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Cold Damage

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Cold Damage Icon

Damage TypesCold damage is an elemental Damage Type available in Baldur's Gate 3. Representative of the aspects of chill, ice, and waterDamage TypesCold damage often serves as a counter to Damage TypesFire damage. Damage TypesCold has a strong association with conditions and effects that reduce Targets ground movement speed making it very useful for manipulating the environment of a battlefield and impeding melee attackers.

*Given the extensive support for Ice Surfaces, and in turn Water Surfaces, both they and aspects interacting with them will be treated as factors of Cold Damage for this page.

Equipment[edit | edit source]

Equipment Icon

Many pieces of equipable gear offer unique modifiers and effects that enable players to inflict Damage TypesCold damage, or impact the damage and effects they inflict with greater abilities. Below are tables listing the known equipment that inflict and/or impact the Damage TypesCold damage players can deal, their base Damage TypesCold damage, and Damage TypesCold modifiers and effects.

Gear that Inflicts Cold Damage[edit | edit source]

Gear that Inflicts Cold Damage
Image Name Item Type Base Damage TypesCold Damage Enables Spell Unlocks Special Damage TypesCold Factors
Allandra's Whelm Icon Allandra's Whelm Tridents 1d4 (1~4)Damage TypesCold Frigid Blade weapon action, once per Short Rest Frigid Blade applies Frostbite condition on attack hit, and deals weapon Proficiency bonus as Damage TypesCold damage.
Arrow of Ice Icon Arrow of Ice Arrows 2d4 (2~8)Damage TypesCold Arrows are consumed upon use

Creates Ice Surface

Cold Snap Icon Cold Snap Daggers 1d4 (1~4)Damage TypesCold Chilling Counter effect When a Target misses you with an attack it must make a Constitution Saving Throw of be Chilled for 2 turns.
Flail of Ages Icon Flail of Ages Flails 1d4 (1~4)Damage TypesCold*
  1. Cast Elemental Age spell, once per Long Rest
  2. Elements of an Epoch effect
  3. Tenacity effect
  1. +1 Bonus to weapon attack roles, and an additional D4 Slashing.png 1d4 damage depending on the elemental age selected (i.e. Damage TypesCold).
  2. Depending on the kind of damage chosen from Elemental Age (i.e. Damage TypesCold), your attack also inflicts a related condition (i.e. Chilled).
  3. When you miss a main hand attack, you deal 1 bludgeoning damage anyways.
Frost Prince Icon Frost Prince Amulets 2d6 (2~12)Damage TypesCold* Cast Level 1 Ice Knife spell, once per Long Rest Standard effects of Ice Knife spell.
Mourning Frost Icon Mourning Frost Quarterstaves 1d4 (1~4)Damage TypesCold

1d8 (1~8)Damage TypesCold*

  1. Heart of Ice effect
  2. Insidious Cold effect
  3. Cast Ray of Frost cantrip
  1. When dealing Damage TypesCold damage, the wielder deals an additional 1Damage TypesCold damage.
  2. Dealing Damage TypesCold damage with a spell possibly inflicts Chilled upon the Target.
  3. Standard effect of Ray of Frost cantrip.
Ring of Elemental Infusion Icon Ring of Elemental Infusion Rings 1d4 (1~4)Damage TypesCold* Elemental Infusion effect After dealing Elemental damage (i.e. Damage TypesCold) using a spell or cantrip, until the end of your next turn, you deal an additional D4 Slashing.png 1d4 of that element on a successful weapon attack.
Snow-Dusted Monastery Gloves Icon Snow-Dusted Monastery Gloves Gloves 1d4 (1~4)Damage TypesCold*

2d6 (2~12)Damage TypesCold*

  1. Chilling Strike effect
  2. Cast Ice Knife spell
  1. Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1d4 (1~4)Damage TypesCold damage.
  2. Standard effects of Ice Knife spell.
[Image Pending] Wavemother's Sickle Sickle 1d4 (1~4)Damage TypesCold Watery Guidance effect This weapon has Advantage against Wet Targets.
* Damage is indicative of unlocked spell/effects, not the base gear

