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“Mystra, goddess of all mages.She proves and tends the weave.
Revered by many through the ages;
All magic we from her receive.„
Mystra oversees the Weave and spreads arcane knowledge to mortal spellcasters. Her clerics preserve ancient lore and protect bastions of magical energy.
Mystra plays a predominantly indirect, but major, role in Gale's story, whether he is chosen as an origin or a companion. It is possible (but perhaps not guaranteed), for Gale to be granted an audience with Mystra during Act 3. If this audience is attended, it is allowed to view the confrontation, but not control the dialogue unless Gale is chosen as origin.
Elminster Aumar is Mystra's current champion during the events of Baldur's Gate 3.
A character named Lenore De Hurst is referred to as a 'cleric of Mystra' by multiple item descriptions.
Related items
Related literature
A is for Azuth, and other Gods IX
Magic of the Weave - An Introduction
Magical Histories, Volume 1: The Origins of Mystra
Magical Histories, Volume 2: The Spellplague
Magical Histories, Volume 3: The Second Sundering
Magical Histories, Volume 4: The Chosen of Mystra
Related characters
Related locations
- An Altar to Mystra can be found inside the Baldur's Gate. in the Lower City area of
External links
Mystra on the Forgotten Realms Wiki