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D&D 5e spell changes

Revision as of 19:24, 30 October 2023 by (talk) (Added 4th Level Spells Table via manual cross referencing between spell descriptions here and on D&DBeyond.)
This page and related pages summarize rule changes from the implementation of Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition (D&D 5e) rules to Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3).

The rule changes described on this page and related pages are written with the assumption the reader understands the relevant D&D 5e rule. These pages will not explain what the D&D 5e rule is, only what the changed or altered BG3 rule is. These pages also include many BG3 features and abilities that are unchanged from D&D 5e to help a D&D 5e player quickly see which options have changed and which have not, and make decisions without having to do additional research. If the BG3 rule aligns with a OneD&D rule or other playtest material from D&D 5e, that is considered a rule change from D&D 5e.

There will be rapid changes to these pages at BG3's launch, so leaving relevant comments with any edits are strongly encouraged.


  • In the same turn, you can use both your action and bonus action to cast non-cantrip spells.
  • Example: Fireball Fireball (action) and Misty Step Misty Step (bonus action) can be cast during the same turn.
  • No spells have a somatic component. You can cast spells without a free hand.
  • All spells have an implicit verbal component and cannot be cast while Silenced Silenced, unless the spell description specifically mentions that it can be cast while Silenced.
  • No spells have a material component. There are no component pouches or spellcasting foci in the game.
  • To cast spells from the Bard spell list, Bards either use their equipped musical instrument or whistle. This visually acts as a spellcasting focus.
  • All spells have a casting time of a single Action, Bonus Action or Reaction. Some spells that have a longer casting time in D&D 5e have been modified so that they cannot be cast in combat.
    • Ritual Spells are always cast as a ritual, and always take their normal casting time instead of 10 minutes.
  • Combat areas tend to have a large amount of verticality, but are rather small in horizontal size. This has led to many spells having a reduced range, often 60 ft.
    • Spells with a range of Touch have been changed to a range of 5 ft.
  • All spell durations are either until taking a Long Rest, or are measured in rounds (up to 10 rounds).
    • Most spells with a duration of more than one minute in D&D 5e have been modified to last until taking a Long Rest.
  • Scrolls can be used by any character, regardless of their class, level or Intelligence score. No ability check is needed to successfully cast a scroll.
  • Cantrips get their 2nd damage increase when reaching level 10 instead of level 11, e.g. Fire Bolt Fire Bolt deals 3d10 by level 10.

Reaction Spells

When choosing whether to use a reaction spell, players have access to a lot more information than they normally would in D&D 5e. For example:

  • When choosing whether to cast a spell that can modify the result of an attack roll, you are told the result of the attack roll, the required roll needed for a hit, and whether the attack roll was a critical hit or miss.
  • When choosing whether to use an ability that can modify the result of another creature's spell, you are told the name of the spell being cast, whether or not it was upcast, the spell DC, and the result of any saving throw (if applicable).
    • No Arcana check is needed to determine the type of spell being cast.


