There are 794 quest steps that reward experience so making this list will take a while. < PROGRESS: 178/794 >
All the steps are defined in the file quest_prototypes.lsx
, and each step includes several references defined in the files:
Column | How to find the data |
Quest | Attribute QuestTitle on the parent node, then search the handle in english.loca.xml
Objective | Attribute Objective , then search the reference in objective_prototypes.lsx , then search the handle in english.loca.xml
Step description | Attribute description , then search the handle in english.loca.xml
ID | Attribute ID
UUID | Attribute QuestStepGuid
Category | Attribute ExperienceReward , then search the value in ExperienceRewards.lsx or in Experience
Area (level) | Attribute StatTriggerGUID , then search the value in AreaLevelOverrides.lsx or in Area level
Level override | Attribute LevelOverride
Exp. | Obtained with User:TitanstringEnjoyer/Template:Experience queststep by passing the reward category and the area level / level override |
Notes | Would be great to verify in game how to trigger each step and add some notes in there, but this is going to take forever... For now I'm just copying the attribute DevComment , sometimes it's empty or not super clear, but in most cases it's useful. I prefix it with "❓ DevComment:" if we eventually decide to empty or remove the column, so that I can just select all the "❓ DevComment:" in a code editor and delete its content
The quests are not defined in chronological order at all in quest_prototypes.lsx
(for example the first quest in the file is ). Since I'm interested in extracting all the data for act 1 first, to prep my second playthrough, I won't follow the order in the file.
Since the file I'm doing location by location now, using the UUIDs and the order from Area level.
has the quests as parent nodes and all their steps as children nodes, it's probably easier to just go quest by quest, take all the children that reward experience, then move to the next quest.
⚠️ There are steps that reward experience but have no area (e.g. RecruitedWyll
). I will need to query the XML to find these.
Steps inside a quest are sometimes mutually exclusive. Maybe just add a note if it's the case? Also, this probably needs some testing in game to be 100% sure.
Act 1[edit | edit source]
There are 178 quest steps that reward experience in Act One, including 45 hidden quest step.
Nautiloid[edit | edit source]
Quest | Objective | Step description | ID | UUID | Reward Category Area (level) |
Exp. | Notes |
UIDTUT_Lab_ExtractedIntDev |
UUID341dcd7c-4ad9-9309-526c-b36b461ae8c8 |
CloseMajor CRA_CrashSite (1) |
20 xp | Completed by freeing Us from the head of Myrnath in the Nautiloid. |
Quest Complete | We learned that the survivor aboard the nautiloid is called Shadowheart. She joined us. | UIDFreedAndRecruited |
UUID311de798-bb62-5ff2-6781-c1a75ce02c02 |
CloseBoosterEasy CRA_CrashSite (1) |
5 xp | Completed by freeing Shadowheart in the Nautiloid. Mutually exclusive with FreedDidNotRecruit and FreedLeftBehind . Completing it makes ShadowheartMention in not completable.
| |
Quest Complete | We learned that the survivor aboard the nautiloid is called Shadowheart. We decided to go our separate ways. | UIDFreedDidNotRecruit |
UUID2b294f83-8b2f-acc1-0282-990e58317235 |
CloseBoosterEasy CRA_CrashSite (1) |
5 xp | Completed by freeing Shadowheart in the Nautiloid. Mutually exclusive with FreedAndRecruited and FreedLeftBehind . Completing it makes ShadowheartMention in not completable.
| |
Quest Complete | We freed the captive aboard the nautiloid from her pod, but left her behind. | UIDFreedLeftBehind |
UUIDeb848817-ab7f-26ee-cb2b-e3715b52cbbb |
CloseBoosterEasy CRA_CrashSite (1) |
5 xp | Completed by freeing Shadowheart in the Nautiloid. Mutually exclusive with FreedAndRecruited and FreedDidNotRecruit . Completing it makes ShadowheartMention in not completable.
Ravaged Beach[edit | edit source]
Quest | Objective | Step description | ID | UUID | Reward Category Area (level) |
Exp. | Notes |
Find a way to remove the mind flayer parasite. | We've escaped the Hells on the nautiloid and crashed somewhere back in the Material Plane. We need to explore the area and find a healer. | UIDWokeAtCrash |
UUID27ca1b03-83c8-b0d3-5189-d9cc288cafc7 |
ProgressMain CRA_CrashSite (1) |
5 xp | Completed by reaching the Ravaged Beach, after escaping the Nautiloid. | |
Continue travelling with Shadowheart. | We recruited a half-elf named Shadowheart. She was also aboard the nautiloid - and infected with a parasite. | UIDRecruitedBeach |
UUID035d4358-e177-e025-9ed8-3ccef4cc3acd |
RecruitCompanion CRA_CrashSite (1) |
30 xp | Completed by recruiting Shadowheart in the Ravaged Beach. She will be lying on the sand if she is freed on the Nautiloid (one of FreedAndRecruited , FreedDidNotRecruit or FreedLeftBehind ), otherwise she will be found attempting to gain entry to the nearby Dank Crypt (ShadowheartMention ). Mutually exclusive with RecruitedDen , RecruitedCamp , RecruitedGithyanki and RecruitedLaezel .
| |
Find a way into the ruins. | Shadowheart was trying to get into a building to look for supplies. We should see if there's anything useful in there. | UIDShadowheartMention |
UUID681ece8b-a762-8a62-4877-547610f4c382 |
ProgressMajor CRA_CrashSite (1) |
5 xp | Can't be completed if Shadowheart is freed on the Nautiloid (one of FreedAndRecruited , FreedDidNotRecruit or FreedLeftBehind ).
Nautiloid Wreck[edit | edit source]
Quest | Objective | Step description | ID | UUID | Reward Category Area (level) |
Exp. | Notes |
UIDCRA_Escape_SavedThralls |
UUIDbf0d360e-6bf7-f382-5025-9fc954cadec1 |
BypassedCombatMedium CRA_CrashSite (1) |
30 xp | ❓ DevComment: Saved the enthralled fishermen in CRA ⚠️⚠️ PERSONAL NOTES: Can't be completed, the fishermen have been removed from the game before release. TO VERIFY: I actually got 35 xp here by killing the Mind Flayer, seems like the developers removed the fishermen, changed the trigger and merged both rewards (30 + 5 xp) UPDATE: There is a actually a reward category, CRA_Escape_Mindlfayer , which reward 35 xp at any level. This is in one of the ExperienceRewards.lsx files, not the main one. This is probably the source for the xp.
UIDCRA_Escape_ThrallsDied |
UUIDeecbe039-2b27-1b6b-b950-833b22496c07 |
CloseBoosterEasy CRA_CrashSite (1) |
5 xp | ❓ DevComment: Thralls die by the player's hand instead of saving them ⚠️⚠️ PERSONAL NOTES: Can't be completed, the fishermen have been removed from the game before release. TO VERIFY: I actually got 35 xp here by killing the Mind Flayer, seems like the developers removed the fishermen, changed the trigger and merged both rewards (30 + 5 xp) UPDATE: There is a actually a reward category, CRA_Escape_Mindlfayer , which reward 35 xp at any level. This is in one of the ExperienceRewards.lsx files, not the main one. This is probably the source for the xp.
Roadside Cliffs[edit | edit source]
Quest | Objective | Step description | ID | UUID | Reward Category Area (level) |
Exp. | Notes |
Continue travelling with Astarion. | We met a strange elf who had also been infected with a parasite. He was hostile at first, but agreed to join us when he learned we were infected too. | UIDRecruitedAstarion |
UUID6e5ca994-267b-8c40-7e61-1fe2c7c9275e |
RecruitCompanion CRA_CrashSite (1) |
30 xp | Completed by recruiting Astarion at the west of the Nautiloid Wreck. | |
Continue travelling with Gale. | A wizard named Gale joined the party. He claims to have been on the nautiloid - which means he's infected too. | UIDRecruitedGale |
UUID4ab851ea-edcd-4e27-cf59-a0d7a156a65c |
RecruitCompanion CHA_ChapelForest (2) |
30 xp | Completed by recruiting Gale in the Roadside Cliffs. | |
UIDORI_Gale_Freed |
UUID52441e70-0969-0af6-b3b8-f63e3ac2dd13 |
CloseBoosterEasy CRA_CrashSite (1) |
5 xp | Completed by freeing Gale from the Ancient Sigil Circle in the Roadside Cliffs. This step is not mutually exclusive with recruiting Gale (RecruitedGale ), the party gets both rewards.
