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(Added Crown's level 5 Oath spells.)
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[[Main Page]] > [[Character Creation]] > [[Character Creation#Playable Classes|Playable Classes]] > [[Paladin]]
| description = Paladin is a character class in Baldur's Gate 3 that is a type of warrior that holds and abides by a sacred oath.
| image = Paladin Class Icon.png
'''Paladin''' is a character [[Class]] in [[Baldur's Gate 3]].
{{Quote class|{{PAGENAME}}}}
== Overview ==
Paladins are masters of a variety of weapons and armour. They channel the power of their sacred oath to heal the sick and injured and to smite their foes. Important Ability Scores for Paladins include [[Strength]] (or [[Dexterity]]), [[Charisma]], and [[Constitution]].
== Subclasses ==
The Paladin subclasses are:
* {{IconLink|Paladin Oath of the Ancients Icon.png|Oath of the Ancients}}
* {{IconLink|Paladin Oath of Devotion Icon.png|Oath of Devotion}}
* {{IconLink|Paladin Oath of Vengeance.png|Oath of Vengeance}}
* {{IconLink|Oath of the Crown Icon.png|Oath of the Crown}}
* {{IconLink|Paladin Oathbreaker Icon.png|Oathbreaker}}

[[File:Paladin Class Icon.png|center|150px]]
== Class Progression ==
{| class="wikitable nomobile" style="text-align: center; max-width: 63em;"
! colspan="4" | Paladin Class Progression
! colspan="3" | [[Spells#Spell Slots|Spell Slots]] per [[Spells#Spell Level|Spell Level]]
! style="width: 6%;" | Level
! style="width: 6%;" | Proficiency Bonus
! Features
! style="width: 9%;" | {{R|layonh|forceplural=yes}}
! style="width: 4.5%;" | 1st
! style="width: 4.5%;" | 2nd
! style="width: 4.5%;" | 3rd
! [[#Level 1|1st]]
| rowspan="4" | +2
| style="text-align: left;" | {{SAI|Divine Sense}}, {{SAI|Lay on Hands}}, {{R|chaoat|icononly=yes}} [[#Level_1|Channel Oath]], {{Icon|Paladin_Icon_Small.webp|24|link=#Level 1}} [[#Level 1|Choose a subclass]]
| rowspan="3" | 3
| -
| -
| -
! [[#Level 2|2nd]]
| style="text-align: left;" | {{Icon|Duelling_Icon.webp|24|link=Fighting Style}} [[Fighting Style]], {{Icon|Paladin_Icon_Small.webp|24|link=#Level 2}} [[#Spellcasting|Spellcasting]], {{SAI|Divine Smite}}
| 2
| -
| -
! [[#Level 3|3rd]]
| style="text-align: left;" | {{Icon|Paladin_Icon_Small.webp|24|link=Divine Health}} [[Divine Health]], {{Icon|Paladin_Icon_Small.webp|24|link=#Level 7}} [[Paladin#Level 3|Subclass Feature]]
| 3
| -
| -
! [[#Level 4|4th]]
| style="text-align: left;" | {{SAI|Feats|Feat}}
| rowspan="6" | 4
| 3
| -
| -
! [[#Level 5|5th]]
| rowspan="4" | +3
| style="text-align: left;" | {{Pass|Extra Attack}}
| 4
| 2
| -
! [[#Level 6|6th]]
| style="text-align: left;" | {{SAI|Aura of Protection}}
| 4
| 2
| -
! [[#Level 7|7th]]
| style="text-align: left;" | {{Icon|Paladin_Icon_Small.webp|24|link=#Level 7}} [[#Level 7|Subclass Feature]]
| 4
| 3
| -
! [[#Level 8|8th]]
| style="text-align: left;" | {{SAI|Feats|Feat}}
| 4
| 3
| -
! [[#Level 9|9th]]
| rowspan="4" | +4
| style="text-align: left;" | {{Icon|Paladin_Icon_Small.webp|24|link=#Level 9}} [[#Level 9|Subclass Feature]]
| 4
| 3
| 2
! [[#Level 10|10th]]
| style="text-align: left;" | {{SAI|Aura of Courage}}
| rowspan="3" | 5
| 4
| 3
| 2
! [[#Level 11|11th]]
| style="text-align: left;" | {{Pass|Improved Divine Smite}}
| 4
| 3
| 3
! [[#Level 12|12th]]
| style="text-align: left;" | {{SAI|Feats|Feat}}
| 4
| 3
| 3

{{DescriptionQuote|Fuelled by the Oath you swore to uphold justice and righteousness, you are a beacon of hope in dark times.}}
<p class="nomobile">'''Note:''' [[Proficiency bonus]] is based on [[character level]], not class level. It is included in the table for convenience.</p>

'''Paladin''' is one of the [[Character Creation#Playable Classes|Playable Classes]] of Baldur Gate's 3. Paladins are masters of a variety of weapons and armor. They channel the power of their sacred oath to heal the sick and injured and to smite their foes. Paladins use [[Charisma]] as their primary ability score.
== Class information ==
[[File:Default Paladin Armor.png|280px|right|Paladin's default armour]]

; Hit points
: At level 1&colon; {{InfoBlob|10 + {{Ability|Constitution}} modifier}}
: On level up&colon; {{InfoBlob|6 + {{Ability|Constitution}} modifier}}
; Key abilities
: {{Ability|Strength}} or {{Ability|Dexterity}} for physical attacks
: {{Ability|Charisma}} for Spells, Aura and Channel Oath Abilities
: {{Ability|Constitution}} for Hit Points and {{Concentration}} Checks.
; Spellcasting Ability
: {{Ability|Charisma}}
Paladins are primarily martial fighters; they gain Spell Slots at 1/2 the rate of a full spellcaster.
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] [[Spells#Prepared Spells|Prepared Spells]]
{{Hatnote|For a list of spells available to the Paladin, see: [[List of Paladin spells]].}}
: You may swap your Prepared Spells at any time while out of combat, but can only have a certain number of Spells prepared at a time. The Spells must be of a level for which you have Spell Slots.
: Number of Prepared Spells = {{InfoBlob|Paladin Level + {{Ability|Charisma}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell).''

