** ''(Found animal tracks near Ellie May’s grave):'' “Tracks of some sort. Looks like they lead downwards...”
** ''(Found animal tracks near Ellie May’s grave):'' “Tracks of some sort. Looks like they lead downwards...”
** ''(Found animal’s burrow down the ledge):'' “My. If I'm not mistaken, someone seems to have misplaced their femur.”
** ''(Found animal’s burrow down the ledge):'' “My. If I'm not mistaken, someone seems to have misplaced their femur.”
** ''(Saw an animal killed by the Shadow Curse):'' “A withered creature, consumed by the shadow curse. A fate I hope we don't share.”
** ''(Saw a boar killed by the Shadow Curse at {{coords|92|159}}):'' “A withered creature, consumed by the shadow curse. A fate I hope we don't share.”
* ''(Saw the dead grove tieflings, [[Investigation]] check):''
* ''(Saw the dead grove tieflings, [[Investigation]] check):''
** ''(Successful):'' “Seems like they put up a struggle - in vain.”
** ''(Successful):'' “Seems like they put up a struggle - in vain.”
Line 1,717:
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* ''(Approaching Tollhouse):'' “A tollhouse. Must have collected a tidy sum, back in the day.”
* ''(Approaching Tollhouse):'' “A tollhouse. Must have collected a tidy sum, back in the day.”
** ''(Responding remark):'' “Perhaps some of its earnings can still be found within.”
** ''(Responding remark):'' “Perhaps some of its earnings can still be found within.”
* ''(Approaching Tollhouse, saw [[Harpers|Harpers’]] prayers on the wall):'' “Protective charms. And prayers, written by ... Harpers before attacking their enemies.”
* ''(Approaching Tollhouse, saw [[Harpers|Harpers’]] prayers on the wall at {{coords|-81|-67}}):'' “Protective charms. And prayers, written by ... Harpers before attacking their enemies.”
** ''(Responding remark):'' “Worthless. You'd find more value in an adolescent boy's spent handkerchief.”
** ''(Responding remark):'' “Worthless. You'd find more value in an adolescent boy's spent handkerchief.”
* ''(Opened Cormyte Shipment Box):'' “Silks from Cormyr. Alas, pilfered.”
* ''(Opened Cormyte Shipment Box):'' “Silks from Cormyr. Alas, pilfered.”
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==== [[Moonrise Towers]] ====
==== [[Moonrise Towers]] ====
* ''([[Perception|Noticed]] mucus dripping from the wall in the kitchen {{coords|-129|-174}}):'' "There's something above. Moist and... organic. Ugh."
* ''(Read Melodia’s [[Letter to Ketheric]]):'' “It seemed Thorm's wife loved him deeply. Perhaps he was even a good man once...”
* ''(Read Melodia’s [[Letter to Ketheric]]):'' “It seemed Thorm's wife loved him deeply. Perhaps he was even a good man once...”
* ''(Feeling a ‘hangover’ upon LR after using [[Araj Oblodra|Araj Oblodra’s]] unique potion):'' “Offfph... I feel less-than-well...”
* ''(Feeling a ‘hangover’ upon LR after using [[Araj Oblodra|Araj Oblodra’s]] unique potion):'' “Offfph... I feel less-than-well...”
Line 1,937:
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** ''(The orb wasn’t quelled):'' “Controlling an elder brain... Such power.”
** ''(The orb wasn’t quelled):'' “Controlling an elder brain... Such power.”
* ''(Took Ketheric’s [[Netherstone]] after killing him as [[Apostle of Myrkul]]):'' “Nothing left but ash and bone. A fitting end to the Chosen of Myrkul.”
* ''(Took Ketheric’s [[Netherstone]] after killing him as [[Apostle of Myrkul]]):'' “Nothing left but ash and bone. A fitting end to the Chosen of Myrkul.”
==== The [[Astral Plane]] ====
* ''(Saw the corpses of the Orpheus’s Royal Guard):'' “Those demonic figures we saw were githyanki, then. Barely recognisable.”
* ''(Tried to attack [[Orpheus]]):'' “Those chains don't just bind him - they protect him. He's invulnerable.”
* ''(Observing the rocks that Orpheus is chained to):'' “Bound with the bedrock of the Astral Plane itself. No ordinary magic will sever such ties.”
* ''(Returned to the camp after meeting the [[Emperor]]):'' “I feel my bedroll calling. Time for some well earned sleep. Dreamless, preferably.”
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* '''Minthara''': All I will say on the matter is that you were wise to lower your standards from the godly to the ghastly.
* '''Minthara''': All I will say on the matter is that you were wise to lower your standards from the godly to the ghastly.
(''If the player is romancing Gale; after act 3 romance scene'')
(''In act 3'')
* '''Minthara''': Do you have elder siblings, wizard?
* '''Minthara''': Do you have elder siblings, wizard?
* '''Gale''': You're about to say something awful, aren't you?
* '''Gale''': You're about to say something awful, aren't you?
Revision as of 08:06, 9 November 2024
Spoiler warning: The following content contains unhidden spoilers. Read at your own risk.
I hope Halaster takes good care of Tara while I'm away.
Sembian wine; Cormyrian boar; Waterdhavian conversation. It's the little things you miss while on the road.
Oh, what a tangled Weave we web!
All the world's my stage and you're just a player in it.
You made me hide, don't make me come seek you.
Gods, it's like trying to sleep with a mosquito in the room.
A little privacy please.
Stop it - that tickles.
In combat
Just go for the Magic Missile and fire away. Never fails.
Don't make me go all Edwin Odesseiron on you.
Get. Out. Of. My. Head.
I really wish I could cast a Hold spell on you.
Out of combat or Sneaking
It shall be done.
Most excellent.
With ease.
Adventure awaits.
May it please Mystra.
The path less travelled.
To new horizons.
On my way.
With haste.
Let's explore.
My pleasure.
That way?
Of course.
Right away.
Let's go.
Very well.
Step by step.
I venture forth.
In combat
It shall be done.
With ease.
May it please Mystra.
On my way.
With haste.
Of course.
Step by step.
Outflank. Outsmart.
Swiftly now.
Don't get too close.
In striking distance.
Let's light them up.
Step to it.
Good move.
Rook to queen six.
Knight to king five.
Pawn to cleric four.
The danse macabre.
(Are the same for Out of combat, Sneaking and Combat)
On it.
Won't know what hit 'em.
On the double.
Mine is the advantage.
Their worst nightmare.
I strike with precision.
With glee.
Oh yes.
A spell a day…
Danse macabre.
On my honour.
Into the fray.
While the iron is hot.
The lesson is death.
One by one.
My turn.
Out of combat
Such a long way down.
The coward's route.
It's a gnome's life for me.
My robes will get dirty.
Unseen and unsightly.
If I must.
Yes, yes.
Not this again.
You've got the wrong man for this.
Oh, bother.
Brought low.
No honour among sneaks.
In combat
Did they see me?
On cat's paws.
A silent spell.
The whispered Weave.
There goes my equilibrium.
An invisibility spell works too, you know.
I will be but an illusion.
I'll keep my doubts to myself…
O, to cast on bended knee.
Must I?
I perform better on my feet.
This has to be frowned upon.
Utility actions
(Referred in game devnotes as taking an action like casting Identify, Freedom of Movement, etc. Are the same for Out of combat, Sneaking and Combat)
It shall be done.
Most excellent.
With ease.
As you wish.
My pleasure.
Good show.
With diligence and care.
On it.
Yes, of course.
Helping party member
These reactions are the same for Out of Combat, Sneaking, and Combat. They differ a little, though, depending on Gale's relationship level towards the character
Helping unconscious
Negative relationship
There's always one.
Not this again.
In trouble? Small wonder.
A waste of my talents.
If I must.
How tedious.
How bothersome.
Don't fret, I'm on my way.
Where are my smelling salts?
Yes, yes.
No other choice, I suppose.
Neutral or positive relationship
On my way.
To the rescue.
With haste.
Without delay.
Let's get you on your feet.
At once.
No time to lose.
Willing and able.
Oh dear.
Where are my smelling salts?
Quickly now.
Help's on the way.
Romantic (partnered) relationship
I won't fail you.
Your knight in magic armour.
Hang in there, dearest.
Take heart, I'm here for you.
No time to lose.
To the rescue.
Help's on the way.
At once.
No time to lose.
Quickly now.
Let's get you on your feet.
With haste.
Helping restrained
Negative relationship
Two left hands, I see.
Not this again.
In trouble? Small wonder.
A waste of my talents.
If I must.
How tedious.
How bothersome.
Don't fret, I'm on my way.
Where are my smelling salts?
Yes, yes.
No other choice, I suppose.
Neutral or positive relationship
A rather sticky situation.
No obstacle too great.
I'll take care of that.
At once.
No time to lose.
Let's remedy that, shall we?
Willing and able.
Quickly now.
Without delay.
A spot of bother.
To the rescue.
Help's on the way.
Romantic (partnered) relationship
I won't fail you.
Your knight in magic armour.
Hang in there, dearest.
Take heart, I'm here for you.
No time to lose.
To the rescue.
Help's on the way.
At once.
No time to lose.
Quickly now.
Let's remedy that, shall we?
With haste
Healing and buffing
These reactions are the same for Out of Combat and Sneaking, but some appear in Combat (C) only. They differ, too, depending on Gale's relationship level towards the character
Casting a buff
Negative relationship
What a waste.
I have power enough to share - if I must.
One touch of magic coming up.
I'm indispensible, aren't I?
Neutral relationship
I have power enough to share.
An essential incantation.
Let me make myself indispensable
Use it wisely.
A little pick-me-up.
Easy - and effective.
