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[[Main Page]] > [[Character Abilities]] > [[Condition]]
'''Conditions''' are changes in a character's status, both beneficial and harmful. They can be inflicted by certain [[Spells]], class features, surfaces and other environmental hazards, etc. Many conditions are temporary, and some can also be removed with the right spell or potion.

'''Conditions''' are resulted by effects of [[Spell|Spells]], Class Features, etc. Conditions may positively or negatively affect a creature, and knowing how to inflict, apply, or avoid certain Conditions can grant you the upper hand in many situations.
== Stack ID ==
All conditions have a stack ID that are not visible in-game. Two conditions with the same stack ID cannot be applied at the same time. It is for example not possible to have {{cond|Hastened}}, {{cond|Celestial Haste}} and/or {{cond|Haste Spores}} at the same time since they all have the stack ID {{code|HASTE}}. What happens when applying the same condition again or a applying a condition with the same stack ID, is decided by the [[stack type]] and/or [[stack priority]] of the condition you are applying.

== List Of Conditions ==
== Stack type ==
Stack type determines what happens when applying a condition, when that same condition or a condition with the same stack ID is already present. This tells you which condition you will end up with if you try to apply multiple conditions of the same stack ID, and tells you which conditions can be added on top of each other for increased duration.

=== [[File:Acid Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Acid ===
There are four different stack types:
; Stack
: The new condition is applied separately, allowing multiple instances of the same condition.
; Ignore
: The new condition is not applied, and the present stays as it is keeping its current duration. Often used by equipment variation of conditions, e.g. if you have [[Barkskin (Condition)|Barkskin]] until long rest and equip the [[Barkskin Armour]], the condition from the armour will not replace the one you have until long rest.
; Overwrite
: The present condition is replaced by the new one. E.g. if you have [[Hastened (Condition)|Hastened]] from drinking a {{RarityItem|Potion of Speed}} and drink another one, you will replace the condition you currently have, immediately making you {{Cond|Lethargic}}.
; Additive
: The duration of the new condition is added onto the duration of the already present condition. E.g. if a creature as 1 turn of [[Radiating Orb (Condition)|Radiating Orb]] remaining and receives it again for 2 turns, it will have 3 turns remaining.

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== Duration ==
! Effect
The duration of a condition is determined by the source the condition is applied from. Some conditions do not have durations. This may be conditions that are active based on something else, like a passive feature or standing near something. The condition {{Cond|Lightly Obscured}} is a condition that doesn't have a duration, instead it is automatically applied if you are {{cond|Hiding}} in a place with little light, and is automatically removed when not hiding anymore. There are also conditions that don't lose duration over time. This may be conditions that lose duration as a result of something else, like {{cond|Arcane Ward}} which loses duration when you are hit. Conditions also don't lose duration if you are in dialogue or a cutscene. However, this only counts for character that are part of the dialogue/cutscene and not just listening in.
* Reduces [[Armour Class]] by 2.

=== [[File:Action Surge Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Action Surge ===
[[Tick type]] is a mechanic that determines when a condition loses its duration. When you are outside [[turn-based mode]] or combat mode, one turn is 6 seconds.

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=== Tick type ===
! Effect
Tick type determines when a condition reduces its remaining duration and applies its effects. Most of the time it is either at the start or end of the affected creature's turn. Tick type is not displayed in-game, but it can be particularly important for short duration effects.
* Can take an extra [[Character Abilities#Action|Action]] this turn.

=== [[File:Aid Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Aid ===
{{See also|Status properties/TickingWithSource}}

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The different tick types are:
! Effect
; StartTurn
: The condition loses its duration at the start of the creature's turn which is the default behaviour. Conditions with this tick type will effectively last one turn less than its stated duration. For example, a 1 turn duration {{Cond|Frozen}} effect (from {{Cond|Chilled}}) will end immediately at the start of the frozen creature's turn without disabling it for a single turn. A 2 turn {{Cond|Frozen}} effect (from {{Cond|Encrusted with Frost}}) will effectively only last for 1 turn for the same reason.
; EndTurn
* Hit point maximum increased by {{C|X}}.
: The condition loses its duration at the end of the creature's turn. An example of this is {{Cond|Blade Ward}}. If a creature applies a condition like this to itself that lasts for 1 turn it will lose that condition as soon as soon as it ends its turn, for example using {{SAI|Action Surge}}.
; StartRound
: The condition loses its duration at the start of the ''round''. The start of the round happens before the first creature in the initiative order starts its turn.
; EndRound
: The condition loses its duration at the end of the ''round''. The end of the round happens after the last creature in the initiative order ends its turn.

=== [[File:Armor Of Agathys Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Armour Of Agathys ===
== Status properties ==
Some conditions have special properties that make them behave in different ways like initiating combat or not losing duration over time.

Here is a list of all Status properties:
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! Effect
! Name !! Description
| {{SP|None}} ||  
* Gained <code>x [[Hit Points#Temporary Hit Points|Temporary Hit Points]]</code>.
* If hit with a melee attack, the attacker takes <code>x [[Damage Types|<span style="color:#3399cc">Cold damage</span>]]</code>.
=== [[File:Arms Of Hadar Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Arms Of Hadar ===
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! Effect
| {{SP|Performing}} ||  
* Can't take reactions.
=== [[File:Bane Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Bane ===
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! Effect
| {{SP|InitiateCombat}} ||
* Has a 1d4 penalty to [[Attack Rolls]] and [[Saving Throws]].
=== [[File:Barkskin Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Barkskin ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|BringIntoCombat}} || Upon applying a condition flagged with this tag: the party is forced into combat.
* [[Armour Class]] increased to 16.
=== [[File:Blade Ward Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Blade Ward ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|ForceOverhead}} || Will display the condition over the creature's model when applied and removed.
* Has resistance against Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage dealt by weapon attacks. Damage of these types is halved.
=== [[File:Blinded Condition Icon 2.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Blinded ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|IsChanneled}} ||
* Ranged attacks and spells have a range of {{C|4.5m / 15ft}} and [[Attack Rolls]] suffer [[Disadvantage]].
* Attacks Rolls against Blinded creatures have [[Advantage]].
=== [[File:Bleeding Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Bleeding ===
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! Effect
| {{SP|IsInvulnerable}} || Creatures this condition is applied to can not take damage.
* Take <span style="color:darkgray">2</span> [[Damage Types|<span style="color:darkgray">Slashing Damage</span>]]</code> at the start of each turn and has [[Disadvantage]] on Constitution [[Saving Throws]].
* Remove by healing.
=== [[File:Bless Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Bless ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|ExcludeFromPortraitRendering}} ||  
* Has a 1d4 bonus to [[Attack Rolls]] and [[Saving Throws]].
=== [[File:Blurred Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Blurred ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|LoseControl}} ||Disallows the player to control the character, skipping these characters user interface
* Attackers have [[Disadvantage]] on [[Attack Rolls]] against this creature, unless they do not rely on sight or can see through illusions.
=== [[File:Bufotoxin Condition Icon 2.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Bufotoxin ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|ForceNeutralInteractions}} ||  
* Has [[Disadvantage]] on Dexterity [[Saving Throws]].
=== [[File:Burning Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Burning ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|PeaceOnly}} || Can only be used outside combat.
* Takes <code><span style="color:#ff6600">1d4 Fire damage</span></code> per turn.
=== [[File:Calmed Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Calmed===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|AllowLeaveCombat}} || No forced turn-based combat: meaning enemies are still hostile but not actively attacking the party
* Can't be [[Condition#Charmed|Charmed]] or [[Condition#Frightened|Frightened]].
=== [[File:Charmed Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Charmed ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|DisableImmunityOverhead}} ||  
* Can't attack spellcaster.
* Spellcaster has [[Advantage]] on Charisma [[Checks]].
=== [[File:Chill Touch Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Chill Touch ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|DisableInteractions}} ||  
* Can not regain [[Hit Points]].
* If Undead, has [[Disadvantage]] on [[Attack Rolls]].
=== [[File:Cloud of Daggers Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Cloud of Daggers ===
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! Effect
| {{SP|Toggle}} ||  
* ?
=== [[File:Colour Spray Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Colour Spray ===
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! Effect
| {{SP|IgnoreResting}} || This condition is not removed after a [[long rest]].
* Ranged attacks and spells have a range of {{C|4.5m / 15ft}} and [[Attack Rolls]] suffer [[Disadvantage]].
* Attacks Rolls against Blinded creatures have [[Advantage]].
=== [[File:Command Halt Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Command: Halt ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|IgnoredByImmobilized}} ||  
* Cannot move.
* Cannot take [[Action|actions]], [[Bonus Action|bonus actions]], or [[Reaction|reactions]].
=== [[File:Crown of Madness Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Crown of Madness ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|Blind}} ||  
* Instilled with magical madness. Will attack the nearest creature.
=== [[File:Darkvision Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Darkvision ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|MultiplyEffectsByDuration}} || The effects of this condition is multiplied by the amount of turns remaining.
* Can see in the dark out to the range of {{C|12m / 40ft}}.
=== [[File:Dash Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Dash ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|TickingWithSource}} || Duration ticks down on the turn of the condition's source.
* [[Movement Speed]] is doubled.
=== [[File:Detect Thoughts Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Detect Thoughts ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|DisableOverhead}} || Does not show the condition over the creature's model when applied and removed.
* Can read the thoughts of certain creatures while talking to them.
=== [[File:Difficult Terrain Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Difficult Terrain ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|DisableCombatlog}} || Does not show the condition in the combat log when applied or removed.
* [[Movement Speed]] halved.
=== [[File:Disengage Condition Icon 2.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Disengage ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|DisablePortraitIndicator}} || This condition is hidden and not shown on the creature.
* Can move without provoking [[Attack of Opportunity|Opportunity Attacks]].
=== [[File:Disguise Self Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Disguise Self ===
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! Effect
| {{SP|ExecuteFunctorsOnOwner}} ||  
* Appearance is entirely changed.
=== [[File:Downed Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Downed ===
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! Effect
| {{SP|IsInvulnerableVisible}} ||  
* You are Unconscious and must make Death Saving Throws.
* On 3 successes, you stop bleeding out and become Stable. On 3 failures, you die.
* If you regain any [[Hit Points]], lose Downed. Or an ally Helps you, regain 1 Hit Point.
=== [[File:Electrocuted Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Electrocuted ===
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! Effect
| {{SP|ApplyToDead}} || This condition '''persists''' even if the object/creatures dies in death and after resurrection.
* Takes <code><span style="color:#3366cc">1d4 Lightning damage</span></code> at the start of each turn.
=== [[File:Enlarged Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Enlarged ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|GiveExp}} || Flag used to give the party expierence points upon: resolving a (potential) combat situation
* Size is increased.
* Weapon attacks deal 1d4 more damage. Has [[Advantage]] on Strength [[Checks]] and [[Saving Throws]].
=== [[File: Bear's Endurance Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Enhance Ability: Bear's Endurance ===
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! Effect
| {{SP|Burning}} ||  
* Had [[Advantage]] on Constitution [[Checks]].
* Gain 7 [[Hit Points#Temporary Hit Points|Temporary Hit Points]].
=== [[File: Bull's Strength Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Enhance Ability: Bull's Strength ===
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! Effect
* Had [[Advantage]] on Strength [[Checks]].
* [[Carrying Capacity|Weight Limit]] doubled.
=== [[File: Cat's Grace Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Enhance Ability: Cat's Grace ===
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! Effect
* Had [[Advantage]] on Dexterity [[Checks]].
* Takes half falling damage.
=== [[File: Eagle's Splendor Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Enhance Ability: Eagle's Splendor ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|NonExtendable}} ||  
* Had [[Advantage]] on Charisma [[Checks]].
=== [[File: Fox's Cunning Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Enhance Ability: Fox's Cunning ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|FreezeDuration}} || This condition does not lose duration over time.
* Had [[Advantage]] on Intelligence [[Checks]].
=== [[File: Owl's Wisdom Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Enhance Ability: Owl's Wisdom ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|UnavailableInActiveRoll}} ||  
* Had [[Advantage]] on Wisdom [[Checks]].
=== [[File: Ensnared Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Ensnared ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|OverheadOnTurn}} || Will display the condition over the creatrues model at the start of their turn.
* Cannot move and takes <code><span style="color:#999999">1d6 Piercing damage</span></code> per turn.
* [[Attack Rolls]] against the creature have [[Advantage]], while creature's Attack Rolls and Dexterity [[Saving Throws]] have [[Disadvantage]].
=== [[File: Entangled Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Entangled ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|UnsheathInstrument}} ||  
* Cannot move.
* [[Attack Rolls]] against the creature have [[Advantage]], while creature's Attack Rolls and Dexterity [[Saving Throws]] have [[Disadvantage]].
=== [[File: Enwebbed Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Enwebbed ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|IndicateDarkness}} ||  
* Cannot move.
* [[Attack Rolls]] against the creature have [[Advantage]], while creature's Attack Rolls and Dexterity [[Saving Throws]] have [[Disadvantage]].
=== [[File: Expeditious Retreat Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Expeditious Retreat ===
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! Effect
| {{SP|LoseControlFriendly}} ||  
* [[Dash]] available as a bonus action.
=== [[File:Exposing Bite Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Exposing Bite ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|DisableCapabilitiesMessage}} ||  
* Creature is distracted. The next attack against the creature from wihtin <code>1.5m / 5ft</code> is guaranteed to be a critical hit.
=== [[File: Faerie Fire Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Faerie Fire ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{SP|AllowLeaveDisallowJoinCombat}} ||  
* Shedding dim light.
* Incoming attacks have [[Advantage]].
* Cannot be [[Condition#Invisible|Invisible]].