Cantrip Changes
Spell Name Range and

Duration Changes

Other Changes
Acid Splash Acid Splash - Affects all creatures within a 7 ft radius
Blade Ward Blade Ward - While the spell's description says two turns, it is effectively until the end of the caster's next turn like in D&D 5e. This is because the spell's duration includes the turn on which it was cast.
Bone Chill Bone Chill (prev. Chill Touch) Range reduced from 120 ft to 60 ft Undead have disadvantage on all attacks for a round, not just attacks against the caster.
Dancing Lights Dancing Lights Range reduced from 120 ft to 60 ft Cannot be moved as a bonus action, can only have one light at a time which sheds bright light in a 30 ft radius.
Eldritch Blast Eldritch Blast Range reduced from 120 ft to 60 ft May cast three beams at level 10, rather than level 11.
Fire Bolt Fire Bolt Range reduced from 120 ft to 60 ft -
Friends Friends - You lose -10 reputation with whoever you cast Friends on when the spell ends in Balanced difficulty and above. This can sometimes be avoided by casting friends while under effects of Disguise Self except against Playable Origins.
Guidance Guidance - The bonus to ability checks is applied automatically until the spell ends. Using it once does not end the spell. You can cast this during mid conversation without consequences, Example: Persuading a guard who believes you are a thief, in tabletops casting guidance in front of them for the persuasion would cause them to notice and get penalized by the DM.
Light Light Duration increased from 1 hour to until Long Rest. Radius of shed light increased to 25 ft, instead of 20 ft bright and an additional 20 ft dim.
Mage Hand Mage Hand Range increased from 30 ft to 60 ft Can only be cast once per short rest. The mage hand is a summon with its own initiave, movement and actions. It can use the Shove action.
Minor Illusion Minor Illusion Range increased from 30 ft to 60 ft Requires concentration, does not break stealth to cast. The spell is limited to making a distraction which NPCs may move or turn towards to investigate.
Poison Spray Poison Spray - -
Produce Flame Produce Flame Duration increased from 10 minutes to until Long Rest. Radius of shed light increased to 30 ft, instead of 10 ft bright and an additional 10 ft dim.
Ray of Frost Ray of Frost - Can freeze a water or blood surface to become an ice surface. Hitting a target standing on such asurface will also freeze said surface and force everyone standing in it to roll a saving throw or be knocked prone.
Resistance Resistance - The bonus to saving throws is applied automatically until the spell ends. Using it once does not end the spell.
Sacred Flame Sacred Flame - -
Shillelagh Shillelagh - -
Shocking Grasp Shocking Grasp - -
Thaumaturgy Thaumaturgy Range reduced from 30 ft to self Grants advantage on Intimidation and Performance checks
Thorn Whip Thorn Whip - -
True Strike True Strike Range increased from 30 ft to 60 ft While the spell's description says two turns, it is effectively until the end of the caster's next turn like in D&D 5e. This is because the spell's duration includes the turn on which it was cast.
Vicious Mockery Vicious Mockery - The spell causes the caster to make a verbal quip which is voice acted.

