Overview | All spells | Cantrips | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 |
This is a list of all spells in Baldur's Gate 3.
Cantrips are level 0 spells that do not cost Spell Slots to cast. They cannot be upcast, but most of damage-dealing cantrips gain an additional damage die at character level 5, and another at 10.
Level 1 spells
Level 1 spells are spells that consume Level 1 Spell Slots when cast.
Level 2 spells
Level 2 spells are spells that consume Level 2 Spell Slots when cast.
Level 3 spells
Level 3 spells are spells that consume Level 3 Spell Slots when cast.
Level 4 spells
Level 4 spells are spells that consume Level 4 Spell Slots when cast.
Level 5 spells
Level 5 spells are spells that consume Level 5 Spell Slots when cast.
Level 6 spells
Level 6 spells are spells that consume Level 6 Spell Slots when cast.
Level 9 spells
These are special spells only available to Non-Player Characters or unlockable through unique quests.
Special NPC Spells
- These are special spells only available to Non-Player Characters.
Special Item Spells
- These are special spells granted by equipping certain magic items.
External links
Spell on the Forgotten Realms Wiki