=== [[File: False Life Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] False Life ===
== Condition types ==
Some conditions have a "type" that indicates how the condition can be removed, prevented, or how it reacts to other actions.

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Here are some ways to remove or prevent certain conditions. For a full list of cures and preventions for each condition type, see their articles.
! Effect
* Gained {{C|X}} [[Hit Points#Temporary Hit Points|Temporary Hit Points]].
=== [[File: Feather Fall Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Feather Fall ===

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{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
! Type !! Representative<ref name="representative"/> !! Removal !! Prevention
| {{Condition Type|blinded}} || {{Cond|Blinded}}
* Rate of falling is slowed, granting immunity to Falling damage.
:{{SmItemIcon|Remedial Potion}}
:[[Blinded (Condition Type)#Removal|(more)]]
=== [[File:Feeble Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Feeble ===
:{{RarityItem|Shar's Spear of Evening}}
{| class="wikitable"
:{{RarityItem|Steelwatcher Helmet}}
! Effect
:[[Blinded (Condition Type)#Prevention|(more)]] 
| {{Condition Type|charmed}} || {{Cond|Charmed}}
* Deal only half damage with weapon attacks that use [[Strength]].
:{{SAI|Dispel Evil And Good: Break Enchantment}}
:{{SAI|Stillness of Mind}}
:[[Charmed (Condition Type)#Removal|(more)]]
=== [[File:Frenzied Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Frenzied ===
:{{SAI|Fey Ancestry}} <ref name="adv" />
{| class="wikitable"
:{{SAI|Beguiling Defences}}
! Effect
:{{SAI|Calm Emotions}}
:[[Charmed (Condition Type)#Prevention|(more)]] 
| {{Condition Type|cursed}} || ''(none)''
* Deal 2 extra damage with melee and improvised weapons, and when throwing objects.
* Has Resistance to [[Damage Types|physical damage]], and [[Advantage]] on Strength [[Checks]] and [[Saving Throws]].
:{{SAI|Remove Curse}}
* Cannot cast or concentrate on [[Spell|spells]].
:{{SAI|Greater Restoration}}
* Frenzy ends early if the barbarian didn't attacked an enemy or take damage since their last turn.
:[[Cursed (Condition Type)#Removal|(more)]]
:[[Cursed (Condition Type)#Prevention|(more)]]  
=== [[File:Friends Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Friends ===

{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{Condition Type|diseased}} || ''(none)''
* Has [[Advantage]] on Charisma [[Checks]] directed at the target creature.
:{{SAI|Lesser Restoration}}
:{{SAI|Lay on Hands}}
=== [[File:Frightened Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Frightened ===
:[[Diseased (Condition Type)#Removal|(more)]]  
:{{SAI|Divine Health}}
:{{SAI|Purity of Body}}
:[[Diseased (Condition Type)#Prevention|(more)]]

{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{Condition Type|frightened}} || {{Cond|Frightened}}
* A Frightened creature has [[Disadvantage]] on [[Checks|Ability Checks]] and [[Attack Rolls]].
:{{SAI|Dispel Evil and Good}}
:{{SAI|Stillness of Mind}}
:[[Frightened (Condition Type)#Removal|(more)]]
=== [[File:Goaded Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Goaded ===
:{{SAI|Aura of Courage}}
:{{SAI|Calm Emotions}}
:{{SAI|Nature's Ward}} <ref name="elemental-fey" />
:[[Frightened (Condition Type)#Prevention|(more)]]

{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{Condition Type|incapacitated}} || {{Cond|Incapacitated}}
* Must attack the goading creature, if possible.
:[[Incapacitated (Condition Type)#Removal|(more)]]  
:[[Incapacitated (Condition Type)#Prevention|(more)]] 
=== [[File:Guidance Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Guidance ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
|{{Condition Type|Maimed}}
* Has a 1d4 bonus to [[Checks|Ability Checks]].
:{{SAI|Lesser Restoration}}
:{{SAI|Lay on Hands}}
:[[Diseased (Condition Type)#Removal|(more)]]
=== [[File:Guiding Bolt Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Guiding Bolt ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{Condition Type|poisoned}} || {{Cond|Poisoned}}
* The next [[Attack Rolls|Attack Roll]] made against this creature has [[Advantage]].
:{{SAI|Lesser Restoration}}
:{{SAI|Lay on Hands}}
=== [[File:Haste Icon.png|frameless|upright=0.10]] Hastened ===
:[[Poisoned (Condition Type)#Removal|(more)]]  
:{{SAI|Protection from Poison}}<ref name="adv"/>
:{{SmItemIcon|Elixir of Poison Resistance}}
:{{SAI|Purity of Body}}
:[[Poisoned (Condition Type)#Prevention|(more)]]  

{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{Condition Type|polymorphed}} || {{Cond|Polymorphed}}
*Target gains +2 to {{ArmorClass}} and {{Advantage}} on [[Dexterity]] [[Saving Throws]].
*Target's [[Movement Speed]] is doubled.
:Losing all your {{hp}}{{verify}}
*Target gains an additional <code>[[File:Actions Icons.png|frameless|25px]] [[Action]].</code>
:[[Polymorphed (Condition Type)#Removal|(more)]]  
*When the condition ends, target becomes Lethargic, and is unable to [[Movement Speed|Move]] or take [[Action|Actions]] for 1 turn.
:{{SAI|Immutable Form}}
:[[Polymorphed (Condition Type)#Prevention|(more)]]  
=== [[File:Heroism Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Heroism ===
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! Effect
* Can't be [[Condition#Frightened|Frightened]]. Receive 5 <code>[[Hit Points#Temporary Hit Points|<span style="color:#33cccc">temporary hit points</span>]] per turn</code>.

