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List of sources of movement speed

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This is a list of sources of movement speed in Baldur's Gate 3. Movement speed is a resource that determines the distance a creature can move on its turn. It can be affected by racial or class features, feats, or by using certain actions, spells or items.

Most races have a base movement speed of 9m / 30ft; dwarves, halflings, and gnomes have a base movement speed of 7.5m / 25ft; wood elves and wood half-elves have a base movement speed of 10.5m / 35ft

Increasing your movement speed

Actions and spells

Dash Dash doubles movement
Doubles a character's movement speed at the cost of an Action.
Haste Haste doubles movement
A spell which doubles a creature's movement speed. Also grants a second action, which can be used to Dash a second time for even further mobility.
Jump Jump or Flight Flight
Slightly increase the distance a creature can move.
Longstrider Longstrider 3 m / 10 ft
A Ritual spell which increases a creature's movement speed until the next long rest.

Companion features

Soul Branding Soul Branding 5 m / 17 ft
Companion feature which increases movement speed and grants adittional weapon damage as a Bonus action. This condition ends upon landing a successful weapon attack or after 3 turns.

Class features and actions

Barbarian Barbarian
Fast Movement Fast Movement 3 m / 10 ft
Class feature received at Level 5, which increases their movement speed while not wearing Heavy Armour.
Wildheart Wildheart
Aspect of the Beast (Elk) Aspect of the Beast (Elk) 1.5 m / 5 ft
Can choose the Elk Animal Aspect at level 6 or 10, increasing movement speed of themselves and nearby allies.
Elk Hearts Elk Hearts 4.5 m / 15 ft
Increases movement speed while Raging.
Wolf Hearts Wolf Hearts using Inciting Howl Inciting Howl 3 m / 10 ft
Increases the movement speed of nearby allies by for 1 turn.
Druid Druid
Wild Shape: Wolf Wild Shape: Wolf using Inciting Howl (Wolf) Inciting Howl (Wolf) 3 m / 10 ft
Increases the movement speed of nearby allies for 1 turn.
Fighter Fighter
Battle Master Battle Master
Manoeuvring Attack Manoeuvring Attack plus half base speed
Increases an ally's Movement Speed by half for 1 turn.
Monk Monk
Step of the Wind: Dash Step of the Wind: Dash doubles movement
Class feature gained at level 2, which can double movement at the cost of Bonus action + Ki Point.
Unarmoured Movement Unarmoured Movement 3 m / 10 ft
Class feature received at level 2, which increases movement speed while not wearing armour or using a shield. This bonus improves to 4.5 m / 15 ft and 6 m / 20 ft at levels 6 and 10, respectively, with Improved Unarmoured Movement Improved Unarmoured Movement.
Ranger Ranger
Gloom Stalker Gloom Stalker
Dread Ambusher Dread Ambusher 3 m / 10 ft
Class feature which increases movement speed on the first turn of combat only.
Rogue Rogue
Cunning Action: Dash Cunning Action: Dash doubles movement
Class feature gained at Level 2, which can double movement speed as a Bonus action.


Hastened Hastened doubles movement
A condition granted by certain items, which doubles movement speed, also giving a second action which can be used to Dash twice. See the condition page for sources of Haste.
Momentum Momentum 1.5 m / 5 ft
A condition granted by certain items, increases movement speed by 1.5m / 5ft per remaining stack. See the condition page for sources of Momentum.


Boots of Speed Improved Dash
Grants the bonus action Click Heels, doubling movement speed and inflicting Disadvantage on Opportunity Attacks against its wearer
Crusher's Ring 3 m / 10 ft
Grants additional movement speed while equipped.
Elixir of Elven Elegance 10 m / 33 ft
Grants additional movement speed when consumed. This effect lasts until the next long rest, but will be overridden if another elixir is consumed.
Featherlight Boots 3 m / 10 ft
(Early Access only) Grants additional movement speed while equipped, if its wearer has 50% Hit Points or less.
Martial Exertion Gloves doubles movement
Grants the free action Martial Exertion, doubling movement speed and gaining an additional action at the cost of taking significant damage. This action can only be used once per Short Rest.
Nyrulna 3 m / 10 ft
Grants additional movement speed while equipped.
Springstep Boots Improved Dash: Momentum
When the wearer Dashes or takes a similar action during combat, they gain Momentum for 3 turns. (Note: Momentum gear mostly triggers while in combat)
Transmuter's Stone: Speed Transmuter's Stone: Speed 3 m / 10 ft
Created by a Transmutation increases movement speed while in a character's inventory. The stone lasts until the Wizard who created it makes another stone, or until the next Long Rest.


  • Wood elves and wood half-elves have an increased base speed of 1.5 m / 5 ft.
  • The Mobile Mobile feat permanently increases movement speed by 3 m / 10 ft.

Reducing movement speed

Reduced Base Movement Speed

Gnomes, Halflings, and Dwarves have reduced base movement speed at 7.5 m / 25 ft.

Subtracting from the Base Movement Speed

The following conditions reduce an afflicted creature's movement speed by 3 m / 10 ft:

Standing up from the Prone Prone condition spends an amount equal to half the afflicted creature's base movement speed (or 1.5 m / 5 ft with Athlete). In effect, this subtracts from the creature's movement speed on the turn that they stand up on.

Multiplying Movement Cost

Certain conditions increase the cost of movement, reducing the distance a creature can actually travel using its movement speed. For example, when its movement cost is doubled, a creature can only cover 4.5 m / 15 ft of ground, despite using its full 9 m / 30 ft of movement speed. This increased movement cost applies after any subtractions or additions.

This multiplication also applies to anything that costs movement, such as Jumping and standing up from Prone Prone.

The following conditions double an afflicted creature's movement cost:

The following condition triples an afflicted creature's movement cost:

The following conditions quadruple an afflicted creature's movement cost:

Preventing Movement

The following conditions prevent an afflicted creature from utilising their movement speed:

The following conditions incapacitate or otherwise skip an afflicted creature's turn, therefore preventing them from moving: