger Fervent Flames, which will then reapply the Heat status.

Sentient Amulet (Very Rare)

  • Although the tooltip says the Shatter spell granted by this amulet is level 2, this upgraded version actually deals 4d8Damage TypesThunder damage, in line with the level 3 version of Shatter.

Spell Savant Amulet

  • Spell Amplification can grant an extra spell slot once per character per long rest, despite the Spell Slot Depleted condition on the item.

Armour[edit | edit source]

Name Bugs

Armour of Moonbasking

  • Lunar Bestial Fortitude states it provides a +1d4 bonus to Armour Class, but it is actually a flat +2 bonus.

Bhaalist Armour

  • Enemies that are resistant or immune to Damage TypesPiercing damage will receive Piercing vulnerability while within the Aura of Murder (instead of having neither resistance nor vulnerability).

Dark Justiciar Half-Plate (Rare)

  • Due to a coding error, the damage reduction portion of Sharran Retribution Sharran Retribution will be applied to the wearer of this armour if they cast Shar's Aegis on themselves.

Elven Chain

  • This item does not have a Proficiency Group (in order for all classes to be 'proficient' with it). As a result, items such as Bracers of Defence, Bonespike Boots, and Corellon's Grace that are not supposed to give their bonuses while wearing armour still provide their benefits with the Elven Chain equipped. The extra movement speed granted to monks by Unarmoured Movement is also not lost when wearing this armour.
  • The Defence Defence fighting style can grant up to +2 AC when used with this armour. For the same reason as above, Defence does not normally work with the Elven Chain as it is not properly considered armour. To work around this, the armour has a hidden passive that grants +1 AC if the wearer has Defence. But if the wearer also has another piece of armour equipped (e.g. a helmet), the normal +1 AC from Defence will also be applied for a total of +2 AC.

Flawed Helldusk Armour

  • The required saving throw for Lesser Infernal Retribution is attributed in the combat log to the wearer of the armour, rather than the attacker, but is correctly rolled by the attacker.
    • Though Lesser Infernal Retribution states an attacker must be within 2m, it actually only triggers on a melee attack.

Helldusk Armour

  • This item does not have a Proficiency Group (in order for all classes to be 'proficient' with it). As a result, items such as Bracers of Defence, Bonespike Boots, and Corellon's Grace that are not supposed to give their bonuses while wearing armour still provide their benefits with the Helldusk Armour equipped. The extra movement speed granted to monks by Unarmoured Movement is also not lost when wearing this armour.
  • The Defence Defence fighting style can grant up to +2 AC when used with this armour. For the same reason as above, Defence does not normally work with the Helldusk Armour as it is not properly considered armour. To work around this, the armour has a hidden passive that grants +1 AC if the wearer has Defence. But if the wearer also has another piece of armour equipped (e.g. a helmet), the normal +1 AC from Defence will also be applied for a total of +2 AC.

Shadeclinger Armour

  • Shadeclinger grants the Clinging Shadows Clinging Shadows condition, which is not removed when taking off the armour. This can be exploited to get this condition applied to an entire party by having each character equip and then remove the armor one by one.

The Jolty Vest

  • Countershock displays a saving throw in the combat log even when the wearer is without Lightning Charges, but Shocked Shocked is not applied in this case.

Cloaks[edit | edit source]

Name Bugs

Cindermoth Cloak

  • Despite the tooltip stating that an attacker receives Burning Burning, Flaming Shroud requires a DC 12  Dexterity saving throw before Burning will be applied.
    • The required saving throw is attributed to the wearer of the cloak, rather than the attacker.
    • Though Flaming Shroud states an attacker must be within 2m, it actually only triggers on a melee attack.

Cloak of Elemental Absorption

  • Due to a coding error, the passive Absorb Elements will only function once per Long Rest.
  • Absorb Elements can apply its damage bonus multiple times to a single weapon attack.

Cloak of the Weave

  • This items lacks the necessary passives in the game code to allow Absorb Elements to function properly.

