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Mattis is one of the tiefling refugees seeking shelter at the Emerald Grove in Act One.

Overview[edit | edit source]

Mischievous but good-natured, Mattis works as a scam artist for Mol Mol's children gang. His younger sister is Silfy Silfy.

Involvement[edit | edit source]

Act One[edit | edit source]

Mattis and Silfy have a storefront in the Grove near X: 245 Y: 550. When first interacting with Mattis, he offers to sell them a lucky magic ring. The interacting party character can counter with their own magic trick by passing a Sleight of Hand check. Rogues have unique dialogue options to identify the tricks and scams that Mattis is using, which can lead him to encourage the party to leave so as "to make room for the chumps". If deciding to peruse Mattis' wares, Silfy tries to rob them. On a successful Perception saving throw, they catch Silfy in the act and retrieve the stolen goods. On failure, Find Your Belongings Find Your Belongings is initiated.

If Save the Refugees Save the Refugees is completed and the tieflings are preparing to leave the Grove, Mattis and Mol can be found arguing about the items that he wants to bring.

Act Two[edit | edit source]

If Mattis survives through Act One and Cal Cal, Lia Lia, and Rolan Rolan were convinced to stay in the Grove, Mattis can be found inside the Last Light Inn with another storefront.

Although most of his goods are worthless junk with occasional items of note, Mattis can be persuaded to offer or sell a Tower-Shaped Key, which can be used to unlock a location. The key can be obtained via the following options:

  • I'd like to buy it from you.
    • Mattis: This is a, ahem, valuable piece, so it's gonna cost a lot. And that is non-negot... non... the price isn't changing!
      • That's way too little. Here. Keep the change. Gale approves +1 Halsin approves +1 Karlach approves +1 Lae'zel disapproves -1 Wyll approves +1
  • [DECEPTION] Mol said I could have it. (DC 14)
    • Mattis: No she didn't.
      • [DECEPTION] Yes she did. (DC 6)
      • [CHARISMA] Yuh-huh. (DC 6)
      • [INTIMIDATION] Give it or I'm telling Mol on you. (DC 6)
  • [PERSUASION] If it was worth any coin, do you think Mol would have given it to you? (DC 14)
    • Mattis: I mean... maybe.
      • [INTIMIDATION] Hand it over. Now. (DC 6)
      • [PERSUASION] Mol knows it'll be safer with me - and so do you. (DC 6)
      • [INSIGHT] With all the other fabulous things you've found in this inn, why hold on to a dusty old key? (DC 6)
      • [ROGUE] [PERSUASION] Look - give it to me now, or I steal it later. The former is less embarrassing. (DC 6 Advantage Icon.png)

Act Three[edit | edit source]

If the tiefling children were saved by Rolan in Act Two, Mattis moves his shop to the Requisitioned Barn in Rivington. He claims that he looted Moonrise Towers after the party's fight with Ketheric Thorm Ketheric Thorm.

Store[edit | edit source]

Act One[edit | edit source]

In Act One, Mattis' shop is in the Emerald Grove near X: 245 Y: 550.

Act Two[edit | edit source]

In Act Two, Mattis' shop is near the entrance to the Last Light Inn. Corresponds to HAV_Thiefling_Trade.

Act Three[edit | edit source]

In Act Three, Mattis' shop is outside the Requisitioned Barn in Rivington. Corresponds to WYR_Thiefling_Trade.

In addition to his old "Magical" items, he will now also stock:

Supplies[edit | edit source]

The Poor Trader Table consists of 4-6 rolls on the following table. Including the Supply Pack, worth 61.4 Camp Supplies on average.

Chance 1/31/31/3
Item Quantity Chance
Drink Supply Table 1 1/11
Food Supply Table 2 1 1/11
Food Supply Table 3 1 3/11
Food Supply Table 4 1 2/11
Food Supply Table 5 1 2/11
Food Supply Table 6 1 1/11
Food Supply Table 7 1 1/11

In addition, always drops the following.

Item Quantity Chance
Supply Pack 1 Always

External links[edit | edit source]