Positive relationship
I have power enough to share.
An essential incantation.
Let me make myself indispensable
Use it wisely.
It will be my pleasure.
This should do you some good.
Romantic (partnered) relationship
My best is yours.
Hand in hand.
Make me proud.
Together as one.
A token of my appreciation.
Go on - excel.
Addditional lines for Combat in all except Negative relations
Give them nine hells.
Let's put on a show.
They won't see this coming.
Healing a party member
Negative relationship
I suppose some help is in order.
There's always one...
Not this again.
Aren't we precious...
Pearls before swine.
If you insist.
Neutral relationship
I have your back.
To the rescue.
Mystra soothes all pain.
The light of life.
Never fear.
My bedside manner is beyond reproach.
Positive relationship
I have your back.
To the rescue.
Mystra soothes all pain.
A little help from a friend.
You can count on me.
Allow me.
Romantic (partnered) relationship
My life for yours.
I will keep you safe.
Let me take away the pain.
Your knight in magic armour.
I've got you.
Take me by the hand.
Addditional lines for Combat in all except Romantic relations
(Climbed out from the Mind Flayer Pod): “Where the blazes am I...?”
(Responding remark 1): “Whatever this place is, I think I'll take my leave of it - right now.”
(Responding remark 2): “Best not linger here.”
(Responding remark 3): “What's that commotion? Fighting?”
(Interacted with his own pod, 1): “Damn thing. Glad to see the back of it.”
(Interacted with his own pod, 2): “Cosy, it is not.”
(Interacted with any other intact pod in the room, 1): “Looks like I'm not the only live cargo on the loose.”
(Interacted with any other intact pod in the room, 2): “Another survivor.”
(Interacted with any other intact pod in the room, 3): “Another empty pod.”
(Interacted with any other intact pod in the room, 4): “Yet another escapee.”
(Interacted with any other ruptured pod in the room, ): “Burned alive. What a bleak end.”
(Interacted with any other ruptured pod in the room, ): “Another who didn't survive.”
(Interacted with any other ruptured pod in the room, ): “Incinerated.”
(Looked out from the hull breach): “The Nine Hells. Or at least one of them.”
(Looted a dead Mind Flayer): “Dead. Serves you right for abducting me.”
(Used the Restoration): “Curious. I feel like a new man.”
(After the first fight with the Lesser Imps): “That's them seen to. Onwards.” (triggers only if Lae'zel or Losiir[3] are not in the party, otherwise their line will be played)
(Saw a dragon on the way to upper deck): “That dragon won't stop until the ship's destroyed. Me with it, if I don't hurry up.”
(Interacting with the Tentacle Aquarium for the first time): “Are those... brains?”
(After the first time): “I've heard mind flayers feast on the brains of their victims. Apparently they like them pickled, too.”
(Interacting with Cerebral Aquarium for the first time): “Botanical samples. Why would a mindflayer study such things?”
(After the first time): “Alien flora of some kind. From the Astral Plane, perhaps?”
(Upon entering the chamber, saw the control panel): “And what might this contraption do...?” (played only if Lae'zel hasn't entered the room with the avatar, otherwise her line will be played)
(Trying to read the central sigil, Arcana failed): “No idea what this says.”
(Trying to read the left sigil, Arcana failed): “I haven't the foggiest, unfortunately.”
(Trying to read the right sigil, Arcana failed): “Might as well be gibberish.”
(Used ‘Unleash’ button): “Too late - they're already dead.”
(Used ‘Aggression’ button): “Hells, they've gone crazed. Because of the lever?”
(Found the Gold Key): “A key. Now to find somewhere to insert it.”
(Found the key, already tried to open the chest): “A key. Looks to be a perfect fit for that chest.”
(Found a socket in Shadowheart’s pod): “Something could fit here, and it might restore power.”
(Found the Eldritch Rune): “Interesting. This shape corresponds with the pod controls.”
(Found the Eldritch Rune, hasn’t spoken to Shadowheart): “Interesting. Let's find what this fits into.”
(Saw dozens of pods in the Transformation room): “There's a sight. Is there an abductee in every one of those...?” (played only if Lae'zel hasn't entered the room with the avatar, otherwise her line will be played)
(Trying to read the button in Transformation room, Arcana failed): “Means nothing to me.”
(Saw the woman in the pod transformed): “Gods, it's horrifying... and a touch fascinating.”
(Sat in one of the chairs surrounding the pod in Transformation room): “Strange. I hear voices...”
(Responding remark 1): “I hear nothing. A hallucination, perhaps?”
(Responding remark 2): “Chair, nautiloid, mind flayers - they're deeply interconnected. You're hearing what they hear.”
(Responding remark 3): “No sense eavesdropping further. We should go, and keep our heads down.”
(Picked up either Slave Mind or Dark Mind): “A brain. Not so miraculous outside of a skull.”
(Picked up the second one of these two): “Another brain. These jars are nothing if not consistent.”
(In Multiplayer regime, if another player has entered the Helm, while avatar hasn’t yet): “There'll be nothing left of this ship soon. No time to slow down.”
(On the third turn of the fight in the Helm): “This thing's plummeting fast - need to right it.”
(On the fifth turn of the fight in the Helm): “Ground's coming up fast - need to do something.”
(Mind Flayer turns on the party after killing Commander Zhalk): “A short-lived alliance, apparently. Time to get to the Transponder.”
(Mind Flayer died in the fight with cambions): “The mind flayer's dead - good riddance.”
(Mind Flayer and cambions dead, avatar reminds themselves of the transponder): “I need to get to that transponder.”
(Interacting with Nautiloid Tank 1): “And what might this be?”
(Interacting with Nautiloid Tank 2): “Another tank - not for brewing, I presume.”
(Interacting with Nautiloid Tank 3): “Another one. How unenlightening.”
(Interacting with Nautiloid Tank 4): “Tanks, but no tanks.”
Act One
Act 1 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3.
(After defeating the raiding pack of goblins): "Live by the sword, die by the spell - that's what I always say. "
(Responding remark 1): “Quite the fortifications for a wandering band of goblins to try and breach. What drove them to it, I wonder?”
(Responding remark 2): "A taste of goblins to come, I fear. There must be a horde nearby."
Resolving the initial confrontation between Aradin and Zevlor:
(Aradin/Zevlor was knocked out by the other one): “That was a brain-rattler. He'll be nursing his head for a tenday.”
(Responding remark to any of leaders' punch): “Hardly the intelligent way to solve your problems. I suggest we seek out their healer, then move swiftly onwards.”
(Aradin/Zevlor was knocked out by avatar): “You like to make an entrance, don't you?”
(Responding remark to any of avatar’s punches): “If there is a healer here, I hope they don't solve problems with your... enthusiasm.”
(Reaction to Zevlor’s words about more goblins): “So much for finding a safe haven.”
(Responding remark): “We'd best deal with them, or their healer will be kept very busy indeed.”
(After Sazza told the party about Priestess Gut): “To seek some goblin priestess' help would be unconventional to say the least.”
(Responding remark): “If this priestess is indeed a master in the arts of booyahg, it's not inconceivable she could be of help to us.”
(Helped Sazza escape from the grove): “The goblin may yet prove her worth. Necessity has bred stranger bed fellows.”
(Responding remark): “Far be it from me to second-guess your decisions, but I'm not entirely convinced setting that scamp of a goblin free was the wisest of ideas.”
(Let Arka shoot Sazza): “All's well with the world one might argue. And yet there's something unsettling about witnessing an execution - no?”
(Responding remark): “No one will mourn this goblin, I suppose. Let's leave it at that.”
(Trying to recognize the ritual chanted by druids): “This ritual rings a bell, but its execution is... grander somehow. A great flowering in the making.”
(If Arabella was killed by Teela during the trial): “If the errors of youth deserve an early grave, none of us would live to see a dozen summers. There is no justification for this tragedy.”
(Responding remark): “This place is a snake pit in more ways than one. That poor girl... Such sudden madness...”
(In Halsin’s chamber, saw dead drow): “That drow's seen better days.”
(Responding remark 1): “Notice the tadpole too - in that jar over there.”
(Responding remark 2): “And yet it's that statue that commands all attention.”
(Responding remark 3): “Speaks volumes as to the owner of the place.”
(Read Halsin’s research on tadpoles): “This Halsin sounds like a knowledgeable man. He studied illithid tadpoles in great detail.”
(Responding remark): “Just the sort of chap to have a chat with, I reckon.”
(Read Halsin’s research on tadpoles, knows druid’s missing): “This Halsin sounds like a knowledgeable man. He may just be able to cure us.”
(Responding remark 1): “We know the man. We know the mission. Let's go find him.”
(Responding remark 2): “Let's be optimistic and assume he's still among the living.”
(Responding remark 3): “Speculation will get us nowhere. Let's go find him.”
(Opened the druids’ library with the magical circlet): “Excellent. Time to uncover some secrets.”
(Saw a magic-imbued glaive in druids’ library, knows the story): “A dark blade. If I'm right - and I usually am - it's the glaive from the druid's notebook.”
(Haven’t read about the weapon’s story): “An exquisite blade, although its magic is a little darker than I'd like.”
(Nettie locked the party up after they refused to take Wyvern Poison): “A prudent reaction, if somewhat lacking in curiosity.”
(Responding remark): “These tadpoles are no ordinary ailment. It might be wiser to keep the specifics to ourselves.”
(Feeling sick after Nettie scratched them with a poisonous thorn): “I feel... sick. What in the hells did that druid do to me?”
(Sickness getting worse after LR without cure): “I grow cold, numb. I need a damned antidote now!”
(Almost dying after second LR without cure): “The poison is overtaking me. Bring me back! I must be brought back!”