== Class Information ==
===Starting [[Proficiency|Proficiencies]]===
; Saving throw proficiencies
: {{Ability|Wisdom}}, {{Ability|Charisma}}
; Equipment proficiencies
: {{SimpleWeaponsProf}}, {{MartialWeaponsProf}}
: {{LightArmour}}, {{MediumArmour}}, {{HeavyArmour}}
: {{Shields}}
; Skills with proficiency (Choose 2)
: {{Skill|Athletics}}, {{Skill|Insight}}, {{Skill|Intimidation}}, {{Skill|Medicine}}, {{Skill|Persuasion}}, {{Skill|Religion}}
: You receive a bonus to every [[Character Creation#Skills|Skill]] that you are [[Proficiency|Proficient]] in. At character level 1 the [[Proficiency Bonus]] is +2.
; Starting Equipment : {{RarityItem|Warhammer}}, {{RarityItem|Javelin}} x2, {{RarityItem|Scale Mail of the Ancients}} ''or'' {{RarityItem|Scale Mail of Devotion}} ''or'' {{RarityItem|Scale Mail of Vengeance}}, {{RarityItem|Leather Boots}}, a book called ''Paladin Oaths and their Tenets''

* Level 1 Maximum Hit Points: {{C|10 + [[Constitution]] Modifier}}
===[[Classes#Multiclassing|Multiclass]] [[Proficiency|Proficiencies]]===
** Hit points gained at higher levels: {{C|6 + [[Constitution]] Modifier}}
; Equipment proficiencies
* [[Spell|Spellcasting]]:
: {{SimpleWeaponsProf}}, {{MartialWeaponsProf}}
** Spellcasting Ability: {{C|[[Charisma]]}}
: {{LightArmour}}, {{MediumArmour}}
** Paladins are primarily martial fighters; they gain Spell Slots at 1/2 the rate of a full spellcaster.
: {{Shields}}
* [[Saving Throw]] Proficiencies: {{C|[[Wisdom]], [[Charisma]]}}
* Armor Proficiencies: {{C|[[Armor#Light Armor|Light Armor]], [[Armor#Medium Armor|Medium Armor]], [[Armor#Heavy Armor|Heavy Armor]], [[Shield|Shields]]}}
* Weapon Proficiencies: {{C|[[Simple Weapons]], [[Martial Weapons]]}}

== Oaths and Oathbreaking ==

* '''Choose a subclass:'''
=== Keeping Your Oath ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
Your choice of subclass during [[Character Creation]] determines the Oath you have taken. See [[Oath of the Ancients]], [[Oath of Devotion]] or [[Oath of Vengeance]] for the full text of each Oath. The basic tenets can also be found embroidered on your starting [[Armour]].
| style="width: 250px;" | [[File:Paladin Oath of the Ancients Icon.png|frameless|150px|center]] [[Oath of the Ancients]]
| style="width: 250px;" | [[File:Paladin Oath of Devotion Icon.png|frameless|center|150px]] [[Oath of Devotion]]
As a Paladin, you must constantly adhere to the tenets of your Oath or you will lose the power it grants you. Taking any action that breaks your Oath will summon the [[Oathbreaker Knight]] and temporarily prevent you from using your {{R|chaoat|icononly=yes}} Channel Oath abilities. (Other Paladin class features and always-prepared Oath spells will still be available.)
Each subclass has different actions that will cause its oath to be broken. Here are some examples (see each subclass's individual wiki page for a more complete list):
* Oath of the Ancients: Killing a non-aggressive animal, raising the dead, or (in some cases) choosing an "Attack" dialogue option when more peaceful options are available.
* Oath of Devotion: Attacking a non-hostile creature, refusing to defend someone who is obviously in need of aid, or deceiving your enemies (e.g. negotiating a peaceful resolution and then attacking anyway).
* Oath of Vengeance: Convincing someone not to take revenge on their transgressor, letting the guilty go without punishment, betraying those who were in need of vengeance and siding with their oppressor.

== Skills ==
=== Becoming an Oathbreaker ===
You receive a bonus to every Skill that you are Proficient in. This bonus increases as you gain levels in your Class and applies to all Checks for those Skills.

<span style="font-size:120%;">Level 1 [[Proficiency#Proficiency Bonus Chart|Proficiency Bonus]]: +2</span>
{{Quote|size=120%|*A spasm grips your chest. Your strength falters. An emptiness grows within you, Paladin. Something has been lost.*}}
* Inherited Skills: Granted by [[Character Creation#Playable Races|Races]] and [[Character Creation#Backgrounds|Backgrounds]].
* Skills with Proficiency (Choose 2):
** [[Athletics]]
** [[Insight]]
** [[Intimidation]]
** [[Medicine]]
** [[Persuasion]]
** [[Religion]]

Unlike the other Paladin subclasses, the [[Oathbreaker]] subclass is not available during [[Character Creation]]. Once you have taken an action that breaks your Oath, the [[Oathbreaker Knight]] will appear before you and let you know he will be waiting in your [[Campsite|Camp]]. Speak with him to learn about Oathbreaking and, if you so desire, unlock the [[Oathbreaker]] subclass. This replaces the {{R|chaoat|icononly=yes}} Channel Oath abilities and Spells from your previous Oath with new abilities and Spells available only to [[Oathbreaker]].

== Oaths and Oathbreaking ==
[[Withers]] will not respec a Paladin with the Oathbreaker subclass. Restoring the original Oath (see below) will enable the respec service again.

A Paladin's Oath is not to be taken lightly: its power quite literally fuels your abilities.
=== Restoring your Oath ===

=== Keeping Your Oath ===
If you broke your Oath by accident or otherwise wish to re-dedicate yourself to your Oath, speak to the Oathbreaker Knight in your [[Campsite|Camp]]. He will offer to restore your Oath for a fee of 1000gp. This will allow you to once again use your {{R|chaoat|icononly=yes}} Channel Oath abilities. However, should you break your oath again, the cost to restore your oath will increase to 2000gp. If you break your oath a third time, the price will increase to 10000gp. It stays at 10000gp for each subsequent oath restoration after the third one.

