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Saving throws
Saving throws are automatic dice rolls representing a creature’s attempt to “save” themselves from harm. They are provoked by spells, the hostile actions (other than attacks) of other creatures, or hazards like traps and surfaces. Saves are always associated with a specific ability and are always rolled against a target Difficulty Class (DC), both determined by the triggering effect. When successful, they reduce or prevent harmful effects.
All harmful effects that provoke a saving throw have an associated target number – a Difficulty Class (DC) – and an ability associated with its allowed save – referred to using terms like Strength saving throw or Dexterity save.
When attempting a saving throw, a creature rolls a d20 and adds the save's associated ability score modifier to the result. If they are proficient in saves using that ability, they add their proficiency bonus as well.

The result is then compared against the effect's DC, and is considered a success if it equals or exceeds that number.
While the outcome of an attempted saving throw is always binary – it is either a success or a failure – the exact outcome of a successful save depends on the effect in question. Often, the damage or conditions inflicted by the associated effect will be reduced in severity, or sometimes ignored entirely.
Death saving throws
Death saving throws are a special type of saving throw made by playable characters and companions after they have been . Three successful saves will let a creature stabilise, no longer needing to make saves, and three failures will lead to the creature becoming .
Difficulty Class
An effect's Difficulty Class depends on where it originates from, and is typically intended to be reflective of how difficult the effect is to resist.
Spell save DCs are calculated via the following formula:
The same class ability modifiers apply when casting a spell from a scroll, even when the spell being cast is not normally available to the caster's class. For instance, a cleric casting from a scroll (a spell not normally available to clerics) adds its Wisdom modifier to the saving throw DC.
Weapon actions
When a creature uses a weapon action that forces another to make a save, the DC is determined using the following formula:
Other effects
In the case of threats that don't originate from a spell caster, such as a trap or a poisonous apple, the game sets the DC based on how serious the threat is intended to be. For example, a rather ineffective trap could have a DC of just 5, whereas an effective trap could have a DC of 15. A slightly spoiled tart could impose a Constitution save of DC 5, whereas a potent venom from a snake could impose a DC 15 Constitution save on the victim.
Features that affect saves
Some racial features, class features, spells, items, and conditions affect saving throws. For example:
- Elves have advantage on saving throws against being .
- Paladin ability grants nearby allies a bonus to saves equal to Paladin's Charisma modifier.
- spell adds a 1d4 bonus to saves on the target; upcasting increases the number of targets.
- spell reduces target's Dexterity saves by 2; upcasting increases the number of targets.
Cloak of Protection adds +1 to all saving throws.
Helmet of Autonomy grants proficiency in Wisdom saves.
- incurs disadvantage on Constitution saves.
- incurs disadvantage on both Strength and Dexterity saves.