=== [[File:Hex Charisma Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Hex: Charisma ===
| {{Condition Type|prone}} || {{Cond|Prone}}
:[[Prone (Condition Type)#Removal|(more)]]
:[[Prone (Condition Type)#Prevention|(more)]]  

{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
| {{Condition Type|unconscious}} || ''(none)''
* Creature suffers additional <code><span style="color:#66cc66">1d6 Necrotic damage</span></code> from the spellcaster. It also has [[Disadvantage]] on Charisma [[Checks]].
:[[Unconscious (Condition Type)#Removal|(more)]]  
:[[Unconscious (Condition Type)#Prevention|(more)]]  

=== [[File:Hex Constitution Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Hex: Constitution ===

{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Creature suffers additional <code><span style="color:#66cc66">1d6 Necrotic damage</span></code> from the spellcaster. It also has [[Disadvantage]] on Constitution [[Checks]].
<ref name="adv">Gives {{Advantage}} on {{Saving Throw}}s</ref>
=== [[File:Hex Dexterity Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Hex: Dexterity ===
<ref name="elemental-fey">Elemental and fey only.</ref>
<ref name="representative">Many Condition Types have a specific condition that serves as the most basic form.</ref>

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== List of Conditions ==
! Effect
Below is a few examples of conditions that can be applied to player characters and NPCs. Click the "more" button for a paginated listing of all conditions registered in the wiki's database.
* Creature suffers additional <code><span style="color:#66cc66">1d6 Necrotic damage</span></code> from the spellcaster. It also has [[Disadvantage]] on Dexterity [[Checks]].

=== [[File:Hex Intelligence Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Hex: Intelligence ===
{{#cargo_query: tables = conditions
| fields = _pageName = page, name, icon, effects
| limit = 10
| order by = name
| default = {{ConditionsTableEmpty}}
| format = template
| template = ConditionsTableRow
| named args = yes