Your choice of subclass during [[Character Creation]] determines the Oath you have taken:
== Level progression ==
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
| style="width: 300px;" | [[File:Paladin Oath of the Ancients Icon.png|frameless|75px|center]] [[Oath of the Ancients]]
| style="width: 300px;" | [[File:Paladin Oath of Devotion Icon.png|frameless|center|75px]] [[Oath of Devotion]]
| '''Kindle the Light.''' Through your acts of mercy, kindness, and forgiveness, kindle the light of hope in the world, beating back despair.

'''Shelter the Light.''' Where there is good, beauty, love, and laughter in the world, stand against the wickedness that would swallow it. Where life flourishes, stand against the forces that would render it barren.
Through experience, you acquire new power. You gain the following traits.

'''Preserve Your Own Light.''' Delight in song and laughter, in beauty and art. If you allow the light to die in your own heart, you can’t preserve it in the world.
{{Level header|1}}
; {{Resource|layonh|forceplural=yes}}&colon; 3
: {{Recharge|Long Rest}}
; {{Resource|chaoat|forceplural=yes}}&colon; 1
: {{Recharge|Short Rest}}

'''Be the Light.''' Be a glorious beacon for all who live in despair. Let the light of your joy and courage shine forth in all your deeds.
| '''Honesty.''' Don’t lie or cheat. Let your word be your promise.

'''Courage.''' Never fear to act, though caution is wise.
{{Spell action|Divine Sense}}

'''Compassion.''' Aid others, protect the weak, and punish those who threaten them. Show mercy to your foes, but temper it with wisdom.

'''Honor.''' Treat others with fairness, and let your honorable deeds be an example to them. Do as much good as possible while causing the least amount of harm.
{{Spell action|Lay on Hands}}

'''Duty.''' Be responsible for your actions and their consequences, protect those entrusted to your care, and obey those who have just authority over you.
==== {{anchor|Oaths}}Select a subclass ====
{| class=wikitable style="text-align: top; min-width: 420px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
! {{ImageLink|Class Paladin Ancients Badge Icon.png|Oath of the Ancients|w=150|h=150}}
! {{ImageLink|Class Paladin Devotion Badge Icon.png|Oath of Devotion|w=150|h=150}}
! {{ImageLink|Class Paladin Vengeance Badge Icon.png|Oath of Vengeance|w=150|h=150}}
! {{ImageLink|Class Paladin Crown Badge Icon.png|Oath of the Crown|w=150|h=150}}
! {{ImageLink|Class Paladin Oathbreaker Badge Icon.png|Oathbreaker|w=150|h=150}}
| style="vertical-align:top; width: 250px;"|
{{LgSAI|Healing Radiance}}
| style="vertical-align:top; width: 250px;"|
{{LgSAI|Holy Rebuke}}
| style="vertical-align:top; width: 250px;"|
{{LgSAI|Inquisitor's Might}}
| style="vertical-align:top; width: 250px;"|
{{LgSAI|Righteous Clarity}}
| style="vertical-align:top; width: 250px;"|
{{LgSAI|Spiteful Suffering}}
The basic tenets of your Oath can also be found embroidered on your starting [[Armor]].

As a Paladin, you must constantly adhere to the tenets of your Oath or you will lose the power it grants you. Taking any action that breaks your Oath will summon the [[Oathbreaker Knight]] and temporarily prevent you from using your [[File:Channel Oath Icon.png|frameless|35px]] [[Channel Oath]] abilities.
{{Level header|2}}

Here are some examples of Oathbreaking actions. Note that the specific types of actions that break a given Oath may change as Larian continues to develop the game.
{{Spell action|Divine Smite}}
* Oath of the Ancients: Killing a non-aggressive animal or choosing an "Attack" dialogue option when more peaceful options are available.
* Oath of Devotion: Attacking a non-hostile creature, refusing to defend someone who is obviously in need of aid, or deceiving your enemies (e.g. negotiating a peaceful resolution and then attacking anyway).

=== Becoming an Oathbreaker ===
<dt>[[Fighting Style]]</dt>
<dd>Choose a fighting style:</dd>
{{Passive|Great Weapon Fighting|w=30|nolist=y}}

{{DescriptionQuote|*A spasm grips your chest. Your strength falters. An emptiness grows within you, Paladin. Something has been lost.*}}

{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
; {{SpellSlot|1|2}} Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked&colon; 2
: You gain two Level 1 Spell Slots.
| style="width: 250px;" | [[File:Paladin Oathbreaker Icon.png|frameless|center|150px]] [[Oathbreaker]]
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
: Choose a number of Spells = {{InfoBlob|2 (Paladin Level) + {{Ability|Charisma}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell.)''

Unlike the other Paladin subclasses, the [[Oathbreaker]] subclass is not available during [[Character Creation]]. Once you have taken an action that breaks your Oath, the [[Oathbreaker Knight]] will appear before you and let you know he will be waiting in your [[Camp]]. Speak with him to learn about Oathbreaking and, if you so desire, unlock the [[Oathbreaker]] subclass. This replaces the [[File:Channel Oath Icon.png|frameless|35px]] [[Channel Oath]] abilities and Spells from your previous Oath with new abilities and Spells available only to [[Oathbreaker]].

=== Restoring Your Oath ===
; New 1st Level Spells
{{div col | style = column-width: 20em; list-style-type: none;}}
* {{SAI|Bless|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Command}}
* {{SAI|Compelled Duel|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Cure Wounds}}
* {{SAI|Divine Favour|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Heroism|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Protection from Evil and Good|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Shield of Faith|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Searing Smite|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Thunderous Smite}}
* {{SAI|Wrathful Smite|c=16}}
{{div col end}}

If you broke your Oath by accident or otherwise wish to re-dedicate yourself to your Oath, speak to the Oathbreaker Knight in your [[Camp]]. He will offer to restore your Oath for a fee of 2000gp. This will allow you to once again use your [[File:Channel Oath Icon.png|frameless|35px]] [[Channel Oath]] abilities.
{{Level header|3}}

== Level Progression ==
{{Passive|Divine Health}}

Through experience, you acquire new power. You gain the following trait:

=== Level 1 ===
; {{SpellSlot|1|3}} Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked&colon; 3
: You gain an additional Level 1 Spell Slot.
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
: Choose a number of Spells = {{InfoBlob|3 (Paladin Level) + {{Ability|Charisma}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell.)''