Shade-Slayer Cloak

  • Due to a coding error, the effect from Stealthy Critical is removed instantly unless the wearer is hiding in a Clear Area Clear Area.

The Deathstalker Mantle

  • There is a bug involving this item with the Illithid power Cull the Weak Cull the Weak. If the equipping character has the passive feature activated and kills a target, the effect won't activate (or immediately gets cancelled).

Wavemother's Cloak

  • The description on Water Layer Protection incorrectly uses the same description as Wet Wet, despite the two conditions having different effects.

Clothing[edit | edit source]

Name Bugs

Bloodguzzler Garb

  • Grievous Retribution states that it grants 1 turn of Wrath, but it actually grants 2 turns of the condition.

Cloth Armour

  • Grievous Retribution states that it grants 1 turn of Wrath, but it actually grants 2 turns of the condition.

Enraging Heart Garb

  • Ruintamer Heart has no effect, and does not function in-game.

Garb of the Land and Sky

  • Breezeswift Speed is only removed when making a weapon attack, as opposed to the next attack roll.

Footwear[edit | edit source]

Name Bugs

Boots of Psionic Movement

  • Flying Strike can apply its damage bonus multiple times to a single melee weapon attack.

Boots of Speed

  • Due to a scripting error, Click Heels applies the disadvantage on opportunity attacks to the wearer.

Boots of Stormy Clamour

  • Due to a hidden condition that gets applied when a ranged weapon attack misses, Arcane Echomalefaction will apply even though it appears it should not.

Boots of Striding

  • The Unmovable Unmovable condition can be indefinitely applied by equipping the boots, casting a concentration spell, unequipping the boots, and then breaking concentration. The check to remove Unmovable is attached to the boots, and thus if they are not equipped when concentration ends, the effect will persist.

Linebreaker Boots

  • The in-game tooltip stating that Adrenaline Rush grants 2 turns of Wrath is incorrect, it actually grants 3 turns of the condition.
  • The in-game tooltip states that Adrenaline Rush is once per turn. It is not.

Handwear[edit | edit source]

Name Bugs

Craterflesh Gloves

  • Craterous Wounds actually deals an additional 2d6Damage TypesForce damage, as the damage is doubled due to being a Critical Hit.
    • When damage is added to a spell or unarmed attack, it is not listed as Craterous Wounds in the combat log.

Gloves of Baneful Striking

  • Baneful Strike applies a 1d4 penalty to all Saving Throws for its duration, not just the wearer's next spell.

Gloves of Battlemage's Power

  • Battlemage's Power is nonfunctional.

Gloves of Belligerent Skies

  • Though stated "upon the target(s)", Thunderous Conversion can only trigger once per attack.

Gloves of Crushing

Gloves of Soul Catching

  • Soul Catching has numerous errors:
    • It states it requires an "unarmed hit" while the Grasp Essence Grasp Essence condition states "hit a creature with an unarmed attack". Functionally, any damaging unarmed attack will trigger the effect, even against world items.
    • It states the wielder regains 10hit points, but instead it grants an ability that when used provides the healing.
    • It states the wielder may gain Advantage on Attack Rolls and Saving Throws until the end of their next turn, while the Grasp Essence condition states the wielder may gain Advantage on Attack Rolls or Saving Throws before the end of their next turn.
      • Advantage is not actually gained, but rather an Interrupt is granted that provides the wielder with a choice of either adding a +5 bonus to a single attack roll or to a single saving throw, at which time the Grasp Essence condition is removed.
    • Due to a coding error, Grasp Essence will be removed from the wielder if it takes damage and does not have any temporary HP.

Gloves of the Growling Underdog

  • Despite stating that it applies to "melee attack rolls", Underdog's Bravery is limited to weapon attacks and will not function with unarmed melee attacks.

Helldusk Gloves

  • Infernal Acuity grants the wearer +1 all attack rolls.

