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Thomas C. Quirkilious
Thomas C. Quirkilious is a Dragonborn Trader in Baldur's Gate.
Thomas owns the Chromatic Scale in the Lower City. He sells uniquely named musical instruments. These are functionally identical to the common musical instruments available throughout the game, though they cost significantly more.
If using a positive headline while completing Stop the Presses, then the party will gain 10 attitude points with Thomas C. Quirkilious.
Possible other traders with attitude gain are Gloomy Fentonson, Fytz the Firecracker, Vicar Humbletoes, Omotola and Tolna Tome-Monger.
Falataeric Cli Lyre
Glimmergad's Selgaunt Fiddle
Kiam Goda's Kilat Drum
Stolyarof's Table Lute
Dostrealt's Piccolo
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