* [[File:Divine Sense Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Divine Sense]] [[Divine Sense]]
* [[File:Lay on Hands Big Heal Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Lay on Hands]] [[Lay on Hands]]
* [[File:Lay on Hands Resource Icon.png|frameless|35px]] [[Lay on Hands]] Charges: 3 ''(Recharge: [[Long Rest]])''
* [[File:Channel Oath Icon.png|frameless|35px]] [[Channel Oath]] Charges: 1 ''(Recharge: [[Short Rest]] or [[Long Rest]])''

* '''Subclass Features:'''
==== Subclass features ====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: top; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: top; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
! style="width: 250px;" | Oath of the Ancients
! scope="col" | Oath
! style="width: 250px;" | Oath of Devotion
! scope="col" | {{R|chaoat|icononly=yes}} Channel Oath abilities
! style="width: 250px;" | Oathbreaker
! scope="col" | Oath Spells (always prepared)
! scope="row" | {{Class|Oath of the Ancients|w=40}}
Channel Oath Abilities:
*[[File:Healing Radiance Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Healing Radiance]] [[Healing Radiance]]
* {{LgSAI|Nature's Wrath}}
* {{LgSAI|Turn the Faithless}}
Channel Oath Abilities:
*[[File:Holy Rebuke Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Holy Rebuke]] [[Holy Rebuke]]
* {{SAI|Speak with Animals|r=16}}*
* {{SAI|Ensnaring Strike (Ranged)|Ensnaring Strike|c=16}}*
! scope="row" | {{Class|Oath of Devotion|w=40}}
* {{LgSAI|Sacred Weapon}}
* {{LgSAI|Turn the Unholy}}
* {{SAI|Protection from Evil and Good|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Sanctuary}}*
! scope="row" | {{Class|Oath of Vengeance|w=40}}
* {{LgSAI|Abjure Enemy}}
* {{LgSAI|Vow of Enmity}}
* {{SAI|Bane (spell)|Bane|c=16}}*
* {{SAI|Hunter's Mark|c=16}}*
! scope="row" | {{Class|Oath of the Crown|w=40}}
* {{LgSAI|Champion Challenge}}
* {{LgSAI|Turn the Tide}}
* {{SAI|Command}}
* {{SAI|Compelled Duel|c=16}}
! scope="row" | {{Class|Oathbreaker|w=40}}
* {{LgSAI|Control Undead}}
* {{LgSAI|Dreadful Aspect}}
Channel Oath Abilities:
*[[File:Spiteful Suffering Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Spiteful Suffering]] [[Spiteful Suffering]]
* {{SAI|Hellish Rebuke}}*
* {{SAI|Inflict Wounds}}*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Denotes a spell not otherwise part of the Paladin spell list.
{{Level header|4}}
; {{Resource|layonh|forceplural=yes}}&colon; 4
: You gain +1 Lay on Hands Charge.
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
: Choose a number of Spells = {{InfoBlob|4 (Paladin Level) + {{Ability|Charisma}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell.)''
* Choose a [[Feat]].
{{Level header|5}}
; {{Pass|Extra Attack|w=40}}
: You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
; {{SpellSlot|1|4}} Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked&colon; 4
: You gain an additional Level 1 Spell Slot.
; {{SpellSlot|2|2}} Level 2 Spell Slots Unlocked&colon; 2
: You gain two Level 2 Spell Slots.
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
: Choose a number of Spells = {{InfoBlob|5 (Paladin Level) + {{Ability|Charisma}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell.)''
; New 2nd Level Spells
{{div col | style = column-width: 20em; list-style-type: none;}}
* {{SAI|Aid}}
* {{SAI|Lesser Restoration}}
* {{SAI|Magic Weapon|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Protection from Poison}}
* {{SAI|Branding Smite|c=16}}
{{div col end}}
==== Oath Spells (always prepared) ====
; [[Oath of the Ancients]]
: {{SAI|Misty Step}}*
: {{SAI|Moonbeam|c=16}}*
; [[Oath of Devotion]]
: {{SAI|Lesser Restoration}}
: {{SAI|Silence|c=16|r=16}}*
; [[Oath of Vengeance]]
: {{SAI|Hold Person|c=16}}*
: {{SAI|Misty Step}}*
; [[Oath of the Crown]]
: {{SAI|Warding Bond}}*
: {{SAI|Spiritual Weapon}}*
; [[Oathbreaker]]
: {{SAI|Crown of Madness|c=16}}*
: {{SAI|Darkness|c=16}}*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Denotes a spell not otherwise part of the Paladin spell list.
{{Level header|6}}

=== Level 2 ===
{{Spell action|Aura of Protection}}

* [[File:Divine Smite Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Divine Smite]] [[Divine Smite]]: Your weapon emanates divine might as you strike. When you hit with a Weapon Attack, you may choose to expend a Spell Slot to infict additional [[File: Radiant Damage Icon 3.png|frameless|40px]][[Damage Types|<span style="color:#ffcc00">Radiant</span>]] damage. Divine Smite reaction settings can be configured in the Reactions menu (default hotkey: L).

* [[Fighting Style]] (Choose 1):
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
** Defence: You gain a +1 bonus to [[Armor Class]] while wearing armor.
: Choose a number of Spells = {{InfoBlob|6 (Paladin Level) + {{Ability|Charisma}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell.)''
** Duelling: When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no weapon in the other hand, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
** Great Weapon Fighting: When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack with a [[Two-handed_Weapons|Two-Handed]] melee weapon, that die is rerolled once.
** Protection: When you have a shield, impose [[Disadvantage]] on an enemy who attacks one of your allies when you are within 5ft. You must be able to see the enemy. (This is a [[Reaction]]. Toggle a reaction during your turn. It will automatically execute when needed.)