(Cured from Nettie’s poison): “The antidote's working. Gods, that was too close a call.”
(Agreed to take Wyvern poison from Nettie): “Wyvern poison. Lethal stuff. Let's hope we won't have to sample its delights.”
(Responding remark 1): “I've read it's one of the nastiest poisons in Faerûn. Starts burning in the small intestine, and works its way through the blood from there.”
(Responding remark 2): “As something of a potential would-be mind flayer myself, I couldn't agree more.”
(Responding remark 3): “Oh, I don't know. I can think of worse deaths than toasting to you all with a wyvern sour.”
(Saw the Strange Ox): "I'm not sure I care for the way that ox is looking at me..."
(Watching at the map in Zevlor’s cave): “So we're in Elturgard. That means Baldur's Gate lies west - rather far west even.”
(Responding remark): “Those symbols show where gnolls and goblins were sighted. Plenty of trouble along the way.”
(Near a guarding statue in the Underground Passage): "Druid magic. Better tread carefully."
(Found malnourished Torchstalks behind the Makeshift Prison): "Something's… off about that mushroom. Best keep my distance."
(Found dead tiefling children after goblins' attack on the grove): “We did this. Such depravity cannot be erased.”
(Found the vines all around the grove blocking the entrance): “Impenetrable. But why would we even bother?”
(Found the vines all around the grove, knows about Rite of Thorns): “Look at all those vines spread like vices over the grove. A sour harvest in the making.”
(Tried to attack the vines): “Useless. Like hewing granite with a spoon.”
(Read Kagha’s recruitment letter from Shadow Druids): “So Kagha is involved with the Shadow Druids. That certainly explains things.”
(Responding remark): “No one in the grove will suspect their true enemy walks among them.”
(Read the letter before meeting Kagha): “Shadow Druids have taken root in these parts, and whoever Kagha is, she's their agent.”
(Noticed the knife-damaged tree bark): “There's a mark on that tree. How... intriguing.”
(Saw the damaged bark, knowing about Kagha’s letter): “A marked tree. Could be the one Kagha mentioned in her correspondence.”
Elsewhere in the Wetlands/Bog:
(Found a sword and a helmet in the middle of the bog X: -3 Y: 277): “That's a rather jaunty hat lying in the mud there - and a sword too. Someone must have been in quite the hurry to get out of this swamp.”
(Tried to pick a fruit from a Barbed Bulrush, pricked a finger): “Ah! Sharper than Malar's[4] fangs, these thorns!”
(Found a slaughtered campsite on the riverbank): "Blood… I don't like where this is going."
(Nature check successful): “This is the work of redcaps - vicious by nature. They could already be hunting us…”
(Failed): “I don't recognise these claw marks, but they're telling enough in their own right.”
(After defeating Gandrel, stood to Astarion): "How thoroughly invigorating it is to stand by one's friend in the face of danger."
(Responding remark): “We should judge him by his actions, not his teeth. Unless his teeth are the source of the action, of course…”
(Betrayed Astarion to Gandrel): “Easy as that, is it? I hope you wouldn't give the rest of us up so easily.”
(Responding remark): “Having a vampire in our midsts will only end in betrayal. I merely took the initiative.”
(Near the fireplace in hag’s house, Arcana check):
(Successful): “That is no ordinary fireplace. There's something there, beyond the flames.”
(Failed): “How the flames always mesmerise the soul.”
(After Ethel hasn’t succeed to extract the tadpole): “Netherese. A portentous word. Combine it with mind flayers, and it's... unspeakable.”
(Responding remark): “The parasite is somehow infused with Netherese magic - more powerful, more sinister than it has any right to be. We must find out how.”
(Ethel fled from the house, peaceful encounter): “That was a sudden exit from the stage. Can't help but wonder where she's gone.”
(Ethel fled from the house escaping a combat): “We've got auntie on the run, but I'm sure she still has a few tricks up her sleeve.”
(Reached out to Connor’s coffin while the hag is still alive): “Ouch! That stung.”
(Tried to touch it second time): “Blast. Even worse the second time around.”
(Upon entering the secret cellar): “A hidden laboratory full of abandoned experiments. Colour me in my element.”
(Found the tome): “A Thayan book about necromancy. Not for the faint of heart. All the more for the decayed of heart.”
(If the party knows about his needs): “A Thayan book about necromancy. Not for the faint of heart. All the more for the decayed of heart. Much magic to be absorbed indeed.”
(If the tome was destroyed): “It's a barbarian act to destroy a book!”
(If Gale has already opened the tome, and another character tries to take it): “Sorry, but that book is spoken for - by me.”
(After any party member knocked a rhythm on a War Drum near the outer gate): "Word of warning: if you keep banging on war drums, you might just be drumming up war."
(After any party member smeared worg dung on their face): "Lovely. Brings out the colour in your eyes."
(Walking through the outer part of goblin camp): “Amid all this grandeur sunk into squalor, I wonder what dismal corner we'll find Halsin in.”
(Responding remark): “We should make haste. This place is making me feel stupider by the second. I mean, more stupid.”
(Freed the Owlbear Cub and directed it to the camp): "The owlbear. Man's best friend - until it goes hungry."
(Saw sleeping drunk goblins at the platform above the entrance): “Never knew goblins can't hold their liquor.” (Also works as a Responding remark here)
(Found a loose wall at the upper platform): “Shabby workmanship. A strong push and this wall comes down.”
(Found Shadowheart's body, knows her): “My word - it's Shadowheart. How very tragic...” (this happens only if Shadowheart hasn't been recruited)
(Does not know her): “My word - the lady with the artefact. How very tragic...”
(Halsin died while in bear form and reshaped after death): “A magic-user, disguised as a bear. I'd better take a closer look at that corpse.”
(Halsin died, players spoke to him previously): “Looks like Halsin's no more. Better see what I can glean from his remains.”
(Halsin escaped Worg Pens on his own, the party hasn’t been to grove): “Something escaped from this place, and its jailors didn't live to tell the tale.”
(the party does not know about Halsin missing): “Looks like someone escaped from this place, rather messily I might add. Could have returned to the grove if it was one of the adventurers.”
(the party knows Halsin was missing): “There were claws at work here. Magic too. Hallmarks of a druid. Our friend Halsin must have been rather keen to return to his grove.”
(the party met him afterwards): “This must be the spot they held Halsin captive. Clearly he didn't quite appreciate the accommodations.”
(the party know only about the adventurers): “Someone left a mess on the way out. I wonder if it's one of those adventurer fellows that gave the goblins the slip.”
(Trying to use the tunnel left after drawing out Taeglyn's body): “Blocked. Nothing a quick blast of magic won't clear.”
(Met the Myconids for the first time, Intelligence check failed): “I've read about these creatures. They tend to be benign unless provoked.”
(Looking at Spaw planting spores into a corpse): “I read about myconids and the manifold properties of their spores. That duergar is about to rise - undead.”
(Responding remark to Lae'zel): “Yes. Myconids are more powerful than you realise.”
(Responding remark to any other avatar): “Indeed. These creatures are mightier than they look.”
(Saw a corpse revived as a Spore Servant): “Spores that can raise the dead... These myconids certainly are fascinating creatures.”
(Responding remark): “In such environs, their efficiency is to be admired. Nothing goes to waste.”
(Found the remains of duergar and myconids’ battle): “A battleground. There are duergar and myconids among the dead.”
(Approached abandoned camp in the Decrepit Village): “A campsite. Nobody's home, though.”
(Killed Glut): “Glut's ambition comes full circle: from foolish inception to foolish demise.”
(Responding remark): “A petty kingdom undone, already lost to history.”
(Successful): “Trickles of Weave radiate from that chest.”
(Failed): “I feel trickles of Weave, but what's their source?”
(Put an item IN the chest): “So this chest contains a field of transformative Weave. Delightful.”
(Took an item OUT of the chest): “Look at that: it transformed. Wonder what else it can change.”
(Interact with lights without activating Power generator): “These are no ordinary lights. Yet there must be a way to turn them on.”
(Activated Power generator): “Arcane lights. How delightful.”
(After powering up the generator): "Ingenious use of the magic in the tower's floral core. Though not ingenius enough to outsmart Gale of Waterdeep."
(Blocked lift in the Arcane tower, Arcana check):
(Successful): “This contraption is powered by magic, but its magic seems to be gone - or dormant.”
(Failed): “It doesn't look defective, but its magic aura is too faint for it to operate.”
(Try to trigger it second time): “It's still bereft of power.”
(Pressed the strange button in Lenore’s bedroom, doesn’t have the collar): “This button must have had a use once, but was it worth reaching so far down for?”
(Pressed the button, has Myrna's collar in inventory): “I can feel the collar stirring in my pack. Something must be triggering the runes' magic.”
(Pressed the button, a party member wears the collar): “The collar stirs. Something must be triggering the runes' magic.”
(Pressed the button, got a Raw Steak): “Clever. Give a dog a magical food dispensing collar, and I'm sure it will eat.”
(Pressed the button second time): “This seems to have run out of food disappointingly quickly.”
(Put on the ring obtained from Bernard): “Well, well, well. This ring is yielding secrets.”
(Sat down on the Stool of Hill Giant Strength): "My, not only is this chair comfortable, it imbues its sitter with power!"
(Got up from it): "Hmmm. So if I stand, the power's gone. Sedentary magic I suppose that's called."
(Destroyed the stool and took the leg club): “Look at that. An unconventional weapon, but it might just be an effective one.”
(Successful): “A spell of sorts is masking the book's true meaning. But I'm sure there's a way around that...”