Gear that Impacts Cold Damage[edit | edit source]

Gear that Impacts Cold Damage
Image Name Item Type Unlocks Special Damage TypesCold Factors
Amulet of Elemental Torment Icon Amulet of Elemental Torment Amulets Nature's Vengeance effect When the wearer stands in certain surfaces (i.e. Ice Surface) and casts a spell that deals damage, the target also suffers the surface's effects (i.e. Prone).
Boots of Elemental Momentum Icon Boots of Elemental Momentum Boots Elemental Momentum effect Whenever the wearer deals Elemental damage (i.e. Damage TypesCold) with spells or cantrips, they gain Momentum for 2 turns.
Cloak of Elemental Absorption Icon Cloak of Elemental Absorption Cloaks Absorb Elements action, once per Short Rest Take half damage from the next Elemental damage (i.e. Damage TypesCold) attack targeting you, and deal an additional D6 Slashing.png 1d6 of that element type on your next attack.
Cloak of the Weave Icon Cloak of the Weave Cloaks Absorb Elements action, once per Short Rest Take half damage from the next Elemental damage (i.e. Damage TypesCold) attack targeting you, and deal an additional D6 Slashing.png 1d6 of that element type on your next attack.
Coldbrim Hat Icon Coldbrim Hat Hats Coldbrim Chill effect Once per turn, any condition inflicted on a (single) target also applies 2 turns of Encrusted with Frost.
Darkfire Shortbow Icon Darkfire Shortbow Shortbows
  1. Resistance to Damage TypesCold damage
  2. Resistance to Damage TypesFire damage
  3. Cast Haste spell, once per Long Rest
3. Standard effects of Haste spell.
Elixir of Cold Resistance Icon Elixir of Cold Resistance Potions


Resistance to Damage TypesCold damage Can be thrown to act as an AOE

Does not stack with other Elixirs

Lasts until Long Rest

Potions are consumed upon use

Hoarfrost Boots Icon Hoarfrost Boots Boots Hoarfrost Balance effect You cannot fall prone while traversing Ice Surfaces.
Icebite Robe Icon Icebite Robe Clothing
  1. Resistance to Damage TypesCold damage
  2. Cast Armour of Agathys, once per Long Rest
2. Standard effect of a Level 3 Armour of Agathys spell.
Necklace of Elemental Augmentation Icon Necklace of Elemental Augmentation Amulets Elemental Augmentation effect When one of your cantrips deals Elemental damage (i.e. Damage TypesCold), add your Spellcasting Modifier to the damage dealt.
Rain Dancer Icon Rain Dancer Quarterstaves Cast Create Water, once per Short Rest Standard effects of Create Water spell.
Robe of Summer Icon Robe of Summer Clothing Resistance to Damage TypesCold damage
Snowburst Ring Icon Snowburst Ring Rings Snowburst effect When the wearer deals Damage TypesCold damage, they also create an Ice Surface around the Target(s).
Trident of the Waves Icon Trident of the Waves Tridents The Water Caller effect On a hit, create a Water Surface centered on the Target.
Water Bottle Icon Water Consumables Consumables are consumed upon use.

Creates Water Surface

Gives Wet condition

Water Barrel Icon Water Barrel
Wavemother Robe Icon Wavemother's Robe Clothing
  1. Temperature Adjustment effect
  2. Watery Rejuvenation effect
  3. Cast Create or Destroy Water, once per Short Rest
  1. Wearer has Resistance to Damage TypesFire and Damage TypesCold Damage.
  2. If the wearer is standing in a Water Surface at the start of their turn, they heal for D4 Healing.png 1d4 Hit Points. [Ice Surfaces melt into Water Surfaces]
  3. Standard effects of Create or Destroy Water spell.
Winter's Clutches Icon Winter's Clutches Gloves Winter's Clutches effect When the wearer deals Damage TypesCold damage, inflict 2 turns of Encrusted with Frost upon the Target(s).

