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Kill Raphael's Old Enemy

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Kill Raphael's Old Enemy is a Quest in Act Two of Baldur's Gate 3. It can be started by speaking with Raphael Raphael near the entrance to the Grand Mausoleum.

Objectives[edit | edit source]

Objectives and journal entries may vary pending story decisions and outcomes.

Deal with Raphael's Old Enemy
  • Raphael told us of a nemesis of his who lurks in the depths beneath the mausoleum. Evidently we should try to deal with this old enemy.
  • We discovered signs of destruction throughout the temple. We can likely follow the trail of carnage to Raphael's old acquaintance.
  • We encountered Raphael's old enemy - an orthon named Yurgir.
  • The orthon revealed the details of his contract with Raphael - he can only leave the temple once he has killed the last Sharran in residence.
Quest Complete
  • We slew the orthon.
  • We convinced the orthon of another way to escape the temple - by killing himself and returning to the Nine Hells.
  • We moved on before meeting Raphael's old enemy.
  • We helped the orthon break free from his contract - but it seems that Raphael had already planned for the outcome.

Walkthrough[edit | edit source]

Raphael is waiting for the party near the entrance to the Grand Mausoleum at X: -191 Y: 112. The Mausoleum is northeast of the House of Healing. He immediately strikes up a conversation, explaining that a dangerous creature lurks below the Mausoleum. Raphael couches his words in poetics, but eventually spits out that the creature is an enemy of his and he wants him dead. If Astarion Astarion is in the party when Raphael appears, then he makes a deal with Raphael to tell him about his scars in exchange for killing the demon. This occurs regardless of if Astarion has confided in the party about his scars. Raphael impresses upon the party how dangerous the creature is and, if Karlach is in the party, confirms that the creature is an orthon. Then he disappears, leaving the party to move forward into the Mausoleum.

The purple glyphs reveal a path to the umbral gem.

On entering the Mausoleum after being accosted by Raphael, there is a small puzzle to proceed forward. There are three paintings with buttons underneath them, the party must press them in the following order to open the way: Moonrise Towers, Grief, General. Then the party must move north using the traversal gem to enter the Gauntlet of Shar.

Once inside, the orthon, Yurgir Yurgir, is on the eastern end of the Gauntlet at X: -658 Y: -754. Yurgir is prepared to take the party down, smelling Raphael on them, and the party can attack in response or try to make a deal with him.

Choosing "Put that thing down. I'm here to talk" starts the negotiations. Then the party must choose "Wait - you know Raphael?" when Yurgir mention's Raphael's scent being on them. After this, selecting "I've had dealings with that devil. Maybe we can help each other." lets Yurgir explain that he is not physically trapped by the Gauntlet, but trapped by Raphael's contract. After choosing "Let's share our experiences about Raphael. Perhaps we can help each other." Yurgir shares his contract through a poem:

Spill all the blood sworn to the night. Silence all prayers; smother each rite
Wander Shar's halls; hungry to slay; Leave no Justiciar alive to obey.
Leave none to hear it, then be set free; This song is your oath, swear, swear it to me.

From here, the party can genuinely try to help him and start Break Yurgir's Contract Break Yurgir's Contract or trick Yurgir into killing his minions and himself.

The party can try to persuade Yurgir to stand down by offering to search for the remaining Justiciar:

  • [PERSUASION] There must be something you missed. Let me search this place for you. (DC 16)
  • Wait - there's one last Dark Justiciar. I met him. (if Lyrthindor Lyrthindor already met)
  • [RANGER] [PERSUASION] Wait! You might have missed something, and I'm uniquely good at tracking things down. (DC 16 Advantage Icon.png)

Or the party can try to trick Yurgir into killing his minions and then himself if the talking party member passed a DC 14 Insight check or is a bard or warlock:

  • [PERSUASION] The lyrics are a trick. You've always had an audience - your followers. Get rid of them. (DC 16)
  • [BARD] [PERSUASION] Raphael's a sly lyricist - he tricked you. Your followers heard your song and still live. (DC 16 Advantage Icon.png)

If that does not work, Yurgir can be persuaded to kill his Displacer Beast Nessa Nessa first, and then himself:

  • [PERSUASION] You're not finished yet - the displacer can hear you, can't she? Kill her. (DC 21)
  • [RANGER] [PERSUASION] Displacer hearing is notoriously sharp. You must kill her too. (DC 21 Advantage Icon.png)
    • [PERSUASION] Exactly. Kill yourself, complete the contract, and you'll be reborn in Avernus. Free. (DC 21)
    • [BARBARIAN] [PERSUASION] Kill yourself, coward. Then you'll return to Avernus. You'll be free. (DC 21 Advantage Icon.png)
    • [BARD] [PERSUASION] My dear hunter, isn't it obvious? You must kill yourself - then you'll be free. (DC 21 Advantage Icon.png)

Or Yurgir can be persuaded to kill himself immediately, at a higher DC of 30:

  • [PERSUASION] Exactly. Kill yourself, complete the contract, and you'll be reborn in Avernus. Free. (DC 30)
  • [BARBARIAN] [PERSUASION] Kill yourself, coward. Then you'll return to Avernus. You'll be free. (DC 30 Advantage Icon.png)
  • [BARD] [PERSUASION] My dear hunter, isn't it obvious? You must kill yourself - then you'll be free. (DC 30 Advantage Icon.png)

Warlocks with a Fiend patron have a unique opportunity to suggest Yurgir kill himself right off the bat:

  • [FIEND] [PERSUASION] You always hear the song, orthon. Kill yourself, be reborn in the Hells, break the contract. (DC 21 Advantage Icon.png)

If Yurgir is attacked outright, he is joined by his Merregons and Nessa. Persuading him to start Break Yurgir's Contract Break Yurgir's Contract makes it possible to persuade Nessa to side with the party in case the fight breaks out later.

If Astarion Astarion is in the party and Raphael Raphael has offered to reveal what his scars mean, he disapproves of doing anything beyond immediately attacking Yurgir, even if the party trick him into killing his minions and himself.[1]

If the party enter Yurgir's room from a path other than moving into his room from the west below the ledge (for example, by scaling the stairs to the south of the room), and get close enough to Yurgir to trigger the perception check to notice the ambush, then Yurgir and his minions are immediately hostile with no conversation as soon as they become aware of the party.

Quest Rewards[edit | edit source]

Consequences[edit | edit source]

  • Killing Yurgir progresses Astarion's companion quest, The Pale Elf The Pale Elf.
  • Killing Yurgir (via persuasion or outright in battle) means the party must pass a DC 30 Persuasion check when encountering him later in order to convince him to join the fight for Gather Your Allies Gather Your Allies.
  • In this particular dialogue, eliminating the enemies via Persuasion grants slightly more XP than killing them normally.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Normally, Astarion Astarion vehemently disapproves of any action where Raphael Raphael has offered to reveal the meaning behind his scars but may do so not if the deal to kill Yurgir Yurgir is not fulfilled (for example, if Yurgir kills himself). However if Raphael never offers the deal, Astarion does not disapprove of the party striking a deal with Yurgir or convincing him to kill himself. If in the party and seeking to avoid Raphael offering the deal, Astarion must be disguised disguised when encountering Raphael at the Last Light Inn and the entrance to the Grand Mausoleum or far enough way to not be brought into these conversation cut-scenes with Raphael when they begin.