More actions
Act One
The player arrives on the Nautiloid immediately after character creation.
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (where_to_find like "%Nautiloid%" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Underdark")
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
The remnants of what appears to have once been a chapel, eroded by time.
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE where_to_find like "%Dank Crypt%"
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
The Emerald Grove, also known as Silvanus' Grove and Druid's Grove.
Sold by Arron
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (
(where_to_find like "%Emerald Grove%" OR where_to_find like "%Druid Grove%") AND where_to_find like "%Arron%") AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Strange Ox" AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Sold by Dammon
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (
(where_to_find like "%Emerald Grove%" OR where_to_find like "%Druid Grove%") AND where_to_find like "%Dammon%") AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Strange Ox" AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Sold by Auntie Ethel
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (
(where_to_find like "%Emerald Grove%" OR where_to_find like "%Druid Grove%") AND where_to_find like "%Auntie Ethel%") AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Strange Ox" AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Sold by Volo
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (
(where_to_find like "%Emerald Grove%" OR where_to_find like "%Druid Grove%") AND where_to_find like "%Volo%") AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Strange Ox" AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (
((where_to_find like "%Emerald Grove%" OR where_to_find like "%Druid Grove%") AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Dammon" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Arron" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Auntie Ethel" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Volo") OR where_to_find like "%Strange Ox%") AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Forest is a sub-area of the Wilderness. It is found west of the Emerald Grove.
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE where_to_find like "%Forest%"
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE where_to_find like "%Owlbear Nest%"
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
The Risen Road is a long stretch of road that connects Elturel and Baldur's Gate.
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE where_to_find like "%Risen Road%"
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
An isolated wizard tower deep in the Underdark protected by Arcane Cannons
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE where_to_find like "%Arcane Tower%"
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Act Two
The Thorm family mausoleum, resting place of Melodia Thorm and entrance to the Gauntlet of Shar
Gauntlet of Shar
Act Three
The southern-most district of Baldur's Gate, located south of Wyrm's Crossing.
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (
where_to_find like "%Rivington%" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Rivington General" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Ferg Drogher" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Mattis" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Circus of the Last Days" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Open Hand Temple" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Angleiron's Cellar") AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
The general store in Rivington, run by a Dragonborn Exxvikyap.
Sold by Exxvikyap
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (
where_to_find like "%Rivington General%" AND where_to_find like "%Exxvikyap%" AND (where_to_find like "%Purchased%" OR where_to_find like "%Sold%" OR where_to_find like "%bought%")) AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (
where_to_find like "%Rivington General%" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Purchased" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Sold" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "bought") AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
The Requisitioned Barn is a donation center for refugees heading to Baldur's Gate.
Sold by Ferg Drogher
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (where_to_find like "%Ferg Drogher%")
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Sold by Mattis
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (where_to_find like "%Mattis%Rivington%")
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
An extraplanar circus which moves from plane to plane, "thrilling all" who stop by.
Sold by Popper
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (where_to_find like "%Circus of the Last Days%" AND where_to_find like "%Popper%")
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (where_to_find like "%Circus of the Last Days%" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Popper")
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
A temple dedicated to Ilmater, currently grieving the loss of their head priest.
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (where_to_find like "%Open Hand Temple%" AND uid != "MAG_OfSharpCaster_Hat" AND uid != "MAG_Projectile_Shoes")
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
The Ironhand Gnomes who escaped the Grymforge have taken up residence in this cellar.
Sold by Bumpnagel
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE where_to_find like "%Angleiron's Cellar%"
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Sits between Rivington and the Wyrm's Rock Fortress, and must be crossed to enter the City.
Sold by Entharl Danthelon
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (where_to_find like "%Wyrm's Crossing%" AND where_to_find like "%Entharl Danthelon%")
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (where_to_find like "%Wyrm's Crossing%" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Entharl Danthelon")
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Connected to the south by Wyrm's Crossing, and the north by the Lower City.
Sold by Arkleia Oloril
No special equipment
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE where_to_find like "%Wyrm's Rock Fortress%"
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
The Lower City is accessed after passing through Wyrm's Rock Fortress.
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (
where_to_find like "%Lower City%" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP 'Lower City Sewers' AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP 'Undercity Ruins' AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP 'Forge of the Nine' AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP 'Stormshore Tabernacle' AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP 'Stormshore Armoury' AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP 'Sorcerous Sundries' AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP 'Wine Festival' AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Devil's Fee" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Philgrave's Mansion" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP 'Steel Watch Foundry' AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP 'Undercity Ruins') AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
A house of worship located in the northeastern part of the Lower City, near the Basilisk Gate.