Attacks[edit | edit source]

Spells[edit | edit source]

Spell Slot Icon
All classes can make use of spells, by them being a core aspect of their class (or subclass) combat, or by utilizing Spell Scrolls to achieve the result. The spells that inflict or impact Damage TypesCold damage are listed below with their damage values and descriptions.
Spells that focus on Damage TypesCold Damage
Name Spell Level Base Damage TypesCold Damage Upcast Damage TypesCold Damage Concentration AOE Saving Throw IconSaving Throw Special Damage TypesCold Factors
Armour of Agathys Icon Armour of Agathys 1 5Damage TypesCold* 5Damage TypesCold* Damage inflicted upon being melee attacked
Chromatic Orb: Cold Icon Chromatic Orb: Cold 1 2d8 (2~16)Damage TypesCold 1d8 (1~8)Damage TypesCold Creates Ice Surface
Cone of Cold Icon Cone of Cold 5 8d8 (8~64)Damage TypesCold 1d8 (1~8)Damage TypesCold Constitution: Halve
Conjure Elemental: Water Elemental Conjure Elemental: Water Elemental 5 Consult Summoned Elemental Actions table N/A Only one entity can be summoned from Conjure Elemental at a time
Conjure Elemental: Water Myrmidon Conjure Elemental: Water Myrmidon 6
Conjure Minor Elementals: Ice Mephits Conjure Minor Elemental: Ice Mephits 4 Summons 2 Ice Mephits
Elemental Weapon: Cold Icon Elemental Weapon: Cold 3 1d4 (1~4)Damage TypesCold* N/A Damage added to weapon attack roles

+1 bonus to weapon attack roles

Fire Shield: Chill Icon Fire Shield: Chill 4 2d8 (2~16)Damage TypesCold* N/A Damage inflicted upon being melee attacked

10 Turn Duration

Glyph of Warding: Cold Icon Glyph of Warding: Cold 3 5d8 (5~40)Damage TypesCold 1d8 (1~8)Damage TypesCold Dexterity: Halve Inflicts damage upon contact with Hostile Target
Hunger of Hadar Hunger of Hadar 3 2d6 (2~12)Damage TypesCold N/A Damage inflicted to Targets starting their turn in AOE

10 turn duration

Ice Knife Icon Ice Knife 1 2d6 (2~12)Damage TypesCold 1d6 (1~6)Damage TypesCold Dexterity: Negate Creates Ice Surface

Identical to Monk Ki spell, Blade of Rime

Ice Storm Icon Ice Storm 4 4d6 (4~24)Damage TypesCold N/A Dexterity: Halve Creates Ice Surface
Otiluke's Freezing Sphere Icon Otiluke's Freezing Sphere 6 10d6 (10~60)Damage TypesCold N/A Constitution: Halve Creates Ice Surface
Protection from Energy: Cold Icon Protection from Energy: Cold 3 N/A N/A Gives Resistance to Damage TypesCold damage
Ray of Frost Icon Ray of Frost 0 1d8 (1~8)Damage TypesCold 1d8 (1~8)Damage TypesCold Inflicts Ray of Frost (Condition)

Damage upcast added at Spellcaster Level 5 and again at 10

Sleet Storm Icon Sleet Storm 3 N/A N/A Constitution: Concentration Creates Ice Surface

Interrupts Concentration

10 turn duration

Wall of Ice Icon Wall of Ice 6 10d6 (10~60)Damage TypesCold N/A Dexterity: Halve Initial damage to enemies in spell path

Breaking concentration destroys wall

Creates Ice Surface and battlefield barrier

Wall destruction leaves Ice Cloud

10 turn duration

* Damage is indicative of effects, not the base spell

Actions[edit | edit source]

Action Resource Icon

Many actions are poised to directly inflict Damage TypesCold damage; or impact the environment, nature of your attacks, and conditions your Targets will face. Below are tables listing the known actions that inflict and/or impact the Damage TypesCold damage players can deal, their base Damage TypesCold damage, and Damage TypesCold modifiers and effects.

