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Investigate the House of Grief

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Investigate the House of Grief is a quest in Act Three of Baldur's Gate 3. It can be started by speaking with Arves Arves in the Lower City.

Objectives[edit | edit source]

Investigate the House of Grief.
  • We found a very disoriented merchant called Arves loitering outside a building. We should find out what happened to him. Maybe they'll have answers inside.
Learn more about the House of Grief.
  • We entered a strange establishment called the House of Grief that cures people of their grief through a process called 'Unburdening'. It seems suspicious. We should investigate.
  • We learned about the unique services offered by the House of Grief. Perhaps they're what disoriented the merchant outside.
Find a way into the back room in the House of Grief.
  • We tried to enter a room in the back of the House of Grief but a guard stopped us. Maybe there's a way to gain entry.
Complete the Mapping of the Heart.
  • We have agreed to partake in the first stage of the Unburdening - the 'Mapping of the Heart'. It's in the back room.
Investigate the back room in the House of Grief.
  • We made it into the back room. We should have a look around.
Talk to Viconia.
  • We learned that Viconia DeVir is running the House of Grief. She wishes to speak to us beneath the building. We should follow the passageway.
Uncover the secret beneath the House of Grief.
  • We stumbled into a strange establishment with secrets beneath its surface. We need to investigate further.
Surrender Shadowheart to Viconia.
  • We agreed to surrender Shadowheart to Viconia in exchange for Viconia's support in the fight against the Absolute. We should bring Shadowheart to her.
Fight Viconia and her Sharran cult.
  • We decided to attack Viconia. Let this be her end.
  • Viconia wanted us to give her the Astral Prism. When we refused, she decided to take it by force. We need to defend ourselves.
Quest Complete
  • We made a deal with Viconia. She will support us in the fight against the Absolute.
  • We defeated Viconia and her Sharran cultists. The people of Baldur's Gate are now safe from her schemes.
  • We were unable to get to the bottom of the House of Grief's goings on. We must press on.

Walkthrough[edit | edit source]

A Wandering Merchant[edit | edit source]

In the northwestern corner of the Lower City, west of the Baldur's Gate waypoint (across the bridge), is a confused merchant named Arves (X:-252, Y:-2). The man appears dazed, and is fixated on a squirrel in a tree. Probing further causes the party to learn that the man's memories have been tampered with. The party can choose to study the man's appearance (Investigation DC 10) to note that he appears to be a man of means, possibly a junior council member. Arves will ask the party if they know where he lives, to which the party can say that they don't or that they doubt he's even from around here. If asked what he does remember, he states that he only knows he was very sad but that he isn't anymore.

Mirie believes the House of Grief can help the party.

Up the stairs from Arves is the House of Grief. Mirie is at the front desk, where she welcomes the party. She asks if the party is here to be unburdened and that she senses a deep sadness within them. The party can agree, to which she will charge a 1000 gold fee. Shadowheart Shadowheart's presence in the party will waive the fee entirely. Mirie will unlock the door to the backroom and tell the party to sit on the bench.

Mapping of the Heart[edit | edit source]

The Mapping of the Heart begins once the bench is sat on. An Inquirer of Grief will appear and begin asking questions. With a successful Perception check, the party can realize the Inquirer is using Detect Thoughts Detect Thoughts to probe through their thoughts. Selecting "Drop the act. You're not here to help - you're trying to dig around in my thoughts." will end the Mapping prematurely. If the party continues to answer the questions, they will be diagnosed with either a Craven Heart Craven Heart, False Heart False Heart, Jealous Heart Jealous Heart, Melancholy Heart Melancholy Heart, Prying Heart Prying Heart, or Violent Heart Violent Heart.

After the Mapping, the Inquirer lowers her hood and reveals herself to be Viconia DeVir Viconia DeVir, the Mother Superior of the Shar Shar enclave. She wants to speak to the party further, so she invites them to enter a hidden door in the room to talk further in the building.

If Shadowheart is in the party and sits on the bench, Viconia will forego the Mapping and simply reveal herself, telling Shadowheart she has much to discuss. Shadowheart's always will be diagnosed with a Wayward Heart Wayward Heart.

Speaking to Viconia[edit | edit source]

Viconia in the heart of the House of Grief.

Entering the hidden door will transport the party to the Cloister of Sombre Embrace. Deep in the heart of the cloister is Viconia, with a group of Sharran cultists. She explains that she knows the party has the artefact in their possession and that she needs it to destroy the Absolute. Viconia initially attempts to negotiate in a way which keeps blades sheathed:

  • All right, you wish to negotiate? Make me an offer then.
  • As far as the artefact is concerned, there's nothing to discuss.
  • Attack
  • Turn to leave.

Selecting the first option has Viconia demanding the artefact in exchange for the party's lives. The party can counter:

  • Shar will allow you to make such an offer?
  • This must be truly important, if Shar would allow you to make such an offer. Why do you want it?
  • [INTIMIDATION] Not happening. Even if I wanted to give it to you, I can't. The artefact is bound to me. It will kill you. (DC 20)
  • [PERSUASION] The artefact alone can't save you. Best if we unite against a common enemy - the Absolute. (DC 20)
  • Attack.

If the Intimidation or Persuasion checks are passed, then Viconia will relent. However, she demands that Shadowheart be handed over. The party can either agree, which will start Surrender Shadowheart to Viconia Surrender Shadowheart to Viconia, or refuse, which starts a fight. Defeating Viconia or giving Shadowheart over to her resolves the quest. If Shadowheart has left the party permanently (and is considered dead), Viconia will complain that it should be her who killed Shadowheart, attacking the party, unless they succeed on a DC 30 Persuasion check.

Quest Rewards[edit | edit source]

  • If Shadowheart is given over to Viconia, then Viconia and the Sharrans are enlisted as allies in Gather Your Allies Gather Your Allies.
  • If Shadowheart had become a Dark Justiciar of Shar, she can replace Viconia as the Mother Superior. Then the same support in Gather Your Allies will be provided by Shadowheart instead.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • This quest heavily intersects with Shadowheart's personal quest, Daughter of Darkness Daughter of Darkness, it is highly encouraged to bring Shadowheart along for unique dialogue and interactions.
  • Jaheira Jaheira and / or Minsc Minsc will have special interactions with Viconia if they are in the party when meeting her.
    • In the room where the Mapping of the Heart takes place, they will comment on the reunion.
    • If Viconia is defeated in combat at the Sharran Cloister and is spoken to, Jaheira / Minsc will tell her directly on how she lost her way.
    • Choosing to spare Viconia earns approval with Jaheira.