Ichorous Gloves

  • Despite the description stating it affects targets, Ichorous Corrosion only applies once per turn and thus only affects one target.
    • It also does not mention that it has a chance to apply Noxious Fumes.

Jhannyl's Gloves

  • Due to a coding error, it is possible for Defy Villainy to trigger in combat before it actually has a noticeable gameplay effect, and with the Long Rest cooldown it will not trigger again.

Legacy of the Masters

  • The +2 bonus to attack rolls granted by Arming Enhancement also affects spell attacks, unarmed attacks, and throw attacks; however, except for throw attacks involving weapons with the Thrown property, those attacks do not receive the +2 damage.

Spellmight Gloves

  • Spellmight will add its damage bonus to any melee weapon attack that counts as a spell (all smite spells except Divine Smite) yet not apply the -5 to hit penalty.

Swordmaster Gloves

  • Sword Mastery does not increase the damage of off-hand melee attacks.

The Reviving Hands

  • Aegis Palms will not apply Death Ward when casting Revivify on an already dead ally. Casting it on an ally who is downed, but not yet dead, will apply Death Ward.

Wondrous Gloves

  • When equipped to a Bard that has exhausted all Bardic Inspiration points, Troubadour's Wonder will grant a new point. This effectively allows for infinite Bardic Inspiration points from un-equipping and re-equipping the gloves after spending said points.

Headwear[edit | edit source]

Name Bugs

Bonespike Helmet

  • Fury in the Marrow will have its Damage Typespsychic damage totally nullified on a successful Wisdom save instead of halved.

Cap of Wrath

  • Last Stand only applies 1 turn of Wrath.

Coldbrim Hat

  • Due to a hidden condition that gets applied when a ranged weapon attack misses, Coldbrim Chill applies even though it appears it should not.

Dark Justiciar Helm

  • Swathed in Shadow passively adds its Saving Throw bonus at all times, not just when attacked.

Diadem of Arcane Synergy

  • Due to a hidden condition that gets applied when a ranged weapon attack misses, Synergetic Moments will apply even though it appears it should not.

Helldusk Helmet

  • Infernal Sight does not see through magical darkness; it only grants immunity to Blinded Blinded and does not provide the cone of light that could otherwise be aqcuired by obtaining the Darkvision effect from a different source, such as a spell or from having the passive innately via race.

Helm of Balduran

Helmet of Smiting

Marksmanship Hat

  • Marksmanship only applies to ranged weapons in the main hand, thus Hand Crossbows equipped in the off-hand are unaffected.

Pyroquickness Hat

Shapeshifter Hat

  • The additional  Wild Shape Charge granted by Nature's Embrace restores on a Short rest contrary to the text. However if the extra charge is expended, and then the helmet is unequipped, the extra charge will not reappear if the helmet is re-equipped before a Long rest, and at this point cannot be restored with a Short rest.

Steelwatcher Helmet

  • Artificial Sight does not provide the cone of light that could otherwise be acquired by obtaining the Darkvision effect from a different source, such as a spell or from having the passive innately via race.

Musical Instruments[edit | edit source]

Name Bugs
None known so far

Rings[edit | edit source]

Name Bugs

After Death Do Us Part

  • Shadow Possession Shadow Possession is removed instantly from the wearer upon leaving the downed state.

Band of the Mystic Scoundrel

  • Any weapon attack triggers Illusion Quickening, even against world items.

Callous Glow Ring

  • Callous Glow does not specify the damage type, but it is Damage TypesRadiant.

Coruscation Ring

  • Arcane Radiance inflicts Radiating Orb Radiating Orb regardless of the wearer's light level.

Poisoner's Ring

  • Contrary to the description, Virulent Venom gives Damage TypesPoison vulnerability even to targets that are immune.

Ring of Absolute Force

  • Absolute's Tempest will function even if the wearer is not branded.

Ring of Elemental Infusion

  • Elemental Infusion can apply its damage bonus multiple times to a single weapon attack.