Damage TypesCold Actions
Equipment Icon
Equipment can afford players distinct actions by equipping unique one-of-a-kind items. Below are actions unlocked by such equipment that inflict or impact Damage TypesCold damage.
Equipment Actions
Name Base Damage TypesCold Damage Special Damage TypesCold Factors Source
Absorb Elements Icon Absorb Elements 1d6 (1~6)Damage TypesCold* Take half damage from the next Elemental damage (i.e. Damage TypesCold) attack targeting you, and deal an additional D6 Slashing.png 1d6 of that element type on your next attack.

Once per Short Rest

Cloak of Elemental Absorption

Cloak of the Weave

Frigid Blade Icon Frigid Blade Deal weapon Proficiency bonus as Damage TypesCold damage Applies Frostbite condition on attack hit Allandra's Whelm
Frost of Dark Winter Icon Frost of Dark Winter N/A Cast Cone of Cold, once per Short Rest

Cast Ice Storm, once per Short Rest

Gain Conduit of Kereska's Ice effect, until Long Rest

Once per Short Rest

Markoheshkir, Kereska's Favour
* Damage is indicative of unlocked spell/effects, not the base action
Monk Ki Icon
Upon reaching Level 3, Monks can select the subclass Way of the Four Elements which provides them unique Ki actions that mirror various spells. This allows Monks to inflict different elemental damage (i.e.Damage TypesCold) to diversify their attacks and offer immense variations to their playstyle.
Monk Actions
Name Ki Points Bast Damage TypesCold Damage AOE Saving Throw Icon Saving Throw Special Damage TypesCold Factors
Blade of Rime Icon Blade of Rime 2 2d6 (2~12)Damage TypesCold Dexterity: Negate Creates Ice Surface

Identical to Ice Knife

Chill of the Mountain Icon Chill of the Mountain 1 1d10 (1~10)Damage TypesCold 2d10 (2~20)Damage TypesCold* Monk version of Ray of Frost

Damage upcast at Monk Level 9

Shaping of the Ice Shaping of the Ice 1 N/A Creates a climbable ice cube

10 turn duration

* Damage is indicative of unlocked spell/effects, not the base action
Summoned Creature Icon
Using spells there are numerous useful creatures players can summon to assist them in combat. The elemental summons that deal and interact with Damage TypesCold damage are listed below with their unique actions.
Summoned Elemental Actions
Ice Mephits Icon
The Ice Mephit is the first and weakest Damage TypesCold damage dealing elemental summon, created through the Level 4 spell, Conjure Minor Elemental: Ice Mephits. 2 Ice Mephits are summoned at a time and conflict with any other entities summoned through Conjure Minor Elemental. Ice Mephits will persist until death or Long Rest.
Ice Mephit Cold Actions
Name Base Cold Damage AOE Saving Throw Icon Saving Throw Special Cold Factors
[Image Pending] Freezing Claws 2d6 (2~12)Damage TypesCold
Chromatic Orb: Cold Icon Chromatic Orb: Cold 2d8 (2~16)Damage TypesCold Creates Ice Surface
[Image Pending] Ice Breath 2d6 (2~12)Damage TypesCold Dexterity: Halve Once per turn
Death Burst: Cold Icon Death Burst: Cold 4d6 (4~24)Damage TypesCold Dexterity: Halve Kills Ice Mephit
Death Burst: Cold (Auto) Icon Death Burst: Cold (Auto) 2d6 (2~12)Damage TypesCold Dexterity: Halve Automatically activates upon natural death
Water Elemental Icon
The Water Elemental is the second Damage TypesCold damage dealing elemental summon, created through the Level 5 spell, Conjure Elemental: Water Elemental. 1 Water Elemental is summoned at a time and conflicts with any other entities summoned through Conjure Elemental. Water Elementals persists until death or Long Rest.
Water Elemental Cold Actions
Name Base Cold Damage AOE Saving Throw Icon Saving Throw Special Cold Factors
Slam Icon Slam 1d6 (1~6)Damage TypesCold Inflicts Chilled for 2 turns

