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Revision as of 10:04, 25 October 2023
Rule Changes | Race Changes | Class Changes | Spell Changes | Feat Changes |
This page and related pages summarize rule changes from the implementation of Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition (D&D 5e) rules to Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3).
The rule changes described on this page and related pages are written with the assumption the reader understands the relevant D&D 5e rule. These pages will not explain what the D&D 5e rule is, only what the changed or altered BG3 rule is. These pages also include many BG3 features and abilities that are unchanged from D&D 5e to help a D&D 5e player quickly see which options have changed and which have not, and make decisions without having to do additional research. If the BG3 rule aligns with a OneD&D rule or other playtest material from D&D 5e, that is considered a rule change from D&D 5e.
- Rage bonus damage also applies to Dexterity damage rolls and those using thrown weapons/objects.
- Reckless Attack is either a normal melee attack or as an after-attack reroll with all melee attacks, rather than before your first attack each turn.
Advantage is applied to all attack rolls once used, not just melee.
- It is not limited by the attack's ability modifier.
- Feral Instinct gives a fixed +3 bonus to Initiative, instead of advantage.
(Path of the Totem Warrior)
- The Beast Sense spell is not in the game.
- The level 1 feature Speak with Animals is able to be cast once per long rest, rather than as a ritual. Though, it now lasts until long rest.
- The level 3 feature Beastial Heart gives the character full benefits even if they rage while in heavy armor.
- Each Beastial Heart option provides a new unique action as well.
- The level 6 feature Aspect of the Beast, or Animal Aspect, has 5 additional choices.
(Path of the Berserker)
- Frenzied Strike applies a cumulative -1 attack roll debuff until the rage ends instead of causing the character to gain a level of exhaustion.
- While in Frenzy, a character may use Enraged Throw as a bonus action to throw a creature or object at a target.
(Path of the Wild Soul)
- Magic Awareness lets anyone within 3m add their Proficiency Bonus to Saving Throws against spells.
- As opposed to letting the Barbarian identify the location and school of an upcoming spell within 60 feet that isn't behind complete cover.
- Bards automatically gain proficiency in all musical instruments, which include hand drums, flute, lute, lyre, and violins.
- Song of rest is a once per long rest ability that allows the party to take an additional short rest, and it does not get any upgrades.
- Countercharm lasts 3 turns, rather than 1.
- Jack of All Trades does not apply half the Bard's proficiency bonus to initiative rolls. (In 5E, Initiative is a Dexterity Ability Check that the Bard is not proficient in, so Jack of All Trades has been ruled to apply.)
- Magical secrets is restricted to a limited list of additional spells, instead of allowing the Bard to pick any spell.
- Cutting Words can be used to reduce an enemy's saving throw instead of its damage roll.
- The Additional Magical Secrets are restricted to the same list as the general Bard feature.
- College of Swords Bards do not get 10 feet movement on an attack action.
- Blade Flourish underwent a number of changes:
- Blade Flourish is not limited to once per turn.
- Defensive Flourish now provides a fixed +4 AC.
- Mobile Flourish now pushes the target back 6 m / 20 ft rather than 1.5 m / 5 ft.
- Slashing Flourish now performs a single attack on two targets with separate Attack Rolls.
- As opposed to using the Bardic Inspiration bonus as the damage for the add-on attack.
No Changes
- Destroy Undead does non-scaling radiant damage to all undead affected, rather than instantly killing weaker undead.
- Clerics receive the Druid Produce Flame Cantrip.
- Clerics normally have a single damaging Cantrip, Sacred Flame, nullified on a successful save by the target.
- The level 2 domain feature Channel Divinity: Preserve Life is now able to heal an ally past half hp.
- However, it only heals (3 x Cleric Level) hit points as opposed to (5 x Cleric level).
- The level 3 domain spell Spiritual Weapon is replaced with Aid.
- The level 9 domain spell Raise Dead is replaced with Greater Restoration.
- The level 1 domain feature Warding flare has unlimited charges rather than having a limit of the Wisdom modifier.
- It also triggers when an enemy has already rolled and is going to hit.
- This is unlike 5e where you have to use it before the enemy rolls their attack.
- It also triggers when an enemy has already rolled and is going to hit.
- The level 9 domain spell Scrying is placed with Destructive Wave.
