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Fezzerk is a Goblin character leading a gang of goblins at Blighted Village in Act One, tormenting an unfortunate Deep Gnome as part of the Rescue the Gnome quest. Depending on if he is spared or not, he can make a minor appearance later on in Act Two.
Can be spoken to through the use of .

“Look what we got here - another little birdie wantin' to fly!„
Act One
Fezzerk and his gang can be found on the western most side of the Blighted Village where the windmill is, laughing at Barcus Wroot who is strapped to the machine. If approached, Fezzerk and his gang will confront the party. The party member can ask him what he is doing, or ask him to let them pass. Asking what he is doing will let the party demand Barcus be let down, either by persuading him to pick another victim or intimidating him.
Asking to let the party pass will result in Fezzerk demanding 1000 gold, which the party can decide to pay or haggle down. If paid, or convinced not to pay, Fezzerk will let the party leave, but if approaching again a fight will break out.
Lastly, the party can straight up attack Fezzerk and his gang. If during the fight Fezzerk is severely injured, he will surrender when nearly killed, making the rest of his group flee. It's possible then to interrogate him, to demand that he gives up his belongings and / or kill him. There won't be experience for those who run away, however, so to get the most experience while still engaging in his surrender the party must kill all others first.
If spared, he will make a minor reappearance in the next act.
Act Two
If Fezzerk survived the first act, the party may encounter him again when entering Moonrise Towers. He, the rest of the goblins, and potentially Minthara are being judged for the failure to retrieve the Mysterious Artefact. Whether he and the rest of the goblins are spared or killed is left up to the party.
Attacks and Abilities
Notable loot
Related quests
Speak with Dead
Party member: Who are you?
- Fezzerk: Fezzerk... best raider... east o' the... Sea o' Sword...
Party member: What where you doing in the village?
- Fezzerk: Hostages... the Absolute wants... hostages...
Party member: Did you have any valuables?
- Fezzerk: No... valuables... only... hostages...
Party member: Who killed you?
- Fezzerk: Coward... attacked... interrupted my work...
Party member: Where did you come from?
- Fezzerk: The... Towers...
Party member: Who did you answer to?
- Fezzerk: The... Absolute... she... chose us...
Party member: Are there others like you nearby?
- Fezzerk: Many... so many... legions o' goblins... an' more... serving... the Absolute...
- Grants 50 experience when killed.
- Seemingly due to a bug, it is possible to receive the experience for killing him even if you had received the experience for convincing him to leave through dialogue. There is a limited window of time in which you can accomplish this.
External links
Fezzerk on the Forgotten Realms Wiki