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None (11) ·
10 (4) ·
10 + Strength modifier (1) ·
11 (3) ·
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16 (18) ·
17 (5) ·
18 (9) ·
20 (1) ·
9 (4) ·
caster (236) ·
Spellcaster (1) ·
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None (13) ·
1 (87) ·
10 (64) ·
2 (163) ·
3 (46) ·
4 (8) ·
5 (10) ·
6 (1) ·
9 (1) ·
Long Rest (8) ·
Permanent (2) ·
Until Long Rest (3)
Showing below up to 250 results in range #1 to #250.
- Abjure Enemy
- Absorb Intellect
- Acidic Regurgitation
- Adhesive Whip
- Animal Friendship
- Animus Screech
- Arcane Shot: Banishing Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Beguiling Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Enfeebling Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Grasping Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Seeking Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Shadow Arrow
- Arms of Hadar
- Augmented Shield of Thralls
- Backbreaker
- Bad Omen
- Bane (spell)
- Banishment
- Beckoning Darkness
- Beguiling Rebuke
- Bestow Curse: Additional Damage
- Bestow Curse: Attack Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Charisma Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Constitution Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Dexterity Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Dread
- Bestow Curse: Intelligence Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Strength Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Wisdom Disadvantage
- Bite (Alioramus)
- Bite (Alioramus)
- Bite (Mimic)
- Bite (Sabre-Toothed Tiger)
- Black Hole
- Blazing Retaliation
- Blind Terror
- Blinding Shot
- Blinding Smite
- Blindness
- Bloody Bonesaw
- Boar Charge
- Bolt of Celestial Light
- Break of Dawn
- Brutal Leap
- Brutal Servitude
- Bufotoxin
- Bulwark Rebuke
- Burrow (Badger)
- Call Lightning
- Challenge to Duel
- Challenge to Duel
- Champion Challenge
- Charge
- Charge (Minotaur)
- Charm Animals and Plants
- Charm Person
- Choking Wail
- Claws (Fallen Gur Hunter)
- Claws (Flying Ghoul)
- Claws (Ghast)
- Claws (Ghoul)
- Claws (Meenlock)
- Clench of the North Wind
- Cloud of Jellyfish: Mighty Shocking Sting
- Cloud of Jellyfish: Mighty Shocking Sting
- Cloud of Jellyfish: Shocking Sting
- Cocoon
- Command: Approach
- Command: Approach (Undead)
- Command: Drop
- Command: Drop (Undead)
- Command: Flee
- Command: Flee (Undead)
- Command: Grovel
- Command: Grovel (Undead)
- Command: Halt
- Command: Halt (Undead)
- Compelled Duel
- Concussive Smash
- Concussive Smash (Spiritual Weapon)
- Confusion
- Confusion Ray
- Conquering Presence
- Constrict
- Contagion
- Contagion: Blinding Sickness
- Contagion: Filth Fever
- Contagion: Flesh Rot
- Contagion: Mindfire
- Contagion: Seizure
- Contagion: Slimy Doom
- Control Undead
- Corrosive Spit
- Crown of Madness
- Crowning Strike
- Curse of Regret
- Curse of Terror
- Dawnburst Strike
- Daylight: Enchant Item
- Dazzling Ray
- Death Burst (Mud)
- Debilitating Shot
- Destructive Wave
- Destructive Wave: Necrotic
- Destructive Wave: Radiant
- Devour Intellect
- Devour Intellect
- Digestive Sap
- Dirty Trick: Flick o' the Wrist
- Dirty Trick: Sand Toss
- Dirty Trick: Vicious Mockery
- Disarming Attack (Melee)
- Disarming Attack (Ranged)
- Disarming Strike
- Disconcerting Visage
- Disconcerting Visage (Tactician)
- Dissonant Whispers
- Dominate Beast
- Dominate Person
- Draining Kiss (Haarlep)
- Dread Embrace
- Dreadful Aspect
- Dreadful Glare
- Drunken Inhale
- Electrified Flail
- Electrified Regurgitation
- Enlarge
- Enrage
- Ensnaring Shock
- Ensnaring Strands
- Ensnaring Strike
- Ensnaring Strike (Melee)
- Ensnaring Strike (Ranged)
- Enthrall
- Eyebite: Asleep
- Eyebite: Asleep
- Eyebite: Panicked
- Eyebite: Panicked
- Eyebite: Sickened
- Eyebite: Sickened
- Faerie Fire
- Fanatic Retaliation
- Fear
- Fear
- Fear Ray
- Fey Presence: Beguiling
- Fey Presence: Disturbing
- Fiendish Charm
- Fiendish Flameblast
- Fist of Unbroken Air
- Flail of Madness
- Flail of Paralysis
- Flesh to Gold
- Flesh to Stone
- Flesh to Stone
- Flourish
- Flurry of Blows: Topple
- Flurry of Moths: Blinding Swarm
- Flurry of Moths: Mighty Blinding Swarm
- Flurry of Moths: Mighty Blinding Swarm
- Forceful Throw
- Form of Dread
- Fracture Psyche
- Fracture Psyche (Full-illithid)
- Frigid Blade
- Glyph of Warding: Sleep
- Goading Attack (Melee)
- Goading Attack (Ranged)
- Goading Roar
- Gossamer Tomb
- Greasy Discharge
- Grounded Thunder Strike
- Gust of Wind
- Hallucination Spores
- Hamstring Shot
- Harm
- Headcrack
- Heartstopper
- Heat Metal
- Heat Metal
- Heat Metal: Reapply Damage
- Hellfire Curse
- Hellflame Cleave
- Hiemal Strike
- Hold Monster
- Hold Person
- Hook (class action)
- Hordestrike
- Howl of the Dead
- Hush You!
- Hypnotic Gaze
- Hypnotic Pattern
- Immolating Gaze
- Incubus Charm
- Infectious Bite (Wolf Companion)
- Infernal Dagger
- Instinctive Charm
- Intimidating Presence
- Ironbound Pursuit
- Lacerate
- Lacerate (Spiritual Weapon)
- Launch Protocol: Bola
- Legacy of Avernus: Searing Smite
- Legion of Bees: Mighty Knockback
- Life Drain
- Lunging Bite
- Luring Song
- Magic Allergy: Force explosion
- Maiming Strike
- Main Hand Attack (Steel Watcher)
- Main Hand Attack (Steel Watcher)
- Mantle of Majesty: Approach
- Mantle of Majesty: Drop
- Mantle of Majesty: Flee
- Mantle of Majesty: Grovel
- Mantle of Majesty: Halt
- Mapped Terror: Betrayal
- Mapped Terror: Betrayal
- Mapped Terror: Ceremorphosis
- Mapped Terror: Ceremorphosis
- Mapped Terror: Darkness
- Mapped Terror: Darkness
- Mapped Terror: Disease
- Mapped Terror: Disease
- Mapped Terror: Powerlessness
- Mapped Terror: Powerlessness
- Mapped Terror: Spiders
- Mapped Terror: Spiders
- Mapped Terror: Wolves
- Mapped Terror: Wolves
- Menacing Attack (Melee)
- Menacing Attack (Ranged)
- Menacing Howl
- Merciless Crush
- Mind Blast
- Mind Flayer Domination
- Mind Mastery
- Mind Screech
- Mind Spike
- Mindsteal Link
- Moan
- Moonmote
- Moral Confinement
- Morphic Ambush