- The level 1 domain spell Identify is replaced with Sleep.
- The level 2 domain feature Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages gives proficiency to all skills associated with a chosen Ability Score, and lasts until the next Long Rest.
- This is opposed to a granting proficiency in a single skill or tool, and lasting 10 minutes.
- The level 3 domain spells Augury and Suggestion are replaced with Calm Emotions and Hold Person.
- The level 5 domain spell Nondetection is replaced with Slow.
- The level 6 domain feature Channel Divinity: Read Thoughts (essentially just detect thoughts) is replaced with nothing.
- The level 7 domain spell Arcane Eye is replaced with Otiluke's Resilient Sphere.
- The level 9 domain spells Legend Lore and Scrying are replaced with Dominate Person and Telekinesis.
- The level 5 domain spell Wind Wall is replaced with Sleet Storm.
- The level 6 domain feature Dampen Elements is not in the game.
- This enabled the Cleric to expend their reaction to grant resistance to one instance of acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage to either the Cleric or another creature.
- The level 9 domain spell Tree Stride is replaced with Wall of Stone.
- The level 1 domain feature has no limit on how many times it may be used.
- The tabletop version can only be used a number of times equal to the Cleric's Wisdom Modifier before a long rest.
- The level 7 domain spell Control Water is replaced with Freedom of Movement.
- The level 1 domain feature Blessing of the Trickster requires concentration.
- The level 2 domain feature Invoke Duplicity underwent a few changes:
- It does not allow a character to cast spells through it or move it on subsequent turns.
- The duplicate provides advantage to attack rolls of all allies if both the ally and the target are within 10 ft of the duplicate.
- The level 3 Domain Spells Blink and Dispel Magic are replaced with Bestow Curse and Fear.
- The level 6 domain feature Channel Divinity: Cloak of Shadows is not in the game.
- This allowed the Cleric to become invisible until the end of their next turn, broken if they attack or cast a spell.
- The level 8 domain spell Modify Memory is replaced with Seeming.
- The level 1 domain feature War Priest gives 3 charges, more as the Cleric levels, instead of the Wisdom Ability Score Modifier.
- The level 8 domain feature Divine Strike always does the damage type of the weapon in the main hand, even when doing offhand strikes.
- As opposed to always doing the damage type of the weapon associated with the attack roll.
- This is a possible bug, rather than an intended feature.
- There is no restriction preventing a druid from wearing metal armor.
- There is no time limit on how long a character can be in Wild Shape, though it will end automatically if the character enters an important dialogue scene (e.g. meeting a companion).
- Wild Shape forms have modified stats from their Monster Manual counterparts.
- Instead of being able to Wild Shape into any beast they've seen within restrictions imposed by druid level, druids are limited to these specific forms:
Druid Level | All Druids | Additional Moon Druid Forms |
2 | Badger, Cat, Spider, Wolf | Bear |
4 | Deep Rothe | Dire Raven |
6 | Panther, Owlbear | |
8 | Sabre-Toothed Tiger | |
10 | Dilophosaurus | Air, Earth, Fire and Water Myrmidons |
No changes besides the aforementioned Wild Shape changes
- A character is able to select a different terrain at 5th level than the terrain selected at 3rd level.
- For example, the character can select arctic spells at 3rd level and forest spells at 5th level.
- Circle (always prepared) spells were changed:
- At level 2 the Druid gets Bone Chill as a bonus Cantrip, which is not in the original rules.
- The level 2 action Symbiotic Entity lasts until long rest instead of 10 minutes.
- The level 3 circle spell Gentle Repose is replaced with Detect Thoughts.
- The level 6 reaction Fungal Infestation underwent multiple poorly documented changes:
- The raised zombies have more than 1 HP
- The number of Fungal Infestation Charges is 4 instead of the Wisdom Ability Score Modifier.
- Fungal Infestation Charges are
Recharge: Once per Long Rest.
No changes to the base class
- The Parry and Lunging Attack Battle Master Manoeuvers are not in the game.
- The Rally manoeuver gives a flat +8 Temporary HP.
- Sweeping Attack is now an action that does a whirlwind with superiority die as damage.
- As opposed to a free situational action triggered by a melee hit that applies the attack roll to a selectable second target with superiority die as damage.
