Revision as of 05:37, 14 July 2023 by Phantomsplit(talk | contribs)(→Level 1: Urban Tracker description said it granted Disguise Kit and Thieves Tools Proficiency. Corrected to Sleight of Hand.)
Rangers are unrivalled scouts and trackers, honing a deep connection with nature in order to hunt their favoured prey.
Ranger is a character Class in Baldur's Gate 3. In tune with nature and their surroundings, Rangers utilize both their knowledge of the wilds and spellcasting to pursue their prey. Important Ability Scores for Rangers include Dexterity (or Strength), Constitution, and Wisdom.
You receive a bonus to every Skill that you are Proficient in. This bonus increases as you gain levels in your Class and applies to all Checks for those Skills.
You specialise in hunting creatures from other planes of existence. You gain Proficiency in Arcana and can grant protection against aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead.
You have a history of battling spellcasters. Gain Proficiency with Arcana and the True Strike Cantrip, which gives you Advantage on Attack Rolls against a creature. Wisdom is your Spellcasting Ability for this spell.
You swore to hunt the enemies of a holy or druidic order. Gain Proficiency with Religion and the Sacred Flame Cantrip, which deals 1d8Radiant damage. Wisdom is your Spellcasting Ability for the Cantrip.
Duelling: When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no weapon in the other hand, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon, increasing your chance to do heavy damage.
Two-Weapon Fighting: When you make an offhand attack, you can add your Ability Score Modifier to the damage of the attack.
Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked: 2(You gain two Level 1 Spell Slots.)