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Tolna Tome-Monger

“(Look what you've done! By all the gods! I'd give my ear for the least bit of respect for the written word.)„
Involvement[edit | edit source]
She can inform the party about the most rare books owned by the Sorcerous Sundries however she refuses to sell them or even show them to the party. If Tolna is pressed she tells the party that the books are kept in the vault and how to gain access.
Tolna Tome-Monger is also a merchant who sells the party scrolls and books.
If choosing the dialogue option "IS THAT TRUE BOOKS? ARE YOU SENSITIVE?", the books on either side of her erupt in fireballs. She becomes extremely upset and refuse to reveal the rare books' location or trade with the party until they have paid her 400 gold to cover the damages.
Tolna Tome-Monger's attitude towards the party may change depending on the outcome of quest.
Store[edit | edit source]
Corresponds to the LOW_SorcerousSundries_TolnaTomeMonger
treasure table. Some items listed may not be available on every merchant restock.
Books[edit | edit source]

Scrolls[edit | edit source]
Scroll of Chain Lightning
Scroll of Circle of Death
Scroll of Cloudkill
Scroll of Disintegrate
Scroll of Eyebite
Scroll of Globe of Invulnerability
Scroll of Hold Monster
Scroll of Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
Scroll of Otto's Irresistible Dance
Scroll of Revivify
Scroll of Sunbeam
Scroll of Wall of Ice
Scroll of Wall of Stone