No changes
- Weapon Bond does not take a bonus action. It returns to you automatically.
- Monks get access to Ki at first level, as opposed to second level.
- Monks begin with 2 Ki points and gain one Ki point each level, rather than having a number of Ki points equal to their current level.
- Slow Fall grants resistance to falling damage.
- Stillness of Mind is used automatically to end the Charmed or Frightened conditions.
- Monk weapons are now any weapon with which the Monk has Proficiency, and do not have the Two-Handed or Heavy properties.
- 5e Monks are usually restricted to shortswords or any simple weapon that does not have the Two-Handed or Heavy properties. (The class still only grants proficiency with Shortswords and Simple weapons, but now proficiencies from race, other classes and other sources can be used as well.)
- At level 6, 9, and 11 the Monk gets 1 additional spell instead of 2 at level 6 and 11.
- The level 6 feature Force of Nature is not in the game.
- This includes the Bend the Earth, Control the Flames, Gust the Wind, and Shape the River techniques.
- The level 11 feature Empowered Techniques is replaced with the level 9 feature Improved Elemental Casting.
- Instead of getting 1 free KI point a turn, the Monk gets an additional damage die and other features depending on the spell.
- Wholeness of Body is acquired at level 6 instead of level 3.
- Open Hand Monks gain 3 new moves: Manifestation of Body, Manifestation of Mind, and Manifestation of Soul.
- The level 3 action Quivering Palm is not in the game.
- Instead, the Ki Resonation series of abilities are acquired at level 9. These are the same in principle as Quivering Palm.
- Costing 3 Ki Points and limited to once per Long Rest, this killed a creature on a failed CON saving throw or dealt 10d10 Necrotic damage.
- Cloak of Shadows is acquired at level 5 instead of level 11.
- Shadow Monks gain a new move Shadow Strike at level 11.
- Characters select their Oath at first level.
- Characters can break their Oath by not following the tenets at which point they will become the Oathbreaker subclass.
- Character can pay financial tithe to restore their oath if desired.
- Channel Divinity changed to Channel Oath, and each subclass gets a new Channel Oath feature at first level.
- This has implications on multiclassing with Cleric as the resources are new separate.
- Divine Sense is now a bonus action with one use per short rest for an advantage on attack rolls against celestials, fiends, and undead for two rounds.
- As opposed to sensing the type of nearby creatures or consecrated objects, Charisma modifier times per Long Rest.
- Lay on Hands, normally a once per Long Rest 5 x Paladin level heal or disease and poison cure, is changed to:
- A character has 3 charges per Long Rest (this increases to 4 charges at level 4).
- They can spend 1 charge to heal a target for 2 x Paladin level Hit Points.
- They can spend 2 charges to heal a target for 4 x Paladin level Hit Points.
- They can spend 2 charges to cure any diseases or poisons affecting a target.
- Characters can prepare a number of Paladin spells equal to their Paladin level plus their Charisma modifier.
- This is a very significant increase compared to 5e rules, in which this scales with half the Paladin level (rounded down).
- The level 1 Channel Oath ability Healing Radiance is new.
- The level 1 Channel Oath ability Holy Rebuke is new.
- The Oath spell Zone of Truth is replaced with Silence.
- Available at level 1 instead of level 3.
- The level 1 Channel Oath ability Spiteful Suffering is new.
- Control Undead range is reduced to 20 ft, and the effect is limited by the target's level rather than challenge rating.
- The level 1 Channel Oath ability Inquisitor's Might is new.
- Relentless Avenger gives a movement amount of 4.5m rather than half the character's movement speed.
