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Adrielle is a Human Cleric of Helm who can be found in Old Garlow's Place in the Lower City. She is part of the Anti-Hag Support Group, a group of people who have survived encounters with Hags.


Act 3

Upon entering Old Garlow's Place, the party will find Adrielle and the other members of the Anti-Hag Support Group. She initially threatens the party, believing them to be agents of a hag and must be persuaded to back down through dialogue checks or she and the Anti-Hag Support group will attack the party. If successfully pacified, she explains to the party that the group is being menaced by a hag.

If Mayrina died in Act 1, Adrielle is the leader of the group and will direct the party to search the building for a cursed doll which the hag sent to threaten them. Upon destroying the doll, Jatlo will be revealed as a redcap spy working for the hag and immediately engage the party in combat.

If Mayrina lived through Act 1, then Adrielle will refer to her as their leader. She explains that the hag somehow hexed Mayrina by turning her into a sheep, and the group is desperately trying to find a cure. Proceeding upstairs and destroying the cursed doll will end the curse and reveal Jatlo as a spy.

After Jatlo has been dealt with, either Adrielle or Mayrina will direct the party to a nearby safe with instructions for creating Hag's Bane and reward them with Staff of Interruption. This starts the quest Avenge the Hag Survivors.

Once the party kills Ethel for good, they can return to Adrielle or Mayrina to complete the quest and be rewarded with Fey Semblance Amulet.


Attacks and Abilities

Main Hand Attack.webp
Main Hand Attack Main Hand Attack ()   –  Flail
Normal weapon damage
Make a melee attack with your equipped weapon.
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
Divine Strike Weapon Melee.webp
Divine Strike: Weapon (Melee) Divine Strike: Weapon (Melee) ()   –  Flail
Normal weapon damage
D8 Weapon.png 1d8 (1~8) Damage TypesWeapon
Once per turn deal 1d8Damage TypesWeapon in addition to your melee weapon damage.
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
Sacred Flame.webp
Sacred Flame Sacred Flame ()
D8 Radiant.png 1d8 (1~8) Damage TypesRadiant
Engulf a target in a flame-like radiance.
DEX Save
 Range: 18 m / 60 ft
Guiding Bolt.webp
Guiding Bolt Guiding Bolt ()
D6 Radiant.png 4d6 (4~24) Damage TypesRadiant
The next attack roll against this target has Advantage Icon.png Advantage.
 Range: 18 m / 60 ft
Shield of Faith.webp
Shield of Faith Shield of Faith ()
Surround a creature with a shimmering field of magic that increases its Armour Class Armour Class by 2.
 Range: 18 m / 60 ft

Related Quests

Quest rewards