Creates Water Surface

Winter's Breath Icon Winter's Breath 4d6 (4~24)Damage TypesCold2d6 (2~12)Damage TypesCold* Burning Targets take additional Damage TypesCold damage, and become Brittle for 3 turns

Creates Ice Surface

Multiattack: Water Icon Multiattack: (Water) 2d4 (2~8)Damage TypesCold2d4 (2~8)Damage TypesCold Once per turn
* Damage is indicative of unlocked spell/effects, not the base action
Water Myrmidon Icon
The Water Myrmidon is the third and most powerful Damage TypesCold damage dealing elemental summon, created through the Level 6 spell, Conjure Elemental: Water Myrmidon. 1 Water Myrmidon is summoned at a time and conflicts with any other entities summoned through Conjure Elemental. Water Myrmidons persists until death or Long Rest.
Water Myrmidon Cold Actions
Name Base Cold Damage AOE Saving Throw Icon Saving Throw Special Cold Factors
Trident of the Depths Icon Trident of the Depths 1d6 (1~6)Damage TypesCold
[Image Pending] Hiemal Strike 1d6 (1~6)Damage TypesCold 1d10 (1~10)Damage TypesCold Inflicts 2 turns of Chilled
[Image Pending] Explosive Icicle 3d8 (3~24)Damage TypesCold3d8 (3~24)Damage TypesCold 3d8 (3~24)Damage TypesCold Once per turn

3 targetable attacks

[Image Pending] Healing Vapours N/A Creates Water Surface

Only available in combat

Actions that do not meet particular categories but still interact with Damage TypesCold damage.
Miscellaneous Actions
Name Base Cold Damage AOE Saving Throw Special Cold Factors Source
Frost Breath Icon Frost Breath 2d6 (2~12)Damage TypesCold Constitution: Halve Once per Long Rest Dragonborn race, Silver or White Subrace
Rage: Bear Heart Icon Rage: Bear Heart N/A Gives Resistance to all Damage Types (i.e.Damage TypesCold) except Psychic.

10 turn duration

Level 3 Barbarian, Wildheart

Effects[edit | edit source]

Effects Icon

Features granted by leveling up, and abilities given by gear aspects can be regarded as effects that alter how the player's actions play out in Baldur's Gate 3. The effects that directly concern Damage TypesCold damage and behavior are listed below with their descriptions.