- Favoured Enemy is a set of unique passive features rather than Wisdom Saving Throw
Advantage against and language learning of the enemy:
Archetypes | Description | Grants |
Gain Proficiency in Investigation. Creatures you hit with (either ranged or melee) have ![]() |
| |
You specialize in hunting creatures from other planes of existence. You gain Proficiency in Arcana and can grant protection against aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. |
Gain a free spell ( | |
You have a history of battling spellcasters. Gain Proficiency with Arcana and , which gives you ![]() |
Gain a free cantrip: | |
You have sworn to serve a crown or nation and seek to bring its foes to ruin. Gain Proficiency with History and Proficiency with Heavy Armour. |
| |
You swore to hunt the enemies of a holy or druidic order. Gain Proficiency with Religion and the Sacred Flame Cantrip, which deals 1d8![]() |
Gain a free cantrip: |
- Natural Explorer is a set of unique passive features rather than uninhibited terrain movement and INT/WIS proficiency check doubling:
Archetypes | Description | Grants |
You have cultivated a strong bond with animals. You can cast as a ritual. |
| |
An expert at navigating the wild within the city, you gain Proficiency. |
| |
You have spent endless days surviving desolate tundras. Gain resistance to ![]() |
You have spent endless days surviving forbidding deserts. Gain resistance to ![]() |
You have spent endless days surviving fetid swamps. Gain resistance to ![]() |
- The Primeval Awareness feature is not in the game.
- Hunters get both Volley and Whirlwind Attack rather than having choose one or the other.
- The Summon Companion options are limited to Bear, Boar, Dire Raven, Wolf, or Wolf Spider, and have unique stats rather than monster stats.
- The companion acts on its own initiative and does not require an action to command.
- The companion can be swapped out or resummoned once per short rest.
- The companion adds the proficiency bonus to their attack rolls, damage rolls, Saving Throws and Armour Class at 5th level and not at 3rd level.
- At 5th level, 8th level and 11th level the animal companion gains additional hitpoints.
- At 5th level and 11th level the animal companion gain additional abilities and increase their abiliity scores.
- The Dread Ambusher initiative bonus is +3 rather than the Wisdom Ability Score Modifier.
- For Umbral Sight, rather than getting normal Darkvision, Superior Darkvision if the race already had Darkvision, Gloom Stalkers get Superior Darkvision in all cases.
- Gloom Stalkers get the always prepared ritual spell Disguise Self.
- Gloom Stalkers get the always prepared spell Misty Step at level 5.
- The level 7 feature Iron Mind gives Proficiency in Wisdom and Intelligence Saving Throws.
- As opposed to just Wisdom with a choice of Intelligence or Charisma if the Gloom Stalker already had Wisdom saving throw proficiency.
- Gloom Stalkers get the always prepared spell Fear at level 9.
- Thieves' tools proficiency is not in the game, instead Sleight of Hand is used for relevant checks.
- Sneak Attack only applies the additional damage if using one of the two Sneak Attack actions.
- Sneak Attack (Ranged) or Sneak Attack (Melee).
- This means it cannot apply to bonus action offhand attacks for example.
- Sneak Attack damage is capped at 5d6 damage at level 9, instead of 6d6 damage at level 11.
- Mage Hand Legerdemain additional tasks ("can carry out additional tasks") are not implemented in-game as of Release Patch #2.
- Fast hands changed to grant an additional bonus action each round.
- Second story work grants resistance to falling damage instead of climb speed.
- Assassin's Alacrity is new.
- Infiltration Expertise lets you become male/female of any humanoid race in a single action without a week preparation or gold requirement.
- Metamagic options careful spell, distant spell, extended spell, or twinned spell are available at level 2.
- At level 3 Sorcerers get an additional option from these or from heightened spell, quickened spell, or subtle spell.
- Overall, this means that a sorcerer will have more metamagic options available at level 3, but are limited in which of the level 3 options they can select.
- Metamagic: Careful Spell affects all allies in the area, not just an amount of creatures equal to the caster's Charisma modifier.
- Metamagic: Distant Spell increases spells with a 5 ft range to 10 ft. All other ranged spells have their range increased by only 50%.
- Metamagic: Heightened Spell gives disadvantage to the saving throw of all creatures affected by the spell.
- Metamagic: Quickened Spell costs 3 sorcery points instead of 2.
- Metamagic: Subtle Spell allows a character to cast the spell while silenced.
- Metamagic: Empowered Spell metamagic is not in the game.
- Characters do not double their proficiency bonus on Charisma checks when interacting with dragons.
- However, the subclass gives characters additional dragon-themed dialogue options.
- Characters learn an additional spell at level 1 based on their chosen ancestry:
Draconic Ancestry | Grants |
Red (Fire) | |
Black (Acid) | |
Blue (Lightning) | |
White (Cold) | |
Green (Poison) | |
Gold (Fire) | |
Silver (Cold) | |
Bronze (Lightning) | |
Copper (Acid) | |
Brass (Fire) |
Wild Magic
- Wild magic surges have a chance to trigger after any spell of first level or higher the character casts.