Ring of Evasion

  • The description for Dextrous Evasion in-game is incorrect. It states "When you make" instead of "When you fail" a Dexterity saving throw.

Ring of Feywild Sparks

  • The bonus to Spell Save DC is not indicated by the in-game tooltip.

Ring of Spiteful Thunder

  • Spiteful Thunder triggers on any damage, not just Damage TypesThunder.
    • The saving throw is hidden and not shown in the combat log.

Sunwalker's Gift

  • Sunwalker's Gift does not provide the cone of light that could otherwise be acquired by obtaining the Darkvision effect from a different source, such as a spell or from having the passive innately via race

Shields[edit | edit source]

Name Bugs

Ironvine Shield

  • Ironvine activates on any attack, not just melee attacks.

Shield of Devotion

  • Additional Spell Slot can grant an extra spell slot once per character per long rest, despite the Spell Slot Depleted condition on the item.

Shield of the Undevout

  • Additional Spell Slot can grant an extra spell slot once per character per long rest, despite the Spell Slot Depleted condition on the item.

Weapons[edit | edit source]

Weapon Bugs

Artificial Leech (+1)

None of the weapon actions provided by this weapon are actually availiable to the player when the weapon is equipped.

  • When wielded by any nurse this weapon deals an additional 1d6 Necrotic damage. A coding error causes a misplaced '1d6' to appear in the weapon's list of properties.

Bonesaw (+1)

None of the weapon actions provided by this weapon are actually availiable to the player when the weapon is equipped.

  • When wielded by any nurse this weapon deals an additional 1d6 Necrotic damage. A coding error causes a misplaced '1d6' to appear in the weapon's list of properties.

Charge-Bound Warhammer

  • If this weapon is bound by an Eldritch Knight or Pact of the Blade Warlock, the weapon will retain its Favoured Weapon passive until the next long rest even if the character binds another weapon. The weapon will even retain this passive if the weapon is used by another character, different from the one who bound it.
  • If this weapon is bound by an Eldritch Knight or Pact of the Blade Warlock, this weapon will permanently retain the lightning damage bonus from Shocking Bound even if the character binds another weapon. The weapon will even retain this passive if the weapon is used by another character, different from the one who bound it.

Cold Snap

  • Although the description of Chilling Counter says there is a saving throw, there is none coded in. Chilled Chilled is applied to every single missed attack.

Crimson Mischief

Cruel Sting

  • When this sword is first looted from Kar'niss Kar'niss, it is listed as dealing an additional 1d6 Damage TypesPsychic damage. However, this is due to a bug that causes the weapon to retain the Spindleweb Fanaticism (Granting 1d6 Damage TypesPsychic damage to him and his allies) effect from Kar'niss. This extra damage is removed if the player completes a Long Rest with the weapon in their inventory. Dropping the weapon on the ground or stashing it in a container prior to each long rest will allow it to retain Spindleweb Fanaticism indefinitely. The effect is also overwritten by Elemental Weapon if applied.

Dolor Amarus

  • Dolor Amarus does not deal an additional 7 damage on unarmed attack critical hits (includes Throw attacks).

Dread Iron Dagger

  • Dread Iron Ambush affects all weapon attacks while the Dread Iron Dagger is equipped, not just the dagger itself.
  • Due to a coding error, the effect from Dread Iron Ambush is removed instantly unless the wielder is hiding in a Clear Area Clear Area.

Duke Ravengard's Longsword

  • The temporary hit points granted by Stirring Execution are actually based on the Charisma modifier of the character receiving them, not the character holding the sword. The minimum of 1 still applies.

Everburn Blade

  • Sometimes the visual burning effect will stop functioning. Dropping the weapon, picking it up, and then re-equipping it fixes the issue.
  • The burning effect is not visible in cutscenes.

Exterminator's Axe

  • Scourge of Pests states it provides additional damage to Insects. This is incorrect, and it provides additional damage to Myconids instead.