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! Effect
[[Category:Gameplay mechanics]]
* Creature suffers additional <code><span style="color:#66cc66">1d6 Necrotic damage</span></code> from the spellcaster. It also has [[Disadvantage]] on Intelligence [[Checks]].
=== [[File:Hex Strength Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Hex: Strength ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Creature suffers additional <code><span style="color:#66cc66">1d6 Necrotic damage</span></code> from the spellcaster. It also has [[Disadvantage]] on Strength [[Checks]].
=== [[File:Hex Wisdom Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Hex: Wisdom ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Creature suffers additional <code><span style="color:#66cc66">1d6 Necrotic damage</span></code> from the spellcaster. It also has [[Disadvantage]] on Wisdom [[Checks]].
=== [[File:Hideous Laughter Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Hideous Laughter ===
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! Effect
* Can't move or act, and has [[Disadvantage]] on Strength and Dexterity [[Saving Throws]].
* Attacks against a Prone creature have [[Advantage]] if they're made within <code>3m / 10ft</code> of the creature.
* At the end of its turn or when it takes damage, the creature can try to shake off the effect.
=== [[File:Hold Person Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Hold Person ===
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! Effect
* Paralysed. At the end of each turn, makes a Wisdom [[Saving Throws|Saving Throw]]. On a successful save, the Condition is removed.
=== [[File:Horde Breaker Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Horde Breaker ===
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! Effect
* Creature is open to a follow-up attack.
=== [[File:Hunter's Mark Quarry Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Hunter's Mark Quarry ===
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! Effect
* Suffers an additional <code><span style="color:#999999">1d6 damage</span></code> from the spellcaster.
* Spellcaster also gains [[Advantage]] on all Perception and Survival [[Checks]].
=== [[File:Incapacitated Icon.png|frameless|50x50px]] Incapacitated ===
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! Effect
* Cannot take [[Action|Actions]] or [[Reaction|Reactions]].
* Lose [[Spell#Concentration|Concentration]], if maintaining a Concentration spell.
=== [[File: Invisible Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Invisible ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Has [[Advantage]] on [[Attack Rolls]] and impose [[Disadvantage]] on enemy Attack Rolls.
* Attacking or casting a Spells ends this condition.
=== [[File: Jump Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Jump ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* The creature's jump distance is tripled for 1 minute.
=== [[File:Light Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Light ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* This object has an aura of light with a radius of <code>12m / 40ft</code>
=== [[File:Longstrider Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Longstrider ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* [[Movement Speed]] increased by <code>3m / 10ft</code>.
=== [[File:Mage Armour Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Mage Armour ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Base [[Armour Class]] is 13.
=== [[File:Pinched Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Pinched ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Take <code><span style="color:#999999">2 Piercing damage</span></code> at the beginning of each turn and [[Movement Speed]] is reduced by {{C|3m / 10ft}}.
=== [[File:Produce Flame Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Produce Flame ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* A flickering flame sheds light around the creature.
=== [[File:Poisoned Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Poisoned ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Suffers [[Disadvantage]] on [[Attack Rolls]] and [[Checks|Ability Checks]].
=== [[File:Prone Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Prone ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Can't move or act, and has [[Disadvantage]] on Strength and Dexterity [[Saving Throws]].
* Attacks against a Prone creature have [[Advantage]] if they're made within <code>3m / 10ft</code> of the creature.
* A Prone creature must spend half its [[Movement Speed]] to stand up.
=== [[File:Protection from Evil and Good Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Protection form Evil and Good ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* The target is protected against aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead.
* These creatures have [[Disadvantage]] on [[Attack Rolls]] against the target.
* The target can't be [[Condition#Charmed|Charmed]], [[Condition#Frightened|Frightened]], or Possesed by them.
=== [[File:Rage Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Rage ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Deal 2 extra damage with melee and improvised weapons, and while throwing objects.
* Has Resistance to physical damage, and [[Advantage]] on Strength [[Checks]] and [[Saving Throws]].
* Cannot cast or concentrate on [[Spell|spells]].
* Rage ends early if the barbarian didn't attacked an enemy or take damage since their last turn.
=== [[File:Rage Bear Heart Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Rage: Bear Heart ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Deal 2 extra damage with melee and improvised weapons, and while throwing objects.
* Has Resistance to all damage except psychic damage, and [[Advantage]] on Strength [[Checks]] and [[Saving Throws]].
* Cannot cast or concentrate on [[Spell|spells]].
* Rage ends early if the barbarian didn't attack an enemy or take damage since their last turn.
=== [[File:Rage Eagle Heart Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Rage: Eagle Heart ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Deal 2 extra damage with melee and improvised weapons, and when throwing objects.
* Can use [[Dash]] as a bonus action, and foes have [[Disadvantage]] on [[Opportunity Attacks]].
* Also has Resistance to physical damage, and [[Advantage]] on Strength [[Checks]] and [[Saving Throws]].
* Cannot cast or concentrate on [[Spell|spells]].
* Rage ends early if the barbarian didn't attack an enemy or take damage since their last turn.
=== [[File:Rage Elk Heart Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Rage: Elk Heart ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Deal 2 extra damage with melee and improvised weapons, and when throwing objects.
* [[Movement Speed]] increased by <code>4.5m / 15ft</code>.
* Also has Resistance to physical damage, and [[Advantage]] on Strength [[Checks]] and [[Saving Throws]].
* Cannot cast or concentrate on [[Spell|spells]].
