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Clerics are representatives of the gods they worship, wielding potent divine magic for good or ill.
Class Cleric Badge Icon.png
Class Cleric Badge Icon.png
Clerics are representatives of the gods they worship, wielding potent divine magic for good or ill.

Cleric is a character Class in Baldur's Gate 3. Clerics worship and enact their deities' will to the world, for better or worse. They channel the power of their faith to cast Spells. Clerics use Wisdom as their primary ability score.

The Cleric Subclasses, or Domains, are: Life Life, Light Light, Trickery Trickery, Knowledge Knowledge, Nature Nature, Tempest Tempest, and War War.

The Cleric Class Progression Spell Slots per Spell Level
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Channel Divinity Charges Cantrips Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1st +2 #Level 1 Spellcasting, #Level 1 Choose a subclass - 3 2 - - - - -
2nd +2 Turn Undead Turn Undead, Subclass feature Subclass feature 1 3 3 - - - - -
3rd +2 - 1 3 4 2 - - - -
4th +2 Feat Feat 1 4 4 3 - - - -
5th +3 Destroy Undead Destroy Undead 1 4 4 3 2 - - -
6th +3 Subclass feature Subclass feature 2 4 4 3 3 - - -
7th +3 - 2 4 4 3 3 1 - -
8th +3 Feat Feat, Subclass feature Subclass feature 2 4 4 3 3 2 - -
9th +4 - 2 4 4 3 3 3 1 -
10th +4 Divine Intervention Divine Intervention 2 5 4 3 3 3 2 -
11th +4 - 2 5 4 3 3 3 2 1
12th +4 Feat Feat 2 5 4 3 3 3 2 1

Class Information

Cleric's default armour


  • Spellcasting Ability: Wisdom Wisdom
  • Prepared Spells Icon.webp Prepared Spells: You may swap your Prepared Spells at any time while out of combat, but can only have a certain number of Spells prepared at a time. The Spells must be of a level for which you have Spell Slots.
    • Number of Prepared Spells = Cleric Level + Wisdom Wisdom Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell.)

Level Progression

Through experience, you acquire new power. You gain the following traits.

Level 1

  • Select Deity:

Note that choice of deity is restricted by the race and subrace of the cleric. Only Githyanki have the option to choose Vlaakith as a deity, only Duergar Dwarves have the option to choose Laduguer as a deity, Lolth-Sworn Drow may only choose Lolth as a deity, and Seldarine Drow cannot choose Lolth as a deity.

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  • 2 Level 1 Spell Slots.png Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked: 2 (You gain two Level 1 Spell Slots.)
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  • Cantrips Icon.png Cantrips (Choose 3)
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  • Choose a number of Prepared Spells = 1 (Cleric Level) + Wisdom Wisdom Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell.)
  • New 1st Level Spells:
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Select a Subclass (Domain)

Domain Features Domain Spells and Cantrips Proficiencies
* Disciple of Life Disciple of Life * Cure Wounds Cure Wounds * Heavy armour Heavy armour
* Warding Flare Warding Flare * Light Light -
* Blessing of the Trickster Blessing of the Trickster * Charm Person Charm Person -
* Knowledge of the Ages Knowledge of the Ages * Command Command Choose 2 skills with double the bonus: Arcana, History, Nature, Religion
* Acolyte of Nature Acolyte of Nature * Speak with Animals Speak with Animals

Choose 1:

Heavy armour Heavy armour
Choose 1 skill: Animal Handling, Nature, Survival

* Wrath of the Storm Wrath of the Storm * Thunderwave Thunderwave * Heavy armour Heavy armour
* War Priest War Priest * Divine Favour Divine Favour * Heavy armour Heavy armour
  • Domain Spells are Always Prepared.

Level 2

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  • Choose a number of Prepared Spells = 2 (Cleric Level) + Wisdom Wisdom Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell.)
    • Spells: No new spells at this level
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Life Life Light Light Trickery Trickery Knowledge Knowledge Nature Nature Tempest Tempest War War
* Preserve Life Preserve Life * Radiance of the Dawn Radiance of the Dawn * Invoke Duplicity Invoke Duplicity * Knowledge of the Ages Knowledge of the Ages * Charm Animals and Plants Charm Animals and Plants * Destructive Wrath Destructive Wrath * Guided Strike Guided Strike

Level 3

  • 4 Level 1 Spell Slots.png Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked: 4 (You gain an additional Level 1 Spell Slots.)
  • 2 Level 2 Spell Slots.png Level 2 Spell Slots Unlocked: 2 (You gain two Level 2 Spell Slots.)
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  • Choose a number of Prepared Spells = 3 (Cleric Level) + Wisdom Wisdom Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell.)
  • New 2nd Level Spells:
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  • Subclass Feature - Domain Spells:
Life Life Light Light Trickery Trickery Knowledge Knowledge Nature Nature Tempest Tempest War War