First Level Spells

First Level Spell Changes
Spell Name Range and

Duration Changes

Other Changes
Animal Friendship Animal Friendship Range increased from 30 ft to 60 ft, duration reduced from 24 hrs to 1 minute Once the spell ends, the creature knows it was Charmed and might attack the spellcaster.
Armour of Agathys Armour of Agathys Duration increased from 1 hour to until Long Rest. -
Arms of Hadar Arms of Hadar - -
Bane Bane - -
Bless Bless - -
Burning Hands Burning Hands Range increased from 15 to 17 ft -
Charm Person Charm Person Range increased from 30 to 60 feet, duration reduced from 1 hr to 1 minute On Explorer and higher difficulty you will lose reputation with whoever you cast Charm Peson on when the spell ends. This can sometimes be avoided by casting Charm Person while under the effects of Disguise Self Disguise Self.
Chromatic Orb Chromatic Orb Range reduced from 90 to 60 feet The spell will only do 3d8 damage if you select thunder damage. If you choose any of the other elements it does 2d8 damage and creates a relevant surface at the target’s feet.
Colour Spray Colour Spray Range increased from 15 to 17 ft Always blinds creatures with an HP total of 33 hit points + 11 HP per upcast level. Instead of rolling the 6d10+2d10 per upcast level, though 33+11x is the average of such a roll.
Command Command - The spell's tooltip describes this as requiring Concentration, but this appears to be a typo.
Compelled Duel Compelled Duel Duration reduced from 1 minute to 3 rounds The spell does NOT end if you attack another creature, or if an ally harms or targets, or end your turn more than 30 ft away.
Create or Destroy Water Create or Destroy Water The area of effect is a 15 ft radius circle, rather than 30 ft cube. This radius increases by 5 ft per spell level. The option to fill or destroy water from a container is not present. Create water will create a water surface and cause creatures in the area to be subject to the wet condition, while destroy water removes water surfaces and the wet condition.
Cure Wounds Cure Wounds - -
Disguise Self Disguise Self Duration increased from 1 hr to until long rest You can only choose from preset appearances that do not resemble any of the game's NPCs. Became a Ritual spell.
Dissonant Whispers Dissonant Whispers - The target does not have to use their reaction to flee, but is frightened for 2 rounds
Divine Favour Divine Favour Duration reduced from 1 minute to 3 rounds -
Enhance Leap Enhance Leap (Jump) - Became a Ritual spell. Triples your base jump using your current strength, any additives modifiers that increases your jump length do not get tripled, including to benefits from Athlete and Advanced Unarmoured Movement. The new Jump distance loses 1 meter range, it could be the game rounding the value down due to a floating-point error where the ending triple value of (base 10 strength) 5 meters -> 15 meters ended up as 14.9999' meters. (Bug?)[Needs Verification]
Ensnaring Strike Ensnaring Strike - This is part of the attack action, and will only consume the bonus action and spell slot if the attack connects. The concentration is to maintain the ensared effect, rather than the spell's effect on your weapon. Help action automatically frees the target with no check required.
Entangle Entangle Area changed from a 20 ft square to a circle with 10 ft radius Creatures can be restrained each turn they are in the spell area, rather than just those present at the initial cast.
Expeditious Retreat Expeditious Retreat Duration increased from 10 minutes to until long rest, but still requires concentration -
Faerie Fire Faerie Fire Area of effect is changed from a 20 ft cube to a circle with a 20 ft radius. -
False Life False Life Duration increased from 1 hr to until long rest Grants a flat 7 temp hp rather than the 1d4+4. Higher levels casts still grant an addition 5 more temporary hitpoints
Feather Fall Feather Fall Radius reduced from 60 ft to 30 ft. Feather fall becomes a bonus action to cast in most scenarios, but there are some cutscenes where you may use the spell as well. Became a Ritual spell.
Find Familiar Find Familiar Casting time is instant, and can only be cast while out of combat Limited to cat, crab, frog, rat, raven, and spider unless a class feature like Pact of the Chain grants additional options. They are able to attack, and have special moves with unique effects. Details found on her