- Tides of Chaos increases the chance of surges triggering, but the increased odds are unknown.
- Tides of Chaos recharges on a Short Rest, but does not refresh when a wild magic surge triggers.
- The Wild Magic Surge table has changed to the following:
Effect | Description |
At the start of each turn, trigger a random magical effect. | |
Each creature and item within ![]() ![]() | |
Until the end of your next turn, you can use a bonus action to teleport up to ![]() | |
Enchant the weapon of each creature within ![]() ![]() | |
Until the end of your next turn, each spell you cast restores Sorcery Points equal to its Spell Slot level. | |
Create a cloud of fog around yourself. Creatures within are Heavily Obscured and . | |
Each creature within ![]() | |
When you hit a target with a spell, heal all creatures within ![]() ![]() | |
Summon a hostile mephit. | |
Swap positions with a target each time you cast a spell or cantrip. | |
You gain an additional action this turn. | |
You can until the end of the turn. | |
![]() | |
Able to lift and throw objects and creatures with your mind until the end of your turn. | |
Enclose yourself in an arcane sphere. You cannot be damaged by attacks or effects from outside the sphere, nor can you damage anything outside the sphere. Movement Speed is halved. | |
Each creature within ![]() | |
You are transformed into a beast. | |
Summon a cambion from the fiery nexus of the Nine Hells. It is hostile to everyone. | |
You are . | |
Shape a piece of ground around yourself into hard spikes. A creature walking on the spikes takes 2d4![]() ![]() | |
Create a vine surface around yourself, slowing down creatures, possibly them. | |
Gain the ability to comprehend and communicate with beasts. | |
Each creature within ![]() |
- Tempestuous Magic fly speed is 30 feet instead of 10.
- Storm Spells is new.
- Pact of the Chain is limited to the Imp and Quasit options.
- The Quasit's scare ability is recharged on a Short Rest rather than a Long Rest.
- Pact of the Blade/Bind Pact Weapon are both immediate rather than taking 1 hour.
- Pact of the Tome only grants the cantrips Guidance, Vicious Mockery, and Thorn Whip rather than 3 Cantrips from all classes.
- Eldritch Invocations changes:
- Devil's Sight range is reduced to 80 feet instead of 120 in line with the Superior Darkvision range reduction.
- One with Shadows will end if the character casts a spell (normally it wouldn't end on a bonus action spell cast) or takes damage.
- Repelling Blast pushes the target back 15 ft instead of 10 ft.
- Sign of Ill Omen does not limit a character to one cast of Bestow Curse per long rest.
- Misty Escape lets the Warlock cast Misty Step on its next turn rather than immediately, and the invisibility lasts one turn.
- Beguiling Defenses just makes the Warlock immune charm, it does not also allow the Warlock to turn the charm back on the attacker.
Great Old One
- Awakened Mind, which allowed telepathic communication with creatures, is replaced by Mortal Reminder.
- Mortal Reminder causes the target of a critical hit and nearby enemies to be frightened until the end of their next turn.
- There is no save to resist the frightened effect.
- Mortal Reminder causes the target of a critical hit and nearby enemies to be frightened until the end of their next turn.
- Dark One's Own Luck can only be using for Ability Checks, not both Ability Checks and Saving Throws.
- The wizard has the spellbook feature, but does not have a physical spellbook which can be stolen or damaged.
- Arcane ward is considered temporary hitpoints, instead of a pool of its own Hit Points that blocks damage with any overflow going to the protected target.
- It does not stack with other sources of temporary Hit Points.
- It does not get your Intelligence Ability Score Modifier.
No Changes
- Expert Divination is an extra portent die rather than regaining an extended spell slot when casting a divination spell of 2nd level or higher.
No Changes
- Sculpt spell feature affects all allies in the area, and is not limited by the spell's level.
- The level 6 feature Malleable Illusions, which let you change illusion forms after a cast, is replaced with See Invisibility.
No Changes
- Minor Alchemy is changed to Experimental Alchemy. Minor Alchemy let the Wizard alter the physical properties of one nonmagical object.
- Shapechanger lets the Wizard change into a Blue Jay rather than being able to cast Polymorph once per short rest.