(Failed): “What's this? 'Flumph Mating Rituals'[5]. Acquired taste, I'm sure, but not mine. Nor a drow's I would have thought...”
(If already interrogated Xargrim's corpse): “Aha! This must be the book that hides a book within. Let's take a closer look.”
(The book transformed, the party knew it was disguised): “The magic veil has been drawn back from the drow's book on flumphs. Let me peruse.”
(The party didn’t know): “My, my. The tome on flumphs hid truer words behind its impostor ones. What a clever feat of magic.”
(Looted Filro’s records, not knowing about the forge): “Nothing in these notes but nonsensical run-on sentences.”
(Deciphered the record scroll): “What have we here? Adamantine forge... Mysterious guardian... Mention of a 'hot hammer'... A whole adventure in a nutshell.”
(If learned about the forge first from Filro): “These papers describe an adamantine forge hidden somewhere deep below. Such a forge is a treasure vault where the treasure's for the making.”
(Responding remark, successfully deciphered drow’s records): “An adamantine forge is very much a treasure, and any good treasure is protected by a guardian. Looks like we can defeat it with a so-called 'hot hammer'.”
(Failed to decipher the record scroll): “The reference to a 'hot hammer' is rather puzzling though. Whoever wrote these papers must have been rather delirious.”
(Second mention of the forge): “Further mention of the adamantine forge. Someone was dead set on finding it.”
(The party knows about it from Filro’s corpse): “Plenty more were looking for the forge it seems. The drow had competition.”
(The party knows about it from Filro’s notes): “Another reference to the adamantine forge. No mention of a guardian this time.”
(The party knows about it from Dhourn/Dhourn’s corpse): “The adamantine forge again. Dhourn, too, was looking to find it.”
(The party knows about it from Dhourn’s Memory Shard): “Another clue about the adamantine forge. Unnecessary now that the memory shard revealed its location.”
(The party knows about it from Xargrim’s corpse): “The dead drow spoke of a forge. Must be the same one.”
(The party knows about it from Xargrim’s disguised book): “That enchanted journal made note of an adamantine forge as well. I must be on to something.”
(The party knows about it from Skarjall): “Further mention of the adamantine forge. The duergar were looking for it too.”
(Third mention of the forge): “Yet again the adamantine forge is mentioned. Surely I'm on the right track.”
(Found dead drow at the foot of the crag, Medicine check):
(Successful): “The injuries on this drow are consistent with a fall. A very deep fall.”
(Failed): “A dead drow - took quite a pounding, too.”
(Found illusory mushroom “ladder” leading toward crag top at X: 67 Y: -256): “Can't trust one's eyes in the Underdark. Can't trust these mushrooms either.”
(Found illusory wall on the top of the crag): “There's no illusion without a reason to elude. Now to find the reason.”
(Approaching a mushroom ring, knows its purpose): “This fairy ring looks disappointingly dormant.”
(Not knowing the purpose): “A perfect ring of mushrooms. That can hardly be a coincidence.”
(Entered a mushroom ring, knows its purpose): “Hmmm. I must not be doing it right.”
(Not knowing the purpose): “Well... That was anticlimactic.”
(Activated the mushroom ring): “New colours, new destinations perhaps?”
(Teleported from the Underdark into Overgrown Tunnel, Ethel is dead): “The hag's lair again. Sans hag that is.”
(Teleported from the Underdark into Overgrown tunnel, Ethel survived): “The hag's lair again. Better be careful while Auntie Evil is still around.”
(Teleported from the Overgrown tunnel to the Putrid Bog): “And so I'm back in the swamp. If only I could actually pick a destination.”
(Teleported from the Overgrown tunnel into the Underdark, hasn’t been to Underdark earlier): “This is no ordinary cave, no ordinary depth in stone. Good gods, this is the Underdark...”
(Teleported from the Overgrown tunnel into the Underdark, has been to Underdark): “Magical access into the Underdark. A shortcut to death one might call that.”
(Teleported from the Putrid Bog into Overgrown tunnel): “How lovely. A shortcut into the hag's palace of perversion and pain.” (this line is the same regardless Ethel was killed or survived)
(Teleported from the Underdark to the Putrid Bog): “Out of the black and into the bog. Hardly an improvement.”
(Teleported from the Underdark to the Sunlit Wetlands (Ethel’s illusion is still intact)): “Out of the black and into the wetlands. Quite an improvement.”
Elsewhere in the Underdark:
(Entering Zhentarim storehouse from the Underdark): "The mark of the Zhentarim. Bound to be more to this place than meets the eye."
(Entering the storehouse, descending from Zhentarim Hideout): "This is no ordinary storage room. This depth... This feeling of incomprehensible abyss... The Underdark."
(Found a drow resupply stash at X: 71 Y: -220): “Lolth-sworn drow passed by here, but it seems they never returned. Finders, keepers, I say.”
(Heard Baelen’s cries for help): “A shout for help reverberating through the Underdark. That's going to attract the wrong crowd.”
(Killed all Kuo-toa in Festering cove, thus dissipating BOOOAL’s magic): “Quite a bit less-than-divine for a god, wasn't he? With powers as fleeting as his followers' lives”
(Arriving at the Grymforge): “Fascinating architecture. Doesn't match the style of any Underdark civilisation that I know of.” (also serves as a Responding remark)
(Met a Scrying Eye): “That's a scrying eye. Someone's monitoring the place.”
(If already seen one in the Goblin Camp): “Yet another scrying eye. Someone's keeping a close watch on the place.”
(Responding remark to both options): “Best be on our guard.”
(Looted a dead Scrying Eye): “You'll turn a blind eye for me, won't you?”
(Saw drow corpses in cages near the pier): “Drow slaughtered like chickens in a butcher shop. Somebody's making a statement.”
(Successful): “That pin... she was a Harper. Strange place for her to be, even if a drow.”
(Failed): “That pin's design looks familiar, but I can't seem to place it.”
(After talking to Stonemason Kith): “Always a pleasure to meet a fellow academic. And what a subject - this place brims with history.”
(Responding remark): “It would have been quite something in its heyday. But even now, it has much to teach us.”
(Found Dark Justiciars’ skeletons): “Ancient dead rife with shadows. This must be the stronghold Halsin spoke of.”
(Saw crates with old Sharran gear at X: -668 Y: 400): “Hmmm. Wear this and you'll only ever be a knight in rusted armour.”
(Found a crossbow in an old crate, History check):
(Successful): “This crossbow was exquisitely designed. No duergar crafted this... its dark grace is most definitely Sharran in origin.”
(Failed): “This crossbow was exquisitely designed. No duergar crafted it, that much is obvious.”
(Looted a piece of adamantine, knows about the forge): “The speckles in this slag... That's adamantine, I'm sure of it.”
(Doesn’t know about it): “There are speckles of... something or other in this slag. Could be anything.”
(Found defaced statue of Shar, recognized the symbol of the Absolute): “Well, well - he symbolic triumph of the Absolute over the darkness of Shar. Petty vandalism, in my opinion.”
(Did not recognize the symbol): “Someone sought to deface Shar it seems, though not with a symbol I recognise.”
(If Nere died in the cave-in): “Nere must be long dead by now. I suppose that makes it slightly more palatable to sever his head from his body.”
(Looking at the Shar temple down from the ruined bridge): “What's that down there? A temple? A palace? What a pity it's so hopelessly out of reach...”
(Successful): “Those are footprints. Let's see where they lead.”
(Failed): “There are some markings on the ground here - not that they tell me much.”
(Interacting with chains or bloodied arrows, Survival check):
(Successful): “Blood, tracks, broken shackles... The story of an escape told in tell-tale paraphernalia.”
(Failed): “A bloody mess this. Something rather unpleasant went down here.”
(Respond to Harper’s watchword from Undelivered Letter, History check): “In that case, let there be Light.”
(Failed): “I don't quite see how that's relevant...”
(Approaching the location of the Harper Stash): “According to that letter, the Harper stash should be hidden close by.”
(Saw the Harpers’ rune, hasn’t read the Undelivered Letter, Survival check successful): “A Harper rune. Signals a hidden cache nearby if I'm not mistaken.”
(Failed): “A rune sign, but not one I recognise. Its meaning eludes me.”
(Successful): “I suspect many a Sharran was present at this blighted Nightfall feast. An evening of merriment before the real prize - murder.”
(Successful 2): “An eerily chilling scene, this. I suspect many were present at this blighted Nightfall feast.”
(Responding remark): “Food and drink, followed by murder in Shar's name. Barbaric.”
(Failed): “An eerily chilling scene, this. I suspect many a spectre was present at this blighted feast.”
(Found a loose stone at X: -600 Y: 422 through Perception check): “A loose stone. Perhaps a secret about to be unhidden.”
(Found a place where Philomeen climbed up the ledge, knows about her escape): “Rope, tools, marks in the rock. Our escaped gnome climbed to freedom here.”
(Does not know about her): “Rope, tools, marks in the rock. Someone made quite the daring ascent.”
(Found a Devilfoil Mask): “Interesting mask. I quite like the design.”
(Arcana check successful): “It belonged to a merregon. Infernal soldiers.”
(Failed): “Oh well, a minor mystery it must remain.”
(Arcana check successful, knows about merregons’ habits): “This place was rife with merregons. And they never travel without a commander...”
(Doubts whether the merregons’ commander is dead): “Merely merregons, however. Their commander might still be at large.”
(Tried to put on the mask): “It's heavier than I thought. Must have been strong creatures that wore them.”
(Found a second mask): “It's mask after mask in here.”
(Found the third mask (?)): “They unsettle somehow - as if they harbour a lingering presence.”
(Found the Idol of Shar, the party knows Shadowheart is a Sharran): “This icon bears Shar's likeness. No doubt Shadowheart will be interested in it.”
