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Blarson Throaks
Revision as of 22:12, 3 September 2024 by HiddenDragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{PageSeo | description = Blarson Throaks is a patron of the Elfsong Tavern in Baldur's Gate. He and his wife Clovia Throaks can be found drinking in the Elfsong Tavern, celebrating their son Gasper Throaks getting a job working security at the Steel Watch Foundry. | image = Blarson Throaks.png }} {{Infobox creature | name = Blarson Throaks | race = Human | size = Medium | type = Humanoid | family = Clovia Throaks ''(husband)''<br>Gasper Throaks ''(son)''...")
Blarson Throaks is the husband of
Clovia Throaks and can be found drinking with her in the Elfsong Tavern, celebrating their son
Gasper Throaks getting a job working security at the Steel Watch Foundry.

Blarson and Clovia can be approached in the tavern, where Clovia will mention how happy they are that their son Gasper has finally found a 'proper' job. Blarson wishes he could have taken over the family tailoring business, but Clovia remarks that he never had the patience for it.
Since Gasper liked to hang out around the Guildhall, Blarson feared him becoming a criminal so he was nevertheless glad that Clovia introduced Gasper to Tamia Holzt, who straightened him out and gave him the job at the foundry.
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