Damage TypesCold Effects
Features will remain permanently active on the player upon unlock (barring things such as class respec).
Features that Impact Damage TypesCold Damage
Name Effect Description Source
Animal Aspect Crocodile Icon Animal Aspect: Crocodile On slippery surfaces (i.e. Ice Surface) you have Advantage on Saving Throws against being knocked prone. Level 6 Barbarian Wildheart
Draconic Ancestry Silver Icon Draconic Ancestry You have Resistance to a particular damage type depending on your Dragonborn subrace (i.e. Silver & White Dragons are Damage TypesCold). Dragonborn Race
Draconic Ancestry White Icon
Elemental Adept Cold Icon Elemental Adept: Cold Your spells ignore Resistance to Damage TypesCold. When you cast Damage TypesCold spells you cannot role a 1. Feat
Elemental Affinity Damage Icon Elemental Affinity: Damage When you cast a spell that deals damage of the type associated with your draconic ancestry (i.e. Silver & White Dragons are Damage TypesCold), you add your Charisma modifier to the damage. Level 6 Sorcerer, Draconic Bloodline
Elemental Affinity Resistance Icon Elemental Affinity: Resistance When you cast a spell that deals damage of the type associated with your draconic ancestry (i.e. Silver & White Dragons are Damage TypesCold), you can spend one Sorcerery Point to gain Resistance to that damage type. Level 6 Sorcerer, Draconic Bloodline
Fiendish Resilience Icon Fiendish Resilience Choose a damage type (i.e. Damage TypesCold) to become Resistant to, you can change this each Short Rest. Level 10 Warlock Fiend
Wasteland Wanderer Cold Icon Wasteland Wanderer: Cold Resistance to Damage TypesCold damage. Ranger Natural Explorer
Gear Effects will remain active on the player so long as they have the necessary piece of gear equipped; Except for the effects given by the spell Kereska's Favour unlocked by Markoheshkir. This effect must be reapplied after every Long Rest and can be changed after every Short Rest (awaiting confirmation if the spell effects remain after switching weapons).
Gear Effects that Impact Damage TypesCold Damage
Name Effects Description Source
Chilling Counter When a Target misses you with an attack it must make a Constitution Saving Throw of be Chilled for 2 turns. Cold Snap
Chilling Strike Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1d4 (1~4)Damage TypesCold damage. Snow-Dusted Monastery Gloves
Coldbrim Chill Once per turn, any condition inflicted on a target also applies 2 turns of Encrusted with Frost. Coldbrim Hat
Conduit of Kereska's Ice Cast Cone of Cold and Ice Storm, once per Short Rest

Damage TypesCold spells deal additional Damage TypesCold damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus.

Resistance to Damage TypesCold damage.

When you deal spell damage, you inflict 1 turn of Encrusted with Frost on the Target.

Markoheshkir, Kereska's Favour

Can be changed, once per Short Rest

Must be reapplied, after Long Rest

Elemental Augmentation When one of your cantrips deals Elemental damage (i.e. Damage TypesCold), add your Spellcasting Modifier to the damage dealt. Necklace of Elemental Augmentation
Elemental Infusion After dealing Elemental damage (i.e. Damage TypesCold) using a spell or cantrip, until the end of your next turn, you deal an additional D4 Slashing.png 1d4 of that element on a successful weapon attack. Ring of Elemental Infusion
Elemental Momentum Whenever the wearer deals Elemental damage (i.e. Damage TypesCold) with spells or cantrips, they gain Momentum for 2 turns. Boots of Elemental Momentum
Elements of an Epoch Depending on the kind of damage chosen from Elemental Age (i.e. Damage TypesCold), your attack also inflicts a related condition (i.e. Chilled). Flail of Ages
Heart of Ice When dealing Damage TypesCold damage, the wielder deals an additional 1Damage TypesCold damage. Mourning Frost
Hoarfrost Balance You cannot fall prone while traversing Ice Surfaces. Hoarfrost Boots
Insidious Cold Dealing Damage TypesCold damage with a spell possibly inflicts Chilled upon the Target. Mourning Frost
Nature's Vengeance When the wearer stands in certain surfaces (i.e. Ice Surface) and casts a spell that deals damage, the target also suffers the surface's effects (i.e. Prone). Amulet of Elemental Torment
Snowburst When the wearer deals Damage TypesCold damage, they also create an Ice Surface around the Target(s). Snowburst Ring
Temperature Adjustment Wearer has Resistance to Damage TypesFire and Damage TypesCold Damage. Wavemother's Robe
The Water Caller On a hit, create a Water Surface centered on the Target. Trident of the Waves
Watery Guidance This weapon has Advantage against Wet Targets. Wavemother's Sickle
Watery Rejuvenation If the wearer is standing in a Water Surface at the start of their turn, they heal for D4 Healing.png 1d4 Hit Points. [Ice Surfaces melt into Water Surfaces] Wavemother's Robe
Winter's Clutches When the wearer deals Damage TypesCold damage, inflict 2 turns of Encrusted with Frost upon the Target(s). Winter's Clutches

Conditions[edit | edit source]

Conditions are unique effects that can strengthen or weaken Targets to particular damage types, status impairments, or ability score roles. The conditions that directly concerned Damage TypesCold damage have been compiled here with their descriptions and relevance to Damage TypesCold damage.

