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Save the Goblin Sazza
Save the Goblin Sazza is a Quest in Act One. It is initiated by entering the Emerald Grove prison and intervening in the confrontation between Arka and Sazza.
Objectives[edit | edit source]
Objectives and journal entries may vary pending story decisions and outcomes.
Walkthrough[edit | edit source]
When arriving in the Emerald Grove for the first time, Sazza is caged in the Makeshift Prison at X: 189 Y: 587. If the party entered the Grove through the main gate, Arka is in the prison threatening to shoot Sazza to avenge her brother, Kanon. Meanwhile, Memnos tries to calm her, insisting that Sazza is not the goblin that killed her brother. The party has several options on how to proceed:
- Shut up. Those words could be your last.
- Step between the crossbow and the goblin.
- This- This is wrong, isn't it?
- [PALADIN] This goblin is in need of judgement. I should decide her fate.
- [DARK URGE] Stand back, and admire the guard's overflowing hate.
- Do nothing.
If the party choose to stand between Arka and Sazza, Arka tells them to get out of the way:
- [INTIMIDATION] Lower the crossbow, or I'll deliver you right to your brother. (DC 10)
- [PERSUASION] No, shoot me. Should be easy, right? (DC 10)
- [PERSUASION] This won't avenge Kanon. It won't change anything. (DC 10)
- [DETECT THOUGHTS] [WISDOM] Read the tiefling's thoughts.
- What would Kanon think of you now?
- [BARBARIAN] [INTIMIDATION] Take your shot. Go on. (DC 10
- [CLERIC] [PERSUASION] Killing this goblin won't help you. Let the gods provide comfort. (DC 10)
- [MONK] [INSIGHT] I sense the pain you carry - but killing this creature will not ease your burden (DC 10)
- Step out of the way.
If the Intimidation check or one of the
Persuasion check rolls fail, the player character can make another roll that they previously did not choose.
If the party cannot persuade Arka to relent, she shoots Sazza and the quest is not received. Otherwise, she storms off and Sazza calls out to the party.
Alternatively, the party can head west of the grove's main gate following the initial goblin attack instead of immediately entering the grove, until they come across a hidden stone door. A successful perception check highlights the door itself, while a survival check reveals goblin tracks leading up to it. This route is considerably more dangerous than entering the grove normally, as it is guarded by statues that continuously shoot fire bolts at anyone within range, flammable explosives, and a small party of goblins holding the druid Findal captive. The statues are activated by runes embedded in the walls, which can be turned off by directly interacting with them or using . On the opposite side of the tunnel, an exit leads directly into the Makeshift Prison. This route allows the party to approach Sazza before Arka does, skipping the dialogue with her.
Free Sazza[edit | edit source]
If Sazza survives through either approach, she attempts to convince the party to help her escape. She explains that her goddess, the Absolute, protects her and that the goblins will wreck the entire Grove. The party will be spared, if they aid her in returning to camp. The party can free Sazza or leave her to her fate. To free Sazza, the cage must be lockpicked with DC 10 Sleight of Hand check, smashed by force, or unlocked with
Iron Cell Key. Freeing Sazza rewards 15 XP.
Sazza can be questioned, but she refuses to answer or she'll be a rat's breakfast:
- [BARBARIAN] [INTIMIDATION] Tell me, or you'll be my breakfast. (DC 5)
- [INTIMIDATION] Bad news for me. Good news for the spiders. (DC 5)
- [PERSUASION] I've saved your hide twice now. You owe me. (DC 5)
- [DETECT THOUGHTS] [WISDOM] Read her mind.
- You're in trouble no matter what. You may as well talk.
Escorting Sazza[edit | edit source]
Once free, Sazza must be escorted from the Grove. The party can stealthily escape the Grove by jumping on the rocks behind Sazza's cage and opening the stone door to the Underground Passage behind the prison. If the party did not previously access the tunnels, they must deactivate the statues and deal with the goblins in the passage.
Warrior Gresh recognises Sazza and faults her for the failed Grove raid. He and his group become hostile and must be defeated to proceed. To exit the Underground Passage, the party can follow the path to the stone door at the other end at X: -422 Y: -236.
It is also possible to escort Sazza through the front gate by passing several Deception check or
Persuasion check checks, or simply slaughtering the tieflings.
Reach the Goblin Camp[edit | edit source]
If Sazza is successfully escorted from the Grove, she departs and agrees to meet the party at the Goblin Camp. She can later be found at the wooden bridge near the camp at X: -60 Y: 364, where she convinces the guards to allow the party entrance. The party must continue to the Shattered Sanctum where Sazza will again negotiate a path for the party.
Speak to Sazza and the drow[edit | edit source]
Inside the Shattered Sanctum, Sazza speaks with Minthara at X: 331 Y: 43. Sazza explains that the raiders they have been searching for are at the Grove. Minthara is angry that Sazza did not slaughter the raiders and the Grove, and threatens to feed her to the spiders. In an attempt to survive, Sazza turns on the party and presents them as prisoners. However, Minthara recognises them as True Souls and is more determined to feed Sazza to the spiders. The party can vouch for Sazza, call her an idiot, or stand by as Sazza is killed. If Sazza is fed to the spiders, the party can intervene once more to save her.
Rewards[edit | edit source]
Assassin's Touch for escorting Sazza to the Goblin Camp
Companion approval[edit | edit source]
Dealing with captive Sazza in the Emerald Grove prison:
- Successfully stop Arka from shooting Sazza (successful intimidation or persuasion DC roll):
Talking to Sazza while she is in the cage: "Deal. I'll get you out of there." +1
Talking to Sazza after freeing her from her cage:
In the Goblin camp:
- Defend Sazza before Minthara:
- Do not defend Sazza before Minthara "I explained everything to her.":
Achievements[edit | edit source]
- She Cannot Be Caged!
- Rescue Sazza from the Emerald Grove, Goblin Camp and Moonrise Towers in one playthrough.
Bugs[edit | edit source]
- As of Hotfix 29 (Console Only) - 16:10, 21 November 2024 (CET), if the party agree with Minthara to throw Sazza in the spider pit and allow Minthara to raid the Emerald Grove, nothing actually happens. Minthara and the goblins leave the room and Sazza remains in place. She cannot be spoken to. The quest is stuck on the objective Speak to Sazza and the drow. Even after killing all the goblins in the Goblin Camp and the raiders in the Emerald Grove, Sazza remains in the room and the quest never updates. If this happens, Sazza can be killed and the quest completed, but it does not grant the 45 XP awarded for saving her or throwing her to the spiders.