Fog Cloud Fog Cloud Range reduced from 120 ft to 60 ft. Persists for as long as you maintain concentration. As of EA patch 9 there is no known way to dispel with gust of wind or other similar effect.
Goodberry Goodberry - Only 4 berries are summoned, each of which can be consumed by a character holding as a bonus action for 1d4 healing
Grease Grease Instead of a 10 ft cube, it is a circle with 15 ft diameter Grease can be lit on fire which does fire damage (amount of damage unknown) to creatures in the area and also ends the spell.
Guiding Bolt Guiding Bolt Range reduced from 120 ft to 60 ft -
Hail of Thorns Hail of Thorns Radius slightly increased from 5 ft to 7 ft. Concentration is not required. (uncertain if using the spell consumes a bonus action if the attack misses)
Healing Word Healing Word - -
Hellish Rebuke Hellish Rebuke Unlimited range -
Hex Hex Spell lasts for as long as the caster can maintain concentration, range reduced to 60 ft As of EA patch 9 the spell is bugged, causing hex damage to activate a second time on eldritch blast if you have agonizing blast Eldritch Invocation.
Hunter's Mark Hunter's Mark Spell lasts for as long as the caster can maintain concentration, range reduced to 60 ft -
Ice Knife Ice Knife Radius slightly increased from 5 ft to 7 ft. -
Inflict Wounds Inflict Wounds - -
Longstrider Longstrider Duration increased until long rest, concentration still not required Became a Ritual spell.
Mage Armour Mage Armour Duration is until long rest -
Magic Missile Magic Missile Range reduced to 60 ft -
Protection from Evil and Good Protection from Evil and Good Duration is increased from 1 hr to until Long Rest, concentration is still required. The effect does not mention granting advantage on future saves if the target is already charmed, frightened, or possessed. Verification required on if this means the spell automatically ends such conditions, or if the spell has no effect on an existing condition.
Ray of Sickness Ray of Sickness While the spell's description says two turns, it is effectively until the end of your next turn like in 5e -
Sanctuary Sanctuary Range increased to 60 ft Enemies cannot attack the warded target for the duration of the spell. They do not get to make a save and try to attack the protected creature. If the warded creature attacks, they get the Sanctuary Blocked resulting in them unable to gain Sanctuary for 1 turn.
Searing Smite Searing Smite - This is part of the attack action, and will only consume the bonus action and spell slot if the attack connects. The concentration is to maintain the burning effect on the target, rather than the spell's effect on your weapon.
Shield Shield - -
Shield of Faith Shield of Faith Duration increased til long rest for as long as you can maintain concentration -
Sleep Sleep Range reduced to 60 ft, duration reduced to 2 turns Always makes creatures with a hit point total of 24 fall asleep, which increases by 8 for higher level casts of the spell. There is no rolling of 5d8+2d8 per upcast level. Unusually, the average of such a roll would be 22.5+9x. Thus, this spell is, on average, more powerful in BG3 when cast with a level 1 and 2 spell slot.
Speak with Animals Speak with Animals Duration increased to until long rest, and concentration is still required. Owlbears are classified as beasts in BG3, so this spell allows you to communicate with them. Similar houserules may exist elsewhere
Tasha's Hideous Laughter Tasha's Hideous Laughter Range increased to 60 ft Currently the spell also applies the unconscious effect, meaning that melee attacks within 5 feet automatically crit. (possible bug)
Thunderous Smite Thunderous Smite - This is part of the attack action, and will only consume the bonus action and spell slot if the attack connects. Unlike the other Smite spells, Thunderous Smite does not require concentration, since BG3 applies that to the persistent affect which this spell does not have. The target always gets pushed back 10 feet on hit, and the save is only to resist falling prone.
Thunderwave Thunderwave Cube size slightly increased from 15 ft to 17 ft -
Witch Bolt Witch Bolt Range increased form 30 ft to 60 ft -
Wrathful Smite Wrathful Smite Verification required on duration This is part of the attack action, and will only consume the bonus action and spell slot if the attack connects. The concentration is to maintain the frightened effect on the target, rather than the spell's effect on your weapon.

