Feat |
Ability Improvement |
Note: While technically not a Feat, Ability Improvement is offered within the Feat Selection menu.
Actor |
- Your Charisma increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
- Your Proficiency Bonus is also doubled for Deception and Performance checks.
Alert |
- You gain a +5 bonus to Initiative and can't be Surprised.
Athlete |
- Your Strength or Dexterity increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
- When you are Prone, standing up uses significantly less movement. Your jump distance also increases by 50%.
Crossbow Expert |
Defensive Duellist |
Dual Wielder |
- You can use two-weapon fighting even if your weapons aren't Light, and you gain a +1 bonus to
Armour Class while wielding a melee weapon in each hand. You cannot dual-wield Heavy weapons.
Dungeon Delver |
Great Weapon Master |
- When an attack with a Melee Weapon lands a Critical Hit or kills a creature, you can make another Melee Weapon Attack as a Bonus Action that turn.
- When attacking with Heavy Melee Weapons you are Proficient with, Attack Rolls take a -5 penalty, but their damage increases by 10.
Heavily Armoured |
(Requires Medium Armour Proficiency)
Heavy Armour Master |
(Requires Heavy Armour Proficiency)
- Increase your Strength by 1, to a maximum of 20.
- Incoming damage from non-magical attacks also decreases by 3 while you're wearing heavy armour.
Moderately Armoured |
(Requires Light Armour Proficiency)
Lightly Armoured |
Mage Slayer
- When a creature casts a spell in melee range, you can use a Reaction to make an attack against them.
- Enemies you hit have disadvantage on
Concentration Saving Throws.
Magic Initiate: Bard |
Magic Initiate: Cleric |
Magic Initiate: Druid |
Magic Initiate: Sorcerer |
Magic Initiate: Warlock |
Magic Initiate: Wizard |
Martial Adept |
- Learn two manoeuvres from the Battle Master archetype and receive 1 (additional) Superiority Die to fuel them.
- You regain expended Superiority Dice after a Short or Long Rest.
Mobile |
- Your Movement Speed increases by 3m / 10ft.
- When you use the Dash action, difficult terrain doesn't slow you down.
- If you move after making a melee attack, you don't provoke an Opportunity Attack from that target.
Polearm Master |
- When attacking with a glaive, halberd, quarterstaff, or spear, you can use a bonus action to attack with the butt of your weapon.
- You can also make an Opportunity Attack when a target comes within range.
Performer |
Ritual Caster |
- You learn two ritual spells of your choice.
Savage Attacker
- When making weapon attacks, damage is rolled twice and the higher number is used.
- When an enemy in melee range attacks an ally, you can use a reaction to make a weapon attack against that enemy.
- You gain
Advantage on Opportunity Attacks. Creatures hit by you with an Opportunity Attack can no longer move for the rest of their turn.
- Ranged weapon attacks are not penalized for High Ground Rules.
- Ranged weapon attacks with proficient weapons have a -5 penalty to attack, but deal an additional 10 damage.
Shield Master |
- Gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity Saving Throws when wielding a Shield.
- If a spell forces you to make a Dexterity Saving Throw, you can use your Reaction to shield yourself and diminish the effect's damage.
- On a failed save, you only take half damage.
- On a successful save, you don't take any damage, even if you normally would.
Skilled |
Spell Sniper |
- You learn a cantrip, and the number you need to roll a Critical Hit while attacking with a spell is reduced by 1. This effect can stack.
Tavern Brawler
- Add your Strength modifier twice to the damage of all unarmed, improvised weapon, and throw attacks
Tough |
- Hit Point maximum increased by 2 for each level.
War Caster |
Weapon Master |