* Rage ends early if the barbarian didn't attack an enemy or take damage since their last turn.
=== [[File:Rage Tiger Heart Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Rage: Tiger Heart ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Deal 2 extra damage with melee and improvised weapons, and when throwing objects.
* Jump distance increased by <code>4.5m / 15ft</code>.
* Also has Resistance to physical damage, and [[Advantage]] on Strength [[Checks]] and [[Saving Throws]].
* Cannot cast or concentrate on [[Spell|spells]].
* Rage ends early if the barbarian didn't attack an enemy or take damage since their last turn.
=== [[File:Rage Wolf Heart Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Rage: Wolf Heart ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Deal 2 extra damage with melee and improvised weapons, and when throwing objects.
* Allies have [[Advantage]] on melee [[Attack Rolls]] against enemies within <code>2m / 5ft</code>.
* Also has Resistance to physical damage, and [[Advantage]] on Strength [[Checks]] and [[Saving Throws]].
* Cannot cast or concentrate on [[Spell|spells]].
* Rage ends early if the barbarian didn't attack an enemy or take damage since their last turn.
=== [[File:Rallied Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Rallied ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Maximum [[Hit Points]] increased by 8.
=== [[File:Ray Of Frost Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Ray of Frost ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* [[Movement Speed]] is reduced by {{C|3m / 10ft}}.
=== [[File:Reckless Attack Condition Icon.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Reckless Attack ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* You have [[Advantage]] on [[Attack Rolls]], but enemies also have Advantage on Attack Rolls against you.
=== [[File:Reduced Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Reduced ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Size is reduced.
* Weapon attacks deal 1d4 less damage. Has [[Disadvantage]] on Strength [[Checks]] and [[Saving Throws]].
=== [[File:Resistance Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Resistance ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Has a 1d4 bonus to [[Saving Throws]].
=== [[File:Shield of Faith Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Shield of Faith ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Receives +2 bonus to [[Armour Class]].
=== [[File:Shillelagh Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Shillelagh ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Creature's weapon is magical and deals <code><span style="color:#999999">1d8 +</span> Spellcasting Ability <span style="color:#999999">Bludgeoning damage</span></code>.
* [[Attack Rolls]] use the wielder's [[Spell#Spellcasting Ability|Spellcasting Ability Modifier]].
=== [[File:Shocking Grasp Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Shocking Grasp ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Cannot take [[Reaction|reactions]].
=== [[File:Silence Aura Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Silence Aura ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Creatures and objects are immune to <span style="color:#663399">Thunder damage</span>.
* Creatures are [[Condition#Deafened|Deafened]].
* Cannot cast spells that require verbal component.
=== [[File:Sleeping Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Sleeping ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* A sleeping creature cannot move or act.
* Moreover, the creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity [[Saving Throws]].
* [[Attack Rolls]] against it have [[Advantage]], and any attack that hits the creature is a Critical Hit if the attacker is within {{C|1.5m / 5ft}} of the creature.
* Removed by taking damage or when [[Help|Helped]].
=== [[File:Speak With Animals Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Speak with Animals===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Can comprehend and communicate with beasts.
=== [[File:Thaumaturgy Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Thaumaturgy ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Has [[Advantage]] on Intimidation and Performance [[Checks]].
=== [[File:Threatened Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Threatened ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* An enemy is close. Has [[Disadvantage]] on ranged [[Attack Rolls]].
=== [[File:True Strike Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] True Strike ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* The spellcaster has [[Advantage]] on [[Attack Rolls]] against this creature.
=== [[File:Turned Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Turned ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Until it takes damage, a turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from the creature who turned it.
* It can't willingly move to a space within <code>9m / 30ft</code> of that creature.
* It also can't take reactions.
* For its [[Character Abilities#Action|Actions]], it can use only the [[Dash]] action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving.
=== [[File:Vicious Mockery Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Vicious Mockery ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* [[Disadvantage]] on the next [[Attack Rolls|Attack Roll]].
=== [[File:Wet Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Wet ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Prevented from [[Condition#Burning|burning]].
* [[Damage Types#Damage Vulnerability, Resistance and Immunity|Resistance]] to <code><span style="color:#ff6600">Fire</span> damage</code>.
* [[Damage Types#Damage Vulnerability, Resistance and Immunity|Vulnerable]] to <code><span style="color:#3366cc">Lightning</span> and <span style="color:#3399cc">Cold</span> damage</code>.
=== [[File:Wild Magic Explosive Healing Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Wild Magic: Explosive Healing ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Your spells of Level 1 and higher heal all creatures in a <code>3m / 10ft</code> radius for <span style="color:mediumturquoise">1d4 hit points</span> per [[Spell#Spell Slots|Spell Slot]] level.
=== [[File:Wild Magic Enchant Weapons Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Wild Magic: Enchant Weapons ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* The next attack with this weapon is a Critical Hit and deals an additional  <span style="color:crimson">1d4 Force damage</span>.
=== [[File:Wild Magic Teleport Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Wild Magic: Teleport ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* Can use a Bonus Action to teleport up to <code>9m / 30ft</code>.
=== [[File:Witch Bolt Condition Icon 3.png|frameless|upright=0.15]] Witch Bolt ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Effect
* The spellcaster can activate the arc linking it to this creature to automatically deal <code><span style="color:#3366cc">1d12 Lightning damage</span></code>.