Second Level Spells

Second Level Spell Changes
Spell Name Range and

Duration Changes

Other Changes
Aid Aid Lasts until long rest Affects all allies within range, not a limited number. But it does not affect an ally if they are downed.
Arcane Lock Arcane Lock Lasts 10 turns instead of 100. Renders the target immune to the Knock Knock spell, instead of that spell suppressing it for 10 minutes.
Barkskin Barkskin Lasts until long rest, but still requires concentration -
Blindness/Deafness Blindness/Deafness Distance increased to 60 ft Deafen is not an option, the target can only be blinded
Blur Blur - -
Branding Smite Branding Smite - This is part of the attack action, and will only consume the bonus action and spell slot if the attack lands. The concentration is to maintain the frightened effect on the target, rather than the spell's effect on the caster's weapon.
Calm Emotions Calm Emotions - The spell only includes the option to make humanoids in the area immune to charmed or frightened
Cloud of Daggers Cloud of Daggers Size increased from a 5 ft square to a 7 ft radius circle. Damage is applied on cast as well as the start of turn of any creatures in the area.
Crown of Madness Crown of Madness Duration is reduced to three rounds Does not require the caster to use their action to control the target. The target will automatically attack the closest creature to them, rather than a target of the caster's choosing within melee range.
Darkness Darkness Duration reduced to 1 minute. Can only be targetted on a point, and cannot target an object. Devil's Sight eldritch invocation prevents darkness from blinding those with the eldritch invocation or creatures like Imps, and allows one to make melee attacks in Darkness properly. But as of EA patch 9 Devil's Sight does not allow for ranged attacks through magical darkness. (possible bug)
Darkvision Darkvision Duration changed from 8 hours to until Long Rest The range of darkvision granted by the spell is reduced to 40 feet in line with reductions to the racial darkvision features.
Detect Thoughts Detect Thoughts Duration increased from 1 minute to until Long Rest so long as the caster maintains concentration There are dialogue prompts to use detect thoughts at specific instances. Became a Ritual spell.
Enhance Ability Enhance Ability Duration increased from 1 hour to until long rest for as long as the caster can maintain concentration. Bear's Endurance gives 7 temp hp, rather than 2d6. Cat's grace gives resistance to falling damage rather than mitigating fall damage from 20 ft or less.
Enlarge/Reduce Enlarge/Reduce - The weight changes according to whether the caster uses enlarge or reduce, but the formula for determining the new weight of the affected creature is different.
Enthrall Enthrall Range is 20 ft instead of 60 -
Flame Blade Flame Blade Duration increased from 10 minutes to until long rest as long as the caster can maintain concentration The blade can be equipped or unequipped, but cannot leave the caster's inventory.
Flaming Sphere Flaming Sphere - At the end of combat the chained party members of your group will all group back together. That includes this flaming sphere returning to its caster, where it may damage them and others for the remaining duration of the spell. If you have this spell active at the end of combat, prepare to pause and drop concentration or give orders for the sphere to stay away.
Gust of Wind Gust of Wind AoE is 40 ft instead of 60. Spell is immediate rather than lasting 10 turns and requiring concentration. Since the spell is immediate the direction cannot be changed after the fact. Off Balance does not half the movement speed of the victims if they try to move towards the caster.
Heat Metal Heat Metal - If a target has a metal weapon and metal armor then this spell will prioritize the weapon. If a weapon is the spell's target then they must pass a Constitution save or else drop the weapon.
Hold Person Hold Person - -
Invisibility Invisibility Duration reduced to 1 minute instead of 1 hr. -
Knock Knock - Cannot be used to open something that has had Arcane Lock Arcane Lock cast on it, instead of suppressing that spell's effects for 10 minutes.
Lesser Restoration Lesser Restoration - The tooltip just says it removes a disease or "condition" afflicting the target.Verification required on what "conditions" this encapsulates.
Magic Weapon Magic Weapon Lasts until long rest or until the caster loses concentration As of EA patch 9 this spell can be applied to magic weapons, and does stack with any magical bonuses from that weapon.
Melf's Acid Arrow Melf's Acid Arrow Range reduced from 90 ft to 60 ft. -
Mirror Image Mirror Image - The spell still grants three illusory duplicates, but each gives you a +3 to AC. Each time an attack misses, one of these duplicates disappears.
Misty Step Misty Step Range increased from 30 ft to 60 ft -
Moonbeam Moonbeam Range reduced from 120 ft to 60 ft, cylinder radius reduced from 5 ft to 3.3 ft Does not have the effect to revert shapechangers. The damage is applied when a creature enters the area (whether that be by an initial cast of the spell, or moving the spell over the creature) as well as the start of a creature's turn who begins that turn in the affected area which can effectively double the spell's damage.
Pass Without Trace Pass Without Trace Duration increased from 1 hr to until long rest for as long as the caster maintains concentration. -
Phantasmal Force Phantasmal Force - The target cannot make investigation checks to end the spell. The flavorful aspects of the spell are replaced by changing the damage type on subsequent turns from psychic to the damage type that affected it last.
Prayer of Healing Prayer of Healing Can only be cast outside of combat, where it is then cast instantaneously -
Protection from Poison Protection from Poison Duration increased from 1 hour to until long rest, and concentration is still not required Neutralizes all poisons affecting the targets instead of just one, continues to grant the other effects.
Ray of Enfeeblement Ray of Enfeeblement - The creature does not get to make a save to end the effect.
Scorching Ray Scorching Ray Range reduced from 120 ft to 60 ft -
See Invisibility See Invisibility Lasts until Long Rest instead of 600 turns. -
Shatter Shatter - -
Silence Silence Range reduced from 120 ft to 60 ft Casting all spells is impossible while in the area of effect
Spiritual Weapon Spiritual Weapon - The weapon is considered an entity and can be directly attacked, has 20 HP, immune to psychic and poison, and resistant to all damage types.
Spike Growth Spike Growth Range reduced from 150 ft to 60 ft. Duration increased from 10 minutes to until long rest for as long as you can maintain concentration. -
Warding Bond Warding Bond - There is no stipulation that the spell ends if the caster and the target move more than 60 ft from one another.
Web Web Duration increased from 1 hour to until long rest for as long as you can maintain concentration. If a creature jumps onto web, then it will prevent all falling damage. Web can be lit on fire and does fire damage (formula for fire damage needs verification) which also burns away the web.