Hammer of the Just

  • Slay the Wicked can apply its damage bonus multiple times to a single melee weapon attack.

Handmaiden's Mace

Harmonic Dueller

  • Mellow Harmony can apply its damage bonus multiple times to a single melee weapon attack.

Hellfire Greataxe

  • This weapon has a hidden condition MAG_FIRE_DIPPED_HELLFIRE which is supposed to make its 1d6Damage TypesFire damage ignore fire resistance. Additionally, Hellflame Cleave and the Hellfire surface it creates are also both supposed to ignore fire resistance. Neither of these effects are currently ignoring fire resistance.

Hellrider Longbow

  • Fiendish Fire is applied by any damaging effect made by the wielder, including spell casts and melee attacks. Attacks and spells that affect multiple creatures apply the effect to all of them, rolling a separate saving throw for each.

Hunter's Dagger

Infernal Mace

  • It is not stated anywhere in-game, but this mace can possibly Poison Poison targets on hit. The DC 12  Constitution saving throw for this effect is not shown in the combat log.

Infernal Spear

  • It is not stated anywhere in-game, but this spear can possibly Poison Poison targets on hit. The DC 12  Constitution saving throw for this effect is not shown in the combat log.

Intransigent Warhammer

  • Despite stating that it triggers on killing blows and critical hits, Impulse Blast also has a hidden DC 14  Dexterity saving throw.

Justiciar's Scimitar

King's Knife

  • In the game files, the root template of this sword (UUID 5908898d-5d9e-40de-ab07-3f8fb5f0174c) actually describes a shortsword, which is also used as the basis for the Knife of the Undermountain King.
    In fact, the magical properties of the Knife of the Undermountain King are also added to this root template (via the tag), meaning that this item should have those properties as well, and will do so if spawned via the console.
    However, the weapon that's actually spawned in-game is not directly based on the root template, but rather on a stat entry called WPN_KingsKnife which in turn inherits properties from the WPN_Longsword stat entry. This ends up making this item functionally identical to a common longsword.

Knife of the Undermountain King

Lightning Jabber

  • Shocking Sting states that it has a chance to apply Shocked Shocked, but the condition actually applied is the similar but less potent Shocking Grasp Shocking Grasp.
  • Despite being labelled as a Spear, the parent template is actually a Javelin and as such does not work with the Polearm Master feat.

Monster Slayer Glaive

  • Monsterslayer also adds 1d4 to attack rolls in addition to the damage rolls listed.
    • This passive also applies to ranged attacks while this weapon is equipped, adding 1d4 to attack and damage for them.
    • Spells cast while this weapon is equipped will gain 1d4 to their attack roll, but their damage is not increased.


  • The Moonlantern containing Dolly Dolly Dolly still produces a stationary Moonshield Aura when dropped on the ground even after she has been freed from it.

Mourning Frost

  • The Ray of Frost Ray of Frost cantrip granted by this weapon uses the Spellcasting Ability Modifier of the party member from when it is first equipped. This modifier remains locked for that character and is not affected by respec or subsequent multiclassing.

Pelorsun Blade

  • Undead Bane provides Advantage to all attack rolls against Undead.

Phalar Aluve

  • The 1d4 Damage TypesThunder damage does not trigger effects requiring Damage TypesThunder damage on items such as Hat of Storm Scion's Power or Gloves of Belligerent Skies regardless of whether the character triggering the damage has the items or is the character activating Phalar Aluve: Shriek; Reverberation will not apply. This is because the thunder damage dealt to the enemy is from a passive effect placed on the enemy, rather than originating from the attacker which is necessary to trigger such items.
    • This effect is changed in Honour difficulty, and functions as expected.

Rat Bat

  • It is not listed anywhere in-game, but the Rat Bat deals an extra 1d6Damage TypesPiercingDRS damage against any target.

Ritual Axe

  • The Scourge Mistress' Bane always inflicts Bane Bane on hit.
  • If an enemy is knocked out by a non-lethal attack with the axe, the wielder is also knocked out, even at full HP.

