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Cora Highberry

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Cora Highberry is a citizen hosting a wine festival in the Lower City during Act 3.


Act Three

Cora Highberry can be found hosting a wine festival at her home southwest of the Elfsong Tavern. She is accompanied by her husband Roger Highberry, the wine connoisseur Master Meztli, and several other guests.

Cora is one of the murder targets during the quest Investigate the Murders. "Master Meztli" is actually the Bhaalist aspirant Dolor Dolor, who seeks to kill her and chop off her hand to gain the approval of the Murder Tribunal and become an Assassin of Bhaal.

Upon approaching Cora, she tells the party that she's about to taste some of "Master Meztli's" wine. A successful passive DC 18 Medicine check ( DC 10 Perception check if Barbarian) reveals that the wine smells sickly sweet, with an acrid note on the periphery, indicating poison. The party will face several dialogue options.

Choosing the following options results in Cora being poisoned and killed. The first two results in the player also being poisoned.

  • I would love a glass, Master Meztli.
  • [DARK URGE] Bottoms up!
  • I'm afraid I must decline, but I hope you enjoy your wine.

Choosing any of the following options will result in the killer being revealed:

  • [DARK URGE] Poison... Beauteous... Sickly... Delicate.
  • [HALFLING] This fiend has sullied good wine with poison!
  • [ROGUE] Oh, poisoned wine? Now, that's a classic.
  • [BARBARIAN] Get back! This cowardly worm is trying to poison you!
  • [BARD] I've smelled many a wine in my time, and this one's foul. Poisonous.
  • Cora Highberry, your life is in danger. A serial killer is after you.
  • I think it's only polite that we let Master Meztli drink first, or should I say... Dolor?
  • Kill the poisoner. One death is as good as another.
  • Attack the poisoner.

"Master Meztli" reveals himself to be the serial killer Dolor and is infuriated that his perfect crime was interrupted. He summons four Doppelgangers to keep the party busy and uses a (scripted variation of) Spaceshunt Boots at level 5 that teleports 100 meters (66~ feet) away. One of the corpses contains a Tombstone Shop Key necessary for later on in the quest. Successfully warning Cora Highberry earns the Inspiration Icon.pngInspirational Event Wine Connoisseur (Noble background).

The party can also attempt to kill her themselves in order to complete Impress the Murder Tribunal.

After the doppelgangers have been defeated, Cora can be found inside her home along with her husband and two orphans whom the pair are looking after. She thanks the party profusely for saving her life and rewards them with gold.

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