Find the healer Nettie. | There's a camp nearby where someone named Nettie can supposedly heal any wound. She might be able to help remove the parasite. | UIDLearnedNettieNearby |
UUID6875fd7f-074d-ad73-5721-a9e51f0e8766 |
ProgressMain CHA_ChapelForest (2) |
10 xp | Completed by asking Damays "I'm in dire need of healing. Where is this camp?" then passing a ![]() | |
Find a way to remove the mind flayer parasite. | There could be several ways to get rid of the parasite. Lae'zel, the githyanki who helped us escape the nautiloid, thinks finding a Githyanki Crèche is our best solution. | UIDLaezelJoined |
UUID39b7d2ef-dbe7-62e8-8705-1a524f4726e7 |
ProgressMain CHA_ChapelForest (2) |
10 xp | Completed by recruiting Lae'zel in the Roadside Cliffs. This step is not mutually exclusive with LaezelToldCreche , the party gets both rewards.
| |
Find Zorru. | Lae'zel told us that the githyanki should be able to cure us, if we can find one of their crèches. Someone named Zorru should know more. | UIDLaezelToldCreche |
UUIDe882d198-840d-c36d-d764-1d3d3b48b1d6 |
ProgressMain DEN_Base (2) |
10 xp | Completed by recruiting Lae'zel in the Roadside Cliffs. This step is not mutually exclusive with LaezelJoined , the party gets both rewards.
| |
Find a way to remove the mind flayer parasite. | We found people taking refuge in a grove. We should explore it - there might be a healer inside. | UIDLearnedGroveSituation |
UUIDe1711382-3cf2-b779-5078-65c07bc55ecf |
ProgressMain DEN_Base (2) |
10 xp | Completed by defeating the Goblin attack at the gate of the Emerald Grove. | |
UIDCRA_HarperBooster_Looted |
UUIDee2a62ba-9dfe-b354-976f-ccdc41504f23 |
CloseBoosterEasy CRA_CrashSite (1) |
5 xp | Completed by picking the pouch from the spiders in a Rocky Crevice at X: 148 Y: 363, after passing a ![]() ![]() |
Emerald Grove[edit | edit source]
Quest | Objective | Step description | ID | UUID | Reward Category Area (level) |
Exp. | Notes |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDDEN_Confrontation_PersuadedAradin |
UUIDec0be5d0-7306-f200-1406-179b440637b9 |
CloseBoosterEasy DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by persuading Aradin and Zevlor to calm down with a ![]() |
Find the healer Nettie. | When we asked about healing, we were told to look for Nettie in the Inner Sanctum. | UIDLearnedAboutNettie |
UUIDa60876f3-32c1-a8cf-28db-3aa7af602070 |
ProgressMain CHA_ChapelForest (2) |
10 xp | Completed by telling Zevlor "I won't be staying long - I just need to find a healer". | |
Speak with Kagha. | Kagha, leader of the druids, ordered the tieflings to leave the grove. Zevlor fears they won't survive the road and asked us to intervene. | UIDMetZevlor |
UUIDc5236a57-c806-e31e-7e4b-91418f8c6031 |
ProgressMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by asking Zevlor "This ritual - is there no way to convince the druids to stop it?". | |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDDEN_Stargazing_Rescued |
UUIDe3607d9c-3a19-720b-5a32-f16a32117418 |
CloseBoosterHard DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
35 xp | Completed by talking to Nadira after defeating the Bugbear Assassin. |
Find a way into the ruins. | One of the druids' books mentioned a hidden cache in some abandoned ruins to the south of the grove. We should find a way into these ruins. | UIDReadDruidBook |
UUIDe9c64953-2581-07b2-d3f6-9eaf421da6cf |
ProgressMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by reading Disintegrating Journal near Arron. | |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDDEN_Prodigy_Persuaded |
UUID116e9c64-4f48-a2d0-77d6-53aa36299e78 |
CloseBoosterEasy DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by persuading Rolan and his kin to stay in the Grove, after passing a ![]() |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDDEN_IrritatedTiefling_Trained |
UUID35eb7c2e-98fa-8bad-e629-64ef1b7d35ee |
CloseBoosterEasy DEN_Base (2) |
10 xp | Completed by helping Guex with his training, after passing a ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Find the Githyanki patrol. | We learned of a githyanki patrol to the northwest. They might be able to lead us to their crèche. | UIDTieflingToldCreche |
UUID8dd70405-47e5-fcfd-f28e-5aa556f193cc |
ProgressMain DEN_Base (2) |
10 xp | Completed by learning from Zorru about the Crèche. | |
Get Auntie Ethel's help. | We met an eccentric old lady in the Emerald Grove. She's confident she can remove our parasites and invited us to her teahouse. | UIDToldEthelAboutTadpoleInGrove |
UUID9838e4f2-c7f7-a139-8182-aff67aaf35f5 |
ProgressMain DEN_Base (2) |
10 xp | Completed by telling Auntie Ethel the character's head has been infected by a Mind Flayer Tadpole. | |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDDEN_GruntingKid_Persuaded |
UUIDd1eaa2ef-29b3-81cf-2cc1-593546002e07 |
CloseBoosterEasy DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by interacting with Doni to reveal the Concealed Hatch (the Tiefling Hideout main entrance). This is achieved by choosing the option "Turn around to see what has his attention", which rolls a passive ![]() ![]() |
Find Arabella. | We learned that a child named Arabella is being held by the druids on charges of theft. We should check on her. | UIDMetParent |
UUID2357de8b-324b-cacc-e468-fd991db5901b |
ProgressMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by talking with Komira and Locke after the scene with the three druids blocking the access to the Sacred Pool, then choosing the option "She's just a child - the druids are overreacting. I'll talk to them". | |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDDEN_ElevatorBear_Moved |
UUID04a8b313-36f8-ba09-a002-ba956019fcb0 |
CloseBoosterEasy DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by persuading Tuffet to move off the elevator, by either using or giving her a fish. |
Search for Halsin in the Goblin Camp. | We learned that a powerful druid named Halsin hasn't returned from an expedition into goblin territory. He might be able to help us. | UIDLearnedLostHalsin |
UUID0887d043-3bba-392b-426a-35725e4df44b |
ProgressMain DEN_Base (2) |
10 xp | Completed by asking Rath who is their real leader. | |
Return to Zevlor. | Kagha wants the tieflings gone. She asked us to guide them out of the grove. | UIDMetKagha |
UUIDeb48dffb-7952-0cf6-9101-424f32c87bc8 |
ProgressMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by speaking with Kagha. | |
Search the Emerald Grove. | The Rite of Thorns is dangerous magic. Why is Kagha so determined to do this? We should investigate. | UIDReflectedKagha |
UUID638a837b-6847-4c7e-3472-ab7a33b8be28 |
ProgressBooster DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by reading the Rite of Thorns on Kagha's desk in the Servant's Quarters. | |
Investigate the swamp. | We found a note addressed to Kagha that mentioned a meeting in the swamp. What is she up to? | UIDFoundNote |
UUID36781037-6672-5013-0841-6f2aed39722b |
ProgressBooster DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by reading ![]() | |
Follow Nettie. | We told Nettie about the parasite. She seemed concerned and asked us to follow her to another room for treatment. | UIDToldAboutTadpole |
UUIDe14f03ac-be39-1d16-b7a6-364d95065bf4 |
ProgressMain DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
30 xp | Completed by telling Nettie the character's head has been infected by a Mind Flayer Tadpole. | |
Find an antidote for the poison. | Unable to heal us, Nettie spared us the horror of ceremorphosis - by poisoning one of us with deadly venom. We need to cure the poison immediately. | UIDPoisonedByApprentice |
UUIDcadbe128-db10-28f2-74ce-faca0a52db68 |
ProgressMain DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
30 xp | Completed by getting poisoned by Nettie. This is achieved by telling her that nothing strange happened, confirming it with "Nothing. I'm sure", then giving her the character's arm. | |
Quest Complete | We managed to find a cure for the venom Nettie used - but we're still no closer to a cure for the parasite. | UIDCuredApprenticePoison |
UUID2e8fbae5-fea2-e401-079e-2775a819756b |
CloseMain DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
75 xp | Completed by getting the poison's antidote. This is achieved by either persuading Nettie to give it, stealing it from her, killing her and looting it, or brewing it. | |
Quest Complete | We rescued Nettie's master, Halsin. Now that he's safe, we don't need to ask Nettie for help - we can go directly to the master druid instead. | UIDSavedHalsin_BeforeTadpoled |
UUID3bfe4573-64d6-552d-f7b6-1cf1a0d70c3f |
ProgressMain GOB_GoblinCamp (3) |
30 xp | Completed by saving Halsin from the Goblin Camp before talking to Nettie about the Mind Flayer Tadpole. Can't be completed if ToldAboutTadpole has been completed.
| |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDDEN_TieflingBard_Helped |
UUID6b27dbce-c8f2-8c49-82aa-2ab239ed3ba6 |
CloseBoosterEasy DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by helping Alfira compose a song. |
Quest Complete | Arabella is safe - her parents are grateful for our intervention. | UIDParentThankful |
UUID49b84c70-6b07-2a4f-ba7c-b78669d0ccb8 |
CloseMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
45 xp | Completed by talking with Komira and Locke after saving Arabella. Mutually exclusive with ParentDevastated , ParentLied and ParentAutoReunited .
| |
Quest Complete | We told Arabella's parents what happened. They were devastated. | UIDParentDevastated |
UUIDc8f1038d-2466-302f-9e3f-187dfd140890 |
CloseMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
45 xp | Completed by talking with Komira and Locke after not saving Arabella. Mutually exclusive with ParentThankful , ParentLied and ParentAutoReunited .
| |
Quest Complete | We lied and told Arabella's parents that she was fine. They'll learn the bad news eventually - but not from us. | UIDParentLied |
UUID7a071370-03f9-7d41-0cef-ba84cb1dbb21 |
CloseMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
45 xp | Completed by talking with Komira and Locke after not saving Arabella. Mutually exclusive with ParentThankful , ParentDevastated and ParentAutoReunited .