(The party does not know): “A Sharran artefact, and remarkably blood-free. A rare thing indeed.”
(Found a bunch rusty weapons): “Time has rid these weapons of their bite. Must have taken decades.” (triggers only for the first time interacting with those)
(Interacted with the Orb of Darkvision): “Gods - this is pure shadow magic. To be one with the darkness and see.”
(Read Abandoned Journal): “He tried to outrun the furies of hell. Looks like he hit a dead end.” (triggers after finding at least one Devilfoil Mask)
(Stepped on a platform held by chains): “Steady... This thing looks more brittle than Szass Tam's bones.”
(Coming closer to the Adamantine forge): “The heat's going from balmy to sweltering. The forge must be nearby.”
(Saw the forge for the first time): “My word, what a feat of engineering. Most impressive indeed.”
(Saw the forge for the first time 2): “This must be the forge - and what a feat of engineering it is.”
(Filled the crucible with Mithral Ore): “Filled to the brim.”
(Interacting with mould chamber, has at least one Mould): “There's an aperture in the metal's surface. Perfect fit for that mould, if I'm not mistaken.”
(Doesn’t have any moulds): “There's an aperture in the metal's surface. For a mould, I imagine...”
(Filled only crucible, hasn’t any moulds): “The forge is not budging quite yet. I must be overlooking something.”
(Filled only crucible): “Wonderful. All that's missing now is the mould.”
(Placed only mould): “A perfect fit. Now to feed the forge with the right materials.”
(Filled and placed both, seeking how to activate): “The forge is ready. Let the games begin.”
(The platform moves down after activating): “And so we descend into... more madness presumably.”
(Trying to forge without lava): “The forge is not working as it should. I must be missing some crucial ingredient.”
(If has already crafted one piece): “Any forging efforts will be in vain until I add lava into the mix.”
(Forged the first item, Grym appears): “Out of the fire... guess that makes me the frying pan.”
(Fighting Grym, the forge hammer doesn’t damage it): “This blasted hammer has no effect! But it has to - somehow!”
(Successfully damaged Grym with the hammer): “Ha! That'll knock the wind out of it!”
(Magma Mephits appear during the fight): “Mephits! Now it really is a party.”
(Defeated Grym): “It's done... It's dead... Good gods, never again!”
(Saw dead gnolls on the bridge to the Tollhouse): “Someone made short work of these gnolls. Made it look easy too. That's someone to be reckoned with.”
(Saw rockfall and wreckage near the Tollhouse): “This place looks like a battlefield.”
(Agreed to help Anders, but found out that his crew are Zariel’s servants): “I have to say I don't know if agreeing to this hunt was such a wise idea.”
(Responding remark): “Who's to say who's the real villain in this tale of devils and masquerades?”
(Entering Tollhouse basement): "Gods, this assault on the nostrils should be labelled a war crime."
(Stepped on a pressure plate in the Tollhouse vault): “A teasing sound, but to what effect?”
(Found the skeletal couple under the broken bridge): “These bones speak of some old, long-forgotten tragedy.”
(Successful History check): "Harper insignia; druidic markings - they must have fell as allies."
(Failed): “Their equipment doesn't seem to be worse for wear though, even after all this time.”
(Failed a Strength check to kick out the front door): “Hmmm. When one door closes, another opens. All I need to do is find it.”
(Walking near the burning door in the tavern): “That door is like a cork. Pop it and we'll be served a firestorm.”
(Cannot lift the fallen beams off Benryn): “Blast, I can't lift this.”
(Found Mirileth’s corpse): “Green blouse, brown hair - must be Benryn's wife, Miri.”
(Responding remark): “Poor woman. Nothing we can do for her.”
(Saw the haystack with hidden dowry, Investigation check):
(Successful): “Look at that: there's a chest hidden in the hay.”
(Failed): “An untouched stack of hay. Mustn't be any horses around.”
(Found a secret entrance to the Zhentarim Hideout): “Well now - a little spectacle never hurts.
(Illusory wall in the Zhentarim Hideout, successful Investigation check): “An illusory wall. Let's find out what it seeks to hide.””
(After the Flaming Fist guard refused to attack the Zhentarim): “So much for the law of the land…”
Meeting with the githyanki scouts near the Mountain Pass:
(Found giant scratches near Mountain Pass entrance): “Look at that - rock gouged like it was nothing.”
(Successful Arcana check): “Dragon claws. Nothing else could do that, surely.”
(Failed): “What the hells could do that...?”
(Saw a red dragon): “My word, a red dragon. Majestic. And malignant.”
(Responding remark): “I suggest we admire it from afar.”
(Saw a red dragon, Frightened): “A red dragon! Gods, it must have followed us from Avernus!”
(Responding remark, Frightened): “We stand no chance against such a foe. We should get out of sight!”
(Picked up dead mercenary’s shield 1): “Still hot to the touch. When it comes down to man versus dragon, the result tends to be predictable.”
(Picked up dead mercenary’s shield 2): “Hot to the touch. The dragon's breath still lingers on this shield.”
(Responding remark): “When it comes down to man versus dragon, the result tends to be predictable.”
(Read a roadsign after dragon’s attack): “This is a sign to nowhere now. Only scorched earth ahead.”
(Leaving the area after Lae'zel ran off to speak with Voss): “Lae'zel was left behind. It doesn't feel right to abandon her.”
(Responding remark): “Lae'zel's one of us now. It doesn't feel right to abandon her.”
(Reacting to the sight of Lae’zel’s dead body): “She was dangerous, but I respected her passion and ambition. Her kin have done themselves a disservice.”
(Successful): “My, took quite the workout to get this moving. Must have been ages since someone last used it.”
(Failed): “Blast. It'd take a hundred Mage Hands or more to set this thing in motion.”
(Came up to a broken bridge at X: -106 Y: -184): “That bridge has long been collapsed. If only we'd arrived a few centuries earlier.”
Exploring the ruined monastery:
(Came up to the body of a cultist killed by the gith guard): “Seems the githyanki came to blows with the cultists. Let's hope they keep each other busy.”
(Approaching the statue of Lathander at X: 73 Y: 4): “Undead trampled to dust. Their dusk is as eternal as Lathander's dawn.”
(Heard the warning from speaking bust, Arcana check):
(Successful): “A Magic Mouth[6] spell - so that voice must be from someone long-deceased.”
(Failed): “Talking statues often herald trouble, in my experience...”
(Found the corpse with a longsword in the chest, History check):
(Successful): “A githyanki blade, no doubt.”
(Failed): “Skewered monk. A delicacy to someone, no doubt.”
(Found active Guardian of Faith spell): “A Guardian of Faith spell. Strong is its faith indeed to linger still in these ancient halls.”
(In the Ceremonial room, removed the weapon from the altar): “The weapon's stopped glowing. Curious.”
(Placed the non-Ceremonial weapon on altar): “Looks like just any old weapon will suffice.”
(Heard Gremishka meowlings): “What's that ghastly sound? Almost sounds like weeping.”
(Recognized Gremishkas, ? check successful): “Gremishkas? They're no lovers of magic - better watch where I cast.”
(Used magic close to a Gremishka): “Better eschew magic with these creatures.”
(Entered a combat with drunk Kobolds): “I can smell the alcohol on their breath from here. Drunk and flammable - what a combination.”
(Pass by an inactive Lathander's Lance on the roof, knows the where crèche is): “Powerful-looking piece of armament. Used on those githyanki, perhaps?”
(Doesn’t know the crèche location): “Quite a potent-looking weapon.”
(Found a githyanki skeleton at X: 45 Y: 19, has been to the crèche): “Githyanki armour. Not much left of the occupant - one of the original raiding party, I'd guess.”
(Hasn’t found the crèche yet): “Githyanki armour. Not much left of the warrior inside.”
(The Giant Eagle calling for help in combat): “Ugh, a screech to shred the strongest ear drum. It's calling for help!”
(Entered the Dormitory): “Not the comfiest of dormitories. The githyanki must consider sleep quite the luxury.”
(Read the parchment with the rules on the dormitory wall): “Less rules, more doctrine. Hard to disobey such a stern mandate.”
(Set Gremishka loose from the gith kids’ chest): “Mystra's dimples! What's that?!”
(Responding remark): “That's what was in there? Those little privy rags were tormenting it.”
(Looking at the devices in Stornugoss’ laboratory): “A well-equipped laboratory. This is a place for rigorous study, though I hesitate to ask of what.”
(Breathed in the Strange Gas in the Hatchery): “That odour's left me feeling decidedly wobbly.”
(Looking around in the Hatchery): “By Mystra's mantle, what a smell. Something strange is in the air...”
(Saw anatomical diagrams in the Classroom): “Mind flayer anatomy, rendered in quite disturbing detail. The gith clearly know their enemy inside out.”
(Hit a training dummy in the Classroom): “Not sure a real mind flayer would accept such punishment.”
(Started a fight with sa'varsh Kethk and his students): “There's no sharper foe than an ambitious student. Keep eyes on teacher and pupils alike.”
(Opened the apple crate in the corridor): “Apples? Not the bloodthirsty fare I expected to see in such a place.”
(Read the map in Captain’s Quarters): “A map of the Sword Coast. Whatever these githyanki are planning, Baldur's Gate lies at the heart...”
(Killed Therezzyn, reminding themselves about the Inquisitor): “That's the rank and file dealt with. Let's hope her commander is more amenable.”
(Interacted with the deactivated barrier): “Barrier's already deactivated. Now there's a stroke of luck.”
(Walking the bridge that leads to Inquisitor’s Chamber): “And to think I couldn't imagine this place could get any more foreboding...”
