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Viola Silvertongue

Revision as of 18:06, 23 November 2024 by BlackEyedGinger (talk | contribs) (added personality information)
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Viola Silvertongue is a human Bard performing at the Circus of the Last Days in Act Three.

Portrait Viola Silvertongue.png
Viola Silvertongue - at your service. Or I will be, once my set is done!


She performs alongside Calliope Blingsdorf Calliope Blingsdorf and plays the Flute. She is confident and charismatic. Should the party member talking to Viola be a Bard, she will assume they're another hire of Lucretious Lucretious', view them as competition, and be quite rude and haughty, telling the party member to walk off a cliff.[1] Viola is known to be opposed to Lucretious hiring any other bards - other members of the circus may comment on this, including Klaus[2] and Medrash[3].


Attacks and abilities

Bardic Inspiration.webp
Combat Inspiration Combat Inspiration ( + )
Inspire an ally to add a D6 Physical.png +1d6 bonus to their next Attack roll, Ability check, Saving throw, weapon damage, or Armour Class Armour Class.
 Range: 18 m / 60 ft
Perform Flute.webp
Perform (Flute) Perform (Flute)
Play a tune to attract and delight those around you.
Tasha's Hideous Laughter.webp
Tasha's Hideous Laughter Tasha's Hideous Laughter ( + )
Leave a creature Prone Prone with laughter, without the ability to get up.
WIS Save
 Range: 18 m / 60 ft
Vicious Mockery.webp
Vicious Mockery Vicious Mockery ()
Damage: 1~4

Insult a creature: it has Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage on its next Attack roll.

WIS Save
 Range: 18 m / 60 ft


Portrait Viola Silvertongue.png
Another bard? Did Lucretious hire you? Tch. Stay out of my way, talentless half-wit.

External links

  1. Viola Silvertongue: We've got plenty bards as is - so talk a long walk off a short cliff, yeah?
  2. Player: I've actually just been hired. Meet your new bard! Klaus: Ooof, Viola Silvertongue won't be happy. Oh well, she should have practised those high notes...
  3. Medrash: The ringmaster hired another bard? Ohhh, Viola is gonna be pissed.