| |
Quest Complete | Thanks to us, Arabella was reunited with her parents. | UIDParentAutoReunited |
UUID399d1a16-df0e-8a85-29d8-d527f4d91cd4 |
CloseMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
45 xp | Completed by talking with Komira and Locke after saving Arabella. Mutually exclusive with ParentThankful , ParentDevastated and ParentLied .
| |
UUIDa3bf897a-8b75-e0b3-a453-ebb9bbebf7ab |
CloseBoosterEasy DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by talking to the Bored Ox via and finding out that his masters are hiding "shiny bits" in the haystack next to him. |
Quest Complete | We were robbed, but we convinced the pickpocket to return what was stolen. | UIDDoneOutsmartedKids |
UUID5f1c5bae-ebd7-196d-a1c1-4ed6d0818509 |
CloseMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
45 xp | Completed by talking to Mattis with a rogue and outwitting him in his dialogue. This is achieved by never giving back the ring until the end, selecting all the rogue options such as "Vanish the ring with a reverse Hammar's Flourish", "You can drop the act", "Then what kind of con is it?" and finally "Just take your ring and count yourself lucky". This can be completed only if the party hasn't been robbed yet, or didn't catch Silfy yet. This completes the quest before it even starts, and as such, doesn't appear in the Journal. Other steps in can't be completed afterwards. The hidden step DEN_Thieflings_PersuadedPickpocket can be completed afterwards, since it's not part of the quest, for a total of 60 xp.
| |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDDEN_Thieflings_PersuadedPickpocket |
UUIDb1bc86f6-7150-357a-f50d-48c1ea2d7a69 |
CloseBoosterEasy DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by talking to Mattis, asking to see his wares, and catching Silfy before she steals the character's belongings (![]() DoneOutsmartedKids , for a total of 60 xp. Being nice with Silfy during the dialogue also gains the favor of Mol.
Speak to the thieves. | We've been robbed - by children no less. They distracted us by posing as merchants. We should have a word with them. | UIDDiscoveredRobbed |
UUID62b4137e-b78a-6cb5-f992-f35123131ad8 |
ProgressMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by noticing a successful pickpocket has occurred (![]() DEN_Thieflings_PersuadedPickpocket ) or after completing the quest with the rogue options (DoneOutsmartedKids ).
| |
Speak to the thieves. | A tiefling child told us we've been robbed. We should have a word with the thieves. | UIDToldRobbed |
UUIDda3d4199-c5d0-0a35-73ba-7a79bcf795b7 |
ProgressMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by catching Silfy before she steals the character's belongings for the second time. This is achieved by getting robbed once (starting and completing DiscoveredRobbed ), then waiting for Silfy to come back from the Tiefling Hideout, then talking to Mattis and asking to see his wares again, then catching Silfy before she steals the character's belongings (![]() | |
Quest Complete | We finally got back our stolen belongings. | UIDDoneTookGoods |
UUID335c58cb-d368-ae90-ecfe-3a652ec48182 |
CloseMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
45 xp | ❓ DevComment: Player added stolen goods to their inventory; quest closed. ⚠️⚠️ PERSONAL NOTE: I don't think this is completable, I didn't find any dialogue in the game files that triggers it. And talking to Mol triggers other steps like "Mol admitted that she has our belongings. She gave us the pickpocket's bag.", which doesn't reward xp. I also tried to steal the belongings from the stash before talking to her, but it doesn't update the quest. | |
Quest Complete | The thieves fled the hideout with our belongings. We probably won't see our stuff again. | UIDDoneAngeredThieflings |
UUIDd40ae3af-2e78-4932-7129-dfbf6677bafc |
CloseMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
45 xp | ❓ DevComment: The player triggered the thiefling's hostile reaction and they fled the hideout, taking the stuff with them; quest closed ⚠️ PERSONAL NOTE: not sure how to complete this. Probably the best option in term of xp (15 + 15 + 15 + 45), but the party loses its belongings, and the tieflings become hostile so maybe they are not available in the next acts? | |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDDEN_Thieflings_PersuadedKid |
UUID8b820fe7-649f-8176-c587-e5df5f042565 |
CloseBoosterEasy DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by persuading Meli to give ![]() DEN_Thieflings_PersuadedAdventurer , FindLocket_NoKnockOut and FindLocket_KnockOut .
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDDEN_Thieflings_PersuadedAdventurer |
UUID07c22858-4254-c5ff-e190-a44b459330e9 |
CloseBoosterEasy DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by persuading Barth to give up ![]() DEN_Thieflings_BefriendedMol . This doesn't start - "Retrieve the stolen locket", but the party can proactively find ![]() DEN_Thieflings_PersuadedKid , FindLocket_NoKnockOut and FindLocket_KnockOut .
Retrieve the stolen locket. | We met an adventurer called Barth who accused a tiefling child of stealing his locket. We suspected the child but couldn't get the locket back. | UIDFindLocket_NoKnockOut |
UUID72c6223e-3384-6e7a-65a7-13fb3cfd8e33 |
ProgressBooster DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by letting Meli go away with ![]() DEN_Thieflings_PersuadedAdventurer , DEN_Thieflings_PersuadedKid and FindLocket_KnockOut .
| |
Retrieve the stolen locket. | An adventurer called Barth accused a tiefling child of stealing his locket. The adventurer was knocked out by a guard, and the child got away with the locket. | UIDFindLocket_KnockOut |
UUID7a6ebae6-af1d-e413-6b20-1db13bc79a65 |
ProgressBooster DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by letting Meli go away with ![]() DEN_Thieflings_PersuadedAdventurer , DEN_Thieflings_PersuadedKid and FindLocket_NoKnockOut .
| |
Quest Complete | We returned the missing locket to Barth - free of charge. | UIDReturnedLocketFree |
UUIDc96b5625-cef6-000f-e411-b2ab085490c3 |
CloseBoosterEasy DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completing by returning ![]() ReturnedLocketReward and NoLocketReturn .
| |
Quest Complete | Barth begrudgingly rewarded us for finding his locket. | UIDReturnedLocketReward |
UUIDc5418e7d-5ede-f2f4-2374-0a37403109cb |
CloseBoosterEasy DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completing by returning ![]() ReturnedLocketFree and NoLocketReturn .
| |
Quest Complete | We ignored Barth's protests and kept the locket. | UIDNoLocketReturn |
UUID04305d59-0abb-66d6-2880-044845dfd13a |
CloseBoosterEasy DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completing by returning ![]() ReturnedLocketFree and ReturnedLocketReward .
| |
Quest Complete | Safe from the harpies, the child left the area. | UIDDoneKidFled_NoThank |
UUID76727e43-db00-c90d-c160-416b42d2a0c8 |
CloseBoosterEasy DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by saving Mirkon from the Harpies without talking to him. Mutually exclusive with DoneKidDied .⚠️ PERSONAL NOTE: didn't try, can probably be done by just walking in the water and starting the combat. | |
Quest Complete | The tiefling child died. | UIDDoneKidDied |
UUID7d8fdb08-931a-2f28-8802-adfaed0a5960 |
CloseBoosterEasy DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by not saving Mirkon from the Harpies. Mutually exclusive with DoneKidFled_NoThank .
| |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDDEN_Thieflings_BefriendedMol |
UUIDa18d9468-69d0-fd5e-fd4e-053a35eb0579 |
CloseBoosterEasy DEN_Base (2) |
10 xp | Completed by gaining the favor of Mol. This can be achieved by:
This can be completed only once, by choosing one of the options above. |
Help the tieflings leave. | The tieflings are safe - for now. But they still need to reach Baldur's Gate. That can't happen until the roads are safe from goblins. | UIDDADruidsDead |
UUIDff4fa20b-948f-394b-3216-661a9839c955 |
ProgressBooster DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by confronting Kagha and killing the Shadow Druids. | |
Quest Complete | We exposed Kagha and fought the Shadow Druids. Kagha is dead, and her ritual has been stopped. The grove remains open. | UIDFightEndedBad |
UUID2ec3899b-e899-aac3-ceda-a0dc33890668 |
CloseBoosterHard DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
35 xp | Completed by killing the Shadow Druids and Kagha then talking to Zevlor. Also rewards ![]() FightEndedGood .
| |
Quest Complete | We exposed Kagha but were able to convince her to abandon the Shadow Druids. After fighting them, she stopped the ritual. The grove remains open. | UIDFightEndedGood |
UUID4027685a-d18d-44cc-7863-143502172d52 |
CloseMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
45 xp | Completed by killing the Shadow Druids and sparing Kagha then talking to Zevlor. Also rewards ![]() FightEndedBad .
| |
Quest Complete | Zevlor thanked us for taking care of Kagha. Now we can focus on the goblin threat. | UIDZevlorRewarded |
UUIDe242e9eb-9e0e-0c2b-aa18-3bf189b88b90 |
CloseMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
45 xp | Completed by killing the Shadow Druids and Kagha then talking to Zevlor. Mutually exclusive with KaghaTurnedGood .
| |
Quest Complete | We persuaded Kagha to stop the ritual. The conflict has ended - the tieflings can stay in the grove. | UIDKaghaTurnedGood |
UUID59e5459b-8253-eb24-7f54-3ad20cf3a984 |
CloseMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
45 xp | Completed by killing the Shadow Druids and sparing Kagha then talking to Zevlor. Mutually exclusive with ZevlorRewarded .
