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Pharnilla is a Human child in the Heapside district of the Lower City in Act Three.

Portrait Pharnilla.png
Bet these breaks would go quicker if I could read...

Involvement[edit | edit source]

Act Three[edit | edit source]

Pharnilla can be found in the alley not far from the Crimson Draughts shop. She is arguing with her friend Dellys Dellys about having proper time for breaks in the work.

Both kids are working as newspaper sellers for Baldur's Mouth Gazette. However, the party cannot buy a sheet from either of them. Pharnilla tries to return to work, mustering different arguments for Dellys, while he holds his ground, trying to act like an experienced person who knows his "rights".

Idle banter[edit | edit source]

Pharnilla: What if I gave you my break? Can I go back to selling gazettes then?

  • Dellys: No. Boss says we can't take the breaks of other Gazetteers. Trust me, when you're older, you'll appreciate the breaks.
    • Pharnilla: You're only a year older than me - and I sell more broadsheets.

Pharnilla: But whyyyyy can't I keep selling broadsheets? I'm bored.

  • Dellys: If you keep skipping your breaks, Mr Needle's going to take mine away too.
    • Pharnilla: Pfft. You're just mad I sell more copies than you.

Pharnilla: Come on, if I can't sell broadsheets, I'll be oh-so hungry...

  • Dellys: That patter works on punters, but I know you spend your wages on sweets.
    • Pharnilla: Harumph. Mr Needle doesn't even pay enough for the good sweets.

If Enver Gortash is killed:
Pharnilla: Oh, come on. Give me half your remaining broadsheets. With Gortash dead, they're selling like crazy!

  • Dellys: If you sell my broadsheets, how'm I going to make my quota? Huh?
    • Pharnilla: If you weren't such a duff seller, Del, you wouldn't need the help!
      • Dellys: And if you weren't such a pest, Pharni, I might do it. But you just talk too mean to me.