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Merony is a gold dwarf guard stationed at the top of the ladder in the Central Watch Tower in the Lower City of Baldur's Gate.

Involvement[edit | edit source]

Merony will confront the party the first time they climb the ladder, stating that entry to the Szarr Palace is forbidden. The party can make a passive Insight (DC 15) check to determine that she is just a drone and is not quite "all there". The party can then attempt to pass by passing an ability check:

  • [INTIMIDATION] Another word from you and you'll fly out of this tower. (DC 15)
  • [DECEPTION] I am inspecting the security, on your master's orders. (DC 15)
  • [ROGUE] [DECEPTION] Cazador hired me for a job - it's very hush, hush. If you don't let me in, he's going to be most upset. (DC 15 Advantage Icon.png)

Or the party can simply attack the guards:

  • I'm here to kill Cazador Szarr.
  • Attack.

If Astarion Astarion is present, she will tell him he should be at the ritual and that he must not be late. No check will be required to pass.

Combat[edit | edit source]

Attacks and abilities[edit | edit source]

Ranged Attack.webp
Ranged Attack Ranged Attack ()   –  Light Crossbow
Normal weapon damage
Make a ranged attack with your equipped weapon.
 Range: 18 m / 60 ft

Notable loot[edit | edit source]