| |
Quest Complete | With the road cleared, the tieflings can leave in peace. | UIDMurder_GobHuntDone |
UUID84d69d7f-df26-5fca-4e40-3b0913ceb6d2 |
ProgressMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by killing the goblins in the Goblin Camp before killing the Shadow Druids. | |
Fight the druids. | We took the sacred idol and disrupted the ritual - but now the druids are attacking the tieflings. | UIDAttackTriggered |
UUIDce30fc06-a59f-d398-8f61-beab2edde2ac |
ProgressMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by stealing the ![]() | |
Quest Complete | We decided to keep the sacred idol for ourselves. | UIDKeptIdol |
UUID53850049-bd31-deb7-3da3-ef92afa55638 |
CloseMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
45 xp | Completed by stealing the ![]() GaveIdol .
| |
Find Mol in Baldur's Gate. | We gave the sacred idol to Mol. She promised to repay us in Baldur's Gate. | UIDGaveIdol |
UUIDbbb1660b-f3b3-2c9d-8c11-43ba9b130c0d |
CloseMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
45 xp | Completed by stealing the ![]() ![]() KeptIdol .
| |
Free Sazza. | The goblin Sazza is a prisoner in the grove. She's promised us an introduction to her tribe - and their powerful healer - if we break her out. | UIDMetGoblin |
UUIDb1062798-b097-5322-24d2-27d4f56d8caa |
ProgressBooster DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by talking to Sazza and promising to free her. This step is not mutually exclusive with LearnPriestess , the party gets both rewards.
| |
Find the goblin priestess. | We learned that a goblin tribe is led by a priestess with powerful magic. Dealing with goblins is risky, but this might be one way to cure ourselves. | UIDLearnPriestess |
UUID4e1180d9-5815-24bd-df36-0c85d345a855 |
ProgressMain GOB_GoblinCamp (3) |
30 xp | Completed by talking to Sazza and promising to free her. This step is not mutually exclusive with MetGoblin , the party gets both rewards.
| |
Escort Sazza out of the Emerald Grove. | We broke Sazza out. Now for the hard part - getting her out of the grove. | UIDReleased |
UUIDc440a7c8-fe49-ba90-560e-4c056df39597 |
ProgressMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by opening Sazza's cage. | |
Find a way to Moonrise Towers. | We learned of two ways to get to Moonrise Towers: through the mountain pass or through the Underdark. | UIDHalsinToldPath |
UUIDcf29eda8-0cb8-cd97-c151-7d8a08d95c59 |
ProgressMain DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
30 xp | Completed by asking Halsin how to get to Moonrise Towers, after getting him out of the Goblin Camp. Can be completed inside the Worg Pens too. Mutually exclusive with HalsinToldPath_Dead .
| |
Find a way to Moonrise Towers. | We learned of one way to get to Moonrise Towers: through the Underdark. | UIDHalsinToldPath_Dead |
UUIDddd2dafe-766d-674d-32f8-25766397c992 |
ProgressMain DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
30 xp | ❓ DevComment: Halsin told us how we could travel - Either reading S_GLO_HalsinDiary or N147 of GLO_Halsin_Dead | |
Quest Complete | Rikka was grateful and thanked us for finding Doni. | UIDReturnedRikka |
UUID7140ab82-a7fb-f68a-2617-bed6ffdbc44a |
CloseBoosterHard FOR_Forest (3) |
35 xp | Completed by finding Doni and reporting the news to Rikka. This quest is available only if Minthara is left alive in the Goblin Camp, learn the location of the Grove and leave with the goblins to raid it. After long resting, the tieflings will be preparing for the assault, and the party will find Rikka looking for Doni around The Hollow, while Doni is standing in front of the door of the Inner Sanctum. Note that as Hotfix 30 (Console Only) - 15:00, 12 December 2024 (CET), the quest is sometimes bugged and can't be progressed naturally (see Find Doni for a workaround). | |
UUID63b91923-8226-f1f4-cd83-70bcefb4e7c4 |
CloseBoosterEasy DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by talking to Ormn after Halsin returned to the Grove. ⚠️ PERSONAL NOTE: can be completed if the party never talked to Ormn before? |
UIDDEN_DruidLair_OpenedVault |
UUID4bf965ae-b38d-f933-49cc-1a5e53aa1349 |
CloseBoosterEasy DEN_Tunnels (2) |
10 xp | Completed by entering the Hidden Vault using the ![]() |
Quest Complete | The tieflings were forced out of the grove. They'll likely die on the road. | UIDLockdown |
UUID0226c920-0993-1ed8-30e1-568ced646690 |
CloseMain DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
75 xp | Completed by forcing the tieflings out of the Grove before defeating the goblins. | |
Quest Complete | The road is finally safe, and the tieflings have left for Baldur's Gate. | UIDLeftSafe |
UUID144ff935-72fd-a36d-62f7-030337932be4 |
CloseMain DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
75 xp | Completed by defeating the goblins, either in the Goblin Camp or during the raid against the Grove. | |
Quest Complete | Instead of helping them, we betrayed the tieflings for the Absolute. None of them survived. | UIDBetrayal |
UUID3ffb2d31-6872-8c47-53f6-905dfbe633fc |
CloseMain DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
75 xp | Completed by siding with the goblins against the tieflings. | |
Continue travelling with Shadowheart. | A half-elf named Shadowheart has joined the party. She was also infected aboard the nautiloid and was playing with a strange object when we met her. | UIDRecruitedDen |
UUIDe56a0657-9b3d-3dd5-a5cd-1d7d10aa56bd |
RecruitCompanion CRA_CrashSite (1) |
30 xp | Completed by recruiting Shadowheart in the Emerald Grove. Mutually exclusive with RecruitedBeach , RecruitedCamp , RecruitedGithyanki and RecruitedLaezel .
Underground Passage[edit | edit source]
Quest | Objective | Step description | ID | UUID | Reward Category Area (level) |
Exp. | Notes |
UIDDEN_GoblinScouts_SavedDruid |
UUIDf73b0810-d018-3895-c38a-5a507fd7ac55 |
CloseBoosterEasy DEN_Tunnels (2) |
10 xp | Completed by healing and talking to Findal after killing the goblins who attacked him. This can be completed while escorting Sazza outside of the Emerald Grove, after freeing her. |
Overgrown Ruins[edit | edit source]
Quest | Objective | Step description | ID | UUID | Reward Category Area (level) |
Exp. | Notes |
UIDCHA_Chapel_BanditTalking |
UUIDe7c82f6e-dd75-7f75-e9d5-191497b27089 |
BypassedCombatMedium CHA_ChapelForest (2) |
50 xp | Completed by persuading Gimblebock and the bandits to leave the Chapel Entrance. This is achieved by passing one of several Ability Checks, including Persuasion, Deception and Intimidation, or by using a class-specific option from Monk, Warlock, Paladin and Fighter. After completing the quest, the player can still kill the bandits (70 xp) by quickly activating Turn-Based mode before they leave, for a total of 120 xp. |
Investigate the ruins. | We found a way into the abandoned ruins. | UIDAccessedTemple |
UUIDfc682670-ae29-0e62-9900-fe6ef14eae22 |
ProgressMajor CHA_Crypt (2) |
10 xp | Completed by entering inside the ruins via the main door, which opens on the Refectory. This is done by persuading Andorn to open the door, passing one of several Ability Checks such as ![]() HatchEntrance and BeachEntrance .
| |
Investigate the ruins. | We've entered some ruins through an underground cave. There are bound to be some interesting artefacts down here. | UIDHatchEntrance |
UUID2456b4af-7c2e-7ef1-cc7d-fe1c148aa422 |
ProgressMajor CHA_Crypt (2) |
10 xp | Completed by entering inside the ruins via the Hatch at X: 316 Y: 362. The party arrives directly into the Dank Crypt. Mutually exclusive with AccessedTemple and BeachEntrance .
| |
Investigate the ruins. | We've entered some kind of crypt. It doesn't look like anyone has been here in a while - there might still be some valuable artefacts lying around. | UIDBeachEntrance |
UUIDb5888e86-d27e-71c2-2dd7-11d9f43de3d5 |
ProgressMajor CHA_Crypt (2) |
10 xp | Completed by entering inside the ruins via the locked door on the Ravaged Beach (![]() AccessedTemple and HatchEntrance .
| |
Investigate the ruins. | We found a locked door, but it doesn't have a keyhole. There's got to be something interesting behind it. | UIDWeirdDoor |
UUIDfc7d9853-59dd-af1c-f027-98a9c0abc21f |
ProgressMajor CRA_CrashSite (1) |
5 xp | Completed by clicking on the locked door inside the Refectory. This is achieved when entering via the main door. | |
Investigate the ruins. | The strange door led deeper into the ruins. There are bound to be some interesting artefacts down here. | UIDWeirdDoorEntrance |
UUIDecb14e5d-ec59-5447-1102-9c464668a2d2 |
ProgressMajor CHA_Crypt (2) |
10 xp | Completed by opening the locked door (can be achieved by using the Skull Lever in the next room) and entering in the Dank Crypt. This is achieved when entering via the main door. | |
Talk to the strange figure. | A strange figure emerged from one of the sarcophagi we opened. Seems like he has something to say. | UIDOpenedSarcophagus |
UUID970a9e2d-c006-68fa-69c8-f00e5a25b5be |
ProgressMajor CHA_Crypt (2) |
10 xp | Completed by opening the sarcophagus. Mutually exclusive with ConfrontJergal .