Latest revision as of 15:47, 29 August 2024

Conditions are changes in a character's status, both beneficial and harmful. They can be inflicted by certain Spells, class features, surfaces and other environmental hazards, etc. Many conditions are temporary, and some can also be removed with the right spell or potion.

Stack ID[edit | edit source]

All conditions have a stack ID that are not visible in-game. Two conditions with the same stack ID cannot be applied at the same time. It is for example not possible to have Hastened Hastened, Celestial Haste Celestial Haste and/or Haste Spores Haste Spores at the same time since they all have the stack ID HASTE. What happens when applying the same condition again or a applying a condition with the same stack ID, is decided by the stack type and/or stack priority of the condition you are applying.

Stack type[edit | edit source]

Stack type determines what happens when applying a condition, when that same condition or a condition with the same stack ID is already present. This tells you which condition you will end up with if you try to apply multiple conditions of the same stack ID, and tells you which conditions can be added on top of each other for increased duration.

There are four different stack types:

The new condition is applied separately, allowing multiple instances of the same condition.
The new condition is not applied, and the present stays as it is keeping its current duration. Often used by equipment variation of conditions, e.g. if you have Barkskin until long rest and equip the Barkskin Armour, the condition from the armour will not replace the one you have until long rest.
The present condition is replaced by the new one. E.g. if you have Hastened from drinking a Potion of Speed and drink another one, you will replace the condition you currently have, immediately making you Lethargic Lethargic.
The duration of the new condition is added onto the duration of the already present condition. E.g. if a creature as 1 turn of Radiating Orb remaining and receives it again for 2 turns, it will have 3 turns remaining.

Duration[edit | edit source]

The duration of a condition is determined by the source the condition is applied from. Some conditions do not have durations. This may be conditions that are active based on something else, like a passive feature or standing near something. The condition Lightly Obscured Lightly Obscured is a condition that doesn't have a duration, instead it is automatically applied if you are Hiding Hiding in a place with little light, and is automatically removed when not hiding anymore. There are also conditions that don't lose duration over time. This may be conditions that lose duration as a result of something else, like Arcane Ward Arcane Ward which loses duration when you are hit. Conditions also don't lose duration if you are in dialogue or a cutscene. However, this only counts for character that are part of the dialogue/cutscene and not just listening in.

Tick type is a mechanic that determines when a condition loses its duration. When you are outside turn-based mode or combat mode, one turn is 6 seconds.

Tick type[edit | edit source]

Tick type determines when a condition reduces its remaining duration and applies its effects. Most of the time it is either at the start or end of the affected creature's turn. Tick type is not displayed in-game, but it can be particularly important for short duration effects.

The different tick types are:

The condition loses its duration at the start of the creature's turn which is the default behaviour. Conditions with this tick type will effectively last one turn less than its stated duration. For example, a 1 turn duration Frozen Frozen effect (from Chilled Chilled) will end immediately at the start of the frozen creature's turn without disabling it for a single turn. A 2 turn Frozen Frozen effect (from Encrusted with Frost Encrusted with Frost) will effectively only last for 1 turn for the same reason.
The condition loses its duration at the end of the creature's turn. An example of this is Blade Ward Blade Ward. If a creature applies a condition like this to itself that lasts for 1 turn it will lose that condition as soon as soon as it ends its turn, for example using Action Surge Action Surge.
The condition loses its duration at the start of the round. The start of the round happens before the first creature in the initiative order starts its turn.
The condition loses its duration at the end of the round. The end of the round happens after the last creature in the initiative order ends its turn.