* [[File:2 Level 1 Spell Slots.png|frameless|35px]] '''Level 1 [[Spell#Spell_Slots|Spell Slots]] Unlocked: 2''' ''(You gain two Level 1 Spell Slots.)''
{{Level header|7}}
*Choose a number of Prepared Spells = {{C|2 (current Paladin level) + [[Charisma]] Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell.)''
* New Spells:
** [[File:Bless Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Bless]] [[Bless]]
** [[File:Command Halt.png|frameless|35px|link=Command (Halt)]] [[Command (Halt)|Command]]
** [[File:Compelled Duel Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Compelled Duel]] [[Compelled Duel]]
** [[File:Cure Wounds Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Cure Wounds]] [[Cure Wounds]]
** [[File:Divine Favour Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Divine Favour]] [[Divine Favour]]
** [[File:Heroism Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Heroism]] [[Heroism]]
** [[File:Protection From Evil And Good.png|frameless|35px|link=Protection from Evil and Good]] [[Protection from Evil and Good]]
** [[File:Shield Of Faith Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Shield of Faith]] [[Shield of Faith]]
** [[File:Searing Smite Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Searing Smite]] [[Searing Smite]]
** [[File:Thunderous Smite Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Thunderous Smite]] [[Thunderous Smite]]
** [[File:Wrathful Smite Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Wrathful Smite]] [[Wrathful Smite]]

=== Level 3 ===
; {{SpellSlot|2|3}} Level 2 Spell Slots Unlocked&colon; 3
: You gain an additional Level 2 Spell Slot.
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
: Choose a number of Spells = {{InfoBlob|7 (Paladin Level) + {{Ability|Charisma}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell.)''

* Divine Health: The divine magic flowing within you prevents disease from affecting you.
* [[File:3 Level 1 Spell Slots.png|frameless|35px]] '''Level 1 [[Spell#Spell_Slots|Spell Slots]] Unlocked: 3''' ''(You gain an additional Level 1 Spell Slot.)''
*Choose a number of Prepared Spells = {{C|3 (current Paladin level) + [[Charisma]] Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell.)''
** Spells: No new spells at this level, aside from those granted by your subclass

* '''Subclass Features:'''
==== Subclass features ====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: top; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: top; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
! style="width: 250px;" | Oath of the Ancients
! style="width: 250px;" | [[Oath of the Ancients]]
! style="width: 250px;" | Oath of Devotion
! style="width: 250px;" | [[Oath of Devotion]]
! style="width: 250px;" | Oathbreaker
! style="width: 250px;" | [[Oath of Vengeance]]
! style="width: 250px;" | [[Oath of the Crown]]
! style="width: 250px;" | [[Oathbreaker]]
{{LgSAI|Aura of Warding}}
Channel Oath Abilities:
{{LgSAI|Aura of Devotion}}
*[[File:Natures Wrath Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Nature's Wrath]] [[Nature's Wrath]]
*[[File:Turn the Faithless Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Turn the Faithless]] [[Turn the Faithless]]
{{LgSAI|Relentless Avenger}}
Spells (Always Prepared):
* [[File:Speak With Animals.png|frameless|35px|link=Speak with Animals]] [[Speak with Animals]]
{{LgSAI|Divine Allegiance}}
* [[File:Ensnaring Strike Ranged Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Ensnaring Strike (Ranged)]] [[Ensnaring Strike (Ranged)|Ensnaring Strike]]
Channel Oath Abilities:
*[[File:Sacred Weapon Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Sacred Weapon]] [[Sacred Weapon]]
*[[File:Turn the Unholy Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Turn the Unholy]] [[Turn the Unholy]]
Spells (Always Prepared):
* [[File:Protection From Evil And Good.png|frameless|35px|link=Protection from Evil and Good]] [[Protection from Evil and Good]]
* [[File:Sanctuary Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Sanctuary]] [[Sanctuary]]
Channel Oath Abilities:
{{LgSAI|Aura of Hate}}
*[[File:Control Undead Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Control Undead]] [[Control Undead]]
*[[File:Dreadful Aspect Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Dreadful Aspect]] [[Dreadful Aspect]]
Spells (Always Prepared):
* [[File:Hellish Rebuke Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Hellish Rebuke]] [[Hellish Rebuke]]
* [[File:Inflict Wounds Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Inflict Wounds]] [[Inflict Wounds]]

=== Level 4 ===
{{Level header|8}}

* '''Ability Score Improvement or Feat (Choose 1):'''
* Choose a [[Feat]].
** Improve an [[Character Creation#Ability Scores|Ability Score]] by 2 or improve two Ability Scores by 1 (Ability Scores can not be higher than 20 using this feature).
** Choose a [[Character Abilities#Feats|Feat]].
* [[File:Lay on Hands Resource Icon.png|frameless|35px]] [[Lay on Hands]] Charges: 4 ''(You gain +1 Lay on Hands Charge.)''
*Choose a number of Prepared Spells = {{C|4 (current Paladin level) + [[Charisma]] Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell.)''
** Spells: No new spells at this level

=== Level 5 ===

*[[Proficiency Bonus]]: +3 ''(You gain +1 to your Proficiency Bonus.)''
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
*[[Extra Attack]]: Can make an additional free attack after making an unarmed or weapon attack.
: Choose a number of Spells = {{InfoBlob|8 (Paladin Level) + {{Ability|Charisma}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell.)''
* [[File:4 Level 1 Spell Slots.png|frameless|35px]] '''Level 1 [[Spell#Spell_Slots|Spell Slots]] Unlocked: 4''' ''(You gain an additional Level 1 Spell Slot.)''
* [[File:2 Level 2 Spell Slots.png|frameless|35px]] '''Level 2 [[Spell#Spell_Slots|Spell Slots]] Unlocked: 2''' ''(You gain two Level 2 Spell Slots.)''
*Choose a number of Prepared Spells = {{C|5 (current Paladin level) + [[Charisma]] Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell.)''
* New Spells:
** [[File:Aid Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Aid]] [[Aid]]
** [[File:Lesser Restoration Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Lesser Restoration]] [[Lesser Restoration]]
** [[File:Magic Weapon Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Magic Weapon]] [[Magic Weapon]]
** [[File:Protection from Poison Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Protection from Poison]] [[Protection from Poison]]
** [[File:Branding Smite (Melee) Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Branding Smite]] [[Branding Smite]]