| |
Talk to the strange figure. | That strange figure found our camp. What does he want? | UIDConfrontJergal |
UUIDa9636d91-e4d3-ce52-b43e-51748585582b |
ProgressMajor CHA_Crypt (2) |
10 xp | Completed by opening the sarcophagus. Mutually exclusive with OpenedSarcophagus .
| |
Quest Complete | The strange figure said he would see us again soon. He was probably the ruins' greatest secret, but there's no harm in checking for more valuables. | UIDExit |
UUIDdacf481a-a7df-6b26-b1db-ecc5de9d5ced |
CloseMajor CHA_Crypt (2) |
30 xp | Completed by answering Withers' question. Mutually exclusive with JergalAtCamp and ConnectedSarcophagusJergal .
| |
Quest Complete | The strange figure admitted he was the 'Guardian of Tombs' and that he'd been sealed within one of the ruins' sarcophagi. He was likely the ruins' greatest secret. | UIDConnectedSarcophagusJergal |
UUIDad63a936-42b8-e48e-52c9-75f6291b700f |
CloseMajor CHA_Crypt (2) |
30 xp | Completed by answering Withers' question. Mutually exclusive with Exit and JergalAtCamp .
| |
Quest Complete | That strange figure somehow found our camp. He was probably the ruins' greatest secret, but there could still be some treasure down there. | UIDJergalAtCamp |
UUID79f6d460-585d-973f-863d-2ee71fed61e5 |
ProgressMajor CHA_Crypt (2) |
10 xp | Completed by answering Withers' question. Mutually exclusive with Exit and ConnectedSarcophagusJergal .
| |
UIDGLO_BookOfRestoredGods_Opened |
UUID66d76473-8fbf-4cc6-a072-74eab0ba7198 |
CloseBoosterHard CHA_Crypt (2) |
15 xp | Completed by reading the ![]() |
Forest[edit | edit source]
Quest | Objective | Step description | ID | UUID | Reward Category Area (level) |
Exp. | Notes |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDFOR_PriestOfTheConqueringGod_Commanded |
UUID550b35e4-695d-068e-e342-eaccd3f780cd |
BypassedCombatMedium FOR_Forest (3) |
70 xp | Completed by talking to Andrick and Brynna and making them leave (for example, by telling them to go for the Owlbear who injured their brother Edowin). After completing the quest, the player can still kill them (30 xp) by quickly activating Turn-Based mode before they leave (or in the Owlbear Nest), for a total of 100 xp. |
Find a way to remove the mind flayer parasite. | We met some cultists who worship a deity called the Absolute. One of them could telepathically communicate with us - which means they were infected too. | UIDSawTrueSoulMeldOrTadpole |
UUID9db4025b-03e4-91f6-1447-c193ce86312b |
ProgressMain FOR_Forest (3) |
30 xp | Completed by looting Edowin's corpse after Andrick and Brynna left (or were killed), then interacting with the tadpole inside his head and obtaining a ![]() | |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDFOR_Backpack_SucceededCheck |
UUIDc5763447-714a-58a9-fc6b-03d3f03e7bdb |
CloseBoosterEasy FOR_Forest (3) |
15 xp | Completed by discovering a ![]() ![]() |
UUIDcf45b196-0ab2-9aa7-2164-17cda7d45d1e |
CloseBoosterEasy FOR_Forest (3) |
15 xp | Completed by persuading Scratch to join the campsite. |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDFOR_SeluneStash_Opened |
UUIDd7928d76-5452-768c-a1ff-3a122ab2c657 |
CloseBoosterEasy FOR_OwlbearCave (3) |
15 xp | Completed by reading the ![]() ![]() |
Blighted Village[edit | edit source]
Quest | Objective | Step description | ID | UUID | Reward Category Area (level) |
Exp. | Notes |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDFOR_GoblinAmbush_Persuaded |
UUID819bb8c9-0d55-62a0-e598-1a851e5c67ad |
BypassedCombatMedium FOR_Forest (3) |
70 xp | Completed by persuading the goblins ambushers to let the party enter the village. This is achieved by passing one of several Ability Checks. The party also receives the experience reward for defeating the ambushers (100 xp), for a total of 170 xp. Killing them afterwards doesn't reward more experience. |
Find the blueprints. | We found the journal of a blacksmith's apprentice. It mentioned blueprints to create masterwork weapons. They must be nearby. | UIDFindJournal |
UUID48ee9928-ac16-212c-5a16-91287ddcafaf |
ProgressBooster FOR_Forest (3) |
15 xp | Completed by picking up ![]() | |
Stop the windmill. | It took some convincing, but the goblins left. If we want to help the gnome, we'll have to stop the windmill. | UIDPacified |
UUID2f1a93cd-d53d-10a6-c71e-61fba67a32bb |
BypassedCombatMedium FOR_Forest (3) |
70 xp | Completed by persuading Fezzerk and the goblins to leave the Windmill. This is achieved by passing one of several Ability Checks, using , paying him or having the Brand of the Absolute (obtained inside the Goblin Camp). The party also receives the experience reward for defeating 4 goblins and 2 worgs (120 xp) - but not for Fezzerk and 2 Goblin Devouts. After completing the quest, the player can quickly activating Turn-Based mode before they leave, kill Fezzerk (50 xp) and the 2 Goblin Devouts (20 xp each), for a total of 280 xp. Once Fezzerk is low in health, he surrenders and the other goblins flee, so the party should focus the 2 Goblin Devouts first, then Fezzerk. | |
Untie the gnome. | Now that the windmill has stopped spinning, we should be able to untie the gnome. | UIDWindmillStopped |
UUID0cae8c29-1d40-b01e-3193-6525620e9c58 |
ProgressBooster FOR_Forest (3) |
15 xp | Completed by untying Barcus from the Windmill, after using the "Brake" lever to safely stop the Windmill. | |
Quest Complete | We invited Barcus Wroot to our camp. | UIDGnomeToCamp |
UUID7e8f7442-a876-38ea-9898-0e9018b47544 |
CloseMajor FOR_Forest (3) |
45 xp | Completed by inviting Barcus to the campsite. Mutually exclusive with GnomeNotToCamp .
| |
Quest Complete | After rescuing Barcus Wroot, we parted ways with him. | UIDGnomeNotToCamp |
UUIDcc87d9e5-5c13-8fc1-980e-4282277a8d5c |
CloseMajor FOR_Forest (3) |
45 xp | Completed by not inviting Barcus to the campsite. Mutually exclusive with GnomeToCamp .
| |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDFOR_KnifeMeat_SucceededCheck |
UUIDc9133713-787b-ccf4-1101-1e09444eb237 |
CloseBoosterEasy FOR_Forest (3) |
15 xp | Completed by removing the ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Find the cellar. | We found a journal that mentioned a cellar - along with some powerful items. This sounds promising and, more importantly, valuable. | UIDFindLab |
UUID5bed5f42-6aef-af3d-4c17-03bbb6704c1f |
ProgressBooster FOR_ThayanCellar (3) |
15 xp | Completed by reading the ![]() FindLabAgain .
| |
Find the cellar. | We found a journal that mentioned a 'tome of necromancy' in a hidden cellar. We should return to the cellar, and search for his book. | UIDFindLabAgain |
UUID6fd2901b-6a29-13b1-1f45-366fb82f5252 |
ProgressBooster FOR_ThayanCellar (3) |
15 xp | Completed by reading the ![]() FindLab .
| |
Find the cellar. | We found an apothecary's ledger. It mentions a cellar we've already visited, and that it should be kept 'away from prying eyes'. Sounds like there's more to this cellar than we thought. | UIDFindCellarAgain |
UUIDa0a416da-d1ac-033c-df44-8935a04a9309 |
ProgressBooster FOR_ThayanCellar (3) |
15 xp | Completed by reading ![]() | |
Investigate the cellar. | We found the cellar mentioned by the journal. Time to have a look around. | UIDSearchLabAfterJournal |
UUIDe2609588-52dc-9565-ce8f-66eb5f28b89c |
ProgressBooster FOR_ThayanCellar (3) |
15 xp | Completed by entering the Apothecary's Cellar after having read ![]() FindCellarAgain , the party needs to visit the cellar a first time, return upstairs to read the ledger, then go back in the cellar.
