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Boney is a Mud Mephit at the Circus of the Last Days. He and his wife Stoney run Stoney and Boney's Bespoke Creations, with Boney handling sales and Stoney sculpting. Boney is cheerful and very vocal about his absolute adoration for his talented wife.

“Boney, at your service. That there is my darling wife Stoney. Is she not magnificent?„
Involvement[edit | edit source]
The player character can purchase a statue of themselves for 5000 gold. This statue will remain in camp and grant a permanent to whomever it depicts.
The player character can choose through dialogue to have the statue depicting them armed (including their head gear), in their camp clothing, or in the nude. Boney thanks for their purchase and reveals that the funds going towards his and his wife's trip to the Moonshae Isles.
Boney cannot be pickpocketed, and thus the 5000 gold is irretrievable without killing him. It will, however, show up as available gold in his standard shop so items can be sold to him to regain it.
Combat[edit | edit source]
As he is a Mud Mephit, he has the same abilities.