* '''Subclass Features:'''
{{Level header|9}}
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: top; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
; {{SpellSlot|3|2}} Level 3 Spell Slots Unlocked&colon; 2
! style="width: 250px;" | Oath of the Ancients
: You gain two Level 3 Spell Slots.
! style="width: 250px;" | Oath of Devotion
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
! style="width: 250px;" | Oathbreaker
: Choose a number of Spells = {{InfoBlob|9 (Paladin Level) + {{Ability|Charisma}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell.)''
Spells (Always Prepared):
* [[File:Misty Step Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Misty Step]] [[Misty Step]]
; New 3rd Level Spells
* [[File:Moonbeam Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Moonbeam]] [[Moonbeam]]
{{div col | style = column-width: 20em; list-style-type: none;}}
* {{SAI|Warden of Vitality}}
Spells (Always Prepared):
* {{SAI|Blinding Smite}}
* [[File:Lesser Restoration Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Lesser Restoration]] [[Lesser Restoration]]
* {{SAI|Crusader's Mantle|c=16}}
* [[File:Silence Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Silence]] [[Silence]]
* {{SAI|Daylight}}
* {{SAI|Elemental Weapon|c=16}}
* {{SAI|Remove Curse}}
* {{SAI|Revivify}}
{{div col end}}
==== Oath Spells (always prepared) ====
; [[Oath of the Ancients]]
: {{SAI|Protection from Energy|c=16}}*
: {{SAI|Plant Growth}}*
; [[Oath of Devotion]]
: {{SAI|Remove Curse}}
: {{SAI|Beacon of Hope|c=16}}*
; [[Oath of Vengeance]]
: {{SAI|Haste|c=16}}*
: {{SAI|Protection from Energy|c=16}}*
; [[Oath of the Crown]]
: {{SAI|Spirit Guardians|c=16}}*
: {{SAI|Crusader's Mantle|c=16}}
Spells (Always Prepared):
; [[Oathbreaker]]
* [[File:Crown of Madness Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Darkness]] [[Crown of Madness]]
: {{SAI|Bestow Curse|c=16}}*
* [[File:Darkness Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Darkness]] [[Darkness]]
: {{SAI|Animate Dead}}*
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Denotes a spell not otherwise part of the Paladin spell list.
{{Level header|10}}
; {{Resource|layonh|forceplural=yes}}&colon; 5
: You gain +1 Lay on Hands Charge.
{{Spell action|Aura of Courage}}

; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
: Choose a number of Spells = {{InfoBlob|10 (Paladin Level) + {{Ability|Charisma}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell.)''
{{Level header|11}}
{{Passive|Improved Divine Smite}}
; {{SpellSlot|3|3}} Level 3 Spell Slots Unlocked&colon; 3
: You gain one Level 3 Spell Slot.
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
: Choose a number of Spells''' = {{InfoBlob|11 (Paladin Level) + {{Ability|Charisma}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell.)''
{{Level header|12}}
* Choose a [[Feat]].
; [[File:Prepared Spells Icon.webp|24px]] Prepared Spells
: Choose a number of Spells = {{InfoBlob|12 (Paladin Level) + {{Ability|Charisma}} Modifier}} ''(Minimum of 1 spell.)''
== Notable paladins ==
* {{MdCharLink|Minthara}}
* {{MdCharLink|Anders}}
* {{MdCharLink|Aylin}}
* {{MdCharLink|Devella Fountainhead}}
* {{MdCharLink|Ketheric Thorm}}
* {{MdCharLink|Oathbreaker Knight}}
* {{MdCharLink|Zevlor}}
== See also ==
*[[:Category:Paladins|List of all Paladins]]

== Paladin Spell List ==
== External links ==
* {{FRWiki|Paladin|long}}

{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
! style="width: 200pt;" | 1st Level Spells
{{Character creation|state=collapsed}}
! style="width: 180pt;" | 2nd Level Spells
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* [[File:Bless Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Bless]] [[Bless]]
* [[File:Command Halt.png|frameless|35px|link=Command (Halt)]] [[Command (Halt)|Command]]
* [[File:Compelled Duel Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Compelled Duel]] [[Compelled Duel]]
* [[File:Cure Wounds Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Cure Wounds]] [[Cure Wounds]]
* [[File:Divine Favour Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Divine Favour]] [[Divine Favour]]
* [[File:Heroism Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Heroism]] [[Heroism]]
* [[File:Protection From Evil And Good.png|frameless|35px|link=Protection from Evil and Good]] [[Protection from Evil and Good]]
* [[File:Shield Of Faith Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Shield of Faith]] [[Shield of Faith]]
* [[File:Searing Smite Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Searing Smite]] [[Searing Smite]]
* [[File:Thunderous Smite Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Thunderous Smite]] [[Thunderous Smite]]
* [[File:Wrathful Smite Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Wrathful Smite]] [[Wrathful Smite]]
Ancients only:
* [[File:Speak With Animals.png|frameless|35px|link=Speak with Animals]] [[Speak with Animals]]
* [[File:Ensnaring Strike Ranged Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Ensnaring Strike (Ranged)]] [[Ensnaring Strike (Ranged)|Ensnaring Strike]]
Devotion only:
* [[File:Sanctuary Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Sanctuary]] [[Sanctuary]]
Oathbreaker only:
* [[File:Hellish Rebuke Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Hellish Rebuke]] [[Hellish Rebuke]]
* [[File:Inflict Wounds Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Inflict Wounds]] [[Inflict Wounds]]
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
* [[File:Aid Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Aid]] [[Aid]]
* [[File:Lesser Restoration Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Lesser Restoration]] [[Lesser Restoration]]
* [[File:Magic Weapon Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Magic Weapon]] [[Magic Weapon]]
* [[File:Protection from Poison Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Protection from Poison]] [[Protection from Poison]]
* [[File:Branding Smite (Melee) Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Branding Smite]] [[Branding Smite]]
Ancients only:
* [[File:Misty Step Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Misty Step]] [[Misty Step]]
* [[File:Moonbeam Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Moonbeam]] [[Moonbeam]]
Devotion only:
* [[File:Silence Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Silence]] [[Silence]]
Oathbreaker only:
* [[File:Crown of Madness Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Darkness]] [[Crown of Madness]]
* [[File:Darkness Icon.png|frameless|35px|link=Darkness]] [[Darkness]]

Latest revision as of 18:20, 3 March 2025

Paladin is a character Class in Baldur's Gate 3.