| |
Find the necromancer's book. | The owner of the cellar was more than a doctor - he was a necromancer. And he was obsessed with a particular book. | UIDFindTome |
UUIDc29efd8e-167d-913d-613c-17b82b2679e4 |
ProgressMajor FOR_ThayanCellar (3) |
15 xp | Completing by asking Shovel about his master's book (i.e. ![]() | |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDFOR_ThayanCellar_OpenMirror |
UUIDe1d48d58-f86f-b4b3-77f0-6826c0ed86d3 |
CloseBoosterEasy FOR_ThayanCellar (3) |
15 xp | Completed by opening the Ornate Mirror. |
Quest Complete | We deciphered the final page of 'The Necromancy of Thay', and finished the book. | UIDFinishedTome |
UUIDb8057a9d-4248-ff1c-0a97-8773bf9d7dfb |
CloseMajor FOR_ThayanCellar (3) |
45 xp | ❓ DevComment: | |
Quest Complete | The book was destroyed, along with any secrets it had. | UIDDestroyedTome |
UUID4cc83e53-f120-8884-b81e-6e7dc161e273 |
CloseMajor FOR_ThayanCellar (3) |
45 xp | ❓ DevComment: | |
Quest Complete | The book was destroyed, along with its secrets. | UIDUseTome_Destroyed |
UUID2bb06320-8422-60d6-38a6-9f7eeba144d1 |
CloseBoosterHard FOR_Forest (3) |
35 xp | Completed by destroying ![]() ![]() ⚠️ PERSONAL NOTE: probably not mutually exclusive with the other "destroy" step (not part of the same quest), so 35 + 35 + 3 shadows xp? A bit weird there are 2 quests, they probably coded the "destroy" one first for the EA, then added the "unlock" one when they added the follow up in act 3. | |
Quest Complete | The book has been destroyed, along with any dark secrets it contained. Good riddance. | UIDEvilTome_COMPLETE |
UUID0bbda7e1-8c30-ce2f-5dde-3c6712a21745 |
CloseBoosterHard FOR_Forest (3) |
35 xp | Completed by destroying ![]() ![]() EvilTome_ReadBook .⚠️ PERSONAL NOTE: probably not mutually exclusive with the other "destroy" step (not part of the same quest), so 35 + 35 + 3 shadows xp? A bit weird there are 2 quests, they probably coded the "destroy" one first for the EA, then added the "unlock" one when they added the follow up in act 3. | |
Quest Complete | The book was too valuable to be destroyed - we decided to take its knowledge for ourselves. | UIDEvilTome_ReadBook |
UUIDf0c5ab46-3613-d808-2c00-bd153f73ef08 |
CloseBoosterHard FOR_Forest (3) |
35 xp | Completed by reading ![]() EvilTome_COMPLETE .
| |
Quest Complete | We forged a masterwork greatsword. | UIDObtainedGreatsword |
UUID5b42b156-8d3b-3d23-3caa-913fbacb49f6 |
CloseMajor FOR_Forest (3) |
45 xp | Completed by forging ![]() ObtainedDagger and ObtainedSickle .
| |
Quest Complete | We forged a masterwork dagger. | UIDObtainedDagger |
UUID9a3fcebe-3492-5624-3d8a-7a5d08d613b4 |
CloseMajor FOR_Forest (3) |
45 xp | Completed by forging ![]() ObtainedGreatsword and ObtainedSickle .
| |
Quest Complete | We forged a masterwork sickle. | UIDObtainedSickle |
UUIDae6323d4-84b1-a5c4-e0ea-067d3e22201f |
CloseMajor FOR_Forest (3) |
45 xp | Completed by forging ![]() ObtainedGreatsword and ObtainedDagger .
Goblin Camp[edit | edit source]
Quest | Objective | Step description | ID | UUID | Reward Category Area (level) |
Exp. | Notes |
Search for the leaders. | We've arrived in the Goblin Camp. Now to find the three leaders. | UIDGOB_ArrivedGoblinCampLeaders |
UUID009223f4-248a-7a73-5411-c1d331186ddf |
ProgressMajor GOB_GoblinCamp (3) |
15 xp | Completed by arriving at the Goblin Camp after having read ![]() ⚠️ PERSONAL NOTE: mutually exclusive with GOB_ArrivedGoblinCamp? | |
Find the leader of the Goblin Camp. | We arrived at the Goblin Camp. Now we need to find who's in charge and deal with them. | UIDGOB_ArrivedGoblinCamp |
UUID5baebc37-b2a5-b220-b619-52409103323a |
ProgressMajor GOB_GoblinCamp (3) |
15 xp | ❓ DevComment: Triggered when player has arrived in the goblin camp with Wyll's info. ⚠️ PERSONAL NOTE: not sure how to get this, I guess there is a convo with Wyll at camp? | |
Rescue Volo. | We found Volo performing for the goblins under significant duress. He was led into their camp's interior by a guard - he clearly needs help. | UIDVoloTakenAlreadyMet |
UUIDf6499c10-0f86-2b34-5cce-dbbffdd6a0ee |
ProgressMajor GOB_GoblinCamp (3) |
15 xp | Completed by interrupting Volo while he is performing for the goblins. The party must have talked to Volo in the Emerald Grove. Mutually exclusive with VoloTaken .
| |
Rescue Volo. | We met a man named Volo who was performing for the goblins under duress. He was led into their camp's interior by a guard - he clearly needs help. | UIDVoloTaken |
UUID64083f97-2524-ad1b-e01c-33809f927ae9 |
ProgressMajor DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by interrupting Volo while he is performing for the goblins. The party must not have talked to Volo in the Emerald Grove. Mutually exclusive with VoloTakenAlreadyMet .
| |
UUIDc90e8b8d-9239-a349-3fee-1ca50bc83003 |
CloseBoosterHard GOB_GoblinCamp (3) |
35 xp | Completed by winning a game of "Chicken Chase" against Krolla. The easiest way is to use on the Owlbear Cub and succeed a ![]() |
UUIDaa5260ee-9619-fe07-f75b-ebb7ec88661d |
CloseBoosterEasy GOB_GoblinCamp (3) |
15 xp | Completed by defeating Crusher in duel. Mutually exclusive with GOB_DrunkGoblin_StoleRing .
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDGOB_DrunkGoblin_StoleRing |
UUID39ea8fde-1369-03c9-a11c-8260adc681a4 |
CloseBoosterEasy GOB_GoblinCamp (3) |
15 xp | Completed by stealing ![]() GOB_DrunkGoblin_WonDuel .
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDGOB_GoblinToast_Poisoned |
UUID5bcf424b-e15b-c056-1f79-e2704f3ea733 |
BypassedCombatMedium GOB_GoblinCamp (3) |
70 xp | Completed by poisoning the goblins in the courtyard, by pouring a poison such as ![]() ![]() |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDGOB_NerdyGoblinSage_GotBook |
UUID82fa3e54-9ecf-e03f-d4da-101a3cf03671 |
CloseBoosterEasy GOB_GoblinCamp (3) |
15 xp | ❓ DevComment: Get Volo's book from Piddle in GOB ⚠️⚠️ PERSONAL NOTE: i didn't get the xp for this. Maybe we need to give the book to volo? |
UUIDa22ba37b-e4a9-7a3e-8f2f-4cc3b39ba014 |
CloseBoosterHard GOB_GoblinThrone (3) |
35 xp | Completed by saving Smythin from being thrown into the spiders pit by the goblins Druk and Bez. ⚠️ PERSONAL NOTE: I went over there after being branded and doing all the side quests on the west and east sides, and Smythin wasn't there and the 2 goblins where guarding the door of the spiders pit. I've never done this interaction so not sure about it, maybe the player needs to go over there as soon as they enters the Shattered Sanctum. |
UUIDc8f57d35-e21a-91a1-4d5e-f2149d0ed4bf |
CloseBoosterEasy GOB_GoblinThrone (3) |
15 xp | Completed by freeing Liam from the goblins. |
Search for Halsin in the Goblin Camp. | We learned that Halsin transformed into a bear during the chaos of the failed expedition. He might still be in that shape. | UIDLearnedBear |
UUID4d451110-ab46-6633-379e-a3aa2cfec60a |
ProgressMain GOB_GoblinCamp (3) |
30 xp | Completed by asking Liam what happened to Halsin. | |
Return to camp. | We freed Volo. He'll meet us back at camp. | UIDVoloFree |
UUIDb90fede1-a179-76ef-800a-bf99fa5fabf1 |
CloseMajor GOB_GoblinThrone (3) |
45 xp | Completed by freeing Volo from Gribbo and inviting him to the campsite. | |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDGOB_PainPriest_Penanced |
UUIDd26e5b41-bdef-bc66-269a-75b590015b78 |
CloseBoosterEasy GOB_GoblinThrone (3) |
15 xp | Completed by finishing the penance with Abdirak. Also rewards the permanent bonus . |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDGOB_GoblinPriest_Brand |
UUID36c71423-267c-19d1-d576-3e13524668a9 |
CloseBoosterEasy GOB_GoblinThrone (3) |
15 xp | ❓ DevComment: Get branded by Priestess Gut in GOB ⚠️ ⚠️ PERSONAL NOTE: i didn't get this xp. I branded the entire party by Gut herself but it didn't trigger |
Follow Priestess Gut. | We decided to trust Priestess Gut. If we follow her to her chapel, she'll examine the parasite. | UIDGotBranded |
UUIDae806902-cf87-bc5f-c8e6-8af9d48431b6 |
ProgressMain GOB_GoblinThrone (3) |
30 xp | Completed by asking help to Gut about the Mind Flayer Tadpole inside the character's head. | |
Drink Priestess Gut's potion. | Now that we have some privacy, Priestess Gut is prepared to assist us. All we need to do is drink a potion. | UIDReachedQuarters |
UUID2b98e9aa-54c7-af07-6947-4fe09e610146 |
ProgressMain GOB_GoblinThrone (3) |
30 xp | Completed by following Gut in her quarters and talking to her. She eventually asks the character to drink a potion. | |
Drink Priestess Gut's potion. | We were drugged and imprisoned by Priestess Gut. She hopes that we'll turn into mind flayers so she can study us. We need to get out of here - now. | UIDPriestessImprisoned |
UUIDe17c44fb-49d8-eb49-f022-f43fa78896b5 |
ProgressMain GOB_GoblinThrone (3) |
30 xp | Completed by refusing to drink Gut's potion. The character wake up imprisoned. | |
Defeat the goblin leaders. | We saved a large bear, and it ended up being the druid Halsin himself. He asked us to kill the goblin leaders so he can restore peace to the grove. | UIDFoundHalsin_Known_KillLeaders |
UUIDe1771ebf-5337-5b68-3435-17787c486bd2 |
CloseMajor GOB_GoblinThrone (3) |
45 xp | Completed by freeing Halsin at the Worg Pens after having heard in the Emerald Grove that he was missing, and talking with him about killing the goblin leaders. Mutually exclusive with FoundHalsin_Unknown_KillLeaders .
