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Merony is a gold dwarf guard stationed at the top of the ladder in the Central Watch Tower in the Lower City of Baldur's Gate.


Merony will confront the party the first time they climb the ladder, stating that entry to the Szarr Palace is forbidden. The party can make a passive Insight (DC 15) check to determine that she is just a drone and is not quite "all there". The party can then attempt to pass by passing an ability check:

  • [INTIMIDATION] Another word from you and you'll fly out of this tower. (DC 15)
  • [DECEPTION] I am inspecting the security, on your master's orders. (DC 15)
  • [ROGUE] [DECEPTION] Cazador hired me for a job - it's very hush, hush. If you don't let me in, he's going to be most upset. (DC 15 Advantage Icon.png)

Or the party can simply attack the guards:

  • I'm here to kill Cazador Szarr.
  • Attack.

If Astarion Astarion is present, she will tell him he should be at the ritual and that he must not be late. No check will be required to pass.


Attacks and abilities

Ranged Attack.webp
Ranged Attack Ranged Attack ()   –  Light Crossbow
Normal weapon damage
Make a ranged attack with your equipped weapon.
 Range: 18 m / 60 ft

Notable loot