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE where_to_find like "%Stormshore Tabernacle%"
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
A tavern located north-west of Stormshore Tabernacle and the Basilisk Gate waypoint
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE where_to_find like "%Elfsong Tavern Basement%"
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE where_to_find like "%Knights of the Shield Hideout%"
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Entrances include manhole covers in the city streets, and inside specific buildings.
Sold by Severn
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE where_to_find like "%Severn%"
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Sold by Sticky Dondo
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE where_to_find like "%Sticky Dondo%"
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Sold by Voiceless Penitent Bareki
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE where_to_find like "%Bareki%"
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (
where_to_find like "%Lower City Sewers%" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Severn" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Sticky Dondo" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Bareki") AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (
where_to_find like "%Undercity Ruins%" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Severn" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Sticky Dondo" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Bareki") AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
The outside of the Forge of the Nine. A stone patio is equipped with a forge and smithing station.
Sold by Dammon
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (where_to_find like "%Forge of the Nine%" AND where_to_find like "%Dammon%")
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (where_to_find like "%Forge of the Nine%" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP 'Dammon')
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
An outdoor smithy with a glowing red hot furnace in the back corner.
Sold by Gloomy Fentonson
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (where_to_find like "%Stormshore Armoury%" AND where_to_find like "%Gloomy Fentonson%")
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Sold by Fytz The Firecracker
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (where_to_find like "%Stormshore Armoury%" AND where_to_find like "%Fytz%")
AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
A large magical marketplace, and home to the wizard Lorroakan
Sold by Lorroakan's Projection (or Rolan)
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (
where_to_find like "%Sorcerous Sundries%" AND where_to_find like "%Sold%" AND where_to_find like "%Lorroakan's Projection%") AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Sold by Tolna Tome-Monger
No special equipment
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (
where_to_find like "%Sorcerous Sundries%" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Sold") AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Located by the waterfront next to the Counting House and Felogyr's Fireworks
Sold by Mystic Carrion
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (
where_to_find like "%Philgrave's Mansion%" AND (where_to_find like "%Sold%" OR where_to_find like "%bought%") AND where_to_find like "%Mystic Carrion%") AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT("File:", image, "", _pageName,"") AS `Item` FROM `cargo__weapons` WHERE (
where_to_find like "%Philgrave's Mansion%" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "Sold" AND where_to_find NOT REGEXP "bought") AND rarity != "common" AND legacy IS NULL ORDER BY `type` LIMIT 100
Equipment By Act and Region
[Show/hide] Act One
[Show/hide] Act Two
[Show/hide] Act Three
High Utility Permanent Bonuses
See Permanent Bonuses or Permanent bonus table for a complete list of bonuses.
[Show/hide] Act One
[Show/hide] Act Two
Region | Location | Bonus | Description |
Ruined Battlefield | Kar'niss | Gain immunity to the . | |
Moonrise Towers | Main Floor | ![]() |
Gain +2 . |
Moonrise Towers | Mind Flayer Colony | [note 2] | Gain ![]() ![]() |
Moonrise Towers | Gain a charge of Bardic Inspiration that is stronger than usual (![]() | ||
Reithwin Town | Arabella | Entangle an Undead or shadow creature until long rest. |
[Show/hide] Act Three
Region | Location | Bonus | Description |
Wyrm's Lookout | Astral Plane | Gain all 5 inner ring Tier 1 Illithid Powers. Gain access to Tier 3 Illithid Powers. Gain . | |
Rivington | Circus of the Last Days | Gain a ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Lower City | Crimson Draughts | Your blood is now highly flammable and will explode on contact with fire. | |
Lower City | House of Grief | Patriar's Memory | Gain +1 . |
Lower City | House of Grief | <Stolen> Memory | Gain +2 to an Ability Score of your choice. |
Lower City | Ramazith's Tower | Create 4 ghouls that fight alongside you. | |
Lower City | Ramazith's Tower | Gain -5 and a sickly green aura. | |
Lower City | Ramazith's Tower | Gain immediately and also once after every Long Rest. | |
Lower City | Steel Watch Foundry | Slayer Knowledge | Gain ![]() |
Dye Previews
Medium Armour | ![]() |
Heavy Armour | ![]() |
![]() |
Dyes | ||
![]() |
Dyes | ![]() |
Dyes |
![]() |
Dyes | ![]() |
Dyes |
Stats Equipment
Dark Displacement Gloves
Winkling Gloves
Gloves of Power
Gloves of Thievery
Knock Knuckle Gloves
Nimblefinger Gloves
Unlucky Thief's Gloves
Smuggler's Ring
Template:ImageLocation Special:CargoTables Special:Drilldown