| |
Defeat the goblin leaders. | We saved a large bear who turned out to be a druid named Halsin. He asked us to kill the goblin leaders so he could restore peace to the grove. | UIDFoundHalsin_Unknown_KillLeaders |
UUID8e24466f-ed48-34cd-d559-8cc2a46e2d96 |
CloseMajor GOB_GoblinThrone (3) |
45 xp | Completed by freeing Halsin at the Worg Pens without having heard in the Emerald Grove that he was missing, and talking with him about killing the goblin leaders. Mutually exclusive with FoundHalsin_Known_KillLeaders .
| |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDGOB_GoblinKing_Performed |
UUID13557718-5681-4622-a73a-d7f08c22f502 |
CloseBoosterHard GOB_GoblinThrone (3) |
35 xp | Completed by interrupting Dror Ragzlin during his ceremony in the throne room, then during dialogue, telling him to pursue with the ceremony and helping him interrogating the Mind Flayer. |
Speak with Minthara. | Dror Ragzlin told us to speak to the drow Minthara. She plans to raid the adventurers' refuge - the grove. | UIDKing_SentToMinthara |
UUID19b45079-8511-a583-8315-a4d8ed31624d |
ProgressMain GOB_GoblinThrone (3) |
30 xp | Completed by talking with Dror Ragzlin and getting tasked to speak with Minthara. This happens just after GOB_GoblinKing_Performed if the main character tells Dror to perform the ceremony.
| |
Quest Complete | Sazza betrayed us, but we convinced Minthara to spare her life. Let's hope she'll remember what we did for her. | UIDSaved |
UUID1b86a526-4645-2067-0d01-dafb6f3f0880 |
CloseMajor GOB_GoblinCamp (3) |
45 xp | Completed by saving Sazza from Minthara. | |
Quest Complete | Sazza was thrown into the spider pit and eaten alive. | UIDDiedSpiders |
UUID1ad59141-f58f-f04a-6658-4a2535c40510 |
CloseMajor GOB_GoblinCamp (3) |
45 xp | Completed by siding with Minthara against Sazza, which results in her being thrown to the spiders. Note that, as of Hotfix 30 (Console Only) - 15:00, 12 December 2024 (CET), the quest sometimes bugs when trying to complete this step, Sazza is not thrown to the spiders, she can't be spoken to and the quest doesn't update. | |
Quest Complete | The roads are safe, and the tieflings are ready to leave. Tonight, we celebrate at camp. | UIDLearnedLeaving |
UUIDee41b997-46b5-58f3-5f1b-3e1fa39d1013 |
CloseMain GOB_GoblinThrone (3) |
75 xp | Completed by killing Gut, Minthara and Dror Ragzlin. Minthara can be in order to survive and be recruitable in Act Two. Can't be completed if Minthara left to raid the Emerald Grove, even if the party sides with Zevlor and the tieflings and defeats Minthara during the raid. | |
Quest Complete | The goblin threat has ended, and the tieflings are ready to leave. Tonight, we celebrate our victory at camp. | UIDCelebrationTieflings |
UUID7b7cd883-e664-abba-d93e-222ee508d3c0 |
CloseMain GOB_GoblinThrone (3) |
75 xp | Completed by siding with Zevlor and the tieflings and defeating Minthara and the raiders. Killing the raiders rewards an extra 415 xp. Minthara can be in order to survive and be recruitable in Act Two. Killing Minthara doesn't reward experience. Mutually exclusive with CelebrationGoblins and AoD_LockdownEnd .
| |
Quest Complete | With the tieflings dead, the grove is ours. Pleased, the Absolute granted us new powers. Tonight we celebrate at camp. | UIDCelebrationGoblins |
UUID6a6348f4-f2cf-65c4-2582-3aebca8a02e8 |
CloseMain GOB_GoblinThrone (3) |
75 xp | Completed by siding with Minthara and the raiders and defeating Zevlor and the tieflings. Mutually exclusive with CelebrationTieflings and AoD_LockdownEnd .
| |
Quest Complete | Minthara was furious that the grove was sealed and attacked us. | UIDAoD_LockdownEnd |
UUID003e43ca-101b-d4e5-cdd5-e5562901330e |
CloseMain GOB_GoblinThrone (3) |
75 xp | ❓ DevComment: After angry Minthara dialog at lockdown ⚠️ PERSONAL NOTE: not sure about this, maybe when speaking with her at the Goblin Camp there is an option to trigger this? | |
Meet Halsin in the Emerald Grove. | With the goblin leaders dead, Halsin and the grove can rest easy. We should meet him there to discuss what comes next. | UIDHalsinLeft_KilledLeaders |
UUID635a1737-9986-30c4-8b44-26071d4ea646 |
CloseMain GOB_GoblinThrone (3) |
75 xp | ❓ DevComment: Halsin left for Grove after killing the leaders | |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDGOB_TempleAccess_Solved |
UUID8a1a4b4f-a3f7-67af-8cbf-c267bc835553 |
CloseBoosterHard GOB_GoblinThrone (3) |
35 xp | ❓ DevComment: Complete the Moon Puzzle in GOB |
UUID550aeaf0-2fa8-9297-7511-a4b187d906b5 |
CloseBoosterEasy GOB_GoblinThrone (3) |
15 xp | Completed by freeing Brakkal from his cage. After being freed, the player can quickly activate Turn-Based mode to kill him before he leaves, for an extra 20 xp. |
Find a way to Moonrise Towers. | Minthara has a creature in her service who can guide us to Moonrise Towers through the mountain pass. | UIDMintharaToldPath |
UUID7e5466d3-edff-88ff-0b51-6542b613d86b |
ProgressMain GOB_GoblinThrone (3) |
30 xp | ❓ DevComment: Minthara told us how we could travel - node N770 of CAMP_GoblinHuntCelebration_SCO_DrowBetrayal | |
Find the secret entrance to the Underdark. | We found the old temple of Selûne. The entrance to the Underdark must be here somewhere. | UIDUnderdark_FindPuzzle |
UUID8807a78c-ee1f-2969-240f-1b936eda43b3 |
ProgressBooster GOB_GoblinCamp (3) |
15 xp | Completed by entering the Shattered Sanctum after Halsin told the party that there is a way to Moonrise Towers through tunnels beneath the Defiled Temple. | |
Go through the secret entrance. | We unlocked a secret door in the old temple of Selûne. It leads to the Underdark. | UIDUnderdark_OpenedPuzzle |
UUIDa45e97c9-58be-ba3f-80f7-fbd1eb9ed360 |
ProgressBooster GOB_GoblinCamp (3) |
15 xp | Completed by solving the puzzle in the Defiled Temple. | |
Travel through the mountain pass. | Minthara told us of a creature in her service who can guide us safely to Moonrise Towers. We can meet him and his minions at the mountain pass. | UIDMountain_MintharaToldPath |
UUID12ed6c79-8ba3-5c49-92f0-f24e61510f7b |
ProgressBooster GOB_GoblinCamp (3) |
15 xp | ❓ DevComment: | |
Continue travelling with Shadowheart. | A maddened half-elf named Shadowheart arrived at our camp looking for us. We were able to calm her down and invited her to stay in our camp. | UIDRecruitedCamp |
UUID9a6bd47f-fe6a-0c01-6475-6525acb8fc16 |
RecruitCompanion CRA_CrashSite (1) |
30 xp | Completed by recruiting Shadowheart in the Goblin Camp. Mutually exclusive with RecruitedBeach , RecruitedDen , RecruitedGithyanki and RecruitedLaezel .