Third Level Spells

Third Level Spell Changes
Spell Name Range and

Duration Changes

Other Changes
Animate Dead Animate Dead - The caster can choose between a zombie or skeleton with each cast. Both creatures have different statblocks than what is in the Monster Manual, and can be found on the spell's page
Beacon of Hope Beacon of Hope - -
Bestow Curse Bestow Curse - -
Blinding Smite Blinding Smite - Concentration is not required to maintain the Blinded status on the target.
Blink Blink - -
Call Lightning Call Lightning Range reduced from 120 ft to 60 ft. Duration reduced from 10 minutes to 1 minute The radius is 7 ft, and therefore able to hit a group of targets that are tightly packed together.
Counterspell Counterspell - Verification required on mechanics for countering spells cast at a higher level than the spell slot.
Crusader's Mantle Crusader's Mantle - -
Daylight Daylight The light radius is only 50 ft The spell can only target a point or a weapon, but not other objects. Daylight is considered sunlight which affects creatures that are sensitive to sunlight such as Shadows and a certain Vampire.
Elemental Weapon Elemental Weapon - -
Fear Fear Duration reduced to 3 turns. -
Feign Death Feign Death Duration reduced to 1 minute -
Fireball Fireball Range reduced to 60 ft Blast radius reduced to 15 feet.
Gaseous Form Gaseous Form Duration increased from 1 hour to until long rest so long as the caster maintains concentration Does not reduce the target's movement speed. The target becomes tiny in size, which is how the game mechanically allows them to fit through small spaces
Glyph of Warding Glyph of Warding Range increased from touch to 30 feet, and only takes an action to cast. The radius is fixed to 13 ft The caster may select from the Explosive Runes option with all associated damage types, or use glyphs that cause creatures to fall asleep or get pushed away.
Grant Flight Grant Flight (Fly) Duration reduced to 1 minute The target's movement speed increases to 60 ft and they are able to fly between two points, but they must end each move on the ground.
Haste Haste - The hastened condition the target receives from the spell is allows the target to take an additional action with no limits, similar to Action Surge. The target can multiattack or cast a spell with the hastened action.
Hunger of Hadar Hunger of Hadar Range reduced from 150 ft to 60 ft -
Hypnotic Pattern Hypnotic Pattern Duration reduced to two rounds. Range reduced from 120 ft to 60 ft. Area of effect changed from a 30 ft square to a circle with radius 15 ft. -
Lightning Arrow Lightning Arrow - The spell is not on the attack roll, rather it is a traditional spell and the save against the extra damage also affects the primary damage.
Lightning Bolt Lightning Bolt - -
Mass Healing Word Mass Healing Word - This spell is cast like bless or bane, where the caster can't select individual targets but only up to 6 targets within 30 ft of a point of the caster's choice.
Plant Growth Plant Growth Range reduced from 150 ft to 60 ft. Radius reduced from 100 ft to 20 ft. The caster can only choose the option that causes creatures to use quadruple movement. The spell can be ended if it is hit by any fire damage.
Protection from Energy Protection from Energy Duration increased from 1 hr to until long rest -
Remove Curse Remove Curse - There are no cursed items/equipment that require attunement to, hence not mentioned in the description.
Revivify Revivify The spell's range is increased to 30 feet, and when cast the caster can bring the ally back to life with 1 hp at any location in the spell's AOE. There is no time limit on using revivify. Revivify can be used regardless of how damaged, burned or mutilated the body is. If the body went missing such as falling into a chasm, a blue soul spawns in its place which can be used to revive the target.
Sleet Storm Sleet Storm Range reduced to 60 feet, radius reduced to 30 feet Spell does not make the area heavily obscured. Fire damage will melt away the ice surface, but it will return if the caster continues to concentrate.
Slow Slow Range is 60 ft instead of 120. -
Speak with Dead Speak with Dead The spell is cast on self, giving the caster the ability to speak with the dead. The duration is increased from 10 minutes to until long rest. Concentration is not required. The creature will still not talk with their killer, but one can sometimes get around this by using disguise self. Each corpse can only be subject to the spell once. The deceased will not be able to talk if they were finished off by acid, fire, lightning, necrotic, or radiant damage. Became a Ritual spell.
Spirit Guardians Spirit Guardians The radius is reduced to 10 ft. Duration reduced to 1 minute -
Stinking Cloud Stinking Cloud Range is reduced to 60 ft The spell is considered a poison effect for the purposes of immunity or advantage on saving throws. It is unable to be dispelled using wind effects.
Vampiric Touch Vampiric Touch - -
Warden of Vitality Warden of Vitality (Aura of Vitality) - -