Overview[edit | edit source]

Paladins are masters of a variety of weapons and armour. They channel the power of their sacred oath to heal the sick and injured and to smite their foes. Important Ability Scores for Paladins include Strength (or Dexterity), Charisma, and Constitution.

Subclasses[edit | edit source]

The Paladin subclasses are:

Class Progression[edit | edit source]

Paladin Class Progression Spell Slots per Spell Level
Level Proficiency Bonus Features  Lay on Hands Charges 1st 2nd 3rd
1st +2 Divine Sense Divine Sense, Lay on Hands Lay on Hands, Channel Oath, #Level 1 Choose a subclass 3 - - -
2nd Fighting Style Fighting Style, #Level 2 Spellcasting, Divine Smite Divine Smite 2 - -
3rd Divine Health Divine Health, #Level 7 Subclass Feature 3 - -
4th Feat Feat 4 3 - -
5th +3 Extra Attack Extra Attack 4 2 -
6th Aura of Protection Aura of Protection 4 2 -
7th #Level 7 Subclass Feature 4 3 -
8th Feat Feat 4 3 -
9th +4 #Level 9 Subclass Feature 4 3 2
10th Aura of Courage Aura of Courage 5 4 3 2
11th Improved Divine Smite Improved Divine Smite 4 3 3
12th Feat Feat 4 3 3

Note: Proficiency bonus is based on character level, not class level. It is included in the table for convenience.

Class information[edit | edit source]

Attributes[edit | edit source]

Paladin's default armour
Hit points
At level 1: 10 + Constitution Constitution modifier
On level up: 6 + Constitution Constitution modifier
Key abilities
Strength Strength or Dexterity Dexterity for physical attacks
Charisma Charisma for Spells, Aura and Channel Oath Abilities
Constitution Constitution for Hit Points and Concentration Concentration Checks.
Spellcasting Ability
Charisma Charisma

Paladins are primarily martial fighters; they gain Spell Slots at 1/2 the rate of a full spellcaster.

Prepared Spells Icon.webp Prepared Spells
For a list of spells available to the Paladin, see: List of Paladin spells.
You may swap your Prepared Spells at any time while out of combat, but can only have a certain number of Spells prepared at a time. The Spells must be of a level for which you have Spell Slots.
Number of Prepared Spells = Paladin Level + Charisma Charisma Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell).

Starting Proficiencies[edit | edit source]

Saving throw proficiencies
Wisdom Wisdom, Charisma Charisma
Equipment proficiencies
Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Light armour Light armour, Medium armour Medium armour, Heavy armour Heavy armour
Shields Shields
Skills with proficiency (Choose 2)
Athletics Athletics, Insight Insight, Intimidation Intimidation, Medicine Medicine, Persuasion Persuasion, Religion Religion
You receive a bonus to every Skill that you are Proficient in. At character level 1 the Proficiency Bonus is +2.
Starting Equipment
Warhammer, Javelin x2, Scale Mail of the Ancients or Scale Mail of Devotion or Scale Mail of Vengeance, Leather Boots, a book called Paladin Oaths and their Tenets

Multiclass Proficiencies[edit | edit source]

Equipment proficiencies
Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Light armour Light armour, Medium armour Medium armour
Shields Shields

Oaths and Oathbreaking[edit | edit source]

Keeping Your Oath[edit | edit source]

Your choice of subclass during Character Creation determines the Oath you have taken. See Oath of the Ancients, Oath of Devotion or Oath of Vengeance for the full text of each Oath. The basic tenets can also be found embroidered on your starting Armour.

As a Paladin, you must constantly adhere to the tenets of your Oath or you will lose the power it grants you. Taking any action that breaks your Oath will summon the Oathbreaker Knight and temporarily prevent you from using your Channel Oath abilities. (Other Paladin class features and always-prepared Oath spells will still be available.)

Each subclass has different actions that will cause its oath to be broken. Here are some examples (see each subclass's individual wiki page for a more complete list):

  • Oath of the Ancients: Killing a non-aggressive animal, raising the dead, or (in some cases) choosing an "Attack" dialogue option when more peaceful options are available.
  • Oath of Devotion: Attacking a non-hostile creature, refusing to defend someone who is obviously in need of aid, or deceiving your enemies (e.g. negotiating a peaceful resolution and then attacking anyway).
  • Oath of Vengeance: Convincing someone not to take revenge on their transgressor, letting the guilty go without punishment, betraying those who were in need of vengeance and siding with their oppressor.

Becoming an Oathbreaker[edit | edit source]

*A spasm grips your chest. Your strength falters. An emptiness grows within you, Paladin. Something has been lost.*

Unlike the other Paladin subclasses, the Oathbreaker subclass is not available during Character Creation. Once you have taken an action that breaks your Oath, the Oathbreaker Knight will appear before you and let you know he will be waiting in your Camp. Speak with him to learn about Oathbreaking and, if you so desire, unlock the Oathbreaker subclass. This replaces the Channel Oath abilities and Spells from your previous Oath with new abilities and Spells available only to Oathbreaker.

Withers will not respec a Paladin with the Oathbreaker subclass. Restoring the original Oath (see below) will enable the respec service again.

Restoring your Oath[edit | edit source]

If you broke your Oath by accident or otherwise wish to re-dedicate yourself to your Oath, speak to the Oathbreaker Knight in your Camp. He will offer to restore your Oath for a fee of 1000gp. This will allow you to once again use your Channel Oath abilities. However, should you break your oath again, the cost to restore your oath will increase to 2000gp. If you break your oath a third time, the price will increase to 10000gp. It stays at 10000gp for each subsequent oath restoration after the third one.