(Responding remark): “Indeed. This place makes my skin crawl - no, makes it run full pelt.”
(Responding remark 2): “This Inquisitor sounds like a daunting chap. But who knows? Perhaps he'll answer our questions.”
(Responding remark 3): “We should be so lucky.”
(Try to use an inactive Planecaster, before speaking to W'wargaz): “Nothing.”
(Entering the Shadow-Cursed Lands for the first time): “Shrouded in no ordinary shadows. What evil lurks within such darkness?”
(Responding remark): “Moonrise Towers lies ahead. We must venture on, however bleak the path.”
(Looking at the distorted land within Shadow Curse): “The very plates of the earth have been shattered by the magic of the shadow curse. Utterly fascinating - unless you happened to be standing on it, of course.”
(Looking at the former battlefield): “The site of no ordinary skirmish. This was once a battlefield, and a bloody one too, judging by the number of bodies.”
(Responding remark): “She'd put a sailor to shame with that mouth.”
(Set Dolly free but angered her): “My, what an angry little pixie. She's practically turning the air blue.”
(Responding remark to an angered pixie): “Feisty little darling, isn't she?”
(Found drider’s route starting point 1): “The origin point of the drider's caravan, it seems.”
(Found drider’s route starting point 2): “The drider's caravan must have came from here.”
(Responding remark, defeated the drider 1): “At least they won't drag any more poor souls along in chains.”
(Responding remark, defeated the drider 2): “At least they've herded their last prisoner.”
(Responding remark, haven’t defeated the drider 1): “Cages, shackles, whips... all prepared to mete out misery on captives.”
(Responding remark, haven’t defeated the drider 2): “A long march through dark, unfriendly lands. I don't envy them.”
Leaving Shadow-Cursed lands:
(At the road to Baldur’s Gate): “These grounds look like they've been trampled by an entire horde of beasts. An army passed through here.”
(If has seen the Absolute’s army from the cemetery cliff): “The army of the Absolute is gone, marching west. Sooner or later the very walls of Baldur's Gate will tremble.”
(Approaching the Moonshield around the inn): “What light is that? A barrier to keep the shadows at bay?”
(Saw a stuffed bear upon entering the inn, Nature check):
(Successful): “Believe it or not, but I know that stuffed bear. Darkmaw the Wicked.”
(Responding remark to successful): “He terrorised everyone and everything between the woods of Cloak and Sharp Teeth. Odd place for him to end up, this.”
(Failed): “Impressive specimen. Better off stuffed than stalking me, I daresay.”
(Looking at the graveyard behind the inn): “A hasty burial is still a burial. A small mercy, but one these fallen would have been grateful for.”
(Found rocks piled by Marcus, have spoken to him): “So this is Marcus' handiwork. That sick bastard.”
(Not knowing the story): “A Flaming Fist, her face beaten beyond recognition. There was some sick individual at work here.”
(Too heavy to lift rocks, spoken with Marcus): “Oof. Not even an ogre could move this. What are you hiding, Marcus?”
(Too heavy to lift rocks, not knowing the story): “Oof. Not even an ogre could move this.”
(Responding remark to successful): “Their sight works best in darkness - stay with light, if you can.”
(Arcana check failed 1): “Those claws look sharp. Better stay clear - I much prefer to keep my insides on the inside.”
(Failed 2): “Hells. What gruesome creature's assailing me now?”
(Responding remark to failed): “Those claws look sharp - stay clear, unless you wish to trip on your own entrails.”
(Found a Selûnite shrine in the cellar, answer to Shadowheart (Sharran)): “Even Selûne's faithful are driven to the darkness in such a place.”
(Answer to Shadowheart (non-Sharran)): “Far better to encourage such glimmers of light amongst the darkness. Who knows where they may lead?”
(Saw Rolan’s projection after he left the inn): “Ah, Rolan. Not the brightest decision to stride off into such darkness. He'll soon be extinguished.”
(Noticed the Strange Ox): “I'm almost certain I've seen that ox someplace before...”
(Defeated the Strange Ox): “Well, that'll teach us never to judge an ox by its cover.”
(Responding remark): “This was one of those memorable encounters I'd love to forget.”
(Noticed a note in Art Cullagh’s pocket): “Hmmm, there seems to be some kind of document protruding from this gentleman's pantaloons.”
(Picked up Art Cullagh’s writ): “Looks like he was investigating the House of Healing. In search of what, I wonder.”
(Halsin entered Shadowfell): “There he goes, into the Shadowfell. Let's hope his mind and body are up to the challenges that await in that fabled place.”
(Defending Halsin’s portal, initial wave): “The shadow curse is gathering its forces. Got to protect the portal.”
(Defending Halsin’s portal, 2nd wave): “If only the curse had taken all of the Absolute's followers - we'd claim two birds with one stone.”
(Defending Halsin’s portal, 3rd wave): “Enemies popping up like weeds. Halsin better conclude his search very soon...”
(Defending Halsin’s portal, 4th wave): “Even the githyanki's finest must have succumbed to the curse.”
(Defending Halsin’s portal, final wave): “The druid's return is imminent! Have to keep foes at bay until then!”
(Halsin died during the ritual): “Rest in peace, proud druid. What a pity his death means the Sharran curse will remain alive and well.”
(Starting a fight against shadows that siege the inn): “The shadows are coming alive. We've got a fight on our hands!”
(Responding remark): “All we can give them is a second, final death.”
(Saw a giant tentacle when defending the inn from shadows): “Gods - that is not a pretty sight.”
(Approaching Tollhouse): “A tollhouse. Must have collected a tidy sum, back in the day.”
(Responding remark): “Perhaps some of its earnings can still be found within.”
(Approaching Tollhouse, saw Harpers’ prayers on the wall at X: -81 Y: -67): “Protective charms. And prayers, written by ... Harpers before attacking their enemies.”
(Responding remark): “Worthless. You'd find more value in an adolescent boy's spent handkerchief.”
(Opened Cormyte Shipment Box): “Silks from Cormyr. Alas, pilfered.”
(Opened Dale Shipment Trunk): “Cheese from the Dalelands. The rats must have feasted.”
(Opened Thayan Shipment Box): “Gems from Thay. Looks like the looters were less than thorough...”
(Blocked door to Tollhouse’s master room): “Blocked from the other side.”
(Interact with the ‘Confiscated’ room plaque): “There's got to be another way in.”
(Saw a pile of pet collars): “'Rascal.'? 'Jagoda.'? Pet names. These must be their collars - which does not bode well for them.”
(Have read the poster near the brewery): “These collars are stained with blood. A gruesome end to the mystery of the missing pets.”
(Killed Gerringothe Thorm): “These shadows made her something worse than her vices. What would it make of us, if we stay here too long?”
(Saw either, haven’t met them): “A dead tiefling. The horror of their end I daren't contemplate.”
(Killed Malus Thorm): “ I'm not doctor, but I'd say that's terminal.”
(Malus Thorm killed by his nurses): “Killed by his own nurses. Not a treatment I'd be eager to sign up for.”
(After Malus Thorm killed himself): “Nothing like giving someone a taste of their own medicine.”
(In the Morgue, saw footprints): “There's significantly less dust on the leftmost door. Recently opened and closed, I think.”
(Looking at the army camp from the cemetery cliff, knowing about the Absolute): “ Enough campfires for an army - the Absolute's army. That's close enough, I think.”
(Not knowing about the Absolute): “All those campfires - there's a whole army of creatures out there. Better keep my distance.”
(Upon entering The Waning Moon): “A distillery. A little premature for us to start celebrating, I suppose.”
(Responding remark): “Hmm. Smells like wanton days as a young scholar.”
(Read the poster in front of the brewery): “'Missing: Rascal - brown puppy. Jagoda - black and white cat. Zola...' The list goes on. Bad place to be a pet, this.”
(Already noticed the collars ner Tollhouse): “Missing - 'Zola'. 'Rascal'. Hmmm, the word 'missing' seems somewhat optimistic given those blood-stained collars I came across earlier.”
(Starting a fight with Thisobald Thorm): “That gasbag is three sheets to the wind - can it even feel pain?”
(Killed Thisobald Thorm): “A man to be pitied, for all the bile he had in life. His was a lonely end, made a monster by these shadows.”
(Found remains in the Waning Moon backroom): “If you don't find solace at the bottom of a bottle, try a barrel, I suppose.”
(Found remains, having read Thisobald’s diary): “This must be what remains of the lady who tried to blackmail the brewer. Put her into a barrel rather than over one, it seems.”
(Detector activated, Lae’zel rejected Voss): “The gith knight's device has activated. What is it trying to tell us?”
(After defeating gith hunters, Lae’zel spurned Vlaakith): “Voss spoke truly, both about the device, and Vlaakith's intentions. She is coming for us.”
(Defeated gith hunters, Lae’zel rejected Voss): “So, it seems the device was activated by the presence of those githyanki hunters. Rather handy, that.”
(Found the tomb open, before reading the plaque): “This tomb lies open and empty. Did anyone say 'undead'?”
(Haven’t met Isobel yet): “Ketheric Thorm had a daughter? I hope she didn't follow in daddy's footsteps...”
(Met Isobel, does not know her parentage): “Isobel... isn't that the name of the Last Light's cleric protector?”
(Responding remark): “So Isobel is Isobel Thorm? Such a thing should not be possible...”
(Knowing both): “Isobel's final resting place. Well, not that final, once Ketheric came back for her...”
(Triggered a disarmed trap around Isobel’s tomb): “A pressure plate... but unarmed. Why is that?”
(Looking at the mural depicting Moonrise Tower, haven’t visited it): “Looks like quite a place.”
(Already been to Moonrise): “Moonrise Towers - under its original stewardship.”
(Looking at the mural depicting grieving Ketheric, haven’t met him): “This depicts a man grieving over a lost one, his wife or daughter most likely. I don't want to imagine such pain.”
(Has met Ketheric): “This depicts Ketheric Thorm grieving over his daughter. But did he shed tears too for all who fell beneath his sword?”
(Looking at the mural depicting Ketheric with his army, not knowing the story): “There he is, General Ketheric Thorm leading an army of Sharran warriors. A Fallen Paladin if ever there was one.”
(Knows the story): “A venerated leader stands out among the Sharran warriors. Must have been a champion of Shar, perhaps a Chosen even.”
At the entrance to the temple itself:
(Spotted the transporting disc to the temple): “That disc will lead somewhere, I'll wager.”
(Responding remark): “But where exactly does it lead...?”
(Looking at orthon’s corpse installations in the temple, knowing about his presence): “That orthon shows some artistry in his corpse arrangements. I suppose he had time to kill...”
(Not knowing about him): “These corpses are arranged with some artistic flair - if you're a madman, that is.”
(Entering orthon’s lair): “My, this must be the proverbial lion's den. Or lion's abattoir, rather.”
(Felt orthon’s ambush, Perception check successful): “I have the miserable feeling of being prey. Something's on the hunt...”
(Looking at orthon’s bed): “Now that can't be comfortable. Especially for the corpses.”
(Killed orthon, knows Raphael’s demand): “Seems like we tied up a loose end for Raphael. Not sure if he'll be grateful though...”
(Not knowing Raphael’s demand): “Curious to find an orthon here - perhaps there was an untold tale behind that.”
(An infernal circle near the rat altar, Arcana check successful): “A ritual circle, chalked in the manner of the hells. What infernal purpose did it serve?”
(Failed): “A ritual circle, though for what purpose I haven't the foggiest.”
(Found a scroll near the altar): “A spell to turn one into many. Could come in handy, especially when I get back to my reading list...”
(Fighting rats, between waves): “Quite a host of furry foes. There must be an end to them - have to keep fighting.”
(Saw Aylin trapped): “Imagine being trapped here, faced with eternal torment. I think I'd rather just die.”
(Responding remark): “Ketheric Thorm has a lot to answer for.”
(Killed Nightsong with Shadowheart in party or as an avatar): “A cruel fate for such a wondrous being. Is there so little room for light in you, Shadowheart?”
(Responding remark): “Shar is no doubt pleased. Though I'm not sure I care for the pleasures of such a goddess.”
(Killed her, Shadowheart is not in party): “Her death will be temporary, but her anger... that will be permanent.”
(Responding remark): “When she resurrects, she'll have no interest in helping us.”
(Freed Nightsong, any of three options): “An aasimar for an ally. I feel the odds shifting in our favour already.”
(Responding remark to any of three options): “Ketheric has the wrath of the heavens upon him now. And no hope of resurrection.”
(Surrendered Nightsong to Balthazar, any of three options): “Rather ruthless of you to just hand her over like that.”
(Responding remark to any of three options): “Let's hope she doesn't seek revenge. I don't fancy facing an aasimar's wrath.”
(Noticed mucus dripping from the wall in the kitchen X: -129 Y: -174): "There's something above. Moist and... organic. Ugh."
(Read Melodia’s Letter to Ketheric): “It seemed Thorm's wife loved him deeply. Perhaps he was even a good man once...”
(Feeling a ‘hangover’ upon LR after using Araj Oblodra’s unique potion): “Offfph... I feel less-than-well...”
(Reminding the avatar about Minthara after her trial): “Minthara's still locked in the cells below Moonrise. We should go back for her - she'd do the same for us. Probably.”
(Found Balthazar’s book in his secret room, seq 1): “This 'Nightsong' is the source of Ketheric's invulnerability.”
(Responding remark 1): “Its powers could prove useful. Especially if turned against Ketheric himself.”
(Responding remark 2): “First, we have to find it. And I suspect he keeps it very, very well hidden.”
(Found Balthazar’s book in his secret room, seq 2): “This 'Nightsong' is the source of Ketheric's invulnerability.”
(Responding remark 1): “An evocative name. More suited to poetry than the Absolute's perversions.”
(Responding remark 2): “Its powers could prove useful. Especially if turned against Ketheric himself.”
(Responding remark 3): “First, we have to find it. And I suspect he keeps it very, very well hidden.”
(Found Balthazar’s book in his secret room, seq 3): “So, the 'Nightsong' is the source of Ketheric's invulnerability. Perhaps its powers could be turned against him.”
(Responding remark): “First, we have to find it. And I suspect he keeps it very, very well hidden.”
(Approaching the prison): “The stench, the filth... gods, what a horror to be imprisoned in such a place.”
(Responding remark): “If we plan to open the doors for these poor souls, we must do so quietly, or risk joining them.”
(Found themselves in the prison after coming too close to the army): “Hmm. Perhaps facing down an army wasn't my wisest choice...”
(Responding remark): “Not your wisest move, was it?”
(Entered the Oubliette for the first time): “Look at it... This must be the place where sanity comes to drown.”
(Returned to the Oubliette): “Yet another unwelcome opportunity to contemplate this ghastly abattoir.”
(Investigating Oubliette, saw the colony through a flesh-wrought window): “A strange vista through that window... Unreachable from here, I'd surmise, but there must be another way down.”
(Heard a screech in the Oubliette, has seen Hook Horrors): “So there's a hook horror down here. This is truly the pit that keeps on giving.”
(Hasn’t seen Hook Horrors before): “My, the local fauna sounds appropriately terrifying.”
(Climbing up from the Oubliette): “What was that place...?”
(Before entering the door to the rooftop to fight Ketheric): “Ketheric Thorm won't go down so easily. Best we ready ourselves - we're about to have quite the fight on our hands.”
(Observing the landscape from the Moonrise rooftop): “Quite a view.”
(On the rooftop, looking into the tentacle hole): “Where Ketheric leads, we've no choice but to follow.”
Astarion: Another ruined temple, full of foul-smelling beasts, spoiling for a fight.
Gale: No mere temple. This was a monastery, devoted as much to study as to worship.
Astarion: Oh, how ignorant of me. So it'll be free of foul-smelling beasts, then?
Gale: Quite the opposite. Some monastic orders celebrated their pungency as proof of their devotion. 'To think is to stink' was the motto of one ill-fated brotherhood near Amn.
Gale: Oh, but you meant beasts of the life-threatening variety? Yes, I'm sure it's teeming with those.
Gale: There used to be a monastery in this region known for producing a wonderful ale.
Karlach: That sounds like heaven! Wait. Used to?
Gale: Oh, yes - long ruined, I'm afraid. No chance of a frothing pitcher awaiting us there, but still - at least your thirst for knowledge is quenched.
Gale: They say wealth offers a form of magic. Alas, it's one I've rarely dabbled in.
Karlach: Nor I. Never had more than a few coppers in the city, and any soul coins in Avernus went straight to Zariel.
Gale: Make no mistake. Souls are sold for coins up here as well. All too cheaply, in most cases.
(If the player is romancing Karlach; after act 1 romance scene)
Gale: You know, Karlach, there are other ways to express love beyond run-of-the-mill physicality...
Karlach: Ugh. Are you going to try and teach me about exceptional uses for a mage hand or what?
Gale: Actually, I was thinking of poetry.
Karlach: Oops, sorry. But... now that I think of it... is mage hand especially hard to learn?
(If the player is romancing Karlach; after act 2 romance scene)
Gale: I've always felt flames to be a rather perfect expression of love, Karlach.
Gale: Passionate, primal, capable of bestowing the most life-affirming comfort, or inflicting the profoundest damage.
Karlach: That's... pretty nice. Never thought about it like that. But now I will.
(If the player is romancing Karlach; after act 3 romance scene)
Gale: Am I to understand that you are in love now, Karlach?
Karlach: I sure am. If there's hope for me there's hope for anyone.
(If the player is romancing Gale; after act 1 romance scene)
Gale: Karlach... a hypothetical question for you:
Gale: If someone - not me, of course - detected a hint of romantic interest in them from another, unnamed individual, what might that someone do about it?
Karlach: Whoever it is, just talk to them, Gale. And leave out the hypotheticals.
Gale: Talking. Right. I'm good at that.
(If the player is romancing Gale; after act 2 romance scene)
Karlach: So, Gale - got any book recommendations for me?
Gale: You can read?!
Karlach: Very funny. Yes - I can read. School put me off big boring tomes. Sometimes I wonder what I'm missing.
Gale: Say no more - I'll find the perfect book for you. I might even lend it to you from my library in Waterdeep.
Karlach: Ooh! Something with magic, please. And no devils.
(If the player is romancing Gale; after act 3 romance scene)
Karlach: How's the orb treating you, Gale?
Gale: Oh, quite well as a matter of fact. Since it was stabilised, it's been humming along nicely.
Gale: I have noticed one adverse side-effect. I seem to be losing hair in some, er, unexpected places.
Karlach: I can only imagine.
Gale and Lae'zel
Gale: Tell me, Lae'zel, when you say we might be 'purified' at your crèche, what does that mean exactly?
Lae'zel: A ghustil will affix the zaith'isk, the purifier, to our heads.
Lae'zel: Its magic will quell the parasite in an instant.
Gale: That zaith'isk you mentioned intrigues me. Care to tell me a bit more?
Lae'zel: An intricate device, crafted by mlar - our most gifted artisans. I am sworn to say no more.
Gale: Your prowess in battle is remarkable, as is your battle stance itself.
Lae'zel: Hrath ajak - a technique known to few outside K'liir. Shall I teach you?