Sunlit Wetlands[edit | edit source]
Quest | Objective | Step description | ID | UUID | Reward Category Area (level) |
Exp. | Notes |
Question Auntie Ethel. | We saw through the illusion that hid the area, revealing a stinking, nightmarish place. | UIDBrokeIllusion1 |
UUID8ce86039-a9d2-249b-9cc8-1c0dbef4dfb1 |
ProgressMajor HAG_HagForest (4) |
20 xp | Completed by succeeding a ![]() | |
Confront Kagha. | A second note proved that Kagha is in league with the Shadow Druids. This could explain why she wants the tieflings gone. | UIDFoundLetterAfterNote |
UUID4c838fd3-289f-c4db-5d96-866022e10348 |
ProgressBooster DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by reading ![]() ![]() FoundLetterFirst .
| |
Confront Kagha. | We found a note proving that Kagha is in league with the Shadow Druids. This could explain why she wants the tieflings gone. | UIDFoundLetterFirst |
UUID5db3a70a-b493-9a16-f962-abd234528d92 |
ProgressBooster DEN_Sitra'sDen (3) |
15 xp | Completed by reading ![]() ![]() FoundLetterAfterNote .
| |
Question Auntie Ethel. | We met Mayrina and Auntie Ethel at the teahouse. There is something strange about their relationship. | UIDStartScene3 |
UUIDd4b92eca-e27a-06f4-e4b3-09a3cd28c6d6 |
ProgressMajor HAG_HagForest (4) |
20 xp | ❓ DevComment: | |
Rescue Mayrina. | The fireplace revealed a hidden passage under Auntie Ethel's home - leading to a dark, twisted lair. | UIDEnteredLair |
UUIDae1cd2b1-6173-50bb-b2e7-a14fc0ca22d5 |
ProgressBooster HAG_HagForest (4) |
20 xp | ❓ DevComment: | |
Get Auntie Ethel's help. | We met an eccentric old lady at a teahouse in the wilderness. She's confident she can remove our parasites - for a price. | UIDToldEthelAboutTadpoleInTeahouse |
UUID4de81b1c-43c4-c5f6-134b-188061e8f530 |
ProgressMain HAG_HagForest (4) |
60 xp | ❓ DevComment: Discussed tapole with Auntie Ethel at her teahouse | |
Quest Complete | We made a deal with Auntie Ethel, but she couldn't remove the parasite, claiming it was Netherese. If a green hag can't help us, who can? | UIDHagTriedTadpoleHeal |
UUID99b79b75-2dd4-2ca6-8ea8-9d693f3aa299 |
CloseMain HAG_HagForest (4) |
100 xp | ❓ DevComment: Learn about the tadpole Netherese magic from the Hag | |
Quest Complete | Things turned violent with Auntie Ethel. She isn't happy with us. | UIDHagHostile |
UUID276b9cfe-aad4-a31d-4d94-ada0524b670c |
ProgressMain HAG_HagForest (4) |
60 xp | ❓ DevComment: Auntie Ethel turned permanently hostile | |
Search the lair for a way to help Mayrina. | We saved Mayrina, but she was in a bad way. She left to say goodbye to her husband at his grave - perhaps we can help her somehow? | UIDSavedMayrina |
UUID10c427ac-7dc0-bac3-2c75-f4205e2a7744 |
ProgressMajor HAG_HagLair (4) |
20 xp | ❓ DevComment: | |
Quest Complete | We made a deal with Auntie Ethel for great power. She left - and took Mayrina with her. | UIDMercyMayrinaNotFree |
UUID341ffb98-2fab-73af-251b-7bcfbbf6098c |
CloseMajor HAG_HagLair (4) |
60 xp | ❓ DevComment: | |
Quest Complete | We decided to keep Mayrina's husband for ourselves. Distraught, Mayrina left. | UIDTookHusband |
UUID4a3af0b7-c906-41ef-2e06-bb88e8c4fcb0 |
CloseMajor HAG_HagLair (4) |
60 xp | ❓ DevComment | |
Quest Complete | Determined to find a cure, Mayrina and Connor left for Baldur's Gate. Who knows if we'll ever see them again? | UIDLeftHusband |
UUID93bae264-5a40-6755-5b95-684e42ca817c |
CloseMajor HAG_HagLair (4) |
60 xp | ❓ DevComment | |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDHAG_FairyRing_OpenedSwamp |
UUID9b2e7ab9-be4d-2074-2155-bc1790b0254e |
CloseBoosterEasy HAG_HagForest (4) |
25 xp | ❓ DevComment: Activate the Swamp Fairy Circle in HAG |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDHAG_FairyRing_OpenedWaterfall |
UUID2b72bdf4-7799-8544-3f89-6222829eb0c7 |
CloseBoosterEasy HAG_HagLair (4) |
25 xp | ❓ DevComment: Activate the Waterfall Hag Lair Fairy Circle in HAG |
HIDDEN | HIDDEN | HIDDEN | UIDHAG_FairyRing_OpenedWorkshop |
UUIDa6667e73-f327-3f79-7155-44205680cb50 |
CloseBoosterEasy HAG_HagLair (4) |
25 xp | ❓ DevComment: Activate the Workshop Hag Lair Fairy Circle in HAG |
Underdark[edit | edit source]
Quest | Objective | Step description | ID | UUID | Reward Category Area (level) |
Exp. | Notes |
Campsite[edit | edit source]
Quest | Objective | Step description | ID | UUID | Reward Category Area (level) |
Exp. | Notes |
Quest Complete | Volo has decided to remain in our camp. Having such a learned scholar nearby might be useful. | UIDVoloCamp |
UUID7c0e3875-c056-e638-1888-37083d3da54e |
CloseBoosterEasy GOB_GoblinCamp (3) |
15 xp | Completed by saving Volo from the Goblin Camp, inviting him at the campsite, taking a long rest and talking with him. Also rewards ![]() | |
UIDCAMP_OwlbearCub_Tamed |
UUIDb75c4542-4f30-0215-a074-f5f388dfdc0b |
CloseBoosterEasy CAMP (1) |
5 xp | ❓ DevComment: Tame the Owlbear Cub in CAMP |
Anywhere / not sure yet[edit | edit source]
Quest | Objective | Step description | ID | UUID | Reward Category Area (level) |
Exp. | Notes |
Continue travelling with Shadowheart. | We recruited a half-elf named Shadowheart. She was also infected aboard the nautiloid. For some reason, she doesn't seem to trust githyanki. | UIDRecruitedGithyanki |
UUID9ce0f9b0-57f7-6023-fc36-5eee50490a77 |
RecruitCompanion CRA_CrashSite (1) |
30 xp | ⚠️ TO VERIFY Completed by recruiting Shadowheart while Sina'zith is in the party. Mutually exclusive with RecruitedBeach , RecruitedDen , RecruitedCamp and RecruitedLaezel .
| |
Continue travelling with Shadowheart. | We recruited a half-elf named Shadowheart. She was also infected aboard the nautiloid. For some reason, she doesn't seem to trust Lae'zel. | UIDRecruitedLaezel |
UUID0c0cc6d1-85ca-431c-0113-7522f0092b9e |
RecruitCompanion CHA_ChapelForest (2) |
30 xp | ⚠️ TO VERIFY Completed by recruiting Shadowheart while Lae'zel is in the party. Mutually exclusive with RecruitedBeach , RecruitedDen , RecruitedCamp and RecruitedGithyanki .
| |
Hunt down Karlach. | We recruited Wyll, a monster hunter known as the Blade of Frontiers. He is on a mission to kill Karlach, a powerful devil who is a danger to the entire Sword Coast. | UIDRecruitedWyll |
UUID5f4ed676-9d40-ee7b-d076-1bab1e7dbcf4 |
RecruitCompanion None LevelOverride (2) |
30 xp | Completed by recruiting Wyll. Mutually exclusive with RecrtuitedMetKarlach , RecruitedAmbush and RecruitedAmbushKarlachKilled .⚠️ PERSONAL NOTE: happens in the Emerald Grove? if so, move it there ⚠️ ⚠️ PERSONAL NOTE 2: I didn't get any xp for this step. Maybe there is a condition to get this? Or maybe it's because the step has no area (i.e. StatTriggerGUID "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" )? Update Experience if not.
| |
Hunt down Karlach. | We recruited Wyll, a monster hunter known as the Blade of Frontiers. He is on a mission to kill Karlach, a tiefling we've encountered before. He claims she is a powerful devil and a danger to the entire Sword Coast. | UIDRecrtuitedMetKarlach |
UUIDc5ba63b9-b1a1-34d7-b2c5-8fa3dfb7f6b7 |
RecruitCompanion None LevelOverride (2) |
30 xp | Completed by recruiting Wyll while the party has met Karlach. Mutually exclusive with RecruitedWyll , RecruitedAmbush and RecruitedAmbushKarlachKilled .⚠️ PERSONAL NOTE: happens in the Emerald Grove? if so, move it there | |
Talk to Wyll about Karlach. | A monster hunter named Wyll confronted Karlach in our camp, believing her to be a dangerous devil. We resolved the situation peacefully and recruited Wyll to our party. We should get to know him better. | UIDRecruitedAmbush |
UUID495ac006-f758-cdbf-124b-0c491acb6e9f |
RecruitCompanion None LevelOverride (2) |
30 xp | Completed by recruiting Wyll at campsite after the party has recruited Karlach. The party convinces Wyll to not kill her. Mutually exclusive with RecruitedWyll , RecrtuitedMetKarlach and RecruitedAmbushKarlachKilled .⚠️ PERSONAL NOTE: move it to Campsite? | |
Talk to Wyll about Karlach. | A monster hunter named Wyll confronted Karlach in our camp, believing her to be a dangerous devil. We slayed Karlach and recruited Wyll to our party. We should get to know him better. | UIDRecruitedAmbushKarlachKilled |
UUIDa17f9200-7dfb-7abe-fea7-58626b721b0a |
RecruitCompanion None LevelOverride (2) |
30 xp | Completed by recruiting Wyll at campsite after the party has recruited Karlach. The party doesn't convince Wyll to not kill her. Mutually exclusive with RecruitedWyll , RecrtuitedMetKarlach and RecruitedAmbush .⚠️ PERSONAL NOTE: move it to Campsite? |
Act 2[edit | edit source]
Quest | Objective | Step description | ID | UUID | Reward Category Area (level) |
Exp. | Notes |
Act 3[edit | edit source]
Quest | Objective | Step description | ID | UUID | Reward Category Area (level) |
Exp. | Notes |