Status properties[edit | edit source]

Some conditions have special properties that make them behave in different ways like initiating combat or not losing duration over time.

Here is a list of all Status properties:

Name Description
BringIntoCombat Upon applying a condition flagged with this tag: the party is forced into combat.
ForceOverhead Will display the condition over the creature's model when applied and removed.
IsInvulnerable Creatures this condition is applied to can not take damage.
LoseControl Disallows the player to control the character, skipping these characters user interface
PeaceOnly Can only be used outside combat.
AllowLeaveCombat No forced turn-based combat: meaning enemies are still hostile but not actively attacking the party
IgnoreResting This condition is not removed after a long rest.
MultiplyEffectsByDuration The effects of this condition is multiplied by the amount of turns remaining.
TickingWithSource Duration ticks down on the turn of the condition's source.
DisableOverhead Does not show the condition over the creature's model when applied and removed.
DisableCombatlog Does not show the condition in the combat log when applied or removed.
DisablePortraitIndicator This condition is hidden and not shown on the creature.
ApplyToDead This condition persists even if the object/creatures dies in death and after resurrection.
GiveExp Flag used to give the party expierence points upon: resolving a (potential) combat situation
FreezeDuration This condition does not lose duration over time.
OverheadOnTurn Will display the condition over the creatrues model at the start of their turn.

Condition types[edit | edit source]

Some conditions have a "type" that indicates how the condition can be removed, prevented, or how it reacts to other actions.

Here are some ways to remove or prevent certain conditions. For a full list of cures and preventions for each condition type, see their articles.

Type Representative[1] Removal Prevention
Condition Type Icon.pngBlinded Blinded Blinded
Heal Heal
Remedial Potion
Shar's Spear of Evening
Steelwatcher Helmet
Condition Type Icon.pngCharmed Charmed Charmed
Dispel Evil And Good: Break Enchantment Dispel Evil And Good: Break Enchantment
Stillness of Mind Stillness of Mind
Fey Ancestry Fey Ancestry [2]
Beguiling Defences Beguiling Defences
Calm Emotions Calm Emotions
Condition Type Icon.pngCursed (none)
Remove Curse Remove Curse
Greater Restoration Greater Restoration
Condition Type Icon.pngDiseased (none)
Lesser Restoration Lesser Restoration
Lay on Hands Lay on Hands
Heal Heal
Divine Health Divine Health
Purity of Body Purity of Body
Condition Type Icon.pngFrightened Frightened Frightened
Dispel Evil and Good Dispel Evil and Good
Stillness of Mind Stillness of Mind
Aura of Courage Aura of Courage
Calm Emotions Calm Emotions
Heroism Heroism
Nature's Ward Nature's Ward [3]
Condition Type Icon.pngIncapacitated Incapacitated Incapacitated
Condition Type Icon.pngMaimed Maimed Maimed
Lesser Restoration Lesser Restoration
Lay on Hands Lay on Hands
Heal Heal
Condition Type Icon.pngPoisoned Poisoned Poisoned
Lesser Restoration Lesser Restoration
Lay on Hands Lay on Hands
Protection from Poison Protection from Poison[2]
Elixir of Poison Resistance
Purity of Body Purity of Body
Condition Type Icon.pngPolymorphed Polymorphed Polymorphed
Losing all your HP Icon.png hit points[Needs Verification]
Immutable Form Immutable Form
Condition Type Icon.pngProne Prone Prone
Help Help
Condition Type Icon.pngUnconscious (none)

  1. Many Condition Types have a specific condition that serves as the most basic form.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Gives Advantage Icon.png Advantage on Saving throws
  3. Elemental and fey only.

List of Conditions[edit | edit source]

Below is a few examples of conditions that can be applied to player characters and NPCs. Click the "more" button for a paginated listing of all conditions registered in the wiki's database.

Condition Effects

A Clown in Town (Condition) A Clown in Town

  • Rue the day you crossed a fey. You were cruel to Dolly Thrice; now you'll have to pay the price.
  • This condition can only be obtained by smashing the Moonlantern held by Kar'niss.
  • Applies clown makeup to the victim.

A Mist Most Scarlet (Condition) A Mist Most Scarlet

A Most Bloody Inheritance (Condition) A Most Bloody Inheritance

Aberrant Shape (Condition) Aberrant Shape

Ability Drain: Dexterity (Condition) Ability Drain: Dexterity

Ability Drain: Strength (Condition) Ability Drain: Strength

Abjure Enemy: Frightened (Condition) Abjure Enemy: Frightened

Abjure Enemy: Slow (Condition) Abjure Enemy: Slow

Absolute Consumption (Condition) Absolute Consumption

  • All of the creature's abilities are reduced by 5. When this effect ends, it drops Prone Prone

Absolute's Enemy (Condition) Absolute's Enemy

  • Enemies have Advantage Icon.png Advantage on attacks against you.