Level progression[edit | edit source]

Through experience, you acquire new power. You gain the following traits.

Level 1

 Lay on Hands Charges: 3
Recharge: Long rest
 Channel Oath Charges: 1
Recharge: Short rest
Bg3 content hr.png
Divine Sense Divine Sense ()
Tap into your spiritual awareness to gain Advantage Icon.png Advantage on Attack Rolls against celestials, fiends, and undead. ( Recharge: Short rest.)
Bg3 content hr.png
Lay on Hands Lay on Hands ( + )
Use your blessed touch to heal a creature or cure it of all diseases and poisons.

Select a subclass[edit | edit source]

Healing Radiance Healing Radiance

Holy Rebuke Holy Rebuke

Inquisitor's Might Inquisitor's Might

Righteous Clarity Righteous Clarity

Spiteful Suffering Spiteful Suffering

Level 2

Divine Smite Divine Smite ( + )
Your weapon deals an additional 2d8Damage TypesRadiantDRS damage, increased by 1d8Damage TypesRadiant damage when attacking Fiends or Undead.
Bg3 content hr.png
Fighting Style
Choose a fighting style:
Defence Defence
You gain a +1 bonus to Armour Class Armour Class while wearing Armour.
Duelling Duelling
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand, and no weapon in the other, you deal an additional 2 damage with that weapon.
Great Weapon Fighting Great Weapon Fighting
When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack with a Two-Handed melee weapon, that die is rerolled once.
Protection Protection
When you have a Shield, impose Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage on an enemy who attacks one of your allies when you are within 1.5 m / 5 ft. You must be able to see the enemy.
Bg3 content hr.png
2 Level 1 Spell Slots.png Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked: 2
You gain two Level 1 Spell Slots.
Prepared Spells Icon.webp Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells = 2 (Paladin Level) + Charisma Charisma Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell.)
Bg3 content hr.png
New 1st Level Spells

Level 3

Divine Health Divine Health
The divine magic flowing within you prevents disease from affecting you.
Bg3 content hr.png
3 Level 1 Spell Slots.png Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked: 3
You gain an additional Level 1 Spell Slot.
Prepared Spells Icon.webp Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells = 3 (Paladin Level) + Charisma Charisma Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell.)
Bg3 content hr.png

Subclass features[edit | edit source]

Oath Channel Oath abilities Oath Spells (always prepared)
Oath of the Ancients Oath of the Ancients
Oath of Devotion Oath of Devotion
Oath of Vengeance Oath of Vengeance
Oath of the Crown Oath of the Crown
Oathbreaker Oathbreaker

*Denotes a spell not otherwise part of the Paladin spell list.

Level 4

 Lay on Hands Charges: 4
You gain +1 Lay on Hands Charge.
Bg3 content hr.png
Prepared Spells Icon.webp Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells = 4 (Paladin Level) + Charisma Charisma Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell.)
Bg3 content hr.png

Level 5

Extra Attack Extra Attack
You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Bg3 content hr.png
4 Level 1 Spell Slots.png Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked: 4
You gain an additional Level 1 Spell Slot.
2 Level 2 Spell Slots.png Level 2 Spell Slots Unlocked: 2
You gain two Level 2 Spell Slots.
Prepared Spells Icon.webp Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells = 5 (Paladin Level) + Charisma Charisma Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell.)
Bg3 content hr.png
New 2nd Level Spells
Bg3 content hr.png

Oath Spells (always prepared)[edit | edit source]

*Denotes a spell not otherwise part of the Paladin spell list.

Level 6

Aura of Protection Aura of Protection
You and nearby allies gain a bonus to Saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier.
Bg3 content hr.png
Prepared Spells Icon.webp Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells = 6 (Paladin Level) + Charisma Charisma Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell.)

Level 7

3 Level 2 Spell Slots.png Level 2 Spell Slots Unlocked: 3
You gain an additional Level 2 Spell Slot.
Prepared Spells Icon.webp Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells = 7 (Paladin Level) + Charisma Charisma Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell.)
Bg3 content hr.png

Subclass features[edit | edit source]

Oath of the Ancients Oath of Devotion Oath of Vengeance Oath of the Crown Oathbreaker

Aura of Warding Aura of Warding

Aura of Devotion Aura of Devotion

Relentless Avenger Relentless Avenger

Divine Allegiance Divine Allegiance

Aura of Hate Aura of Hate

Level 8

Bg3 content hr.png
Prepared Spells Icon.webp Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells = 8 (Paladin Level) + Charisma Charisma Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell.)

Level 9

2 Level 3 Spell Slots.png Level 3 Spell Slots Unlocked: 2
You gain two Level 3 Spell Slots.
Prepared Spells Icon.webp Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells = 9 (Paladin Level) + Charisma Charisma Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell.)
Bg3 content hr.png
New 3rd Level Spells
Bg3 content hr.png

Oath Spells (always prepared)[edit | edit source]

*Denotes a spell not otherwise part of the Paladin spell list.

Level 10

 Lay on Hands Charges: 5
You gain +1 Lay on Hands Charge.
Bg3 content hr.png
Aura of Courage Aura of Courage
You and any nearby allies can't be Frightened Frightened. The aura disappears if you fall Unconscious.
Bg3 content hr.png
Prepared Spells Icon.webp Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells = 10 (Paladin Level) + Charisma Charisma Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell.)

Level 11

Improved Divine Smite Improved Divine Smite
Your attacks are suffused with divine might. Melee weapon attacks deal an additional 1d8Damage TypesRadiant damage.
Bg3 content hr.png
3 Level 3 Spell Slots.png Level 3 Spell Slots Unlocked: 3
You gain one Level 3 Spell Slot.
Prepared Spells Icon.webp Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells = 11 (Paladin Level) + Charisma Charisma Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell.)

Level 12

Bg3 content hr.png
Prepared Spells Icon.webp Prepared Spells
Choose a number of Spells = 12 (Paladin Level) + Charisma Charisma Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell.)

Notable paladins[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]