Level 4


  • 4 Level 1 Spell Slots.png Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked: 4 (You gain an additional Level 1 Spell Slot.)
  • 3 Level 2 Spell Slots.png Level 2 Spell Slots Unlocked: 3 (You gain an additional Level 2 Spell Slot.)
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  • Cantrips Icon.png Cantrips (Choose 1)
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  • Choose a number of Prepared Spells = 4 (Cleric Level) + Wisdom Wisdom Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell)
    • Spells: No new spells at this level
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Level 5

Destroy Undead Destroy Undead

  • When you successfully Turn an Undead creature, it also takes 4d6Damage TypesRadiant damage.


  • PassiveFeature Generic.png Scaling Cantrips: Your damaging cantrips gain an additional damage die.
  • 2 Level 3 Spell Slots.png Level 3 Spell Slots Unlocked: 2 (You gain two Level 3 Spell Slots.)
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  • Choose a number of Prepared Spells = 5 (Cleric Level) + Wisdom Wisdom Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell)
  • New 3rd Level Spells:
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  • Subclass Feature - Domain Spells:
Life Life Light Light Trickery Trickery Knowledge Knowledge Nature Nature Tempest Tempest War War

Level 6

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  • Choose a number of Prepared Spells = 6 (Cleric Level) + Wisdom Wisdom Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell)
    • Spells: No new spells at this level
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  • Subclass Features:
Life Life Light Light Trickery Trickery Knowledge Knowledge Nature Nature Tempest Tempest War War
* Blessed Healer Blessed Healer * Improved Warding Flare Improved Warding Flare * No feature. * No feature. * No feature. * Thunderbolt Strike Thunderbolt Strike * War God's Blessing War God's Blessing

Level 7

  • Level 4 Spell Slot Unlocked: 1 (You gain one Level 4 Spell Slot)
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  • Choose a number of Prepared Spells = 7 (Cleric Level) + Wisdom Wisdom Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell)
  • New 4th Level Spells:
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  • Subclass Feature - Domain Spells:
Life Life Light Light Trickery Trickery Knowledge Knowledge Nature Nature Tempest Tempest War War

Level 8

  • Choose a Feat.
  • Level 4 Spell Slot Unlocked: 2 (You gain an additional Level 4 Spell Slot)
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  • Choose a number of Prepared Spells = 8 (Cleric Level) + Wisdom Wisdom Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell)
    • Spells: No new spells at this level
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  • Subclass Features:
Life Life Light Light Trickery Trickery Knowledge Knowledge Nature Nature Tempest Tempest War War
* Divine Strike: Radiant Divine Strike: Radiant * Potent Spellcasting Potent Spellcasting * Divine Strike: Poison Divine Strike: Poison * Potent Spellcasting Potent Spellcasting * Divine Strike: Elemental Fury Divine Strike: Elemental Fury * Divine Strike: Thunder Divine Strike: Thunder * Divine Strike: Weapon Divine Strike: Weapon

Level 9


  • Level 4 Spell Slot Unlocked: 3 (You gain an additional Level 4 Spell Slot)
  • Level 5 Spell Slot Unlocked: 1 (You gain a Level 5 Spell Slot)
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  • Choose a number of Prepared Spells = 9 (Cleric Level) + Wisdom Wisdom Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell)
  • New 5th Level Spells:
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  • Subclass Feature - Domain Spells:
Life Life Light Light Trickery Trickery Knowledge Knowledge Nature Nature Tempest Tempest War War

Level 10

Divine Intervention Divine Intervention


  • Level 5 Spell Slot Unlocked: 2 (You gain an additional Level 5 Spell Slot)
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  • Cantrips Icon.png Cantrips (Choose 1)
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  • PassiveFeature Generic.png Scaling Cantrips: Your damaging cantrips gain an additional damage die.
  • Choose a number of Prepared Spells = 10 (Cleric Level) + Wisdom Wisdom Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell)
    • Spells: No new spells at this level
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Level 11

  • Level 6 Spell Slot Unlocked: 1 (You gain one Level 6 Spell Slot)
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  • Choose a number of Prepared Spells = 11 (Cleric Level) + Wisdom Wisdom Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell)
  • New 6th Level Spells:
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Level 12

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  • Choose a number of Prepared Spells = 12 (Cleric Level) + Wisdom Wisdom Modifier (Minimum of 1 spell)
    • Spells: No new spells at this level
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Cleric Spell List


Level 1 Spells

Level 2 Spells

Level 3 Spells

Level 4 Spells

Level 5 Spells

Level 6 Spells

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