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Ancient Mausoleum
Revision as of 22:22, 15 September 2024 by GreenOnion170 (talk | contribs)
The Ancient Mausoleum is a Location within the Lower City in Act Three of Baldur's Gate 3. It can be accessed through the mausoleum labelled as Grand Mausoluem in the Graveyard of the Lower City.
Area Information
Opening the sarcophagus requires a (DC 15) Strength check and will trigger three hidden (DC 15) Hunger of Hadar vent traps (DC 10) around the room. There are also two (DC 20) locked Opulent Chests.
A Crumbling Journal can be found at X: 1078 Y: 848 that details a mortal's encounter with
Jergal. The physical description of Jergal and the question he asks the mortal in the book mirror the appearance of
Withers and the player's first encounter with them in the Overgrown Ruins.
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