Shadow Blade (weapon)

Shar's Spear of Evening

  • Shar's Blessing adds its bonus damage to any weapon attacks against obscured creatures, not just attacks with this spear.
    • The advantage to saving throws only applies to Dexterity, not all.

Shining Staver-of-Skulls

  • Casting Light Light on this weapon will overwrite the innate Light passive, causing it to end.


  • The attack roll for the Sorrowful Lash Sorrowful Lash cantrip uses the Spellcasting Ability of the player character, and remains locked for them from the moment this weapon was first equipped. However, its damage uses their current Spellcaster Ability Modifier. Therefore, if a character respeccs without ever having changed to another weapon, this results in attacking with their old Spellcasting Ability while damaging with the modifier of their new one. To remedy this, Sorrow must be unequipped and re-equipped.

Staff of a Mumbling Wizard

  • Firebolt? does not increase in damage beyond 1d10Damage TypesFire despite the tooltip stating that it does.

Staff of Arcane Blessing

  • The in-game description of the Mystra's Blessing effect is incorrect. See the article Mystra's Blessing for details.
  • Mystra's Blessing is only applied when Bless is cast as a level 1 or level 2 spell.

Staff of the Ram

  • The Staff of the Ram knockback and stun effects apply to any attack made by the wielder of this item.
  • This weapon appears in the game code '"`UNIQ--ref-0000000E-QINU`"' as if it should deal an additional 1d6Damage TypesForce, which is not present on the item when acquired through normal in-game means.

Sussur Dagger

Sussur Greatsword

Sussur Sickle

Sword of the Emperor

  • Shapeshifter Slayer also adds 1d4 to attack rolls in addition to the damage rolls listed.
    • This passive also applies to ranged attacks while this weapon is equipped, adding 1d4 to attack and damage for them.
    • Spells cast while this weapon is equipped will gain 1d4 to their attack roll, but their damage is not increased.

Syringe (+1)

None of the weapon actions provided by this weapon are actually availiable, if this weapon is equipped.

  • When wielded by any nurse this weapon deals an additional 1d6 Necrotic damage. A coding error causes a misplaced '1d6' to appear in the weapon's list of properties.

The Baneful

  • If this weapon is bound by an Eldritch Knight or Pact of the Blade Warlock, the weapon will retain its Favoured Weapon passive until the next long rest even if the character binds another weapon. The weapon will even retain this passive if the weapon is used by another character, different from the one who bound it.

The Long Arm of the Gur

  • Revenant Scourge currently does not function due to the item missing a required hidden condition.

The Undead Bane

  • Slay the Wicked can apply its damage bonus multiple times to a single melee weapon attack.

Titanstring Bow

  • Titan Weapon can apply its damage bonus multiple times to a single ranged weapon attack. For example, special arrows with additional damage will receive the bonus to its additional damage, e.g. the additional Necrotic damage from Arrow of Ilmater will also receive bonus Necrotic damage equal to your Strength modifier. Another example is a rogue's Sneak Attack when used as a reaction.
    • This is mostly fixed in Honour mode, but Titan Weapon can still apply to special arrow damage.

Trepan (+1)

None of the weapon actions provided by this weapon are actually availiable to the player when the weapon is equipped.

  • When wielded by any nurse this weapon deals an additional 1d6 Necrotic damage. A coding error causes a misplaced '1d6' to appear in the weapon's list of properties.

Twist of Fortune

  • The Twist of Fortune passive appears to affect all melee damage rolls while equipped, not just damage with the weapon itself.

Vicious Battleaxe

  • Dolor Amarus does not deal an additional 7 damage on unarmed attack critical hits (includes Throw attacks).

Vicious Shortbow

  • Dolor Amarus does not deal an additional 7 damage on unarmed attack critical hits (includes Throw attacks).

Voss' Silver Sword

  • Interplanar Slayer does not add the 1d4 bonus to attack rolls.