Gale: I'll pass, thank you. I prefer Abjuration over acrobatics.
Lae'zel: You've a particular way with words, Gale. Perhaps oration suits you more than battle.
Gale: They're not mutually exclusive. The Weave is served best with a dash of eloquence.
Lae'zel: You strike me cleverer than most istiki, Gale. Multiple tutors, I should guess.
Gale: Many a wise man and woman indeed. Waterdeep is the home of myriad scholars.
Wyll: Ah, the City of Splendours. Spent a whole Fleetswake there with my father. What a delight.
Gale: Tell me, Lae'zel, what is it like on the Astral Plane? Your home realm intrigues me.
Lae'zel: Githyanki lay their eggs on other planes. They cannot mature in the Astral.
Lae'zel: I will only be welcomed once I obtain a mind flayer's head.
Lae'zel: Tell me, Gale: what is your interest in the Astral Plane?
Gale: Time. Or rather: the absence of it. In the Astral Plane, everything is eternal.
Lae'zel: It will be my home soon enough, should Vlaakith will it.
Wyll: Who's in charge of the mind flayers, Lae'zel? Is there a squid king or something?
Lae'zel: No. Each ghaik is servant to an elder brain. No king unites elders - only their collective tyranny.
Gale: A mind flayer monarch, imagine that. Such a thing could shatter worlds.
Gale: I was wondering about your queen, Vlaakith. What tales of her reach us are terrifying, but I suppose that's not how you would describe her.
Lae'zel: Vlaakith is unity: fear and beauty, life and unlife. Eyes like onyx, teeth like daggers. There is none more perfect.
Shadowheart: Sounds vile. I assume the meaning of 'perfect' was lost in translation...
Shadowheart: What if this crèche doesn't work out, Lae'zel? What if your kin fail you?
Lae'zel: If I can reach the crèche, my kin will provide - any failure will be mine alone.
Shadowheart: If you say so. Just don't expect me to put all my eggs in the same basket.
Gale: That expression must sound curious to a githyanki ear, given the way they're birthed.
Shadowheart: Why must the Dead Three be so obvious and ugly with their decor? Blood and bones. Bones and blood. Pointy nonsense. Now Lady Shar - she has panache.
(If Shadowheart no longer loyal to Shar)
Shadowheart: Why must the Dead Three be so obvious and ugly with their decor? Blood and bones. Bones and blood. Pointy nonsense. At least Shar had some panache.
Gale: As did Mystra's home on Elysium. Her ribbed vaults and buttresses created a magic entirely of their own. Not to mention her pleasure domes...
Shadowheart: Heh. 'Pleasure dome'.
Gale: It's a perfectly legitimate architectural feature!
Wyll: I've known goblin raiders to slaughter entire villages and strip them for loot - but I've never seen one ravaged like this.
Gale: It's hard to imagine anyone who'd willingly inflict such devastation, be they zealots, marauders, invading armies... A sign of far worse to come, I fear.
Wyll: This was a hospital? Feels more like a prison.
Gale: A common enough interpretation. Sickness has a nasty habit of making you feel trapped, if only within the confines of your own body.
Gale: I once spent weeks convalescing in the Hospice of St Laupsenn after a nasty bout of ruddy pox. For all their kindness, leaving that place behind felt like freedom to me.
Wyll: I've always relied on the kindness of the healers and menders of the Coast. Better a cleric's healing touch than a chirurgeon's scalpel.
Halsin: To think, long ago, the druids feared this market town would grow into a city, and threaten nature's realm... little did we realise what the true threat was.
Gale: Divination is a skill few can master. The rest of us must simply muddle along, content to view the past with a clarity the future rarely offers.
Halsin: Perhaps I can yet turn hindsight into foresight - provided the curse is lifted. A better way for all.
Halsin: Brickwork and stonework - this place is far out of balance with nature. But the Oak Father will reclaim this all, eventually.
Gale: Not too soon, I hope. I've a craving for a soft bed, a hot bath and a large glass of Arabellan Dry - none of which I've ever found hidden under a log.
Halsin: You may thrive, but what of other life? A city is no place for wild creatures.
Gale: City's teem with life. Rats, pigeons, flies - they count no less, for all their more pestilent qualities.
(If the player is romancing Haslin in act 3)
Gale: Wildshaping must sprinkle some spice on your love life, Halsin.
Halsin: Indeed it does. Did you never experience such delights with Mystra?
Halsin: I hear the gods enjoy taking on the form of swans, horses, eagles and the like when visiting with mortals.
Gale: Oh no. Quite the opposite, actually. She mostly preferred our interactions to be abstract and incorporeal. Most invigorating.
(If the player is romancing Gale; after act 3 romance scene)
Gale: Halsin, you must have accumulated considerable wisdom on matters of the heart in your long life.
Gale: Anything you'd like to pass on to a strapping, love-struck wizard such as myself?
Halsin: Dispensing advice on matters of the heart would be like swapping boots - what suits me may be a poor fit for you.
Gale: Ah. Well, there's no faulting that logic. At least you didn't tell me to 'be myself'.
Halsin: Oh no, perish the thought. That can be outright cruel advice to offer in certain cases.
Gale: Pigeons, gulls, sparrows - these streets make a fine hunting ground for a tressym like Tara.
Minthara: In the Underdark, we have packs of winged hounds to deal with vermin like your precious Tara.
Gale: Flying hounds? Come now - you're pulling my leg, aren't you?
Minthara: Yes I am. It is the bats that would make a meal of her.
(If the player is romancing Minthara; after act 2 romance scene)
Gale: I'm glad to know you have a softer side, Minthara. I was beginning to think you rather heartless.
Minthara: Loving another is not soft, wizard. It is one of the hardest things a person can do.
Gale: So you admit you've found love! How delightful - I'm happy for you both.
(If the player is romancing Minthara; after act 3 romance scene)
Gale: I found an empty bottle of venom in camp, Minthara. Safe to assume it was yours?
Minthara: Indeed. I have been dosing my partner while they sleep by my side.
Minthara: They refuse to take it in their food, but I must build up their immunity in case we ever visit Menzoberranzan together.
Gale: Let's never speak of this again.
(If the player is romancing Gale; after act 2 romance scene)
Minthara: You've been smiling like a fool of late, wizard. Explain yourself.
Gale: I've found love. Surely even you wouldn't begrudge me some happiness.
Minthara: All I will say on the matter is that you were wise to lower your standards from the godly to the ghastly.
(In act 3)
Minthara: Do you have elder siblings, wizard?
Gale: You're about to say something awful, aren't you?
Minthara: In Menzoberranzan, after a house has two sons, every subsequent male-born child is slaughtered at birth, as it is useless, even for breeding.
Minthara: You have the aura of a third child about you.
Gale: Gods, who knew such a vile abcess lurked in the bedrock of the city. The very stone reeks of misery and despair.
Jaheira: A sad shrine kept by the lunatic and the lost. The last time I was here, I promised myself I would die beneath open sky. I have not changed my mind.
Gale: Nor should you. Far better to feel a cool breeze on your skin than whatever foul expirations blow through these halls.
(If the player is romancing Gale; after act 3 romance scene)
Jaheira: So you wish to be a god, Gale? You know the wizard Irenicus attempted the same thing, by leeching divine blood from a Bhaalspawn.
Gale: Aha, transfusion! An interesting strategy. Hard to get hold of a god's blood, of course, but if one could...
Jaheira: He managed it. After murdering my husband, and torturing my friends and I for half a year.
Gale: Did I say interesting? I meant terrible, of course. A terrible strategy...
Minsc: Umberlee - her clerics possess a nasty streak as wide as her oceans.
Gale: So their reputation suggests - especially among the good folk of Waterdeep. I'm curious to learn how you fell foul of them...
Minsc: 'Blasphemy', said the temple priestess. But Minsc says: do not give horns to your statues if you do not wish the visitors to try and make them toot.
Minsc: Gale! You will perhaps able to explain where Boo has not - what exactly is the difference between a devil and a demon?
Gale: A fascinating question, one that boils down to which criteria we choose to apply. Are we speaking about the physiological? Theological? Etymological?
Minsc: Eh. Just how-to-kill... -ical.
Gale: Oh. Then for your purposes, they are exactly the same.
(If the player is romancing Gale; after act 3 romance scene)
Minsc: Gale. Minsc worries you might send a fireball up his butt, with all of this stringy hair in your face.
Gale: Is that why you keep your head shaved? I assumed it was a custom of some sort.
Minsc: Oh, no! Most warriors of Rashemen wear long battle-braids, weighed down with stone. Minsc can show you, when next we camp?
Gale: Thank you, but I'm more wizard than warrior. I'm not sure my scalp would stand up to such a plaiting.
↑These banter lines appear in certain episodes while the party is in non-teleportable areas. In other similar cases, an attempt to speak with Gale prompts a single-line cinematic dialogue
↑These lines appear if Gale is another avatar's companion
↑The githyanki Losiir appears only in case when one of the players has chosen Lae'zel as a character origin
↑Malar is a lesser deity, also called "The Beast of Beasts". More on him can be found at Malar on the Forgotten Realms Wiki
↑Flumphs are a sentient race that inhabits the Underdark. They are known to reproduce themselves through a budding process, hence the bemusement of party members. More on these creatures can be found at Flumph on the Forgotten Realms Wiki
↑An illusion spell that allows to transfer a voice message to anyone who activates a certain trigger. It is not available to cast or learn within the game. Apart from the monastery, active spells can also be found in the Thorm Mausoleum and in the Undercity Ruins, on the path to the Bhaal Temple. More on it at Magic mouth on the Forgotten Realms Wiki