Conditions related toDamage TypesCold Damage
Name Condition Description Special Cold Factors
Chilled Chilled Target becomes Vulnerable to Damage TypesCold damage, and Resistant to Damage TypesFire damage Vulnerable Targets take double Damage TypesCold damage
Encrusted with Frost Encrusted with Frost If there are 7 or more turns remaining Targets must succeed a Constitution Saving throw, or take 1d4 (1~4)Damage TypesCold damage and become Frozen Frozen. If Target succeeds a Saving throw they take half damage and lose Encrusted with Frost Encrusted with Frost.

Targets have Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage on Dexterity Saving throws.

Removed by Burning Burning.

Can apply Frozen FrozenCan inflict Damage TypesCold damage

Targets have Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage on Dexterity Saving throws, making it easier to become Prone Prone.

Frostbite Frostbite Targets hit by Damage TypesCold damage receive an additional 1Damage TypesCold for every turn of Frostbite remaining. Increases Damage TypesCold damage received on every Damage TypesCold attack
Frozen Frozen Target is trapped in ice and cannot perform Actions or Reactions. If Target recieves Damage TypesBludgeoning, Damage TypesThunder, or Damage TypesForce damage the condition ends.

While Frozen Target becomes Vulnerable to Damage TypesBludgeoning, Damage TypesThunder, and Damage TypesForce damage.

Applied by 7 turns of Encrusted with Frost Encrusted with Frost
Prone Prone Target is knocked down and cannot move, and consume half their movement speed to stand back up.

Attacks made against a Prone Target have Advantage Icon.png Advantage when made within 3 m / 10 ft, and Prone Target's have Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity Saving throws.

Targets break Concentration when becoming Prone. While Prone they cannot perform Actions, Bonus actions, or Reactions.

Caused by Ice Surfaces

Consumes half a Target's movement speed

Ray of Frost Ray of Frost Reduces Target movement speed by 3 m / 10 ft.

Only applied by Ray of Frost cantrip.

Reduces Target's movement speed
Wet Wet Target becomes immune to Burning Burning and has Resistance to Damage TypesFire damage for the duration.

Target becomes Vulnerable to Damage TypesCold and Damage TypesLightning damage for the duration. This condition also washes away blood and grime that appears on the player character.

Vulnerable Targets take double Damage TypesCold damage

Surfaces[edit | edit source]

Depending on the Surface Targets can face immediate detrimental effects like taking damage, conditions, reduced movement speed, and more. The Surfaces that form from and pair with Damage TypesCold Damage are listed below.

Surfaces that Interact with Damage TypesCold Damage
Name Special Cold Factors Sources
Ice Cloud Ice Cloud Targets who pass through are inflicted with Icy Cloud that deals 10d6 (10~60)Damage TypesCold damage, per turn Wall of Ice, created when sections of the wall are broken
Ice Ice Difficult Terrain halves movement speed for Targets moving on it

Signature surface of Damage TypesCold damage Targets must make Dexterity Saving throws to avoid becoming Prone ProneWith the Prone Prone condition massively reduces Target's ground movement speed

Damage TypesCold spells that create Ice Surfaces

Hitting liquid surfaces, like Blood Blood and Water Surfaces, with Damage TypesCold damage

Steam Cloud Steam Cloud Targets standing within have Wet condition making them vulnerable to Damage TypesCold damage Hitting Water Surfaces with Damage TypesFire spells that create Fire Fire surfaces
Water Water Can be frozen with Damage TypesCold spells into Ice Surfaces, or vaporized with Fire Fire surfaces to create Steam Clouds Breaking Water Barrels and Jugs

Create Water spell Ice Surfaces melt into Water Surfaces