Fourth Level Spells

Fourth Level Spell Changes
Spell Name Range and

Duration Changes

Other Changes
Banishment Banishment Duration reduced from 1 Minute / 10 rounds to 2 rounds. Has had the secondary effect of permanently banishing extra-planar entities (e.g. Celestials, Fiends) at durations' end removed.
Blight Blight - -
Confusion Confusion Duration reduced from 1 Minute / 10 rounds to 3 Turns, Radius increased to 6 m / 20 ft -
Conjure Minor Elemental Conjure Minor Elemental - Upcasting grants no benefit, Concentration not required, Effect limited to 1-2 units.
Conjure Woodland Being Conjure Woodland Being - Upcasting grants no benefit, Concentration not required, Effect limited to 1 Dryad.
Death Ward Death Ward Range increased to 1.5 m / 5 ft, Duration increased to Long Rest Effect protecting from non-damaging instant death is removed.
Dimension Door Dimension Door Range reduced to 1.5 m / 5 ft. Effect reduced to line of sight only.
Dominate Beast Dominate Beast - Upcasting grants no benefit, Target does not get Advantage on save from being in combat with you or allies.
Evard's Black Tentacles Evard's Black Tentacles Range reduced to 18 m / 60 ft. Creatures must use Strength Saves against the effect.
Fire Shield Fire Shield Duration reduced from 10 Minutes/100 Rounds to 10 Turns. Light spreads in 3 m / 10 ft radius only, cannot be dismissed as an action.
Freedom of Movement Freedom of Movement Duration increased from 1 hour to Long Rest. Effect that removes Stun on cast added, Effect preventing underwater movement and attack penalties removed.
Grasping Vine Grasping Vine - Casting time increased to Action from Bonus Action, unknown if Dex Save is still required from targeted creature.
Greater Invisibility Greater Invisibility - Invisible creature must now make increasing DC Stealth Checks.
Guardian of Faith Guardian of Faith Duration reduced from 8 hours to 10 Turns. The Guardian now acts as a summoned creature with associated stat block and can be defeated by enemies.
Ice Storm Ice Storm Range reduced to 18 m / 60 ft instead of 90 m /300 ft. -
Otiluke's Resilient Sphere Otiluke's Resilient Sphere Duration reduced from 1 Minute / 10 Turns to 3 Turns. The interaction with Disintegrate is omitted.
Phantasmal Killer Phantasmal Killer Range reduced from 36 m / 120 ft to 18 m / 60 ft. Now causes the effects of Frightened without granting the condition.
Polymorph Polymorph Duration reduced from 1 Hour / 600 Turns to 5 Turns. Excess revert-causing damage no longer carries over to the creatures' hit points, spell can only turn a creature into a sheep instead of any beast (within limits).
Staggering Smite Staggering Smite Duration reduced from 1 Minute / 10 Turns to 1 Turn. Concentration not required, Spell now includes an attack in the casting with cast time moving from Bonus Action to Action + Bonus Action.
Stoneskin Stoneskin Duration increased from 1 Hour/ 600 Turns to Long Rest. -
Wall of Fire Wall of Fire Range reduced from 36 m / 120 ft to 18 m / 60 ft. -

Fifth Level Spells

Sixth Level Spells

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