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Rocky is an Undead Dog found in the Durinbold Mausoleum in Baldur's Gate's Lower City.
“ | Brave and loyal Rocky, who saved his master from an ambush. |
„ |
— Plaque adorning his sarcophagus |
He and his two ghastly canine comrades Gordis and Zina, plus their minder Houndmaster Pol, will attack the party if their sarcophagi are disturbed with a successful DC 15 Strength check.
Attacks and abilities
Terrifying Howl (
Let out a blood-curdling howl that
Frightens all beasts and humanoids that hear it.
Notable loot
Though nothing can be found in his ectoplasmic pile when defeated, you may loot his sarcophagus to find:
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- Dogs
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- Characters in the Lower City
- Characters in Act Three